Golden Pupil

Chapter 1193 Shocking Words

Chapter 1193 Ask for a monthly ticket!

Compared with the normal seal, the emperor's jade seal is naturally much larger. In the Ming Dynasty, there were also eunuchs, who stood behind the emperor with the jade seal in both hands, and had a very high position in the palace.

However, this Fang Yuxi was dazzling to everyone. There was no reason, but at a glance, it always felt as if they had seen it somewhere.

The whole jade seal is white and round and shiny. Although it is wrapped in a brocade made of gold and silver thread, it is not stained with a trace of color. Under the light, it reveals a lubricating precious color.

The base of the jade seal is square, with a length and width of 20 to 30 centimeters. A beast is carved at the button seal. The five dragons of tigers and dragons represent the divine martial arts, power, power and king's demeanor in Chinese culture.

"It's strange. Why are you so familiar? This model seems to be... like..."

Professor Meng said two things in a row, and suddenly stopped talking, but if anyone could pass through the oxygen mask on Professor Meng's face, he would definitely find that at this time, Professor Meng was already wide open and speechless.

It's not just Professor Meng. When the camera changed an angle and pulled closer to the lens of Fang Yuxi, the experts who stayed in front of the headquarters screen also lost their voices.

At the bottom of the white jade seal, there are four or five centimeters, but the color shows a golden luster. Obviously, it is definitely not a naturally generated color, but an acquired repair.

Although this golden color does not match the whole jade seal, it looks so harmonious. It can be seen that the craftsman who repaired the jade seal is very skilled.

"Fam... Chuan Guo Yu Xi?"

Even Ouyang Zhenwu, an outsider, also recognized the origin of the Fang Yuxi at a glance. There is no other reason. It is really that the influence of the national jade seal in China is too great, and the allusion of gold-inlaid jade, as long as someone who knows a little about history, knows its origin.

"That's right, look at this style, it's He Shibi..."

"Oh, my God, how... how can it appear in Genghis Khan's mausoleum?"

"How can't it be? The gold destroyed the Northern Song Dynasty, the two emperors were captured, and the jewelry in the palace of the Northern Song Dynasty was looted. At that time, it was rumored that the national jade seal was obtained by the golden people, and later Mongolia destroyed the gold. What's the impossibility of this national jade

"This time is not right. When Mongolia destroyed gold, Genghis Khan had been dead for several years..."

"Hey, I said, Mr. Guo, the sheepskin scroll unearthed a few days ago said that the time of Genghis Khan's burial was eight years after his death? In this way, won't things be connected?"

"It's hard to say. Since the Tang Dynasty, there have been countless imitations of the jade seal. Li Shimin, Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty, has imitated dozens of them. Maybe this is not true..."

Ouyang Zhenwu's words brought the people who were originally in a state of consterification back to normal, but the headquarters suddenly became a vegetable market, and there were many comments. Some said that this was the national jade seal, and some refuted. For a moment, no one could convince anyone, and simply raised their voices louder than anyone else.

These old experts are all very pure scholars, and they are about the same age. Whenever they gather together, there is no question of who leads whom, who directs whom, and there is no authority. Everything is based on facts, and everything is judged by evidence.

So in this fairly harmonious academic atmosphere, quarrels are indispensable. Sometimes for the sake of a small object, both old experts can quarrel with each other.

"Cough... Everyone, be quiet. I haven't seen the real thing yet. Let's listen to what Professor Meng said first?"

Ouyang Zhenwu is also very helpless in the face of these old men. Outside, he is a big minister, and may even become a national leader further. Wherever he goes, he will be full of scenery.

But in front of these old people, Ouyang Zhenwu is at best a logistics service personnel, and old guys who are about the same age as Ouyang Zhenwu. Whenever they lack any tools, they will find Ouyang Zhenwu to solve it at the first time.

However, Ouyang Zhenwu's words calmed everyone down. They quarreled like a flower on it, which was not as real as the people in the mausoleum.

"Lao Meng, take a look, is this the national jade seal carved by He Shibi?" An old man grabbed the microphone and shouted.

"Lao Meng can't do it. Your level of identifying objects is not as good as mine. The cabinet you bought in Panjiayuan can be used as a negative textbook..."

This person is a colleague of Professor Meng. He knows that he likes to collect jade, but over the past few decades, he has not made much progress in identifying jade. He bought a cabinet of antique jade.

So although there is a certain connection between archaeology and collection, it does not mean that archaeologists must be collectors and appraisers. Otherwise, so many students who graduate from the Department of Archaeology every year don't have to bother to find a job. They can get rich by going directly to Taobao in antique markets all over the country.

On the contrary, a grassroots appraiser like Uncle De, although he can tell the authenticity of the object, he is often unable to quote the scriptures and tell the source.

Just as the old professor questioned Professor Meng's appraisal level, an old expert put forward his own opinion: "Isn't Xiaozhuang here? He is a famous jade expert in China. Let Xiaozhuang see it and let him see..."

