Huangquan Reverse Travel

Chapter 11 Unknown Journey

The three were standing in front of a shop, falsely asking the merchant for things, and their eyes scanned Fang Xin from time to time. When they saw the monitoring white night teenager, they suddenly turned around and couldn't take their eyes off them. They panicked and hurried to the alley next to them.

The moment Fang Xin turned around, his sharp eyes had seen the black rose pattern at their buttons.

What Bruni said is true, and the Black Dead sent people to monitor them!

"Do you want to get rid of them?" The deep voice is full of murderous intent. Akai looked at the corner of the street, revealing the red flame in his armored eyes.

Fang Xin looked at his eyes and knew that he began to ignite the power of melting crystal in his body, and quickly waved his hand: "Don't you have to?" The inquiring eyes looked at Bruni.

Yes, there is no need to pay attention to them. This is their territory, be careful, hehe. This is not the first time I have received this kind of treatment. Looking at the back of the three people who turned into the alley, Bruni's fat face showed a smile and his eyes narrowed into a gap.

But for a moment, Fang Xin saw a cold light flashing through his smiling eyes. He thumped in his heart and said in his heart, "This guy Bruni may be a figure with a knife hidden in his smile!"

Bluny and Nickel found a luxury hotel on the busiest central street.

After taking a hot bath comfortably, Fang Xin came out of the bathroom humming music. At one place, I saw Akai standing next to the snow-white bed like a statue, with no intention of lying down.

Fang Xin opened his mouth and thought about it. He really didn't know how to open his mouth. Although Kai is loyal, he is indeed the dullest warrior Fang Xin has ever seen. He is loyal and old-fashioned. At the same time, he also had a little holiday with Fang Xin. Although he is willing to serve Fang Xin now, there is still a small pimple in Fang's confidence. For A Kai, he has not yet become a "master". And the talkative Bruni and Nickel live in the next room, and now there is only Akai in the room.

Fang Xin coughed.

Akai raised his head: "Master, are you out?" Then he still stood without saying a word.

Fang Xin was silent and said slowly after a while, "Akai, can you not call me master in the future? Just call me... Lord Fang."

"Yes, master!"

Fang Xin almost fainted and responded vaguely. He was a little tired, and at the same time, he didn't want to talk to Kai so awkwardly, so he simply took off his clothes and got into the quilt.

"A...Akai, why don't you sleep?" After lying in the quilt for a while, Fang Xin felt something was wrong.

"Shiva people never lie down!" Akai closed his eyes and said in a low voice.

Three black lines appeared on Fang Xin's face. There is something in his heart. Akai is indeed very loyal and powerful as a warrior. But living in the world... is equivalent to an idiot. How can he rest when he is standing by his bedside?

Akai, as a warrior, it is very important to protect the safety of adults. Just stay by the window!" Fang Xin frowned and thought about it, and said seriously to Akai. He doesn't want to be watched by a big man when he sleeps.

Akai suddenly had a smile in his eyes, as if he had seen through Fang Xin's mind. But the smile was fleeting, and he nodded: "Yes, my lord!" Seeing the heavy guy walk to the edge of the window curtain, Fang Xin finally breathed a sigh of relief and could sleep well now.

The next day was a sunny day. As the red moon and sun approached, the sun became stronger and stronger. Early in the morning, Bruni and Nickel entered a pharmacy mysteriously and didn't tell Fang Xin what they wanted to do.

Fang Xin simply went to a large open-air square alone with Akai. He doesn't want to be with those two guys. It's really boring.

There are many vendors scattered in the open square, such as pearls, corpse fish oil, women's hairpins, bracelets, firewood, rice, oil and salt, brick tea... From time to time, picket members hired by the Black Dead with black rose badges and weapons in their hands passed by.

The market sometimes remembers a few women's screams: "Catch the thief." At this time, the entangled team members stared at the thin figure who ran away and chased after him.

Fang Xin wandered all the way with great interest. When it was on Shop West Road, a street was full of Ying Yingyan*. Many luxurious * stand in the glass windows specially filmed by brothels, ** with plump and straight peaks for men who are salivating on the road. This trick is quite effective. When some guests spit on the * taste all over the street, they can't help rushing up and pay money to comment on it in person.

If it hadn't been for Kai, Fang Xin would have found it difficult for him to rush out of the rouge powder array on the west road. When he came out, his face was full of lipstick marks, and the charm of the handsome white night man was too great. However, Akai's gloomy costume and soaring murderous spirit scared away many women and helped Fang Xin relieve the siege.

"It's unlucky, I have to change it when I go back!" Fang Xin looked at the clothes covered with lipstick and muttered. This was picked out from the clothes he bought by Bruni yesterday, otherwise it would be too conspicuous to wear a black robe.

The alley was narrow and long, and a man with horns on his forehead shook his broad shoulders and came over from there. He is extremely thick, and one person is almost half the width of the alley.

