Huangquan Reverse Travel

Chapter 4 Fang Xin's upper position

The magnificent hall of the former peak is as bright as day under the countless dazzling shining crystals on the top of the surrounding walls. The lords of the nearby forces gathered here, and their expressions were somewhat strange.

At this moment, the lords, different from the costumes at the celebration just now, have put on black clothes symbolizing the dark hunter organization, and the dark hunter's logo behind their ears - the snake pattern is twisted and ferocious.

"Chacru betrayed the organization and has been executed. But as the shadow warriors at the bottom of the organization, you need an open person to lead you. So new people will lead you."

Rodman, dressed in a black robe, stood on the lifting platform of the hall and looked down majestically at the lords who were crawling below.

Dark Hunter will strictly manage the internal hierarchy. At the top of the pyramid is the president, who is elected by the presidents of each branch for a term of 60 years. Then there are eight offerings and four elders composed of high-level demons. It is said that some of these offerings and elders are even E-level demons. He is the president of each branch, who usually manages daily matters in the territory of Huangquanjie. Below the branch president is the real doers inside the Dark Hunter, which is composed of the Reaper, Shadow walker, Shadow Warrior, etc., among which the Shadow Warrior is the lowest.

So as the branch president, Rodman will certainly not directly manage these newly joined the organization.

As soon as he finished speaking, Okin, the owner of the valley, hesitated for a while and asked respectfully, "Your Excellency, hasn't Lord Fang Xin replaced the position of rebellious Chacru? We have no objection to this."

"I know you have no problem. But Fang Xin received the glory from the temple and needed to enter the interior to receive greater glory. He can't stay here for a long time.

Rodman's understated explanation aroused a lot of discussion among the major lords below. Of course, they know what the "temple" in Rodman meant. It was a group of monks in the dark. They also took the original god as their highest faith, but they believed that the original god was born in darkness and belonged to darkness. Compared with the "temple" that believes in the original god of light, they belong to the "dark temple".

The number of dark monks is rare, and they have a special status in the dark hunter organization. So after hearing that Fang Xin could be favored by those dark monks, many people looked jealously at Fang Xin standing next to Rodman. This boy is so young that he can't help but climb too fast...

"Your Excellency, where is the new candidate you chose?" The pig-faced lord was bold, accompanied by a smiling face, and asked cautiously.

Rhodman waited without saying a word, his sharp eyes swept over the faces of the crawling people on the ground, and then stayed on a person.

"Stand up."

In the direction where Rodman's eyes stayed, the man in a black robe and didn't say a word slowly stood up.

After he stood up, everyone found that the man was slender and looked like a woman. After the man took off the linen veil at Rodman's motion, the crowd exclaimed.

"Fac Moon!"

Hearing the name, Fang was proud of his confidence. Of course, he dared not show this pride on his face. After all, Rodman at this time was not completely controlled by the spiritual power of the night god dance.

For strong people at the level of Rodman, the spiritual hypnosis of the Night God Dance can only support for about a day. But the night dance gave Rodman a clever method and planted a strong spiritual hint in his spirit. Let him subconsciously admit that Chaklu's rebellion and Fang Xin was loyal to the dark hunter organization, so Rodman readily agreed to Fang Xin's recommendation of Falk Yue to join the dark hunter organization.

"Your Excellency, she...she is a woman and a Black Death. I heard that the Black Dead and we don't have a holiday?

Okin was shocked and rejected Fa Keyue as their heads. In Huangquanjie, women have no status. However, the Black Dead are aliens in the Huangquan world. They have no concept of male superiority and female inferiority. The large and small positions in the clan are capable people, so other ethnic groups in the Huangquanjie are quite criticized for the practice of the Black Dead.

Now let these lords who usually despise women accept a woman as their leader, and they are also the Black Deaths they usually don't like. They are very disgusted in their hearts. Moreover, it is rumored that the Black Death and the Dark Hunter Organization have never been on the right path. How can the president let a Black Death woman take office?

"Shut up! She has joined our organization, and she is about to become Fang Xin's wife. It is trustworthy. And you must have seen the means of Fak Moon to deal with the remnants of Chaklu today. There is no doubt about her ability!"

Rodman waved his hand and interrupted the other lords' words that he wanted to continue in an unbearable tone.

"Your Excellency, I'm afraid this is not appropriate!"

At this time, a hoarse voice came from behind Rodman.

Fang was confident and looked at Rodman's direction in surprise.

Behind Rodman stood three people in black robes, two of whom wore monk costumes, who recommended Fang Xin to the Dark Temple. The other body was wrapped in thick black smoke, which looked somewhat similar to the virtual shadow walker that Fang Xin had touched.

After the speaker took off his hood, Fang was relieved. No wonder who dares to refute Rodman's words so boldly. It turned out to be Vice President Rodin!

Fang Xin almost forgot Rodin. Fang Xin has never seen this guy since he failed to attack the brilliant taur. However, Rodin is a metamorpher with the ability of ancient demon bat-winged beasts and a spiritual thinker. He shocked Fang Xin in the last battle and still remains in Fang's confidence.

"Our organization has never let women hold the position of grassroots captain. President, this will attract the attention of the above. Please think twice!" Rodin said in a low voice.

"Rodan. You don't hold a grudge because you failed in my hands last time, do you? Why do you object to what the president agrees with?" Fang Xin suddenly shouted and looked at Rodin provocatively.

"Presumptuous!" Rodman raised his eyebrows and shouted at Fang Xin: "Do you dare to provoke the majesty of the superior? I don't want Vice President Rodin to apologize!"

Fang's confidence is secretly funny. It seems that the spiritual hint of Night Dance is very useful. In the hierarchical dark hunter organization, it is a very serious thing for subordinates to challenge the authority of the superior. Rodman just made himself apologize, but did not answer Rodin's suggestion. Obviously, it is still self-defending.

Seeing Fang Xin's pretentious apology, Rodin's frown was even more ugly. He took a strange look at Rodman. Since the president completely ignored his protest, he dared not say anything more. It's just that the president's attitude today made him have doubts.

Rodan's silence finally reassured Fang Xin. Falkyue entered the Dark Hunter Organization. He did not discuss this matter with the Night God Dance, but purely out of love for Falkyue.