Imperial Lord

Chapter 209 Dujue

No one knows that the 12th Prince and Shen Haotian conspired to kill Zhuo Yuhan in the Xuankong Hall. On this side of Yuhuamen, as Zhuo Yuhan expected, after the ground list competition, Yuhuamen became completely famous, and many students came to join Yuhuamen with enthusiasm.

Where there are people, there are rivers and lakes. Naturally, there are many factions in Tianmu College. There is a backer, and you can straighten your back when walking in the college. Tianmu College is an aristocratic college of the whole Yan Kingdom. Among them, the students are not only the sons of the rich family in Yanjing, but also many other governors and the descendants of the state herdsmen. Moreover, there are also many children who are not the eldest son, but only children of the concubines. They are not popular in the family and their status is not very high. Naturally, the college has no right to speak.

Joining a force is undoubtedly the best choice for these bastards and Fu Yin Zisi.

In the past few days, Chen Batu and Fuyao have suffered a lot. Yuhuamen is originally very small. It is responsible for registration and management, which requires Chen Batu and Fuyao to do it themselves. As for Long Wuya, he sits aside and rests. The beautiful name is: suppress the field so as not to make trouble.

"Zhuo Yuhan, this bastard. The old man was exhausted, but he ran to Dafan Leiyu to practice.

In this land list competition, Chen Batu won the third place on the land list, so he directly moved Yuhuamen to the polar courtyard. Chen Batu was busy with everything, sat on the ground, took a big sip of wine, and scolded and complained.

"Those who can work more!"

Long Wuya came slowly, sat down, and joked with a smile.

"Go to your capable people and work more. In terms of cultivation, you are the highest. Why don't you try it? Chen Batu glanced at Long Wuya and cursed rudely.

"Ba Tu, I'm afraid of stealing your limelight. Look, now the whole Yuhua Gate, who doesn't know you and who doesn't fear you? Long Wuya continued to laugh.

"Get out!"

Chen Batu exposed Bai Sensen's teeth and popped out two words from between his teeth.

"Who did you tell to get out of here?" Suddenly, a cold voice came from the top of his head. Chen Batu looked up, and his face was immediately full of smiles, but his heart was crying.

"I have seen the princess. Of course I'm not talking about you. I don't know what's the matter with your arrival?" Chen Batu stood up and asked cautiously. Chen Batu is not afraid of heaven and earth, but he is afraid of Murong Bingyun. Once, he suffered a lot in the hands of the former.

"Hmm! Where's Zhuo Yuhan?" Murong Bingyun sneered and suddenly asked.

"Well... it turned out to be looking for him. I don't know what your princess is looking for for him? Chen Batu asked.

"I want you to take care of it. Tell that bastard Zhuo Yuhan to come out to see this princess. Murong Bingyun cursed angrily. That bastard is not here. The princess scolded well. Zhuo Yuhan was an asshole. He threw the whole mess of Yuhuamen to me and went to Dafan Leiyu to practice by himself. Chen Batu looked at Murong Bingyun's face and immediately echoed and said. Murong Bingyun heard the words, stared at Chen Batu, and suddenly said, "You are the bastard. Who told you to scold him?

"Well... I have something to do. I'll flash first. Ask Long Wuya."

Chen Batu really has an impulse to die. The witch is a witch. You are only allowed to scold, but others can't scold her? I can't afford to provoke, can't I hide? Chen Batu thought about it, and a flashman escaped.

"I suddenly thought that there was still something in the Wuya Hall. Princess, Wuya, excuse me first."

Long Wuya saw this and how dared to stay longer. His body flew away from here, leaving Murong Bingyun standing on the spot with a stunned face.

"Two bastards will fall into the hands of the princess sooner or later. Humph!"

Murong Bingyun actually came to find Zhuo Yuhan to return to his Bingyun sword. In such a situation, he had to go back to his house.

The third layer of the Great Fanlei Domain.

Zhuo Yuhan relied on the dragon crown and the pilgrimage, and crazily refined the power of the thunder of Dafan. The whole person was like wrapped in a thunder light. The power of the blue thunder was refined from Zhuo Yuhan's crown, merged into the body, and constantly refined the body. In just three days, Zhuo Yuhan felt It is only half a step closer to the title of Du.

Zhuo Yuhan, who was carefully trained, did not know that two men in black had entered the Great Fan Lei Domain to look for his trace. The two were extremely fast, and almost in the blink of an eye, they disappeared dozens of feet. Between the flashing of their bodies, a wisp of fierce momentum did not appear.