The big man didn't know what he was angry about. He cursed and ignored Fang Xin coming from the opposite side. When the two passed by, the man was obviously quite confident in his strength. When Fang Xin turned his side, he did not curl up and deliberately waved to Fang Xin fiercely.

After a dull impact sound, the big man stuck to the stone wall like a broken kite.

Akai had already stood in front of Fang Xin, looking gloomily at the painful howling man on the ground without saying a word.

Just as the big man asked the other party's letter to make a provocative behavior, Akai stopped Fang Xin behind him like lightning, and his body hit him instead of Fang Xin, and slammed the big man's nose.

Akai's body is full of fine iron, coupled with the huge power of melting sun crystal, who fights with his physical strength is almost the same as looking for death, not to mention the extremely fragile nose bone.

"Get out!" After the big man howled for a while, a word popped out of Fang Xin's mouth. He really can't stand the howling of that big man. Even if he is a woman, he should rest after calling for such a long time, grass!

"You don't want to live!" As soon as the big man heard Fang Xin's words, he woke up from the pain and covered his nose with blood. He jumped up and rushed up with a murderous face. He has always been arrogant in Yunmengliao, and he has never suffered this kind of birdishness.

The big man covered his nose with one hand and rushed to Fang Xin with the other, but when he saw Fang Xin's red hair, his heart trembled. After seeing Fang Xin clearly, a strange look appeared on the big man's face.

Suddenly, he seemed to see a ghost, shouting "Yellow..." and turned around and ran back.

Fang Xin frowned slightly and was a little incredible. He looked around and thought, "There is no ghost next to him. He is so afraid... Am I so ugly? Grass!"

Fang Xin was wondering, remembering the situation just now... His brain suddenly touched. The big man seems to be a little familiar, as if he has seen it somewhere.

... The red horn on the forehead, the huge body, the familiar voice, by the way, Mo Sang! Grass, he was the dark hunter he met when he first came to the Huangquan world and was sent by Mrs. Youka to collect herbs on the shore of the Fallen Sun Swamp. At that time, I couldn't beat him at all, and I ran away desperately with Arianna in my arms. Finally, I met Brother Dongfang before I was saved (see the first episode of this book for details). When he ran, he also called "Huang..." and remembered his identity as a Huangquan hunter!

Fang Xin suddenly realized that this Mo Sang was a person who knew his identity. When he met Dongfang, Dongfang also scared Mo Sang to wake up the meaning of the domino in his hand, which was the exclusive item of the Huangquan hunter.

"You can't let him go!" Fang's confidence sank. Now his dominoes have completely submerged into the flesh of his wrist, and only when summoning with spiritual power will emerge. But if Mo Sang talks nonsense and reveals his identity, in case it reaches the ears of two dark monks, even if it doesn't reach their ears, if it is known by the Black Dead, I'm afraid there is no good fruit to eat!

Although the Huangquan hunter represents the glory of the original god, he is the one who really needs to walk in the shadows in the Huangquan world! The identity leakage will definitely cause great waves in the local area! In case some people with ulterior motives knew that they coveted the dominoes in their hands... Fang's confidence still remember that Ye Shenwu had said that some newcomers had disappeared and had been found dead by the Huangquan hunter, and the dominoes had been deprived. Thinking of this, Fang's confidence was hairy.

"Akai, catch up with the man just now!" Fang Xin quickly shouted to Akai next to him.

When Fang Xin and the two of them chased to the entrance of the alley, they had long disappeared. Fortunately, Akai is a Shiva ethnic group, who is naturally sensitive to smell. Akai followed the smell of Mo Sang just now and chased Fang Xin to another alley.

Then Akai was led by the smell of Warcraft and walked to a building in the alley.

It was a heavily guarded building. The dark curtain on the bottom of the building covered the situation inside. The wooden fence outside was guarded by two muscular tauren warriors holding long axes.

"Dear adult, please stay here. Only VIPs with invitations from the Black Dead can enter!" One of the taurai warriors stopped Fang Xin with warm words. Of course, he was so polite when he saw Fang Xin's luxurious clothes and the face of the white night man.

Fang Xin listened to the tauroy's words and was overjoyed. He proudly raised his right hand. The silver-gray ring on his ring finger glittered in the sun, and the black rose pattern was extremely clear.

As soon as the two tauren saw the ring, their faces changed greatly, and their voices suddenly became flattering like women: "It turned out..." Just as they were about to say some compliments, they found that the owner of the ring was a white night man, and they didn't know it yet, so they could only say vaguely: "... Our Lord Mi Xiu must be very open when he saw the adult coming. Heart, I'm going to report to you. Fewer people from the clan have come recently.

"No, I'll go in by myself!" Fang Xin glanced at the Tauren indifferently, as if they were garbage in his eyes.

The more he was so pretentious, the more the two taurids respected him, and he hurriedly called several maids to guide Fang Xin into it.

As soon as I entered, the light suddenly dimmed. After passing through a deep and dark corridor, Fang Xin walked up the stairs.

"What is this place?" After entering the room to see the situation clearly, Fang muttered in his confidence.

