Imperial Lord

Chapter 53 The Means of Zhuobu Tian

Tianlingguo is indeed very precious and rare for the world, but it is not uncommon in the giant sect of Ziqi Sect. Even, every disciple who reaches the ninth level of vitality can get the spiritual fruit distributed by the sect to help condense the source.

Han Launyi's status in Ziqizong is not low, and it is more than a spiritual fruit on her body. Just last night, Han Lavn gave Zhuo Yuhan a spiritual fruit, and the latter took it immediately. In just one night, Zhuo Yuhan condensed one-third of the origin again, and his physical strength increased again.

The explosive charm is indeed very powerful. If Zhuo Yuhan hadn't condensed two-thirds of the origin, although he would not have been killed, he would definitely be seriously injured. How could he have combat effectiveness?

Zhuo Yuhan was almost killed by Zhuo Yunfei, and his heart was really angry. Zhuo Yunfei has always wanted to put himself to death and doesn't have any feelings of family at all. In this case, he simply does not stop and gives him a permanent lesson, so that he can no longer make waves in the future and no longer dares to look up in front of him.

"Ancestor, the head of the family, must be the master of Yunfei!" The elder ignored Zhuo Yuhan's words and begged his ancestors with tears.

"I'm not good at learning, but I'm hiding evil intentions. Everything is to blame. His meridians and bones are broken all over his body. Let's be a stable ordinary person in his life! The family will not treat you badly.

People who practice martial arts have always been determined and strong-willed. The ancestors have lived for hundreds of years and have long been used to these scenes and are unmoved. Just raise your hand to input a strong true spirit to save Zhuo Yunfei's life. He waved his hand and said, "Go down! In the future, he will stay at ease in the ancestral hall, which can also be regarded as filial piety for his ancestors.

Seeing that the ancestors' intentions were determined and could not be changed, the elder finally picked up Zhuo Yunfei and slowly left, leaving everyone with an old back. Zhuo Yuhan looked at everything in his heart, and his mood did not fluctuate at all. Who is to blame? If you do evil, you can't live.

What everyone didn't notice was that the moment the elder turned around, a trace of sharp color and hatred flashed in his turbid old eyes, and his eyes were red, as if he had gone crazy.

"Ancestors, I..."

Facing his ancestors, Zhuo Yuhan didn't know how to speak. He had been with his ancestors for three years. He could have today's achievements. From the waste despised by everyone to the position of the first generation of young people in the family, his ancestors were indispensable. At this time, Zhuo Yuhan was very reluctant to leave.

"Ha ha... stinky boy, mother-in-law, this is not like your style!" The ancestor smiled jokingly, and then said to Han Lavyi, "Han girl, you stay in the Zhuo family for a day, and I still have something to tell this boy. Tomorrow, you can take him away."

"Thank you for your success. Thank you very much for the laving.

Tianjue mainland is respected by its strength. The strength of the ancestors is much stronger than that of Han Lavender. It is impossible for Han Lavla to put on a high posture and nodded with a smile.

"God, in the future, the management of the family should be broken and bold. Don't be too soft, otherwise it will only encourage their evil spirit."

"I've been taught by God!" Zhuo Wentian replied respectfully. At the same time, he smiled bitterly in his heart: "Bing, you are a brother. If you are the head of the family, I don't think this situation will happen!"

If the ancestors taught Zhuo Wentian a profound lesson, the big sleeves were rolled up, and then Zhuo Yuhan was wrapped, soaring into the sky and quickly disappeared into the sky.

Zhuo Yuhan only felt a gust of cold wind stirring in his ear, and before he could ask, his body fell into reality again. When I opened my eyes, I had returned to the waterfall where I practiced. This coming and going is just in the blink of an eye.

"Ancestors, flying in the air, empty, what strength does this need?"

Zhuo Yuhan was amazed. The deeper the martial arts are cultivated, the more unfathomable it is. The martial arts power can bombard the stars millions of miles away, make the mountains and rivers fade between their hands and feet, overturn the rivers, carry mountains on their shoulders, and reach thousands of miles away in an instant.

