Huangquan Reverse Travel

Chapter 10 Guide

"Oriental, I am so moved that we witnessed the birth of great love! Why can we see such a touching scene as soon as we come? I can't help it anymore..."

Ten miles away from the es where Arianna settled. On the tall tree, the old man Nanxuan's thin body was twitching, holding a pair of dark mirror tubes in his hand. This high-power lens tube, which is obviously a "thousand-mile eye", can clearly see what is happening 20 miles away.

"Rend me your shoulder!" The old man Nanxuan approached the east with tears streaming down his face.

"Perverted old man, get out of here!" Dongfang kicked the little old man off the canopy.

As soon as they entered Niutouliao, they heard the feat of two male and female slaves in the Cayman Territory: beating Niutouliao commercial president, seriously injured C-level Jingtong people... Because Arianna and others walked in the eastern forest and were located in the downwind direction of the new season, it was difficult to distinguish the breath of their bodies and various traces. They have been looking for it for more than a month, and it is not until today that they have found a depressed couple.

"OH, am I dazzle? Shadow walker, I actually saw another clan!"

Suddenly, dazzling sparks burst into the eyes of the East, and the red hair stood up. This will happen when the White Night clan is out of excitement. In the vision of thousands of eyes, a long gray shadow lingers in the jungle, searching for something like a hound.

"Just now, I seemed to hear..."

"Don't say it, it won't work. That is the soul oath handed down by the dragonfly clan since ancient times. It is protected by the red moon, the incarnation of the underworld, and is only effective for those who love each other. It can strengthen our spiritual senses..."

Sweet love words echoed in the cave.

The visitors were all shrouded in a dark cloak. He saw the little couple hugging each other by the cave, stunned for a moment, and then his eyes stopped at the fish on the bonfire.

"I think your food is burnt now."

Fang Xin's body was shocked, and he immediately separated from Arianna and subconsciously stopped in front of the little girl.

"Are you from Niutouliao? Are you chasing me so soon?" Fang Xin's voice was full of hostility and secretly accumulated strength. He is now very weak and stands with his legs sore. But on the surface, he still forcibly supported it, and his eyes glanced around vigilantly.

"I don't understand what you're saying." The man frowned, and he could feel the hostility of Fang Xin. Although Huangquanjie is a world of law of the jungle, two strangers will not clash casually when they meet. On the contrary, both sides will be polite. In the place where the weak are subordinate to the strong, it is likely to offend a person casually to offend one side of the forces.

Just as the man was about to turn around and leave, suddenly Arianna said, "Are you a hermit in the forest?"

Someone stopped: "Little girl, there is no hermit in this forest. Like you, I'm just a passing traveler.

"We need help. We are escaped slaves. My wife is seriously injured and needs treatment. I know you are a kind hermit, please." Arianna's voice was obviously crying.

The little dragonfly beauty told a lie for the first time in her life. Of course, she can't tell the hermit that they are getting into trouble with the power of Niutouliao. Even good hermits are usually afraid of trouble.

"Show me." The man was silent for a while and lifted his cloak.

All tareans have a fierce face, and flying fire is no exception. Along the way, he turned into a silent mountain. The stream flowing out of Arianna's mouth made no sound on the mountain.

Silence, except silence or silence.

Fly and silently lead the way. Fang Xin's injury could not be cured, so he could only take the two back to the secret residence. There, maybe an elder can treat such a serious injury.

Feihuo was in a state of mind. He didn't know whether he would be punished by the clan if he took people back casually. But he couldn't resist Arianna's look for help. Although Feihuo looks burly and more than two meters tall, he is still an ignorant teenager based on the age of the taurman. Teenagers at this age can't resist the lethality of beautiful women.

Arianna is the most beautiful girl I have ever seen.

At the same time, the taur is either born with robbers and thugs, and the kindness in his nature makes him unable to die.

The sound of rushing water is getting louder and louder. After walking in the dense jungle for half an hour, my eyes suddenly opened my eyes.

This is a deep canyon, and the river in the middle of the canyon is running endlessly. Several messy rocks protruded out of the water and connected to the opposite cliff. There is nothing on the opposite side, only a bare rock wall with no grass. Several huge dangerous rocks hung in mid-air on the cliff, shaky in the cold mountain wind.

"Come with me!" Feihuo saw the two people who were stunned, with a proud smile on the corners of his mouth. He knew that the little couple's expression would be like this.