Fang Xin entered a building similar to a hall, and wooden tables were placed in a small space near the wall. The wooden table is covered with thick cotton blankets, and each blanket is placed with a tray with gold foil, which contains all kinds of exquisite items.

In front of each box, there will be several well-dressed men and women talking in low voices.

Fang Xin vaguely understood what was being done in it. Auction, it must be an auction item. He still remembers the auction of things in the human world that Dada did at the peak in the past. At that time, this kind of auction was more lively, but the auction here was more atmospheric. Obviously, these people knew the goods.

"Your Excellency, I can't smell that guy. The smell of various perfumes in it is too mixed!" Akai whispered.

"Do it!" Fang Xin cursed in his heart. The people who came to the auction were big heads everywhere. Almost everyone smelled of perfume, and some family even carried small sachets. All kinds of fragrance in the room are mixed together, greatly diluting the smell of Momulberry.

After Fang Xin and others came in, a servant had noticed the ring in his hand, and soon someone attentively handed over the tea. At the same time, several people standing next to Fang Xin kept looking at him up and down. Because this teenager has a new face and has a black death ring, the love of the Black Rose, generally does not come to the auction house opened by his own ethnic group.

It is impossible to continue to look for Mo Sang for the time being. Fang Xin thought about the countermeasures while looking at the items at the auction. Several of the items were well-made, which attracted Fang Xin to play.

Fang Xin is looking at a beautiful ** statue. This item is finely carved and lifelike. When playing, the organs in the statue's body will affect all the joints and make dancing movements on the palm of the hand, which makes people unable to put it down.

When Fang Xin was interested, a fat big hand grabbed the ** statue.

"Dear Emily, what do you think of this thing?" The pale khaki teenager is extremely obese, with a big belly like six or seven months pregnant, and the tight black tuxedo makes him look more bloated.

He held the ** statue in his hand and looked at a beautiful girl beside him with flattering eyes, followed by several big men behind him.

The girl who was flattered by khaki teenagers is completely human-like, but her skin is surprisingly pale. She had a quiet expression and a faint smile. She didn't say anything about the teenager's words. She looked at Fang Xin with a slightly angry face and whispered, "It's not very polite to take other people's things like this, Thorpe."

Top, a khaki teenager, curled his mouth contemptuously and looked at Fang Xin: "What does your expression mean? Do you have any problem with me?" He hit a nail to please the girl, and the boss was unhappy, and the displeasure moved to the red-haired teenager. He is not afraid of anyone in Yunmengliao.

Fang Xin was unhappy that he didn't catch Mo Sang. Now this fat khaki teenager not only rudely stole his things, but also made ** naked provocation, and his face suddenly became gloomy.

"Fude, how can you be as moral as that old Simba!" Seeing that the khaki teenager was fearless, Fang Xin suddenly thought of the scene of seeing the old man Simba in Niutouliao for the first time and being bullied by him.

Fang Xin's arm sank, and his fist suddenly exploded like lightning, and there was still a finger on Thorpe's face to stop because Akai pulled him, "Your Excellency, Mo Sang!" His fingers moved to the rhinoceros who was sneaking out of the door in the crowd.

Fang Xin followed the direction pointed by A Kai and fixed his eyes. The man was not Mo Sang. The red horn on his head was simply the beacon of a huge waist and eye.

Fang Xin's body is extremely elastic, and his feet are a little harder on the ground. Thorpe and the strong man behind him have not yet reflected that Fang Xin has slipped past them like a gust of wind.

As soon as Akai was about to rush over, the bodyguard behind Thorpe deliberately stopped him. The Shiva warriors completely ignored the strong men and jumped up. As soon as the strong men in the way touched Akai's body, they seemed to hit the peak and fell out one after another, knocking over several tables in a row. There is a crisp cracking sound of luxurious porcelain in the auction.

Thorpe wiped away the cold sweat on his face, and Fang Xiner's fist almost hit him in the face just now. Judging from the strong boxing style, Thorpe has no doubt that if Fang Xin hadn't stopped his fist just now, his face would have been rotten. This greatly damaged Thorpe's face, especially in front of beautiful girls.

Emily, a beautiful girl, played with a black rose ring on her hand as if she hadn't heard what happened in front of her.

"Catch him!" Thorpe kicked the buttocks of several bodyguards who were still on the ground and pointed to Fang Xin's back, "Waste, catch him!"

Over there, Akai grabbed Mo Sang's palm like an iron hoop, and at the same time, he had removed Mo Sang's jaw bone, so that he could not speak freely.

The unlucky rhinoceros monster hid in the auction house for a long time, but still did not escape.

"Let's go!" Fang Xin whispered to Akai. Now that Mo Sang has been caught, there is no need to stay here. At the same time, several annoying ghosts chased after him... Fang Xin frowned and glanced at the Tauren warriors behind him who were undergoing muscle madness.

"Fighten them!" Thorpe shouted loudly behind the Tauren warrior.