Golden Pupil

Chapter 1150 Discovery on

Standing on the top of the mountain and looking at the Alzhai Grottoes, the whole mountain is like a hornet's nest, densely covered with large and small caves, like Alibaba's caves with countless treasures and secrets, waiting for people to visit.

And the Buddha murals in this grotto are paintings carrying the rise and fall of a nation's history. In Zhuang Rui's eyes, they are far more precious than Alibaba's treasures.

"Zhuang Rui'an replied, it's okay after reading these grottoes. Why do you live here?" It's not very far from the gathering place of Timur and others, and there is no problem to take over the doctor, but Timur and others who are very familiar with this place when they are young, really can't see anything worth studying

When Zhuang Rui heard the words, he laughed and said, "Tamour Anda, there are many text and picture materials of the Yuan Dynasty here, which is very helpful to me in learning, so I want to stay here for a few days..." Zhuang Rui's words are not fooling Timur. He has two main purposes for staying here. First Of course, I hope to restore the aura in my eyes in a few days and carry out an all-round survey of this abrupt and mysterious Alzhai Grotto.

As for the second purpose, Zhuang Rui made the worst plan. If Genghis Khan or the tombs of the emperors of the Yuan Dynasty are not found here, Zhuang Rui is ready to use the Mongolian paintings left by the Alzhai Grottoes to deeply explore the social form at that time and the history of the rise and fall of the golden family as the basis .

Zhuang Rui has been stubborn since he was a child. Although he usually has no airs, he has always persisted in the things he recognizes. Even if he hits the south wall, he will not turn back.

So even if there is no gain in this Mongolian scientific examination, he will not change his doctoral research direction and re-choose the hot Dunhuang culture that is now being hyped.

Although the scale of the Alzhai Grottoes is far less than the Mogao Grottoes in Dunhuang, it is also the sunset at dusk, and the bright red sunset shines on this perforated grotto, adding some mysterious color to it.

Out of the original intention of protecting the grottoes, there were no electric lights in each grottoes, so although Zhuang Rui had the intention to stay for a while, he had no choice but to retreat.

Timur is indeed very familiar with the lamas in the temple outside the Alzhai Grottoes. After a few words to the temple, he arranged the food and accommodation for Zhuang Rui for the next few days. As for the cost, Zhuang Rui can donate a few incense money casually.

The lamas in the temples here are all from Tibet. They are regarded as Tibetan Buddhism and are not stained with the smell of copper in the famous ancient temples in the mainland. Most of them came here voluntarily to spread the Dharma and protect the Alzhai Grottoes.

"Zhuang Rui'an replied, I will go back first today. Tomorrow I will bring Dr. Ren here to accompany you around to have a look..." After arranging Zhuang Rui's food and accommodation, Timur and Batel brothers and sisters will rush back to the gathering place. They all have their own pastures. They have not gone back for several days in a row

Zhuang Rui knew that the grassland people all worked at sunrise. They rested at sunset. In the past few days, it has been troublesome enough for them. He quickly said, "Brother Battle, Timur, Peng Fei and I are here." You don't have to come to accompany them every day..."

"Haha, it's okay, Zhuang Rui'an replied. Next time I go to Beijing, you can also go around with me..." Timur smiled cheerfully. He has agreed to Zhuang Rui's invitation and will visit Jingjing as soon as he has time.

In fact, strictly speaking, the earliest dynasty to build the capital of Jingjing was the Yuan Dynasty.

At the time of Genghis Khan, Mongolia did not have a fixed capital. After Kublai Khan ascended the throne, the capital Beijing was built and changed to Dadu, carrying out a series of transformations and expansions.

Due to the prosperity of the Yuan Dynasty, most of the capitals at that time could be said to be visited by all countries, and the world's eye-catching places, even the later Zhu Diding capital of Beijing, also followed the architectural style of the Yuan Dynasty, and there was no major change.

Although this deformed prosperity has only lasted for a short hundred years, it also makes these grassland people regard Beijing as a holy place. Timur, who has never been out of the grassland, is also very looking forward to this trip to Beijing.

"This is easy to do, Brother Timur, you can arrange it these days, and go back to Beijing with me in a few days. I'll have fun with you..." Zhuang Rui laughed when he heard the words. Before coming to the grassland, he didn't expect to meet a worshiping brother here.

Although we haven't been together for a long time, Zhuang Rui can also feel that Timur really treats him as a brother, which makes Zhuang Rui also attach great importance to and cherish this kind of brotherhood that can't be found in the metropolis.

After sending Battle and others away, Zhuang Rui went to the place where he had sent Chasing Feng before. Because Chasing Feng's wild personality, Red-blooded Xiaobai and others were not its opponents, so they did not put them together, but found a place for it alone behind the Feng Temple.