Dafan Leiyu is extremely vast, and the two of them don't know which layer of space Zhuo Yuhan is in, so they have to look for it layer by layer.

"It's not on the second floor. It seems that this person is really not simple." One of the people in black stood on the passage from the second floor to the third floor and said. The man's voice was hoarse, his face was pale, and he was as thin as firewood, as horrible as a fierce ghost.

"Let's go! Go to the third floor." Another slender man with a jade-like face said and directly entered the third layer of space.

"It's almost done. It's time to attack the title of the capital.

In the third floor of the Great Fan Lei Domain, Zhuo Yuhan suddenly opened his eyes, and a thunderous wave swept out of his whole body. Two flames shone in his eyes, and his whole body was like a volcano that was about to erupt.

After a few days of hard practice, Zhuo Yuhan felt that he had touched the barrier of the title of Du. Now his accumulation is also strong enough, and it's time to attack the title of Du. After settling his mind, Zhuo Yuhan's hand knotted the cultivation seal of the pilgrimage, and the true qi in his body slowly ran up and did the operation of Zhou Tian.

Shijue is causing the body to enter the body, vitality and ventilation. Viscount is condensed into a military blade, while Dujue is a true qi ventilation body, further opening the door to the martial arts world, increasing the throughput of true qi, and throwing hands and feet. They are all huge true qi throughput. Once the idea moves, the true qi can evolve into wind, thunder, water and fire, and all things.

"Venixion, open up martial arts."

Zhuo Yuhan suddenly shouted, and a rush of momentum and will rushed out of his mud pills. Above the milky dragon crown, a huge looming portal slowly appeared. This door is tens of thousands of feet high, thick and ancient, profound and mysterious. Zhuo Yuhan's shocking will bombarded the gate of martial arts, and the gate of martial arts remained unchanged.

"Come again!"

Zhuo Yuhan's hand changed, gathered the idea and the soul again, suddenly broke out, and rushed to the martial arts gate above his head.


A thunderbolt, the sound of thunder explosion sounded, and the martial arts gate finally moved slowly in Zhuo Yuhan's rush. The original gap opened one point again, and more Taiyuan Zhenqi landed. Seeing this, Zhuo Yuhan was overjoyed and began to hit the gate of martial arts again.


A shocking sound exploded, and the martial arts gate above his head slowly opened. Taiyuan Zhenqi, which was flooded with the Tianhe River, suddenly fell down and poured into Zhuo Yuhan's soul. Zhuo Yuhan has the eternal secret method "Kanlong has regret". He has felt the realm of the title of Dujue more than once, so he mastered this strange energy in an instant, quickly run the formula of the pilgrimage, guide all the true qi, do the weekly operation, and make the true Qi ventilated body, so that he can fully reach the Dujue title. .

Looking from afar, I saw a huge beam of light falling from the endless void, shrouding around Zhuo Yuhan, setting him noble and sacred.


Suddenly, Zhuo Yu's heart moved, and a rapid alarm came from the holy scripture. The next moment, a sharp sword spirit that was enough to cut through the space and a palm that covered the sky and the sun fell down.

When attacking the title, the martial arts rules will come down, wash the soul and transform the crown. This process cannot be interrupted and interfered with. Once disturbed, it will be counterattacked by the martial arts rules. If it is light, it will fail to advance, and if it is serious, the soul will be scattered, and there will be no place to die.

Shen Tong and Moses found the trace of Zhuo Yuhan early in the morning, but coincided with Zhuo Yuhan's impact on the martial arts title. As soon as they had an idea, they lurked first and waited for the opportunity to move. When Zhuo Yuhan was promoted, he suddenly came out. Even if Zhuo Yuhan had three lives, it was not enough to erase the martial arts rules.

The calculation of the two is not poisonous. In this way, Zhuo Yuhan calculated that he was not killed by the martial arts rules, and his vitality must be greatly damaged, and he could erase it without any effort. The reason why Zhuo Yuhan chose to attack the title of Duju in the Great Fan Thunder Domain is that he is afraid of being disturbed. Moreover, the Great Fan Qian Refining Thunder in the Great Fan Thunder Domain will undoubtedly greatly increase the chance of success in promotion.

Both of them took action with all their strength and immediately showed extraordinary strength. The fierce sword spirit surpassed Li Chen and Wei Yan. Both of them were both real eight-grade Dujue cultivation, with a strength of more than 900 and nearly 1,000 horses. They shot together. Even in the heyday of Zhuo Yuhan, I'm afraid they can't resist them. Joint attack.

Two Bapin Dujue attacked at the same time, and Zhuo Yuhan was in danger!