Huangquan Reverse Travel

Chapter 21 Under the Cayman War

A golden pink piglet came out of the chair sitting on at this time. The pig's two pig's feet holding a peach core and was struggling to knock on the hard shell of the walnut. Its dark little eyes looked up at the fat Kaka, the cunning nephew of old Simba, the president of Niutouliao Business.

The pig stuffed walnuts into his mouth and said vaguely, "...OH, it's really a miracle. You khaki are really lucky. I heard about the last attack of the Black Death. Many khaki people who do business in the manor forest died at their hands.

It is the pig eight of the Hobbit clan, the pet raised by Faco.

"Zhu Ba, you can shut up. Otherwise, I will leave it." Fa Keyue said lightly, suddenly lifted Zhu Ba's tail, walked to Yunjing's small door, stretched out Yunjing's hand, and shook it like a meat ball. In the roaring wind in Huangquanjie, the bold pig eight was almost scared to incontinence.

Fa Keyue did not make any comments on what Kaka just said. The beautiful and weak girl stood calmly at the door of Yunjing, and the Shuofeng in the Huangquan world blew her skirt and hunted.

However, Kaka secretly observed the expression of Fa Keyue from the side, but saw her mouth slightly pouting and a mocking smile on her face... Kaka's heart trembled and swallowed saliva.

He remembered the task of his trip and was afraid in his heart. Since the last time Anajie, the black dead man of Yunmengliao, a large commercial liao, broke into the mirage with the elite troops of the black dead, he not only killed many lords loyal to the dark hunters, but also dealt a heavy blow to the strength of the local commercial liao. Simba was arrested and beaten seriously because of his close relationship with the Cayman territory. . And Kaka, who was attached to a small lord at that time, was also captured by Anajie.

Although the dark hunter organization dispatched after the event and united all the nearby forces loyal to themselves and repelled the Annajie forces in Yunmengliao, Anajie has never died. This time, he actually sent Kaka to the Cayman territory. At the same time, before Kaka left, Anajie vowed a promise. If Kaka completes the task he assigned, then Anajie will entrust all the commercial residences in the mirage to him for Kaka management. Kaki merchants can die for 100% of the benefit. How could he be unmoved in the face of such a huge profit?

Kaka's task is very simple, which is to give a letter to the woman Facoyue and show her the sincerity of Anajie's peace.

The room in Yunjing is very simple, with a bright bronze mirror standing behind a bed covered with a white silk blanket. In addition, there are only two chairs in the room next to the door.

"This mother-in-law, even the room is as cold as hers." After observing the objects around him, Kaka was very surprised.

Kaka was waiting for Fakyue to speak. He stood by the window bored and looked at the foggy Yellow Spring World. Suddenly, a voice sounded behind him.

"You should tell the truth, Kaka." Fak Moon appeared quietly behind Kaka like a ghost.

Kaka was shocked, but soon calmed down.

"I don't understand what you mean." Kaka pretended to frown: "You didn't even read the letter Anajie gave you. How do you know that he is not sincere?"

"It seems that you are very dishonest." Fa Keyue smiled faintly and said lightly, "I don't like to play riddles. I don't like disobedient people. Do you want to try my method of punishing disobedient slaves?

Fa Keyue moved his hands, and Kaka couldn't help floating up, and his face turned pale in an instant.

"Lord Fa Keyue, can you speak more clearly?" Kaka tried to make his expression more frightened, and he concluded that Fa Keyue was just fighting against his heart.

"That letter is said to have been written by your father." Kaka added another sentence. Before he came, Anajie told him that this sentence should only be said when Fa Keyue didn't want to read the letter.

A flash of brilliance flashed in Fa Keyue's eyes, and she still kept a calm look, but her right hand was put on the envelope.

The pressure on Kaka's body suddenly disappeared and collapsed to the ground with a click.

Somehow, Fa Keyue picked up the envelope, and suddenly the ugly, old and stinking father's face flashed in her heart, and her body trembled uncontrollably.

The father who only knew how to drink and married many of his sisters as commodities and married everywhere actually wrote to himself... Did he see his current achievements?

Fa Keyue opened the envelope trembling... Soon, her face changed greatly, and the handwriting on the envelope was indeed her father's, but she couldn't see what she said, because the ink in the envelope emitted a strange fragrance, and the ink automatically decomposed and slowly turned into a thick black spiritual rope, slowing from her hand. Slowly tied up, and Fa Keyue's whole body was dizzy, and the things in front of her became more and more blurred, and finally fell to the ground.

The moment the woman fell, Kaka shot a translucent smoke signal into the clouds.

Soon, from the depths of the clouds, a group of strong right-wingers jumped off without warning. They surrounded a woman who looked exactly like Fa Keyue and entered the cloud essence.

