Imperial Lord

Chapter 37 Taiyuan Zhenqi

According to the practice of Tianjue Continent, Zhuo Yuhan's two-star physique will never be achieved in martial arts. However, everything is not unchanged. With his firm belief and the penance of forgetting to eat and sleep, Zhuo Yuhan finally broke this rule and reached level 9 vitality in three years. This speed is comparable to those geniuses with high-quality physique and even excellent physique.

In this, his own asceticism is indispensable, and the cultivation and teaching of his ancestors also played a crucial role. The six-character breathing method of the spirit turtle and the foundation of refining body fluids are both supreme cultivation things that the children of other families can't get.

"Nine-level vitality, but I don't know how much power I have. Just wait for the ancestors to come and test their strength.

At this time, Zhuo Yuhan felt that his whole body was full of strength and strength. After more than a year of hard practice, the power of Bajiquan has been revealed. Just now, the punch collapsed the mountains and rivers, breaking the silent lake, like thunder and explosion, and the water column soared to the sky, with amazing explosive power.


Little night lighted his little feet, carrying shoes in his hand, and sat on the back of the evil tiger and came from a distance. Seeing Zhuo Yuhan standing by the water, he immediately cheered and waved. For more than a year, Zhuo Yuhan still hasn't found any problems with Xiaoye. Every time she asks about her origin, the little girl will always answer with amnesia. Over time, Zhuo Yuhan no longer struggled about this matter.

Zhuo Yuhan knows Xiaoye's skills, and the whole back mountain is also allowed to play. Xiaoye occasionally plays around in the mountains with evil tigers, and sometimes comes back once every two or three days.

"Brother, Xiaoye misses you so much." Xiaoye threw away his shoes, jumped on Zhuo Yuhan's body, hooked Zhuo Yuhan's neck with both hands, and said with red lips.

"Ha ha, I miss you too." Zhuo Yuhan took the opportunity to hold Xiaoye's plump, round and elastic buttocks, put his chin against Xiaoye's head and said with a smile. Over the past year, Zhuo Yuhan has made much progress in both mind and martial arts. He is not immature and calm and resolute. At the same time, he also decided to look at Xiaoye and cross the hurdle in his heart. Zhuo Yuhan could also deal with Xiaoye's intimate movements calmly.

"Brother, are you energetic at level 9?" Xiaoye suddenly said sweetly.

Huh? How do you know?" Zhuo Yuhan stopped and asked in shock. Xiaoye had no martial arts kungfu at all, and there was no fluctuation of vitality on her body. Zhuo Yuhan did not expect that she could break her vitality level at a glance, and he was very surprised.

Xiaoye's identity is becoming more and more mysterious. He won't do any martial arts, but he can deter all the beasts in the mountains and easily see through his vitality level.

"Hee hee, Xiaoye just knows!" Xiaoye said with a smile.

Xiaoye didn't answer, and Zhuo Yuhan was also helpless. Level 9 vitality is good, but you also know that my brother's talent is insufficient. I'm afraid it's very difficult not to condense the crown in the end.

Zhuo Yuhan is like drinking water, knowing the cold and warm. With the six-character breathing method of the spirit turtle, Bajiquan and other high-level martial arts and the continuous refining of the body can reach level 9 of vitality in three years. However, there is no shortcut to attack the title, understand the rules of martial arts, and condense the crown. I'm afraid it's difficult to understand the martial arts rules of the two-star constitution, which is also what Zhuo Yuhan has always been worried about.

The cohesion crown fails, the origin is lax, and the vitality level will be immediately reduced to level 8 or 9, or even lower. The vitality of hard practice has dissipated, and it needs to take time to condense again. Zhuo Yuhan knows that he can't afford to consume it. At present, he is going to face the first difficulty of martial arts practice.

"Xiaoye believes that my brother can definitely condense the crown in one fell swoop." Xiaoye hooked Zhuo Yuhan's little hand tightly and said firmly. Looking at Xiaoye's unwavering appearance, Zhuo Yuhan couldn't help laughing.

"It seems that the old man didn't come at the right time. It broke the good things of both of you. Hey, the old man is old and hasn't seen anything. Go on, go on!"

Suddenly, the joking voice of the ancestors came down from above the waterfall. Zhuo Yuhan heard the words, his face turned red, and he quickly put the night in his arms. It was natural for Zhuo Yuhan to be alone, but he was bumped into by his ancestors, just like a child being smashed by his elders. Zhuo Yuhan suddenly felt a little embarrassed.

With the appearance of the sound, the figure of the ancestors fell from the sky and fell to the lake. The sound of the torrent of the waterfall is deafening, but the voice of the ancestors can be condensed and unsan, which can be accurately transmitted, and the martial arts cultivation can be seen.

"Ancestor, I have reached level 9 vitality. Please help me test how much power I have." Zhuo Yuhan quickly changed the topic, but Xiaoye had to hide behind Zhuo Yuhan and blushed.

"Ha ha, it's almost the same as the old man's budget! All right, just try your strength!"

The ancestor touched his beard, as if everything was expected. With a wave of the sleeve robe, a pure true spirit condensed the growth rope and flew to Zhuo Yuhan. Zhuo Yuhan took over the true long rope of his ancestors, stood steady, exerted his strength, limbs and bones, and the harmonious integration of internal organs.


