Golden Pupil

Chapter 1177 Clean up

The burial of more than 100 meters deep into the ground is not only the first seen in China, but also in the history of archaeology of the world. Many previous archaeological experiences cannot be applied to this tomb, and all the work is carried out in the exploration of everyone.

And the archaeological team also lacks the necessary means and equipment in the investigation of the interior of the tomb. Based on the current people outside, more speculation and inference about the situation in the tomb, and no one knows what the actual situation is inside.

Therefore, for the sake of safety, the first archaeological team members who entered the tomb this time not only wore relatively bloated protective clothing, but also wore oxygen masks and all kinds of preventive measures.

This is also the decision made after the unified opinion of the headquarters. You know, the tomb is 100 meters deep into the ground, and you don't know whether the air inside circulates. If it does not circulate, the air under the ground for thousands of years will definitely undergo some unknown changes and even become toxic gases.

Just like when the first ancient Egyptian pyramid was opened in modern times, the first archaeologists who entered the pyramid all died involity, which was called the curse of the Egyptian pharaoh by the world. In Egypt and archaeologists at that time, it was almost a change of color.

But after the research and analysis of scientists, the mystery has been found, and the truth is not what people think.

The scientists concluded that all these victims died when the pyramid was opened and inhaled the mutant viruses and air caused by sealing for thousands of years, rather than the supernatural time of the pharaoh's curse.

Therefore, the headquarters has also carried out enough protective measures for this entry. It not only urgently used a batch of protective clothing, but also specially airlifted some portable oxygen-absorbing equipment from the mainland.

In order not to affect the entry of the archaeological team from the narrow secret channel, this oxygen equipment is actually a piece of clothing, but it is hollow inside, and a catheter is connected to the oxygen mask worn on the head.

"Grandma, this thing is really uncomfortable..."

There is a layer of protective clothing inside and a layer of oxygen clothing outside. Even if the ground is wet and cold, it is extremely uncomfortable to wear on the body. In addition, the secret passage is narrow, and he also holds some tools in his hand. Zhuang Rui is very difficult to climb.

The secret road was dug out by those craftsmen, and the width is about the same as that of ordinary stolen holes. In addition, there have been some minor changes in the terrain over the millennium. When this secret channel was first discovered, some places were already narrow, leaving only fist-sized holes.

If the channel had not been widened a little when cleaning the channel these days, Zhuang Rui and others would not have been able to enter at all.

Fortunately, the secret road is only more than 30 meters away. After walking in like a ground mouse for four or five minutes, a one-meter-square bluestone plate in front of Zhuang Rui blocked Zhuang Rui's way.

Zhuang Rui was ready for this, and his hands leaned forward. I stuck a crowbar in the gap between the bluestone board and the soil. With both hands, the bluestone board trembled slightly.

Although the technology is now advanced, it is due to conditions. Zhuang Rui can only use such primitive tools as crowbars, and in such a tomb, these tools are also the most suitable.

After a few days of investigation, especially after the discovery of this slate blocking the road, the archaeological team also found that this secret road was not a hole left by the grave robbers, but a "back road" left by the aliens who built the tomb.

Why is there no news about this mausoleum in future generations? Did those who left a way out escape? All of this can only be known after further investigation.

Above Zhuang Rui's body, a camera was aimed at the bluestone slab in front of him. The experts in the ground headquarters stared at the picture nervously. When they saw the bluestone slab loosening, there was a cheer in the headquarters.

"Xiaozhuang, be gentle. I don't know where the slate is in the tomb. Don't lift it down and smash the things inside..."

The voice of an old expert came from the headset to Zhuang Rui's ear. For archaeologists, even a piece of wood in the tomb is valuable for analysis and research. The old expert does not want to cause any damage to the tomb when entering.

"I know, Mr. Qi, don't worry...

Zhuang Rui answered the headphones at his mouth, but he was a little disapproved.

Because Zhuang Rui knew that this bluestone slab weighed hundreds of pounds and was more than one meter away from the ground, it was impossible to open the tomb intact.

Moreover, this tomb is just a burial pit for cattle and horses, which is full of bones of cattle and horses, which does not have much value for research. Even if some are damaged, it will not hurt.

He promised Mr. Qi that Zhuang Rui was restrained at all, and he also increased the strength of the crowbar. After loosening the mud tip under the slate, Zhuang Rui stuck the edge of the slate and made a sudden force, and the whole bluestone slab was poured back.