This scene was clearly seen by the little pig hiding in the corner. The little pig was so scared that its buttocks trembled. Taking advantage of the opportunity that everyone didn't pay attention to it, it jumped down from hundreds of meters.


The council chamber is filled with the fragrance of corpse fish oil. As an ugly low-level warcraft, the oil of the corpse is one of the most expensive oil in the Huangquan world, mainly because some lords and tribal elders buy it for lamp oil. Here, corpse spotted fish oil is a commonly used spice candle fire.

Xinlong's lips trembled with anger and stared at the two young men and women in front of him: "Where have you been these days? The dark hunters I sent can't find you anyway.

Next to Xinlong, there are several people who worship Aguri and the Void.

As long as Xinlong is angry, he will stir up the public and let everyone suffer together.

The object of his temper is naturally Fang Xin and Nana, a pair of little enemies.

"I... Nana and I went to the Michigan tribe." Fang Xin tried his best to pretend to be scared.

"What are you doing there? Hasn't the crisis of the Huangquan hunter been resolved outside the watch gate? What if they find you?" Xinlong shouted fiercely.

Since the last time he found the traces of the Huangquan hunter nearby, the dark hunter who watches the gate has strengthened his discipline and is usually not allowed to go out.

"We didn't run around, just... just stayed in a room for a while." When Fang Xin said this, he deliberately hesitated.

Xinlong was stunned, blinked his eyes, and then looked at Aguli behind him. He didn't expect Fang Xin to give himself such an answer. There was no expression of the worship, but sighed.

Two boys and girls, talented and beautiful, stayed in a small hotel room for * hours. Ordinary people can almost guess what will happen to them, especially this girl who is still a fox girl famous for her charm.

"... Aguri told me about you. If... if you need it, I can send someone to open a larger room for you."

Faced with the "situation" of Fang Xin and Nana, Xinlong didn't know how to blame them. They also had sex, and they also had a young and ridiculous time. It's just that Fang Xin chose the timing. It's too bad time!

Hearing this sentence, Fang was completely relieved. He took Nana to the small hotel in Michigan and wanted the current result. As long as everyone thinks that they and Nana are trying to solve that problem, they basically won't doubt anything else.

Nana, who knelt next to Fang Xin, blushed. Whether she is from the fox clan or not, she is still an unmarried girl. When Lord Xinlong said such words in front of everyone, her face couldn't help but be hot.

The marble floor in front of the council hall suddenly rippled like a layer of ripples. Feifa, the captain of the soul-shalling group of the root army, slowly emerged from the ripples.

"Dear heart-sman, big deal!" Feifa looked serious.

"What's the matter?" The heart-looking man raised his head and asked calmly.

Feifa glanced at Fang Xin. Fang's confidence thumped, is it related to him?

The void hidden sitting under his hand also noticed Feifa's subtle expression, and his heart became nervous.

"Cayman territory, temporarily on behalf of the lord, has organized the Black Death woman Fa Keyue, who is loyal to us, and led his warriors to defect! Yunmeliao and the ice and fire group led by Annajie, as well as the black dead vassals of the nearby tribes, are cooperating with her rebellion and attacking the mirage!"

"President Rodman asked us to send someone to support!"

"Impossible!" Fang Xin stood up, his face turned red, and he shouted, "Fikeyue is my wife in Cayman. It's my recommendation to join the organization. She absolutely can't rebel!"

"You must have made a mistake, Lord Feifa!" Fang Xin looked straight at Fei Fa, and his eyes were full of suspicion.

"Impossible?" Fei Fa sneered: "Fang Xin, don't be too arbitrary!"

"I have a crystal fragment of memory recorded by the reconnaissance force. You can take a look and see if the woman in the picture is a loyal wife in your mouth!"

Feifa said, took out a memory crystal from his arms and toss it to Fang Xin.

Fang Xin saw that he said solemnly, and then grabbed the memory crystal and frowned and read it carefully.

Only half of it, Fang Xin's face changed greatly and his hands trembled. Suddenly, he was stuffy in his chest, and he was so angry that he spit out a mouthful of blood.

In the crystal of his memory, he saw something that shocked and sadden him: the former peak of the Cayman territory, the high platform that had been sacrificed to the original god, and the four corners burned the blazing beacon used in the war. Fakyue's face was cold, and he held several heads in his hand, one of which was Xinlong, the commercial president of Niutouliao!

Standing on the bodies of a pile of dark hunter warriors, rows of warriors crawled under the Fak moon. Arianna and Sophia, two dragonflies, rushed to the high platform several times to try to stop her, but they were slapped by Fako Moon...

"Why? Fa Keyue, why did you betray me!" Fang Xin roared in his heart.

"Faco Month... Cayman Territory...Wait for me!"