Golden Pupil

Chapter 1310 Infighting

, we don't go up, and they don't come down, so what should we do?

After hearing Zhuang Rui's words, Peng Fei curled his lips. In his opinion, although the attack was dangerous, he was sure to kill several poachers with the help of the rock cover on the mountain.

, "Don't come down? How do you know they won't come down?

Zhuang Rui laughed when he heard the words, looked at the room, pointed to a corner, and said, "See, these tents and so on. Do you think they are all supermen who can become immortals on the mountain?"

The snowy mountains have not melted for many years. Even if it is March or April when spring returns to the earth, here, the temperature at night will still drop below zero, not to mention the heavy snowy mountains, where water is definitely the place where the water drips into ice.

These poachers left in a hurry. Except for guns, other supplies were basically lost in the house. Zhuang Rui didn't believe how long those people could survive on the snowy mountains of more than ten degrees below zero.

Zhuang Rui is not afraid that they will cross the snowy mountains to find another way, because it's afternoon now, and those people can't climb over the snowy mountains before the temperature drops sharply.

So as long as they guard the intersection down the mountain, there will be a situation of catching turtles in the urn. Unless they are willing to freeze to death on the mountain, they will definitely go down the mountain honestly.

"Oh, that's right. Instead of working hard with them, it's better to drink a little wine at the foot of the mountain and wait for the rabbit. Brother Zhuang, your strategy is good"

After Peng Fei heard Zhuang Rui's words, he thought about it carefully and couldn't help patting his legs and cheering. It's not that he didn't think of this idea. It's just that he hadn't done it with people for some time. The palm of his hand was really itchy, and he didn't think about it

, "It's not my strategy. This is Director Bassan's idea. I'm just picking up people's wisdom..."

Zhuang Rui praised Director Basang without revealing a trace. The fact is indeed the case. Basang let the two of them guard the road out of the mountain, which also takes into account that other people, the director of the public security bureau, is not in vain.

"Brother Zhuang, just do what you said "..."

Peng Fei stood up and said with a smile, "Hey hey, I'm going to buy two sheep. After the barbecue, I'll take it to the mountain pass to eat. Damn it, slander those bastards..."

No matter entering or leaving the mountain pass, the terrain is relatively narrow. Peng Fei, it is difficult for them to attack, and it is not easy for the people above to come down, so as long as they guard the mountain pass well and pay attention to concealment, there is no good way for the poachers on the mountain to take the people below.

As the sun slowly sets in the west, the snow-capped mountain, backed by the mountain in the west, gradually became dark, the mountain wind roared, and the temperature suddenly dropped from seven or eight degrees during the day to below zero.

In the middle of the mountainside about a mile from the mountain village at the foot of the mountain, a bonfire rose. Four people gathered around the bonfire and trembled with cold. Another person stood in an open place under the mountain in the only military coat in the team.

On the side of the bonfire, a short man in his early thirties asked a bearded man with gauze on his shoulder beside him, "Brother, it's so cold. Do you have anything to eat?"

"You're a fucking foodie, eat, eat, go to eat rice"

The words of the small man made the gloomy man walk away, kicked him to the ground, untied the armed belt around his waist, and hit the little man fiercely.

, "Brother, spare my life, spare my life. It's not my fault. I came back to report when I saw the police. How did I know that they were only four or five people..."

The screams of the little man rolling on the ground echoed in the mountains and spread far away. Fortunately, this is a place that can't be covered with snow, otherwise it may cause an avalanche.

, "Damn, I don't know, I don't know, just because you don't know, brothers are trapped here, I'll beat you to death..."

The little man's words made the big man angry, and the high armed belt of the wheel pulled down hard. Although the little man was quite thick, he still rolled on the ground in pain.

, "Brother Beard, forget it. It's useless to kill him. Let's think about how to go down the mountain."

A person sitting next to the bonfire is a little unseenable. It's up to now. What's the use of making infighting again? Bai Bai let the [police] inspectors at the foot of the mountain laugh.

He was also tired of beating his beard. He threw down his armed belt and said angrily, "Going down the mountain? How to go down the mountain? There is only one fucking way. Can you turn over this cliff?

The beard sat by the bonfire with hatred, looking at the little man lying on the ground and pretending to be dead. "He really had the heart to kill him. If it hadn't been for him, everyone would not have fallen to this.

Luo's beard is originally surnamed Hu. He is 47 years old and is from Sichuan. Since he was 17 or 18 years old, he has followed the elders of his family to poach in Xinjiang and other places in Tibet. On the Northwest Road, he is the most famous No. 1 road.