The two people, who were dazed by Feihuo, jumped directly onto a water stone, and then jumped to the other side. Reach out your hand and find a protruding stone in the upper right of the gorgeous cliff and press the stone in.

In the moving sound of the vortex, it originally looked like a huge mountain wall, from which a cave more than two meters high split.

There is a different world in the cave. The huge cave is more than ten meters high and dark, in which you can hear the clear hollow sound of running water washing the rocks.

Walking through a low and narrow place, Fang Xin and the two had to form a column all the way, and the Tauren teenager had to bow down to pass through the cave corridor, and they entered the real city. It is wider than the cave passed in front, but not so deep.

There are stairs everywhere, and dozens of exits on both sides of the wall are lined up, with body-spotted fish wax oil lamps, and the faint fragrance is diffused. Several districts are brightly lit. The whole inner cave is bright and warm, which can be said to be very comfortable.

"Wait, I'll find the elder." Feihuo's expression looked a little uneasy. He rubbed his hands to signal the two to sit on the stone steps next to him and hurried away.

Several taur children stretched out their heads from time to time to looked at the two people on the stone steps below. They ran to tell each other on the corridor that was chiseled through the rock wall. The news that two strange races of human appearance entered the crypt spread all over a hole in the stone room in an instant.

More and more tareans are standing high in the rock wall corridor looking down, with a look of vigilance on their faces.

"Will you be fooled?" Fang played a small drum in confidence. It has been a quarter of an hour since Feihuo left, and he hasn't come back yet. When he was in the world, Fang Xin heard that the traffickers had a simple and honest face. He only hoped that this kind of thing would not be touched by him.

"Winged girl, oh, red hair, is it a white night man..." The voices of discussion around buzzed.

This cave is full of tamales, men and women of all ages. Judging from the bullheads on the corridor, I'm afraid there are no less than 200 in sight.

Ariana is a little dumbfounded. The current situation has something to do with the situation of his mother Youka and telling herself the hermit. The hermits in the Yukaf population are composed of various fleeing slaves or different ethnic groups who have superb skills and hate the world. Now this pure Tauren is not like a hermit, but like a tribe of Tauren.

Thank God, the flying fire is finally here. He looked a little happy and kept saying something to the old people around him.

"Two poor people in distress, come with me!" The old tare-headed old man said to Fang Xin. As soon as the words fell, several majestic tarew guards gathered around and surrounded the crowd. Several pairs of bull-eyed wary surveillance Fang Xin and Arianna's every move. The attitude of the elders is none of their business. Their most important task is to protect the elders.

Fang Xin clenched Arianna's right hand with his left hand.

A gray shadow groped on the wall of the river for a long time, and finally pressed a rock in the upper right, from which the cave cracked again. After the gray shadow sank into the cave, the rock wall buzzed back to close. On the river bank on the other side, two heads emerged from the dense forest.

"Nanxuan, shall we kill him?" Dongfang said in a low voice, and there was a trace of hesitation in his voice.

"How many levels of certainty do you have?" A rare serious expression appeared on Nanxuan's face.

Four floors. But with you, there may be seven floors!"

"It's still too risky!" Nanxuan shook his head and said, "Shadowwalker, that is the transformation of our white night people. Looking at the virtual shadowwalker, it seems that it has only reached level C. However, I still have to find a way to break his invisibility, otherwise... I'm old and don't want to break my legs and arms.

"There is no time!" Dongfang couldn't help saying that despite the protest of the old man Nanxuan, he grabbed the little old man and shot at the rock wall on the other side of the river.

As Arianna expected, this is indeed a Tauren tribe. But these taburd people are all kind people. They originally settled in the jungle east of the rage and formed their own territory. But the upright character of the taur lord almost dragged the tribe into the abyss of destruction.

Years of war and several other territories have led to the rapid decline of the tribe. Therefore, the five elders of the tribe broke with the Tauren lord at the Presbyterian meeting and took most of the war-hensive people into seclusion into the cave near the Kaka Mountains. They have lived in seclusion here for hundreds of years.

"What is the cause of your wound?" Elder Wu was shocked by everything in front of him.

Ariana doesn't know spiritual arts at all. She helped Fang Xin bandage the wound and could only forcibly stop the bleeding. A large amount of congestion and long-term hypoxia, and layers of dead flesh and blood made Fang Xin's arm so high. The board fell off the mud wrapped on the arm, and the rotten smell permeated the whole stone room.

