Golden Pupil

Chapter 1225 Reactions of All Parties

Chapter 1225 The first update of the reaction of all parties

In this Macau horse race, a total of more than 50,000 spectators squeezed into the racecourse. Although there are many tourists among these people, more are horse fans who have a lot of research on horse racing.

Try to reduce the weight of the horse, which is one of the elements to achieve good results in the race, but the Timur in front of him has subverted this statement. His appearance of a tiger-backed bear's waist does not look like a "standard" jockey.

"The result came out, the No. 12 horse... Chasing the wind won the second championship with a score of 55. 25. 25. Let's congratulate it. Although chasing the wind was not good and there was a problem when rushing to the hurdle, it finally won the first place in the game at the speed of chasing the wind!

The second place is the No. 3 horse, and its final score is 55.5. The gap between the two is extremely small. Congratulations to the horse owner. You will get a lot of money, and the third place is..."

The commentator's voice sounded again in the horse farm. In fact, the horse fans had just judged the champion from the picture taken from all angles, but the commentator's words still caused a burst of cheers.

"This horse runs so fast. It's more than two seconds late, and it can still run first..."

"Yes, it's only a second or two away from the world record. It's amazing..."

"Oh, the work of the Jockey Club is getting worse and worse. Why don't you even have the details of this horse?"

"That's right, we don't even have the information about the champion horse, and it's in the No. 12 runway. Isn't it intentional to mislead us?"

At this time, in the whole racecourse, all the topics are around chasing the wind, but there is too little information about chasing the wind.

In general, the details of the horse can be found on the touch screen installed in various locations, including the blood teeth and even the names of the parents.

However, behind the name of Chasing the wind, there are only a few words from the prairie, which makes the horse fans very dissatisfied. They basically make judgments based on these materials, and the Jockey Club's approach is too tricky.

Of course, this can't be blamed on the organizers of the competition. It was originally a horse added temporarily. Where can they find information? Don't ask Zhuang Rui, he didn't. He didn't even know how big the chasing wind was.

"All right, if there is no information, there is no information. I will pay attention to this horse in the future..."

"Unfortunately, I didn't buy it to win this game, with a bonus of 1 to 20. What a pity..."

"It's okay. There is still it in the twelfth game. Why don't you just buy more then?"

"It's hard to say, don't you see that the horse is tired and lying down? I'm sure I won't be able to come back later.

After a while of noise, the horse fans still took their attention back, because they just heard that in the last game, Chasing the wind will still play.

However, this divided the horse fans into two factions. One thought that chasing the wind could fight again, while others thought that the horse could no longer run today, and immediately argued there.


"Grandma, it's really suspenseful. I almost didn't get the first place..."

Zhuang Rui, who had been at the starting point, didn't fall back the heart in his throat until he heard the final result. Just now, he was behind the start, which really made Zhuang Rui uncertain.

It doesn't matter that he lost the 50 million, but he had already praised Haikou from his father-in-law before. If he really lost, Zhuang Rui didn't know how to face his father-in-law.

So it was just a short minute, and the clothes behind Zhuang Rui were penetrated by sweat. He had not been so nervous for several years.

Zhuang Rui was just relieved. Mr. Chen, who had been staying next to him, said with a smile, "Mr. Zhuang, congratulations, congratulations, you can win at least 8 million in this game..."

The total prize money of this race is 12 million. According to the rules of the Jockey Club, the first horseman will get 70%, which is 8 to 4 million.

In just over a minute, this kind of efficiency of making money is better than the world's richest man sitting in the horse farm box, I'm afraid it's not too much, right?

"Mr. Chen, how much did you buy to win?"

After winning the game, Zhuang Rui was also in a good mood, especially the process of this game was not controlled by Zhuang Rui. The exciting feeling was also something that Zhuang Rui had not tasted for a long time.

"Ha ha, in the light of Mr. Zhuang, I bet 10,000 yuan, and I can get 200,000 yuan according to the odds. Thank you very much, Mr. Zhuang..."

Hearing Zhuang Rui's words, Mr. Chen also laughed. Although his annual salary is more than one million yuan, no matter how small the mosquito is, it is still meat. No one will think it is too much money.

As soon as Mr. Chen turned around and saw Zhui Feng lying on the ground panting from the monitor hanging on the wall, he couldn't help saying, "Well, Mr. Zhuang, I think Chasing Feng may be very tired. Why don't you go and have a look?"

"It's okay, just take a break later, Mr. Chen, let's go..."

