Huangquan Reverse Travel

Chapter 21 From the Mysterious Water Tower in the Forest

When Fang Xin left the hotel, a sneaky figure slipped out of the hotel at the same time.

It was the hotel owner who slipped out of the hotel. This treacherous barbarian who seemed to be regarded as rich as his life. At this moment, he walked in a hurry and looked cautious. There was no cunning look when he saw Fang Xin.

Like most tribal residences built on the plain, the shape of the Michigan tribe is very irregular and scattered. The tribe looks like a big T, and the junction of the T is naturally the most prosperous place in the town.

Unlike other tribes, the central square covers an extremely wide area, which can facilitate the accumulation of wood in the peak season of the logging season and can also be used for tribal celebrations. In addition to the central square of the tribe, the most prosperous place of the tribe has to count the length of the T-shaped vertical, which is far away, a kilometer long.

The left half of the Michigan tribe looks slightly depressed, while the right half is not as vertical, but the continuous wooden house is hundreds of meters long.

In the distance, hundreds of meters behind the T-shaped horizontal, there is a long wall. The wall has been in disrepair and has long been full of wormwood. The outside of the wall is made of one-meter-thick, five-long blue stones.

On the west side of this wall, there is the only big brick house in the tribe, where the mansion of the tribal leader Pis stands like a beautiful garden.

The owner of the hotel hurried in from the side door of Pis's mansion, the back garden. When he passed through the back door, he hurriedly showed the black door plate he took out, and the doorkeeper quickly led him in.

After a while, there was a roar in Pace's room: "Are you telling the truth? Did someone ask you about Sim Forest? He is still a white night man, oh, and there is also a strong warrior follower. Well, I know. You did a good job.

"I will consider recommending you to the organization."

It was not until noon that Fang Xin and Akai returned to the hotel in the luxury carriage they rented. After they hurriedly ate the food sent by the servants, they kept the door closed.

"This, this, this..." Akai clicked a few places on the map to the location of Sim Forest. I found that there are hidden whistles in these places.

Fang Xin looked at Akai: "How did you find out? There are several places, and I have also observed them, and there seems to be no movement.

Akai's voice had a simple smile: "Your Excellency, don't forget that I'm a Shiva. I grew up in the jungle. My understanding of the jungle is not only based on my eyes, but also my experience and intuition.

Fang Xin nodded, carefully observed the dark whistle issued by Akai, and then found that there was only one place without a dark whistle. That place marks a river.

"Why is there no secret whistle in this river?" Fang Xin is a little strange.

"Your Excellency, I have also read this carefully. There is something strange in this river. The voltamed dog I brought has been roaring at the river. There seems to be something in the water. Akai explained.

Fang Xin muttered, "Maybe we still have to go to the brothel and ask the two women today what's in the river." He vaguely guessed whether there were any warcraft and so on, otherwise how could the Michigan tribe be so relieved about this paragraph that there was no guard measure at all.

"My lord, I also found one more. In this forest, there is a very high water tower, which can be seen in a sparse position in the east.

"Water tower?" Fang Xin looked back at Akai in disbelief: "Is it true?"

Akai Zheng nodded.

"It's strange that this forest is close to the river and doesn't need to put out fires and water at all. How can there be a water tower?" Fang Xin said to himself. It's really strange. He decided to sneak into the forest tonight and intuitively told him that there must be some secrets in the forest.

In the afternoon, Fang Xin began to prepare carefully and busyly. For the evening action, he deliberately slept for a few hours.

However, there is an unexpected storm. In the evening, the first heavy rain of the breeze season comes!

When Fang Xin slipped out of the hotel, he made sure that no one around him was watching before sneaking out.

The sad wind and cold rain came from all directions. Fang Xin tightened his black hood, and the rain soaked his whole body. The sticky clothes on the meat felt quite uncomfortable.

He didn't bring Akai with him, because this was his personal exploration of Sim Forest. Akai's clumsy physical movements determined that he was not suitable for this kind of sneaky work.

He has asked today at the cost of a few gold coins that there is indeed a monster in the river, an A-level pirannoid monster. It is said that the thumb-sized fish monster can eat a person in a minute with sharp teeth and corrosive **, and the horrible fish monster is said to be the whole river.

However, Fang Xin is not worried about the water monster at all. Even in the water, he has a way to deal with that kind of thing.

From the tribal scenic area to the Sim Forest in the west, it was only a few miles away, but in the rainstorm, he felt that this distance was particularly long.

Based on today's memory and impression on the map, Fang Xin finally approached the legendary river with water monsters.

Under the heavy rain, the river water surged, and waves of yellow torrents kept hitting the river bank.

"Hidden!" Fang Xin shouted softly. From his body, a large black fog emanated, and within a few hundred meters nearby, it was slowly all shrouded in deliberate black fog.

Fang Xin stood in the strong dark spiritual power and made sure that there were no ambushed enemies around him before he poured into the water. When he entered the water, a few meters of mirror light surrounded his whole body. The rapid flow of water one meter away suddenly cracked as soon as he touched the mirror light, and he could not trust his body at all.

Fang Xin walked step by step, like walking flat, into the river full of mud under the river**. He has never dared to relax in this process. Sure enough, as soon as he took two steps, he suddenly caught the sharp sound of breaking water from the current in his ears, and made a strange cry like a bat in the water.

Fang was confident and knew that the strange fish was coming.

A group of silver-white fish, with a flat body and a huge head, saw Fang Xin rushing over fearlessly, and then gently bounced away by the mirror light around Fang Xin's body.

The strange fish hit and wrote it down. Fang Xin felt that the mirror light outside his body vibrated slightly, and he knew that this was not the way. Because mirror light is a defensive technique that consumes dark spiritual power, if it is hit by a large group of fish monsters, it will lose a lot of spiritual power.

Seeing the strange fog outside Fangxin's body, the fish monster suddenly spit out a ball-shaped black ** from his mouth, and the black ** wrapped in the blue water spirit.

"Fra, it's really an A-class fish monster, and it can even have a miniature grenade."

Of course, Fang Xin's current strength does not care about this level of attack, but it is obviously unpleasant to be harassed by fish monsters.

The umbilical wheel prison behind Fang Xin was empty, slowly vortexing, and the electrical spiritual power quickly gathered in the center of the palm of his hand, and a crackling electric plasma gun appeared. A shot stabbed out of the mirror light, and suddenly a dazzling electric arc flashed in the water. The fish monster almost close to Fang Xin was electrocuted and turned white.