Huangquan Reverse Travel

Chapter 14 Put the blame

The atmosphere in the council hall is solemn, and the hall supported by the basaltic pillars is extremely gloomy.

Fang Xin crawled on the marble floor and didn't dare to breathe. His back was like a needle, and his fierce eyes made him very uncomfortable.

Suspicable eyes, confused eyes, angry eyes... Intertwined in Fang Xin, everyone present can't figure out why this new dark monk is so bold that he dares not return for a day, which seriously violates organizational discipline! Moreover, this newcomer dares to come back as if nothing had happened!

"Not returning day and night violated Article 160 of the good deeds law of the dark hunter: the organizer who escaped privately beheaded according to the law, in violation of the law of the good deeds Article 412: bullying the members of the organization in order to seek their own interests, in violation of Article 601 of the good deeds law: deceiving superiors, ignoring discipline should be killed..."

A shadow warrior held a large scroll and counted several crimes of Fang Xin in a blank breath. Each punishment was either to cut off his hands and feet or dropped his head. After a series of readings, ten letters were not enough for these punishments.

Fang Xin sweated coldly, but his face was still as calm as water and did not panic at all, because before returning to the organization, he had already thought of a complete response, otherwise he would not dare to go back if he gave him ten guts.

"Fang Xin, do you know your guilt?" After reading the Shadow Warrior, Xinlong's majestic voice sounded above Fang Xin's head. The old man has walked slowly to Fang Xin.

"Where have you been in these ten hours?"

"Please forgive me! Fang Xin had to leave the organization for more than ten hours because of some sudden circumstances. Fang Xin said in a low voice.

"Is it because you took the crystal of the one-horned spirit beast and want to abscond in fear of sin?" Xinlong raised his voice. He is now furious, and the teenager in front of him doesn't know the importance of the matter. The Watch Gate branch is very important in the dark hunter organization, but he ignores discipline and has not returned for dozens of hours. If he is caught by those who secretly covet the dark hunter organization and takes the secrets of the watchman's Gate from his mouth, the consequences will be worrying.

And this teenager dared to enter the cave where the senior spirit beasts are located in Dou Valley, bullied the mourning priest with some special identities, and forcing them to give him the precious one-horned spirit beast crystal. Such behavior is really abominable.

"Your Excellency, you must have got some details wrong!" Fang Xin was scared into a cold sweat by Xinlong's harsh words and tried to calm down: "That one-horned horse crystal was forcibly stuffed by those sad priests!" He can't care so much now. He already knows in his heart that Chikov and Ulan TOEFL have betrayed themselves cleanly, and he doesn't know how much dirty water they have poured on themselves to protect themselves, so of course Fang Xin is going to fight back.

"After they handed over the crystal to me, I was very happy and wanted to go back to the organization first and ask Lord Aguli to lift the crystal seal. But unexpectedly, when I passed through Sim Forest, I found the existence of the Huangquan hunter!"

Fang Xin's words came out, and the void that he was talking to the other two breakers was immediately shocked. Is this... is this Fang Xin boy crazy? How dare he carry out the Huangquan hunter? He doesn't want to live?

The void suddenly had an ominous foreboding, and the whole body alert suddenly rose to the highest. Even the two breakers next to him forgot what he said in response to him, and all his mind was focused on Fang Xin.

After the originally quiet council chamber popped out of the word "Huangquan Hunter" in Fang Xin's mouth, it was so silent that even a needle could not be heard.

Everyone's eyes instantly focused on the white night teenager crawling on the ground.

"The trace of the Huangquan hunter? Is this also something you can notice?" Xinlong held his breath and tried to keep calm and indifferent. Fang Xin's words actually exploded in his heart a long time ago. Now is the time when the dark hunters have big moves. At this critical moment, if those annoying Huangquan hunters jump out and jump out near the gate of watch, it's really bad news!

"It's true!" Fang Xin raised his head with a confident expression: "Because I escaped from their hands!"

Some low-level dark hunters and sad priests exclaimed, and their eyes were full of incredible and suspicion.

Is it a miracle that a new dark monk escaped from the hands of the Huangquan hunter? Impossible!

Xin Long looked at Fang Xin and said nothing for a long time, as if he wanted to catch something suspicious from the teenager's face. Of course, Xinlong didn't see anything. What he saw was a firm and sincere face.

"Say, tell me the process of meeting them and how to escape!" Xinlong raised his arm and ordered.

When Fang Xin heard this, he was happy and knew that there was a play. What I just said finally aroused Xinlong's appetite. Nine points is false and one point is true about what he is about to compile, but that one point is really crucial. As long as Xinlong confirms it, the other nine points in his story will be covered up.

When the letter below, he will portray himself as a hero who is loyal to the dark hunter organization and goes through fire and water.

"After I was forced to give the unicorn crystal by the two cunning priests, although I was very reluctant, they poured me with ecstasy soup, and I accepted it confusedly. After accepting it, I went out of Dou Gu and wanted to find Aguli's great offering to lift the crystal seal, because at the Watch Gate, except for our invincible sacrifice and space magic, I really can't think of a second person who has the ability to unlock this seal!"

Fang Xin rubbed his palms and spit. At this point, he paused a little, and his worshipful eyes floated to the white-haired Aguli.

Aguli heard Fang Xin praise himself in front of so many people. Even though he knew it was a flattery, he still smiled and nodded.

Then Fang Xin found how he found the Huangquan hunters on the way to the Gate of Watch, and their situation of serving the Michigan tribe, and when he found them, the Huangquan hunters wanted to silence Fang Xin. One of them found the unicorn crystal on Fang Xin. He was happy to see the hunt and wanted to Robbery.

Of course, Fang Xin vowed not to obey. In order to report the whereabouts of the Huangquan hunter to the organization, he began to carry out various means and escape techniques. Finally, he ran more than half of the circle around the eastern part of the Michigan tribe and avoided countless killings. Fang Xin cheated the chasing Huangquan hunt with his incomparable loyalty to the organization. People can escape...