Imperial Lord

Chapter 18 A vision

Now Zhuo Yuhan is thinking about practicing martial arts and has not got the imaginary secrets of martial arts, which makes him very disappointed. He is too lazy to study it any more and throws the wordless ancient books into a charcoal-burning basin.

However, just as Zhuo Yuhan turned around, a golden light flashed on the black wordless ancient book and flashed away. As the temperature rose, the black cover outside the wordless ancient book slowly fell off and turned into a faint gold, shining gold. Two golden ancient seal fonts also appear on the cover of ancient books.

Huh? Where did the golden light come from?

The golden light on the wordless ancient book is undoubtedly very dazzling in the night, just like the sun in the night, dazzling. Zhuo Yuhan searched for the light source doubtfully, turned around and saw the golden ancient books in the basin.

"This...this is the broken book I just discarded? What's going on? Could it be that my eyes are dazzled?

Zhuo Yuhan rubbed his eyes hard, shook his head, and looked carefully. It was indeed a broken book that he had originally discarded.

"Did you really pick up the treasure? This book is really extraordinary!"

Seeing this, Zhuo Yuhan was excited and walked back in three steps and two steps to prepare to pick up the wordless ancient book. The good things he got were almost lost, and Zhuo Yuhan sighed that he didn't know the goods.

However, just as Zhuo Yuhan was about to pick up the ancient book, the golden ancient book changed again, and golden characters slowly emerged from the book, constantly flying and rotating in the air.

"What is this word? Why don't I know each other?"

Zhuo Yuhan withdrew his right hand and carefully observed the flashing golden characters. These golden characters are crooked, strangely shaped, like some kind of text, and like some kind of symbol, very mysterious.

You should know that Zhuo Yuhan has read and written characters since he was a child, and has done a lot of research on various fonts. Even if it is some ancient characters, Zhuo Yuhan can barely understand them, but he can't understand these obscure and mysterious characters in front of him.

There are more and more golden characters, and the whole room is full of golden characters, reflecting the room brilliantly and dazzlingly. These golden characters are like spiritual, constantly rotating in the room. Zhuo Yuhan stretched out his palm, but couldn't grasp the golden characters. They could actually pass through the body, invisible andzhi.

"What the hell is this? Is it an ancient text? What do these characters record? It's not the peerless martial arts in ancient times!"

Zhuo Yuhan had never heard of such a shocking vision, and he couldn't help but think about it for a while. Just as Zhuo Yuhan was thinking nonsense, the golden mysterious characters all over the room changed again and flew over the basin, that is, in front of Zhuo Yuhan, systematically promoting a golden article.

"Is this the martial arts formula recorded above? Unfortunately, I don't know it at all. How can I write it down?

Zhuo Yuhan knocked on his head and was a little overwhelmed. Don't miss the opportunity and never lose it again. Who knows if this vision will appear again in this book next time?

The more anxious he is, the more Zhuo Yuhan can't think of a way and is anxious.

"Calm down, calm down. Be sure to calm down." Zhuo Yuhan took a deep breath and calmed down. "Remember it first, and then find an opportunity to translate it later. Or take it to ask the ancestors."

Zhuo Yuhan made up his mind and wrote it down first. However, just as he was about to write it down, the article composed of golden characters shook and flew back to the ancient books.

"Damn it!"

Zhuo Yu's face turned pale with coldness and missed another opportunity. With the withdrawal of the golden characters, the vision of the ancient book has not disappeared, and the scattered golden light is intertwined again, forming a picture scroll above the ancient book.

"Well, what is this?" This time, Zhuo Yuhan dared not be distracted at all and stared intently at the emerging picture. Unfortunately, these pictures flashed quickly, flashing away, and flashing is another picture, which is difficult to capture.

The picture lasted for half a while before slowly receiving the ancient book. This time, there was no abnormal sound in the ancient books, the golden light gradually dissipated, and the ancient books became their original appearance, ordinary and dark.

Zhuo Yuhan felt that he picked up ancient books and studied them over and over again. Unfortunately, the ancient books still look original, without any handwriting or patterns. Just now, the picture flashed too fast, but Zhuo Yuhan still saw some, and it seemed that someone was shaking faintly. Some of them are wearing powerful armor, and some are wearing gorgeous embroidered clothes and crowns. These people seem to hold white things in their hands and worship something, which looks strange and mysterious.