In the industry of poaching for 20 or 30 years, the beard has already had its own smuggling channels, selling some precious and rare protected animals from the border between China and Russia to Europe for huge profits.

From golden monkeys in Sichuan, to Tibetan wild donkeys, Tibetan antelopes, black bears, Tibetan antelopes, goose-throated antelopes, yellow sheep, Pandan and other national first- and second-level protected animals, I don't know how many beards have been slaughtered by themselves.

Because of his reputation, there are dozens of desperate people under the beard to help him. In fact, as early as five or six years ago, the beard rarely came out to poach in person, but last year, when a European rich man was traveling in the Tibetan area, he saw a beautiful snow leopard and found it around the way. With a beard, he offered three million US dollars for the complete fur of this snow leopard.

This is a big business. After making full preparations, he brought five people to Zuogong County, but he didn't expect that the fight against poaching was very tight now. As soon as he arrived at Zuogong, he was targeted by the [police].

The beard has been fighting with comrades of [police] for decades. Of course, it is impossible to captate the boat in this small sewer. He escaped with a little trick and came to the foot of the snow mountain where the European millionaire found the snow leopard.

After a short rest in the mountain village, the beard and his party climbed the snowy mountain, but on the first day of the search, they found nothing, which was also what he expected. 3 million dollars was not so easy to make.

But just as they were going down the mountain, the bearded team suddenly found a golden eagle that was catching a plate of sheep. The golden eagle was so big that it had never been seen by the beard for 20 or 30 years of poaching.

The appearance of this golden eagle made the beard leave the snow leopard behind for a moment, and immediately ordered everyone to surround it in an arc, ready to find a good shooting point to kill it.

You should know that hunting is popular in Europe. Many people will make their prey into specimens to show their achievements. There are also many rich people who enjoy collecting animal specimens, which makes the European specimen market extremely developed.

Some rare animal specimens on the market can often be sold at a sky-high price. With the understanding of a beard, if a golden eagle of this size can be perfectly killed and made into a specimen, the price will definitely be higher than that of the snow leopard skin.

The so-called perfect killing means that there can be no wound on the surface of the prey, that is to say, they can only shoot at the abdomen of the golden eagle, not directly shoot the head. If the eagle's head is gone, they can make a specimen of the fart?

It was just a hunting process, but it was not as smooth as the beard imagined. The golden eagle was extremely vigilant. After seeing someone approaching, he immediately gave up the sheep and was ready to rise to the sky.

Just as the golden eagle was about to fly high, a man closest to it shot. With the sound of gunfire, the golden eagle fell to the ground.

The man who thought he had killed the golden eagle was happy to go forward to check the prey, but unexpectedly, the golden eagle suddenly turned over, shook his wings, and directly grabbed the heavenly cover of his subordinate with his dagger-like claws.

This is not over. Before the beard that had just arrived nearby raised the muzzle of the gun, the golden eagle grabbed the shoulder. Fortunately, the claw that grabbed his shoulder was the injured one, otherwise the shoulder of the beard would be abolished.

The companion was killed and the boss was injured, which made these poachers at a loss for a moment, which also gave the golden eagle a chance to escape. After the beard reacted, the golden eagle disappeared.

This result made the beard want to cry without tears. He beat the eagle all his life, but when he was old, he was pecked by the eagle and killed a brother. It was simply a loss to his wife and a soldier.

However, on this dangerous snowy mountain, the beard can only fall off his teeth and swallow blood. After burying the dead man, he took everyone down the mountain for a temporary rest.

It's just that after a day's rest, I heard the little man say in a panic that the village came to the brigade [police] to inspect, and the thief's guilty beard didn't even have time to clean up the things, so he directly took a few people up the mountain.

After going up the mountain, he found that the other party was only four or five people, and the firepower was far inferior to them. If they had known this, they would have rushed out of the village and ran out.

But it's too late now. The mountain pass has been blocked. If he goes down, he can only look for death. This makes the beard feel aggrieved. If he hadn't been afraid of infighting, he would have killed the little man.

As time went by, night fell, and the temperature on the mountain suddenly dropped to about minus ten degrees. The dry firewood around the group of poachers had been picked up, and the flames were getting smaller and smaller.

In addition to the cold, everyone had not eaten for seven or eight hours. Smelling the smell of the barbecue from the foot of the mountain, several people's eyes were a little straight, and their saliva was swallowing into their stomachs.

A poacher finally couldn't stand the piercing cold wind and the delicious food under the mountain. He said tentatively, "Brother Beard, if it goes on like this, we will freeze to death. Why don't we turn ourselves in?"