"Oh, where's the horse?" More than 20 meters away from the corridor, Zhuang Rui saw that the corridor was empty, and there was no shadow of chasing the wind, so he couldn't help shouting anxiously.

Zhuang Rui's cry rose. A little lama in his twenties came out. Hearing that Zhuang Rui was looking for a horse, he immediately stared and said, "Is that horse yours? I said, why are you making a wild horse? My brother was kicked and injured..." The little lama looked very indignant. In the afternoon, his brother kindly fed the horse with forage, but he didn't expect to be kicked to the ground by the horse and jumped out of the corridor and rushed out of the temple.

"Cough, little master, I'm really sorry. My horse is a little wild. Ordinary people can't get close to me. Is your brother seriously injured? Do you want to take him to the hospital?" When Zhuang Rui heard that chasing the wind was fine, he suddenly relaxed. He knew that with the temperament of chasing the wind, he could really do this Help him deal with the aftermath.

As for the where to chase the wind, Zhuang Rui is not very worried. On this prairie, unless someone shoots him with a gun, he can't do anything about it.

When the little lama saw that Zhuang Rui had a good attitude, he was a little embarrassed and said, "It's not a big deal, but my shoulder is dislocated, and I can't do heavy work for a week..."

Zhuang Rui winked at Peng Fei, took four yuan from his hand, handed it to the little lama, and said, "I'm really sorry, little master, here's some money here. You can give the master to replenish his body..." "No... No, you don't have to do this. Just rest for a few days. I can' ..."

When the little lama saw Zhuang Rui's behavior, his face turned red and pointed to one direction and said, "Your horse ran there. Go find it..."

"Ocable, but you still have to take the money..." Zhuang Rui grabbed the little lama's hand and put the money into his hand. Then he and Peng Fei went out to look for the wind according to the little lama's point, leaving the little lama behind him.

"Damn it, you stinky boy is very happy. Let your buddy wipe your buttocks for you?" According to the direction pointed by the little lama, after Zhuang Rui and Peng Fei walked a mile or two, they saw the chasing wind. The boy was shamelessly riding on a mare and ending his bachelor career. Of course, the previous chasing wind Zhuang Rui doesn't know whether it's a punishment or not.

However, Zhuang Rui's family has raised so many animals. It's really the first time for Zhuang Rui to do this thing. Even a fierce beast like a white lion has never made trouble for Zhuang Rui like chasing the wind.


Seeing Zhuang Rui's arrival, he hissed after chasing the wind. After all, this beast was a beast. He was broken by a good thing, but he didn't look embarrassed at all.

"Come on, keep busy. I'll come to see you tomorrow..."

Zhuang Rui waved his hand and turned around and left. He was not an expert in breeding. He was not interested in the "love" between animals, and the "guy" of the horse was so big that it also made Zhuang Yu feel a little ashamed.

As for the mare riding by the chasing wind, Zhuang Rui also saw that it should be one of the wild horses. Zhuang Rui will return to Beijing in a few days. He also wants the chasing wind to feel the life of the prairie in the end.

The next morning, Zhuang Rui was woken up by the bell in the temple and went to get Suzhai with Peng Fei.

After breakfast, Zhuang Rui felt the aura in his eyes. Although he recovered a lot, the release distance was only a few hundred meters, which was not enough to cover the whole Alzhai Grotto.

However, in one direction, the distance of hundreds of meters is not short. Zhuang Rui came to the top of the Alzhai Grottoes alone. He wanted to see if there were any tricks under the legendary Genghis Khan's recuperate grotto?

Originally, Zhuang Rui wanted to take Peng Fei together, but the guy was always enamored with the yellow dot he was riding. After breakfast, he ran to the wind chasing place, saying that he wanted to subdue a good horse.

Standing on the top of the mountain, bathed in the early morning sun, the morning bells in the temple echoed in his ears. He felt more and more lightness and closed his eyes slightly. The few aura in Zhuang Rui's eyes surged out and spread to the grottoes under his feet.

The artificially carved grotto is not very large, only more than 20 square meters. The underground rock structure, like the Alzhai Grottoes, is red sandstone, but Zhuang Rui always has a feeling that there should be a different world below.

"Huh? Do you feel that "...wrong?"

The pervasive aura passed through the red sandstone and entered the bottom of the grotto. Zhuang Rui frowned slightly, because the rocks about ten meters below the grotto were exactly the same as the grotto floor without any trace of excavation.

After drilling a cave on the rock, it is impossible to fill the rock completely, which also shows that under the grotto, there is no situation imagined by Zhuang Rui.