"Yes, yes, isn't Xiaozhuang the permanent director of the Jade Association? Give him a palm..."

"Well, Xiaozhuang is okay. I can trust him. He helped me see a piece of jade before, and the quality of the era is not bad at all..."

When he put forward the suggestion to let Zhuang Rui identify the "national jade seal", the opinions of many experts in the headquarters were unified, which made Ouyang Zhenwu a little puzzled and said, "Zhuang Rui is still relatively young, or... Shall I contact an expert specializing in the appreciation of jade seals from the Palace Museum? "

Ouyang Zhenwu knew that Zhuang Rui had made great achievements in the antique circle, and also opened a small shop and a private museum in Panjiayuan. However, with Ouyang Zhenwu's idea, the identification of antiques must have decades of hands and eyes. Zhuang Rui is too young, right?

"Minister Ouyang, you don't know that Xiaozhuang has a great reputation in the antique world, especially in the jade industry. The reputation of the jade king in the north is not for nothing..."

Seeing that Ouyang Zhenwu didn't believe in Zhuang Rui's level, an old expert immediately stood up to correct Zhuang Rui's name.

"Yes, Minister Ouyang, I have also heard of Zhuang Rui's reputation. He is indeed a very famous antique appraisal expert in China, and seems to have set up a website..." Although Director Guo lost the bet with Zhuang Rui, he also came out and said a few good words of Zhuang Rui at this moment.

"Professor Wu, Director Guo, I dare not praise you two like this. There are still many places I need to learn..."

Zhuang Rui's voice came from the speaker in the headquarters, which made Ouyang Zhenwu't help nodding. Young people who hold talent but are not arrogant are rare.

However, Ouyang Zhenwu also secretly regretted himself. It was really late to recognize Zhuang Rui. If Zhuang Rui was arranged to work in politics in the morning for a few years, and with more than ten years of family promotion, I'm afraid his achievements will never be worse than Ouyang Lei.

"I said Lao Meng, why are you holding the jade seal? Hurry up and give it to Xiaozhuang..."

Professor Wu didn't care what Minister Ouyang was thinking around him. Seeing that Yuxi was still in Professor Meng's hands from the screen, he couldn't help shouting. Professor Meng, who was observing Yuxi in the tomb, showed an embarrassed expression.

However, Professor Meng also knows that in terms of archaeological theory and the skills of field excavation, Zhuang Rui is so far away from him, but when it comes to the knowledge of antique identification and jade appreciation, he is worse than Zhuang Rui from the front door building to the Yuanmingyuan ruins.

"Xiao Zhuang, give... come and have a look. Is this Fang Yuxi a national jade seal?"

At the urging of everyone, Professor Meng put the jade seal back on the ground. This object was too valuable. Even Professor Meng did not dare to give it directly to Zhuang Rui, but used the rules in the antique circle.

"Let's go out and have a look. It's not convenient here..."

Zhuang Rui has long been aware of the authenticity of the national jade seal, but even if this Fang jade seal can be borrowed from his Dingguang Museum in the future, I'm afraid there is a strict management system. Zhuang Rui wants to take this opportunity to have a good time.

Professor Meng nodded and said, "Okay, if you can't touch the physical object, it does have an impact on the identification. Let's take a break for half an hour and go out to have a look..."

After coming to the tomb outside, Zhuang Rui took off his gloves and washed his hands first. Then he came to the table where the jade seal was placed and held it up with both hands.

Bai Yu was flawless. Looking at the jade seal made by He Shibi, Zhuang Rui's face also showed an intoxicated look.

"In my personal judgment, this jade seal is indeed ground by He Shibi..."

As soon as Zhuang Rui opened his mouth, he was shocked. Without waiting for everyone to ask, Zhuang Rui turned the jade seal to the camera and then said, "First of all, judging from the specifications and size of this jade seal, it is completely consistent with the historical jade seal recorded in historical records, and there are marks left by various dynasties on it, One of them.

Second, this jade seal is made of the most Jingshan white jade, which is consistent with the source of He Shibi obtained by Bian He of the Chu people. This kind of jade is no longer available in modern times. Even in the Tang and Song Dynasties, it may be difficult to find such a flawless piece of jade to imitate.

The third point is the gold inlaid jade. I don't know if you have noticed just now that the color of the gold is a little dark, but with a little wiping, a gorgeous golden luster immediately appeared.

This shows that the gold used for inlaying is high-purity gold refined through multiple processes, and the gold and jade seal are like natural, and the inlaying skills are very superb.

Speaking of this, Zhuang Rui picked up the jade seal in his hand and said loudly, "In view of the above three points, I can personally conclude that this... must be the national jade seal sung by people through the ages!"

: Thank you for the 100,000 reward of Pig Cat Brother. Thank you for letting the golden pupil appear in the top ten after two months. Thank you.

But there are only a few votes behind. This position is really not very stable. I hope some friends can support it. I will repay my friends with good stories. Thank you. RO