Zhuang Rui smiled when he heard the words. Of course, he knew that it was impossible to make Chasing Feng tired at all. If he guessed correctly, it was probably a play played by Timur and Chasing Feng.

"Lao Yu, didn't you say that the horse didn't work at all?"

"Yes, what's wrong with other jockeys? Did you take the first place?

"Lao Yu, I've been working in the racecourse for decades, and this time it's also eye-catching, right?"

As soon as Zhuang Rui and Mr. Chen left the starting area, the noise suddenly exploded behind them. When the horse owners looked at Zhuang Rui's back with envy, they also questioned the staff just now.

"I... How do I know? If you met a jockey weighing more than 200 pounds, would you think he could win? Lao Yu said with a grievance.

He has worked in the horse farm for more than 20 years, and it is the first time he has encountered such an evil thing. Not to mention that the jockey is overweight, the horse rushed to the fence more than two seconds late, and finally won the first place. If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he would have thought that the person

"That's right. If it were me, I wouldn't believe it either..."

"Others have won. Hey, I didn't congratulate you just now. We broke the rules..."

"That young man is not an ordinary person. Didn't he see the manager of SJM in the past? Lao Yu, don't be so rushed to talk and do things in the future. Be careful not to offend people..."

"Fuck, it will be a gorilla race in the future, and I can't see it..." Old Yu's almost angry words caused a burst of laughter in the court.


"We don't have such a divine horse in the British royal family..." The British prince sighed when he saw the result of the competition.

A Crown Prince of Arabia said to his opponent, "Go and ask about the bloodline of the horse, and find the owner..."

"Ask if this horse is sold or not, money is not a problem..." The richest man in the world especially loved horses, and of course he refused to miss it when he saw Chasing the wind.

Similar scenes are also staged in various luxury boxes of the horse farm, especially those foreign guests who love horses, who ask for the details of chasing the wind at the first time.

Of course, their requirements can't be met. Not to mention that the team doesn't know, even Zhuang Rui is also confused.

"Dr. Shu Wen, it seems that this young man is really not simple. First come first. This is not what ordinary horses can do..."

In that luxurious box, Guo Tycoon was frowning at this time, as if he had finished chasing the wind and won Dr. Shu Wen in the last game.

"Hmm, Guo Sheng, don't be happy too early..."

Dr. Shu Wen's face is not very good-looking. He has rarely eaten in recent years. Unexpectedly, both times were caused by Zhuang Rui's surgery. Although chasing the wind has not been the last game, the result of this also made him lose face.

"The explosive power of this horse is good, but the rear strength is not good. Didn't you see that it took a long time to recover on the ground? If this is put in the last game, it will definitely not be able to run from my pure blood horse..."

After the game, Shu Wen did not look away from Chasing Feng on the screen. In his opinion, Chasing Feng won the first place in the 1000-meter race, which did not explain anything.

You know, the last race is a mile and a half, which is almost 2,500 meters away, which not only tests the explosive power of the horse, but also puts forward high requirements for the endurance of horse racing.

Chasing the wind was so tired after the 1000-meter race that he must not be able to cope with the last game, so until now, Dr. Shu Wen did not think that his horse would lose.

"Haha, you'll know if it's okay to compare..." Guo Tycoon didn't care about Shu Wen's attitude. Chasing the wind has shown enough potential to win this game.


After finishing the physical examination with the wind, Zhuang Rui sent it back to the stable and returned to the box where the Qin family was located.

"Dad, fortunately, I didn't humiliate my life. Chasing the wind won. It's really a little dangerous..."

Looking to welcome his father-in-law like a general who welcomes the victory, Zhuang Rui can't help saying a few more words, "Dad, there are not many such things. I almost lost. I think... If you bet on horses in the future, it's better to play smaller..."

To be honest, Zhuang Rui was really panicked just now. If it's his own 200 million, it doesn't matter. If he loses, he will lose, but if it's changed to his father-in-law's money, the nature will be different.

Mr. Qin, who squinted his eyes and rested on the sofa, suddenly opened his eyes after hearing Zhuang Rui's words and said, "Xiao Rui is right. In the future, my son of the Qin family will not bet more than 10,000 yuan. Have you heard what I said?"

A season in Hong Kong is just dozens of Marseilles. The old man set this rule. Even if the children of the family gamble, it is only 1.8 million yuan. For the Qin family, it is just a dime.

Except for Zhuang Rui's family, all the Qin children present stood up. No matter what they thought, they said in unison, "Dad, grandpa, we heard..."

(: The first update, it has been more than half a month. If you don't have it, please support a few recommendation tickets. Thank you in advance)

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