The elder Wufu is the spiritual doctor of the Tauren tribe. Although his spiritual skills were hundreds of years ago and the fur of a spiritual medicine, after a hundred years of thinking, it is almost the same as that of an ordinary spiritual doctor. However, the Tauren's strange physique can only practice metapower. Although he has the means of spiritual medicine, he can't directly use spiritual power to treat people. He sensed a dark matter energy from Fang Xin's arm.

"It's your own power to counterattack." Fang Xin hesitated for a moment. He briefly said something about the thief he met, and of course he didn't expose the dominoes. There is a benefit from the rot of the arm of the right hand, and the domino pattern exposed to the skin has not fallen off.

"Rettor, you have a powerful dark power!" Elder Wufu had a trace of respect for Fang Xin. This slave is not ordinary, and the annihilative dark matter cannot be controlled by everyone.

"I'm sorry, I can only clean up your rotten flesh and blood, and then stimulate your body function with herbs. Your whole body has obviously been carefully modified, which is the ability of a genius spiritual doctor. The Hobby's blood has a strong ability to recover, and your right hand will recover for a period of time. As for the power counterattack, there is nothing I can do.

"Then can we stay here longer?" Arianna's eyes showed a touch of sadness and looked at Fang Xin with concern.

"Of course, I... be careful!" Elder Wu smiled and was about to speak, but his face suddenly changed greatly and he pushed away the two **.

A cold light burst into the air, the sharp blade passed like lightning, and a thick arm flew to the ground. Elder Wu covered his right hand in pain, and blood gushed out between his fingers. He looked around in surprise.

The Taurus warriors around are like facing a big enemy, and their abilities explode one by one, and their muscles are connected to their muscles, holding the elder Wufu in the middle. A warrior tore off the shoulder straps on his clothes and hurriedly bandaged the elder Wufu.

It's weird.

Everyone searched around the carpet without any abnormality. Where did the fierce knife light just come from?

The originally bright stone room was a little gloomy in the eyes of everyone.

Everyone was worried, and there was a noisy and panic sound from the giant stone hall outside.

"Go and see what's going on!" Pibo, the captain of the Taurus warrior, shouted. A tauroy warrior hurried out of the stone room and ran in with a panicked look.

"Captain Pibo, two... two white night warriors broke in!"

The people in the stone room were all nailed to Fang Xin's face.

"This... is definitely none of my business. It has nothing to do with me." Fang Xin hurriedly waved his hand to clarify. In the familiar voice getting closer and closer outside, he already knew who the person was. He gradually frowned and cursed in his heart, "A big bastard, plus an old turtle!"

"Be careful!"

With a crisp sound, Arianna only felt an overwhelming force coming from the wire ball in her hand. The metal wire ball connects her combat armor, which is a biological weapon born of the dragonfly clan and belongs to soft biochemical metal. The metal ball dragged her hard to the ground, and the hard granite ground was a few meters deep by the huge impact force.

The blade that appeared out of thin air had just failed to attack Fang Xin, but it disappeared into the darkness. This time, she tried to kill Arianna with one blow. Unexpectedly, the little beauty's battle armor would automatically protect the owner when she encountered danger and blocked the dangerous sneak attack.

The owner of the blade appears in everyone's view. The gray figure is very similar to the nightmare Fang Xin has seen, but this gray shadow is narrow, with a pointed head and a narrow tail, shaped like a scorpion. The blade is just a long nail in the gray shadow.

Arianna, whose gray shadow fell straight down, rushed over like a lightning snake. All the places he passed turned into thick darkness.

The two figures rose from the ground and flew to Arianna quickly and slowly. Naturally, the fast is Fang Xin, and the slower burly figure is actually a silent flying fire.

Seeing the gray shadow quickly approaching Arianna, Fang Xin was in a hurry, and the huge rock in his hand rumbled the back of the gray shadow, and his left arm was more than ten meters long. At the critical moment, he pulled the tail of the gray shadow. Unexpectedly, the gray shadow was smooth and elastic, and there was no pause at all. The gray shadow's tail was in Fang Xin's hand, but his body stretched like a spring and rushed to Arianna.