Zhuo Yuhan didn't see it clearly. All the images were incomplete and half-clawed. He couldn't grasp any clues and clues.

After careful study, I still didn't find anything surprising. Zhuo Yuhan touched his chin and thought for a while, then threw the ancient book into the brazier, waiting for the reflection of the ancient book.

However, Zhuo Yuhan was disappointed this time. No matter how burning the charcoal fire was, there was no reflection in the ancient books, and there was no more shocking vision just now. However, ancient books have not been damaged by burning in charcoal.

"Is it that this book only shows one vision, and those who can't seize the opportunity will always miss it? What a pity. No matter what, put it away first, and the fire will not be burned. Ask your ancestors tomorrow."

After waiting for a long time without a response, Zhuo Yuhan had to give up. Although he was extremely disappointed, he had no choice but to pick up the ancient book and put it in **.

After a heavy rain last night, the bamboo forest was shrouded in thick fog in the morning, but the air looked very fresh and smelled of fresh rain.

Zhuo Yuhan still got up very early, came to the bamboo forest, and began to practice according to the six-character breathing method of the spirit turtle. Zhuo Yuhan's breathing is very regular, sometimes long, sometimes slow, sometimes paused, sometimes sometimes rapid. With each spit, a trace of white smoke penetrated into the body along his mouth and nose, running in the internal organs and eight veins for a week, and then turned into turbid air.

The time in practice always passes quickly, and unconsciously an hour has passed. After the heavy rain, it was sunny. A red sunrise rose from the east. The warm sunlight dispersed the thick fog in the bamboo forest, and the sight finally became bright.


Gently exhaled a turbid breath, and Zhuo Yuhan closed his feet to complete today's vomiting. In contrast, today's effect of Zhuo Yu's cold vomiting is very obvious, with a faint green smoke on his head, an indescribable comfort all over his body, and a feeling of crispness in his bones. This is the effect of vitality refining the essence in the body.

People eat grains and grains, all of which contain certain impurities, some of which cannot be successfully discharged and are deposited in the body over time. Only heaven and earth are the purest, but because ordinary warriors extract too little energy from the void to support physical activity, they have to take food.

Cultivate to a deep level, you can not eat or drink, really don't eat the world's fireworks, as soon as the idea moves, countless vitality swarmed in, continuous, better than any food. As for the ancestors, Zhuo Yuhan didn't know whether he was trying to satisfy his appetite or not to cultivate to the realm of not eating human fireworks.

The foundation-building process of refining Yuanjing is also to wash the marrow and cut hair, rebirth and change bones. Through pure vitality quenching, the accumulated impurities in the body are discharged from the body. The body is the carrier. Without the body, no matter how powerful the martial arts are, they can't be used. Of course, everything is absolute, which doesn't mean that you can't do it without a body.

In addition to the body, people also have a dominant mind, which is called the soul, also called the soul. The strength of the soul is born. Of course, with the improvement of strength, the soul will naturally be improved, but the people with strong soul have unique advantages.

In addition to practicing physical martial arts, there is also another soul skill in the mainland that specializes in exercising the soul. However, this kind of soul skill is pitifully rare, and even if it occasionally appears, it will be robbed by some big forces. The strength of the soul is related to whether it can become a noble instrumentist.

The ware masters on the mainland also have high and low levels, which are divided into the four thrones of heaven and earth. The powerful weapon master is not only proficient in various mysterious arrays, but also extremely powerful. Even if he is separated from his body, he will not die. Although the powerful spirit cannot condense into substance, it has a strong attack power.

Therefore, the instrument master is not only noble, but also much stronger than warriors of the same level. Nothing else, just because their soul is powerful, with keen insight and strong soul ability, the true qi has been refined by many years of refiners, which is more condensed than the true qi of ordinary warriors. In addition, he is proficient in various arrays, and it is extremely powerful to arrange a kill array.

In Tianjue mainland, every weapon is the object of major forces, respected as a guest and worship, and enjoys extremely high treatment.

In a word, the instrumentian is a profession above the warrior, and countless people want to worship a famous teacher to learn alchemy. As long as you become a instrumentalist, martial arts skills, status, money and beauty are at your fingertips.