"Hey, tap, let you tap...,.

"That's right, how can young people be so hairy..............."

"Stop talking, let's see what's in it...",...

Zhuang Rui's behavior made the old experts in the headquarters very dissatisfied, but these old men of seven or eighty are also helpless. They can't go down, and it's useless to say anything.

However, more people in the headquarters focused their attention on the tomb behind the slate. The strong light above Zhuang Rui's head formed a beam of light from the hole where the slate was pryed open, illuminating the tomb that had been closed for thousands of years.

Just as the slate fell to the ground, the thick dust in the tomb was raised, and the dust visible to the naked eye fluttered in the tomb, mixed with the bones of the cattle and horses hit by the slate.

"Everyone, be careful, pay attention to the oxygen suit on your body and don't be taught...

Zhuang Rui gave instructions from the headset at his mouth, and he didn't expect the dust in the tomb to be so big? However, this also shows that the tomb is very well sealed, and I'm afraid there will be no air circulation for thousands of years, which makes the dust fall to the ground.

Although Zhuang Rui's aura is not dangerous as hidden weapons in it, he doesn't know whether the dust will spread any virus. If he repeats the mistakes of the pyramid archaeologists in those years, he will cry without regret.

After warning the archaeologists behind him, Zhuang Rui carefully threw the crowbar in his hand into the tomb. He did not dare to be careless. He first leaned half of his body out of the hole, then supported it with both hands and carefully stepped on the ground with his feet.

After entering the tomb, Zhuang Rui first cleaned up the bones on both sides of the ground under the hole. There were many sharp objects in these bones. He was afraid of being trampled on by the people behind him.

After cleaning up the open space, Zhuang Rui first took the camera in Wang Ji's hand and transmitted the picture in the tomb to the ground headquarters.

"This...this is the burial pit..."

"That's right, we should go through the animal burial pit. Human bones are not so big...

"In the way of a tomb, instead of a buried burial pit, which is also very rare in China..."

After seeing the picture transmitted by Zhuang Rui, the experts in the headquarters immediately began to analyze. The bones of cattle and horses were easy to identify, and soon the experts came to a conclusion.

The burial of livestock was a very common thing in ancient times, that is, people who were a little more bursty would also bury some chickens, ducks and geese, but most of them were dug and buried, and few of them opened a tomb independently.

Like the Mausoleum of the First Emperor of the Qin Dynasty, there are also living things buried, but as mentioned above, it is all about digging a large hole, pushing the animals into it, then filling it with soil, and then laying the ground with a running horse, that's all.

However, the appearance of this burial chamber is easy to explain, because the burial itself is extremely special. It is not excavated from the ground. It is difficult to use conventional burial, so I will replace the burial pit with the burial chamber.

The experts on the ground were analyzing the picture, and the underground archaeological team was not idle. When eight people entered the wide tomb, a ventilation pipe connected to the outside exhaust fan was also brought in by the last archaeologist to enter the tomb.

Because the oxygen carried by each person can only last for about two hours, according to the previous plan, every time a tomb is cleaned out, the air environment should be purified after identifying the object structure in the tomb.

Of course, if there are bamboo slips or silk-weaving objects in the tomb, it must be embalmed first. Although there will be air flowing in when the tomb is opened, the conditions under the ground of 100 meters are limited, so it can only be handled in this way.

"Tao Yun, Jincheng, you two pieced together a complete pair of animal bones and took them out. The others cleaned up the bones to the east corner of the tomb. Dr. Ren and I looked for the tomb door leading to other tombs. Let's work separately...

After all the personnel entered, Zhuang Rui began to arrange the work.

Although Zhuang Rui is relatively young, the deputy commander-in-chief is not in vain. In the past few days of preparation, many of the opinions put forward by Zhuang Rui have been adopted and established enough prestige.

Under Zhuang Rui's arrangement, the archaeologists performed their respective duties and became busy one after another. The two best photographers of CCTV pointed the camera with strong lights at the tomb, and every subtle corner was not let go.

Of course, the tomb gate leading to another tomb was still found by Zhuang Rui, but due to time, after finding the tomb gate, the crowd withdrew from the tomb banquet and were not in a hurry to survey the next more than a week. The work of the underground archaeological team was not very fast, because several tombs near the secret passage. The rooms are all martyred tombs. Although the archaeological value is not high, it is particularly troublesome to clean up.