Ariana, who was hit to the ground, held the wind and thunder stick in her hand. Two lightnings twisted and rushed to the gray shadow. The virtual shadow walker took completing the task as his first mission. Unexpectedly, he did not dodge the thick lightning power of the python. He was bombarded like smoke all over his body, and the knife in his hand did not diminish, aimed at Arianna with lightning.

Seeing this scene, Fang's confidence was almost shattered: "Ariana!"

The flying fire roared, and the man landed halfway, and his dustpan-sized fists bombarded into the body of the elongated gray shadow.

Ariana's figure suddenly disappeared.

The gray shadow rushed into the air, and the rapidly waving blade cut through the air and squeezed out a series of empty explosions. The ground seemed to have been ploughed by steel, and the violent fluctuation of the air continued to impact, the soil flew all the way, and finally swept the stone door. The stone door burst into two halves.

At the same time, the gray shadow turned into a burst of smoke and disappeared again.

"You're a step late!" Dongfang carefully put down Arianna in his arms and glanced at the old man Nanxuan behind him and said, "The little beauty almost became a dead beauty."

It turned out that at the critical moment, the east galloped like lightning and rescued Arianna from the knife of the virtual shadow walker.

Fang Xin saw that Arianna was safe and sound, but he was a little frightened and pale, and his heart hanging in the air was relieved.

"You boy, you can't even protect your lover!" As soon as the old man Nanxuan saw Fang Xin, he pretended to teach him a lesson.

Fang Xin smiled and deliberately pretended to be stupid. His resentment against Dongfang and the little old man completely disappeared at the moment when Dongfang saved Arianna. Now these two nuisances are getting closer and closer.

Where the gray shadow just disappeared, there was a suspicious black blood stain on the ground. The angry blow under the madness of the bullhead demon's flying muscles is enough for the agile virtual shadow walker to cause them some damage.

"Thank you." Arianna first thanked the burly flying fire. The tare-headed teenager's face turned red, and then he saw the little beauty jump into Fang Xin's arms. When Elder Wu saw this scene, he sighed in his heart. Anyone knows that Feihuo will probably have a relationship for a lifetime.

"Be careful, everyone. The shadow walker is still nearby, and he can hide in the dark shadow. You'd better lie on the ground and don't be attacked by your shadow!" Dongfang shouted loudly, his whole body was nervous and alert to all suspicious targets around him.

No one is in the mood to ask the origin of Dongfang and Nanxuan now, and the first priority is to save their lives. Ploping, there was a sound of lying down in the stone room.

"It's you who brought terrible things."

Pibo, the captain of the Tauren warrior, happened to lie next to Fang Xin, with his buttocks poking high and said resentment to Fang Xin. Elder Wu's broken arm made him indignant.

"I know I brought it." Fang Xin looked at Pibo calmly: "Well, please shut up now. Catch the shadow walker first!"

How can it be? How can it be so righteous that there is no guilty expression? The volcano in Pippo's brain spewed thinly. Just as he was about to get angry, he suddenly found himself in the air and quickly crashed into a huge rock on the left side of the stone chamber. In panic, a metallic light flowed out of his skin. After the light, his whole body had been metalized.

It is worthy of being the captain of the Tauren, and his achievements in Yuanli are much better than that of ordinary Tauren. The metalized skin's ability to fight is extremely strong. Pibo's whole body is inserted into the rock under huge thrust, leaving only his legs to pedal in the void.

"What are you doing?" Are you crazy?" Fuck your grandma's white night clan!" The noisy sounded loudly. Everyone looked to the east.

Dongfang ignored everyone's accusations. The moment Pippo crashed into the rock, he moved. At the same time, the old man Nanxuan and Fang Xin also moved.

A gray shadow flies in the shadow of the cracks in the rock.

The three rabbits rose and fell, and the knives of electric light, fists and scalpels bombarded the gray shadow. For a moment, all the edges and corners of the stones that could leave shadows in the stone room were flattened, and all the protruding stones were smashed, and the people in the room lay on the ground without any shadow to hide.

A dazzling black light burst out of the gray shadow. In the chirping sound, a naked skeleton-like man broke out of the gray shadow. The skeleton man crossed his fingers, and the black light became more and more abundant in the palm of his hand, facing Fang Xin and other three people. Where black light flows, a vacuum is formed in an instant.

"Annihilation power!"