Zhuo Yuhan shouted and suddenly exerted his strength. There seemed to be a strong horse galloping sound in the air. On the other hand, the ancestors still looked light and motionless. Zhuo Yuhan was shocked. How much power did the ancestor have? He pulled with all his strength, at least the power of four horses running wildly. The ancestors actually stood still and didn't seem to feel anything.

"All right. You now have the power of five horses, and there should be few opponents in your class. Unless the opponent has practiced world-class martial arts, he will be invincible with the explosive power of Bajiquan and the physical speed of the shadow of Cangzhu.

When the ancestor pulled his right hand, Zhuo Yuhan's body stood unsteadily and fell to the ground. This is the gap in power. Zhuo Yuhan's power of running wildly is like the gap between ants and elephants in front of his ancestors.

"The power of five horses! The knight of the title is only five horses! In terms of the strength, I am not inferior to a scholar. The only difference is that it condenses the crown, and the vitality is almost endless. As soon as you take action, you can communicate with the great power of heaven and earth, which is unmatched.

Zhuo Yuhan is also quite satisfied with the current result. The nine-level vitality has the power of five horses. Once you condense the crown, your strength will definitely increase.

"I will stay here for the next few days until you condense the source and hit the crown." The ancestor walked over and said lightly.

"Thank you, ancestors!"

When Zhuo Yuhan heard the words, he immediately turned over and got up. More than a year has passed, and Zhuo Yuhan is also 15 years old. Less than a year from the appointed time, Zhuo Yuhan can't stand failure and lose! If others fail, they can reconsolidate the source and hit the title again, but if he fails, he will be expelled from the family.

In fact, in Zhuo Yuhan's heart, he doesn't particularly care about the reputation of the children of the Zhuo family. It's just that a man was born in heaven and earth and is dignified. If he can't even keep an ancestral home, it will leave stains and trauma on Zhuo Yuhan's martial arts will, and it will never be difficult to stabilize the road of the strong.

"Hmm. In fact, it is not as difficult as you think. Why does Tianjue Continent implement the talent test? In fact, the so-called talent is the strength of a person's soul. This is related to the success rate of the crown and the speed of future promotion. The so-called cohesion crown is to break through the shackles of the spiritual world with your own thoughts, open the door of martial arts, and feel the martial arts rules in the dark.

The teachings of the ancestors are always gradual. Whenever Zhuo Yuhan reaches a high level, he will reveal the next cultivation tips for him.

"The gate of martial arts does not exist in reality, but in the world of martial arts, mysterious and mysterious. When the soul breaks through the limit of mud pills, it can feel the vast, complex and profound world of martial arts rules. After experiencing the baptism of martial arts rules, the Lord's soul can condense the crown on the top of his head. Jueguan is a bridge to communicate with the martial arts world. Once Jueguan is successfully condensed and the door to the martial arts world is opened, the martial arts Taiyuan Zhenqi is poured down all the time. Every breath is a huge Taiyuan Zhenqi throughput. At that time, it can be born without eating the fireworks of the world.

The ancestors' explanation of martial arts was very detailed, and the words were pearly, which made Zhuo Yuhan intoxicated, and a martial arts cultivation door of the title slowly opened in front of Zhuo Yuhan.

"It turns out that practicing martial arts also involves vast and complex rules. Taiyuan Zhenqi? Don't we martial artists absorb vitality?"

"Taiyuan Zhenqi is the spirit of the essence revealed in the world of martial arts rules, which is more pure than the spirit of heaven and earth, without impurities, refining the body and tempering the soul of the Lord. The purity of heaven and earth is not enough. Once the martial artist exerts some high-level strong and unique learning, the spirit of heaven and earth cannot be supported. Only Taiyuan Zhenqi can provide endless power. Of course, the warrior's throughput of Taiyuan's true qi depends on his strength. The throughput of Yipin Shijue can only support its own consumption, and the use of martial arts can only rely on the spirit of heaven and earth. In short, Taiyuan Zhenqi is a more advanced, pure and condensed essence qi than heaven and earth. It is also the food on which the warriors live. If a martial artist is isolated in an absolute space and blocked his communication with Taiyuan Zhenqi in the martial arts world, no matter how powerful the martial artist is, he will be starved to death. The ancestors explained seriously.

"Wriors will also starve to death?" Zhuo Yuhan heard the words and opened his mouth in surprise!

"The warrior is still a human. Not God! Without food, the body will naturally dry up slowly. Those so-called masters and strong people don't eat the fireworks of the world, but they just swallow Taiyuan's true spirit all the time. The ancestor said solemnly. Remember, no matter when, you must not be cut off from the relationship between the soul and the martial arts world, otherwise you will definitely die. Jueguan is the hub of this connection. The warrior lost the Jueguan and was abolished.

"Yu Han must remember it in his heart. However, the ancestor, Yu Han is a two-star physical talent, and his soul is weak. I'm afraid it is difficult to open the door of the martial arts world and understand the martial arts rules.

Zhuo Yuhan is thoughtful. If he really follow what his ancestors said, it seems difficult for him to condense the crown.

"What? Scared? This is not like your personality! As long as you rely on your firm martial arts will, you can open the door to the martial arts world.