Golden Pupil

Chapter 1281 Analysis

"Boss, is our goal this time the golden fleet?"

After explaining the origin of the golden fleet to Peng Fei, Captain Clyde's dark face showed a red luster. Obviously, he was full of hope for this salvage.

The reason why Clyde is so excited is also based on Zhuang Rui. Whether it is salvaging the sunken ship of the Song Dynasty or salvaging the "Awa Maru" after decades, the final result is exciting.

So although Clyde doesn't know much about the magic of Zhuang Rui, he made him full of confidence in Zhuang Rui with those two attempts alone.

Zhuang Rui nodded when he heard the words and said, "That's right. At that time, a total of 17 large sailboats full of treasures sank to the bottom of the sea. There were at least hundreds of cabins filled with gold.

However, according to records, only two sunken ships have been salvaged in the past few centuries, which means that there are more than a dozen sunken ships full of gold, silver and jewelry at the bottom of the sea.

If we can successfully salvage a few sunken ships, then I think this salvage can become one of the major events that shocked the 21st century..."

"Yes, boss, our name will definitely be recorded in the history of navigation, which will be a great salvage operation... The......,......

Zhuang Rui's words made Captain Clyde clench his fists, as if the sunken ship had been found and the gold had been salvaged. No matter how he looked, he did not look like an old captain who had lived at sea for decades.

"Cough, Clyde, for sure, I'm confident "............"

Zhuang Rui was told by the bearded captain that he coughed several times. Isn't it too easy for a foreigner to be brainwashed? It's Zhuang Rui himself. In fact, he is not very clear about the specific situation of the sunken ship.

This shipwreck treasure was noticed by Zhuang Rui when he went to Xuanrui Island from Africa. However, because the route at that time was still far from the Bay of Vigo, Zhuang Rui only vaguely realized that it had a strong aura in the sea area.

Zhuang Ruiyang, who was in a hurry to return to Xuanrui Island, didn't care much and didn't know that it was the treasure left by the naval battle in the 17th century.

But from the conversation with Huang Fuyun, when he knew that he was poor and almost had no rice to cook, Zhuang Rui was looking for, "Do you want to get wealth from the sea?"

Looking back on the treasures of several Pacific shipwrecks that he remembered, Zhuang Rui found that those sunken ship treasures had little gold, and most of them were cargo ships. Over the past few hundred years, even if the goods in them were not rotten, they would not be able to sell them at any price.

After Sifu, Zhuang Rui remembered the coordinates in the Atlantic Ocean recorded this time, so he found the map, checked the coordinate point in detail, and found that the sea area was only more than 100 nautical miles away from the place where the golden fleet sank in the 17th century.

Compared with several sunken treasures recorded by Zhuang Rui in the Pacific Ocean, it is obvious that the rumors of the Golden Fleet are more attractive. Zhuang Rui made the "navigation map" overnight, which made Clyde as excited as a peaceful gorilla.

Peng Fei, who was sitting aside, saw the hot discussion between Zhuang Rui and Clyde. He couldn't help pointing to the map and asked, "Brother Zhuang, which country do the coordinates on this map belong to?"

"In the Age of Great Navigation, the Bay of Vigo belonged to Spain, but now it should belong to Portugal, because not far from here, it is the Azores, where it is the territory of Portugal..."

To be honest, Zhuang Rui couldn't tell which country's territorial sea it belonged to, and now he looked at Clyde.

"Yes, after Spain's defeat at that time, the maritime power was greatly reduced, and many colonies were divided up by the later Britain, the Netherlands and Portugal "...

Clyde nodded. As a European, he knew these hisas in more detail than Zhuang Rui.

"Cough, I said Brother Zhuang" Since it is the territorial sea of Portugal, can others let you salvage the sunken ship with great fanfare? I think, don't send warships to drive us away, it will be a big trouble "............"

After hearing Clyde's words, Peng Fei looked puzzled. These European countries are not like small countries like Congo. It is definitely not so easy to brazenly go to other people's territory to search for treasure.

"Pen Fei, you don't understand this. First, this coordinate point may not be in the territorial sea of Portugal, but may be in the high seas. Second, even in the territorial sea of Portugal, they will not interfere in our treasure hunt..."

After hearing Peng Fei's question, Zhuang Rui smiled and saw Peng Fei with a muddled expression on his face. Then he said, "Foreign laws are not the same as those of our country. They advocate private treasure hunting, and the government will give some help..."

Zhuang Rui is telling the truth. It may be that many countries in Europe plundered the Lou family with the sea in the Middle Ages. Even in modern times, they still have the spirit of adventure in their bones.