Fang Xin is no longer familiar with this power. At this moment, he no longer dares to touch directly and dodge with Dongfang at the same time. Fang Xin's fingers were twisted and deformed in the air, forming a long rope-like thing around the lower body of the skeleton. And the East hung an upside-down golden hook in the air and roared into the skeleton man.

Old Nanxuan frowned, slowly took out a translucent bag from behind, and muttered, "It's a pity, it's a pity."

The skeleton man rushed to the only old man Nanxuan who did not escape. Behind the old man was the stone door. As long as he opened, it was dark outside and no one could catch him.

"This is what you want to come in." The old man Nanxuan frowned and pulled the bag in his hand, and the mouth of the bag suddenly increased to more than ten meters wide. The skeleton man even exhaled an air mass in his mouth, and with the momentum of the air mass, he actually reduced his speed sharply in the air. However, Dongfang's legs hit his buttocks heavily, and then Fang Xin pushed the noso hard behind him.

The skeleton man was trapped in a bag. Due to the struggle of the virtual shadow walker, the translucent bag continues to expand and shrink, changing in various shapes, but the strange bag is extremely flexible, and the people inside can't come out.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief and got up from the ground one after another. Several tarew warriors quickly pulled their humiliated captain out of the rock.

"I'm sorry, I just saw that the shadow of the stone was a little too dark, and I felt a little abnormal, so I wanted to have a try."

Speaking of this, Dongfang kicked the squirming virtual shadow walker in the bag, and then looked at Pibo, who was hating the sea: "And here, it is obvious that only you, the samurai captain, have the strongest physical strength, and a few broken stones will definitely not hurt you, so I borrowed your body."

"The ability to catch the virtual shadow walker depends on the heroism of the taurai captain!"

Pibo was disgraced. Originally, the anger in his eyes soared that he was staring at the East. Now after listening to the explanation of Dongfang's " tone Chen Ken", his face was slightly slow, the cow's neck was raised, and his limbs were deliberately straightened, his muscles were bulging, and he surged like waves: "I just saw it a long time ago and deliberately cooperated with you. Otherwise, do you think I will be caught by you all of a sudden?"

The abnormal noise in the stone room attracted the bullheads in the stone hall. Outside the stone room, there are cattle heads. Suddenly, a line broke in the crowd, and four powerful bull-headed old men lined up. Seeing this, Elder Wufu hurriedly greeted him.

"Big Elder!" Wufu said respectfully to the oldest taurman.

"What's going on? What's wrong with your hand? I just heard that two white nighters broke in, so I brought all the most elite tarew warriors. Where's the damn white night fighting madman?" The elder's voice was about to roar, blowing his beard and staring, his eyes wide open, and staring at Fang Xin and others hostilely.

"The reputation of the White Night clan is really bad." Fang Xin secretly glanced at the old man Dongfang and Nanxuan.

Sure enough, ginger is old and spicy, and this old ginger is usually thicker than others. The two people in the East looked at home, as if the White Night people said by the elder had nothing to do with them.

Elder Wu looked at Fang Xin and several people in embarrassment, and then came to the elder's ear and muttered.

After listening to this, the elder's gloomy face improved slightly. Just now, Elder Wu told him a thrilling scene. He had heard that this monster had something to do with the White Night clan and was a very strange special killer among dark hunters. I didn't expect that this kind of killer could hide in the shadow. Fortunately, he was caught by the White Night people, otherwise the consequences would be unimaginable.

"Flying fire, you privately take outsiders into the tribal territory. It attracted the dark hunter killer, causing the elder Wufu to lose his right arm. I decided to lock you up for a year!" The elder announced in a low voice. A bald taureno-headed elder just opened his mouth, and the elder raised his right hand backwards, opened his five fingers, and made a forbidden gesture.

Feihuo's face turned white and his head was a little harder: "Yes, grandpa!"

The other tares were silent, but their complaining eyes swept back and forth on Fang Xin and others.

When Fang Xin saw Feihuo's depressed expression, he felt slightly uneasy and couldn't help saying, "Big Elder, we are the ones who really attracted the virtual shadow walker. We are sorry for this."

"The elder Wufu's arm has been broken. What's the use of your apology?" The elder said unhappily. Obviously, the old tauride was still worried about the intrusion of the East and others into the tribe.

"I have a proposal that can make up for our mistakes. My old friend--" Fang Xin suddenly guided the old man Xuan and solemnly pushed him out: "He is the best spiritual doctor in the white night clan, and perhaps the best spiritual doctor in the Huangquan world. He can be responsible for building another arm for the elder Wufu. Moreover, if there are any injured or sick people in the nobles, my friend will treat you for free.