It took me two hours to run from the waterfall to the Zhuo family Tianzhuoyuan, and the ancestors could only reach it in the blink of an eye. The speed was amazing.

"If you cultivate to the realm of Shujue and understand the rules of the earth, you can get out of the shackles of the earth, fly in the air, move your mind, shrink the ground into an inch, stamp your feet, volcanoes, and collapse of mountains." The ancestor said with his hands behind his hands.

"Handsome Lord! However, why can Aunt Xun be empty with only five-grade generals?

Zhuo Yuhan has a deep memory of the strength of Han lauren. With one palm, the purple palm is earth-shaking and unparalleled, and no one can match it. He remembered that Han Lavla stood in the air just now, empty.

"Han girl has a flying weapon! The ability of a magician is not what you can imagine. If you have a chance in the future, you can also learn refinery. The ancestors said with a smile.

"Uh... Ancestor, why did you want me to promise Aunt Xun to leave Zhuo's house?" Zhuo Yuhan has been puzzled about this. What did his ancestors want to do?

"Ha ha, a good man aspires to be in all directions. What can he achieve in this small Zhuoyang City all his life?" The ancestors sat cross-legged on a boulder by the waterfall and said with deep meaning.

"Yu Han knows."

"Since I'm leaving, it's time to tell you some things." The ancestor suddenly said.

"What? What's the matter?"

About your physique and your father. Don't you think your physique is too bad? The ancestor said inexplicably.

When Zhuo Yuhan heard the word "father", he was extremely excited and immediately said, "The physique is tested by the family. Maybe God is fair? Ha ha," Zhuo Yu smiled and continued, "It has given me 12 years of glory, and it's time to take it back! However, didn't I rely on myself to cultivate to this level? Is physical fitness really that important?

"The physique is very important, and it doesn't matter! What matters is the will of martial arts. In fact, the so-called physique test is also to test your soul strength and sensitivity to vitality. Only when the soul is strong can he be qualified to be a device master. But you are not a two-star physique at all.

"What? Am I not a two-star physique? Ancestor, you are kidding me! I clearly tested the two-star physique, how can I make a mistake? Zhuo Yuhan was extremely shocked when he heard the words. He once doubted his physical problems, but over the years, he also accepted the facts. At this time, he heard what his ancestors said and once again subverted the idea in his heart.

"Hehe! It's about your father. Your father is really thoughtful and has a long-term vision!" The ancestors said with a smile.

"Father? What happened to my father? Ancestor, can you finish it all at once? Don't catch my appetite!" Zhuo Yuhan suppressed the excitement in his heart and asked nervously. At the same time, I vaguely caught something in my heart, but I was not sure.

"Who interrupted you!" The ancestor said with a beard and staring eyes.

"..." Zhuo Yuhan was completely speechless and had to compromise: "Okay! You said, I won't interrupt, okay!"

"Your father's boy is really far-sighted and very resourceful! I almost cheated the old man. Do you remember the first time I talked about martial arts and physique? The ancestors sighed with admiration.

"Naturally remember." Zhuo Yuhan nodded slightly.

"I found a problem with you at that time. Someone used the lock array to lock your soul tightly and seal it, revealing only a trace of the power of the soul. This is also the reason why you only had a two-star constitution when you tested it."

"Locking array! Is it my father?" Zhuo Yuhan frowned and meditated for a moment.

"Not bad! Your uncle should also know about this, otherwise he won't send you to me. The ancestors nodded and gradually revealed some mysteries for Zhuo Yuhan.

But why? Why did my father do this? Did he expect something to happen to him and do it to protect me? Or cover up people's eyes and ears, what do you want to cover up?" Zhuo Yu's thoughts turned around, and questions and guesses came to his mind one by one.

"According to the old man's opinion, your father is to sharpen you! As smart as you, you should also know that the wood is beautiful in the forest, and the wind will destroy it. There are too many glory and auras loaded on your head, which is not good for you. In the long run, you must be proud and arrogant, and gradually become lazy. With martial arts cultivation, it is difficult to get into the lobby.

The ancestor touched his beard and said slowly.