Therefore, the laws enacted by many countries in Europe, including the United Kingdom, allow private exploration and archaeological excavations.

As long as you report to the relevant local departments, you can explore on non-privately owned land with a shovel, and all the things found are privately owned, and you don't have to pay a penny of tax.

Of course, this kind of excavation also has many restrictions and cannot be carried out on the basis of destroying public facilities and the surrounding environment. If you dig the municipal hall, you will definitely not be able to escape the crime of destroying public property.

There is a retired old man in England. He wanders around with a shovel all day long. After more than ten years, he has dug up antique works of art worth millions of dollars. If he is put in [inzhong] the country, he will be a multimillionaire.

"Is there such a thing? 〖 If the country allows this, I'm afraid there won't even be a tile left in the Mausoleum of the First Emperor of Qin...

Peng Fei was surprised to hear this, but it is obvious that this situation is absolutely not suitable for [middle] country. Otherwise, with the population base of [middle] country and the urgent desire to make a fortune, it is estimated that there will be no complete land except for the city.

When Zhuang Rui heard the words, he curled his lips and said, "The national conditions of each country are different. Many countries in Europe have a short history, and there are not many civilized sites or tombs underground, so this law can be passed, such as those countries in Egypt and Greece. Are you going to dig it? Just arrest you and throw you into prison...

You know, there is not only one ancient civilized country on this planet. The civilization history of many Western countries is not much later than that of [China]. The word tomb robber also applies to those countries.

"At the way, Captain Clyde, please inform the relevant countries that we will search and salvage the sunken waters of the Golden Squadron in the Bay of Vigo, and ask them to cooperate..."

After explaining to Peng Fei, Zhuang Rui turned his face to Clyde. He was not sure whether the place where he found the sunken ship at the bottom of the sea was the high sea. If not, he still had to coordinate with the country in the sea area. After all, the territorial sea, like the land, is sacred and inviolable.

"Okay, boss, don't worry, just leave these things to me "............"

After hearing Zhuang Rui's words, Clyde nodded repeatedly. In some European countries, the declaration of exploration is just like the ship's port of call, which is not very complicated.

After nearly five days of sea voyage, Xuanrui finally arrived at the sea near the Azores.

Zhuang Rui did not let Xuan Rui go directly to the coordinate point on the nautical chart, but walked back and forth around nearly 800 nautical miles around the sea area of the Bay of Vigo, which took another two days.

Others don't know what Zhuang Rui means, but in the past two days, Zhuang Rui has been able to find out this sea area of nearly a thousand nautical miles, and the specific location of the sunken ships has also been found by Zhuang Rui.

It's just a little strange to Zhuang Rui that these sunken ships are not in the Bay of Vigo, but almost 300 nautical miles away from the Bay of Vigo, all piled up around a bulge like an undersea volcano.

What puzzles Zhuang Rui is that, unlike a large number of creatures living around other undersea volcanoes, there are very few marine life in this sea area, and even plankton is rarely seen.

However, Zhuang Rui doesn't care about this. The ocean is much more mysterious and complicated than the land. Perhaps the water quality of this sea is not suitable for the survival of marine life.

"Clyde, have you determined the nature of the sea area of this coordinate point?"

Sitting in Clyde's spacious captain's room, he can clearly see the sea in front of him through the glass window in front of him. Zhuang Rui was staring at a nautical chart spread on the table, marked with a red mark on one of the coordinates above.

Clyde didn't know why Zhuang Rui marked a mark on the map. The mark seemed to be a lot of deviation from the nautical chart taken out by Zhuang Rui, but he still answered honestly: "Boss, it's the high seas, it doesn't belong to any country, but 120 nautical miles to the north is the territorial sea of Portugal. .........

"The records of centuries ago may not be [true] real "............"

Zhuang Rui looked at the bearded captain with a confused face and said, "According to the Spanish general's dictation, all the ships sank in the Bay of Vigo, but I think it may be that he deliberately induced the Anglo-Dutch coalition?

Otherwise, how could only two sunken ships be found in the Bay of Vigo? So I judged that most of the sunken ships of the golden fleet at that time rushed out, but because the hull was seriously damaged, they sank elsewhere..."

To be honest, Zhuang Rui was also puzzled by the location of those sunken ships. Obviously, he was sunk in the Bay of Vigo, why did he appear 300 nautical miles away?

Just for this salvage operation, Zhuang Rui can only talk about it, and he doesn't expect Rabbit Ryde to believe it.