"I don't know if this proposal can make up for our fault in disturbing the nobles?"

"Of course it's okay! Just think about it for a week!" After hearing this, a bull-headed elder raised his ears and patted his chest to make a promise.

The big elder next to him turned his eyes to the talking elder.

The elder who spoke just now immediately continued, "Of course, everything must be approved by the elder!"

The old man Nanxuan had been looking at the sky, as if there was some strange treasure above his head, and he looked like he was hanging high. Hearing Fang Xin's words, he almost jumped up and said to himself, "Isn't this asking the old man to do free coolies? The old man won't do it!"

Before Nanxuan said what he refused, Dongfang covered his mouth. A rough smile appeared on his face: "Hahaha, this proposal is good, good proposal. My friend has always been willing to help others, and this proposal can fully satisfy his love!"

"Is this noble old man a spiritual doctor?"

The elder and several other elders' eyes lit up and looked at Nanxuan together. Their tribe only has a half-hearted spiritual doctor, and in Huangquanjie, even in such a weak and strong-eat place, even if they live in seclusion in the deep mountains, it is inevitable to fight with people. For many years, some Tauren people lack some body parts. Now there is a free spiritual doctor, and the tone of listening to his companion's introduction is still amazing, and they are suddenly very happy.

The tares swarmed up and surrounded the old man Nanxuan. Elder Wufu was even more attentive to him, and he had long wanted to learn spiritual arts again. For so many years in the Niutou tribe, he has been ashamed for many years that he has the name of a spiritual doctor but does not have the corresponding ability.

Nanxuan is like a tiger all of a sudden. If he refuses the Tauren now, he may be drowned by cow tears. At the same time, at the critical moment, the straight brain of the bullhead clan was somehow enlightened. Although the strange flattishness was numb, each of the bullheads rolled up. The old man Nanxuan was happy and crooked, and his red beard was upturned.

"Brother Dongfang, why did you find it?"

Get rid of the crowd, Fang Xin strangely asked the east. It was so coincidental that as soon as Arianna's life was in danger, the old men of Dongfang and Nanxuan appeared in time.

"When Arianna walked into the Kaka Mountains behind your back, Nanxuan and I followed you all the time."

Fang Xin was heartbrolled when he heard this: "It turns out that Brother Dongfang really cares about me!" When he looked at the East again, there was moisture in his eyes.

"Are you going to cry?" Dongfang looked at Fang Xin's expression, laughed and put his arm around Fang Xin's shoulder: "This is not what a man should do!"

After a pause, Dongfang said seriously, "I want you to have a look--"

He scrazed Fang Xin's shoulder and asked Fang Xin to look at the pile of taurns surrounding the old man Nanxuan, and his right finger swept over the taurns one by one: "--Do you know? Why were they so happy to hear that Nanxuan would treat them? Why?"

"You tell me, why?"

"It's very simple. Because some of them lack arms and legs, they need a good spiritual doctor to do colonization transformation for them!" Fang Xin said without thinking.

Dongfang loosened Fang Xin's shoulder and smiled without any doubt: "Wrong - that's because they are weak."

"Think about it from another perspective, in the Huangquan world, in the mirage forest, an E-level high-level demon, do you need someone to do colonization transformation for him? Who can hurt him?"

When Fang Xin was about to speak, Dongfang interrupted him with a wave of his hand: "Think about it again. If I hadn't appeared here just now. What about Arianna?

Dongfang's face was close to Fang Xin, and his eyes were straight into Fang Xin's eyes, and there seemed to be a strange magic in his voice. Word by word, she said in a low voice, "She will be killed and drain all her blood. And you will lose your love forever, and you will fall into the abyss of guilt for the lifetime!"

Fang Xin listened to the cruel hypothesis of the East, and there was a thunderbolt in his brain, and a bloody scene appeared in his heart.

Two quiet flames burned in Fang Xin's eyes.

"...I need strength. Yes, in Huangquanjie, I need the power to protect myself and protect myself!"

"Yes. That's it, you need strength!" Dongfang clenched Fang Xin's fist and raised it with a low and powerful voice: "Knock down all the enemies and trample their bodies under your feet. This is the safest way!"

"Let me be your guide!"