Fantasy Mage (Part 1)

Chapter 27 Endangering the Front Line

"It's coming!"

Xu Feng's pupils narrowed into a straight line, and the cold light flashed, looking at the alpine white ape who exposed a gap on the left side because of the angry attack.

The cold light flashed on Xu Feng's face, and the corners of his mouth opened slightly, "It's now!"

Xu Feng took a small step back, and then turned his right foot to the ground. He ran forward quickly like the wind.

If the breakthrough is successful, Xu Feng will get out of the danger of being surrounded.

There are only two seconds left.

"It's almost successful!" Xu Feng's mood unconsciously flashed a little fluctuation.

Suddenly, Xu Feng's footsteps staggered, and the figure in the rushing also stopped for this.

"It won't be so unlucky!"

Xu Feng, who was about to break out of the encirclement, also paused because he was tripped over by a stone under his feet.

And this pause also made him taste the claws of the alpine white ape.

"I hate realistic virtuality now!" Xu Feng's eyes were angry. If it hadn't been for a stone under his feet, he would have successfully broke through. I hate it!

A white shadow flashed by.

The anemic alpine white ape suddenly accelerated and caught up with the rushing Xu Feng. The sharp white claws were like an iron claws and patted Xu Feng fiercely.


A blood-red number highlighted from Xu Feng's head.

Although the attack of the alpine white ape is not high, it is still very deadly for a mage with low physical defense. Xu Feng only has 230 points of HP. As long as he comes two or three more, he will definitely be able to hang him.

And there is only one second left.

Because of this pause, Xu Feng was caught between two alpine white apes.

"Fight!" Xu Feng gritted his teeth to prevent it. In case, he bit a qi pill with pain. There was a flash of red light on his body. His HP recovered 50 points in an instant, and his blood volume returned to 215 HP.

This is not safe. He used another blood return pill, and the word +5HP appeared on his head every second. Now is not the time to be stingy, but you can't fall into the abyss because of this.

" hiss~"

-65, -67

Because he was trapped in the middle, Xu Feng was hit by the two alpine white apes one after another.

At this time, Xu Feng's blood volume instantly turned into a red warning line, with only 85 points of HP. As long as they hit each other again, Xu Feng will die because his HP is zero and drop a level.

"Calm down, calm down!"

Xu Feng's expression was unprecedentedly solemn, and his eyes were terribly calm, like a pool of stagnant water, making it difficult to detect whether there was any fluctuation in it.

At this critical juncture, the cooling time of the ice arrow was cooled at this time, saving Xu Feng's life.

"The time has come, just in time!"

Xu Feng struggled to be hit by the alpine white ape hit by the ice arrow on the left and retreated quickly towards it.


And an alpine white ape on the other side, its attack was narrowly avoided by Xu Feng by a centimeter.

At this time, Xu Feng was very dangerous. As long as he received it again, he would hang up, although his blood volume was continuously recovered by the blood pills and had 35 points of HP.

However, it still can't withstand the blow of the mountain white ape.

Looking at Xu Feng, who was about to hang up in front of him, the three alpine white apes snorted with red faces, and their voices resounded through the Wanfeng Valley for a long time.

As soon as they finished crying, they rushed to Xu Feng quickly. Three white apes, six pairs of eyes were all blood red.

Because Xu Feng retreated from the direction of the alpine white ape in a slow state, the alpine white ape could not catch up with Xu Feng at this time, and it just blocked the other two.

This just bought Xu Feng one to two seconds.

"Now it's mine, you three idiots!" The experience just now can be said to be very dangerous. Even though Xu Feng was calm and steady, he couldn't help cursing.

Now the most important thing is to control the one with the most blood volume, then destroy the other two, and then settle accounts with it.

When he thought of it, he did it. Xu Feng made a mark in his left hand, waved the staff in his hand, and coldly fired a cold arrow at another blood-blooded alpine white ape.


And the alpine white ape also crawled slowly like the previous one, like a pile of ice, as slowly as a turtle.

At this time, the anemic alpine white ape crossed the two companions who were hit by ice arrows and rushed towards Xu Feng.

is only 4 yards away.

Xu Feng and it are both anemic.

Now, Xu Feng and it are one-on-one for the time being.

The HP comparison between the two sides at this moment is: 40:87!

Xu Feng, who had a long-range attack, took 55 HP from it first.

And the high mountain white ape also came to Xu Feng at this moment and clawed at Xu Feng fiercely.


The claw wind blew through the air and made a harsh roar.

"I won't die, for sure!"

In this trace of death, Xu Feng's world seemed to be stagnant. The high-speed blow of the alpine white ape was actually slowed down countless times by Xu Feng. No, Xu Feng's spiritual consciousness became more sensitive.

One step!

A very easy step, easily let Xu Feng avoid this fatal claw.

The alpine white ape was stunned and stared at the monkey's eyes in distrust, and his eyes were extremely protruding.

"What does it feel like!"

Xu Feng, who escaped the disaster, had no time to grasp the feeling of this moment, and instinctively sent a fireball at the alpine white ape only about a yard away from him.

He won't give the enemy another chance.

The fiery fireball shot on the alpine white ape, and the burning smell of the hair suddenly spread.


"Oh~" The alpine white ape staggered a few steps, then unwillingly fell at Xu Feng's feet, and burst out a white hair, and dozens of copper coins.

For these, Xu Feng was not in a hurry to pick them up, but retreated, distanced away, and slowly abused the two almost motionless "rakes" - the alpine white apes in a slow state.

In less than a minute, the two alpine white apes fell under Xu Feng's staff continuously.

"It's over!"

Picking up the booty on the ground, Xu Feng straightened up and took a deep breath. The air was filled with a faint smell of coke.

"The feeling just now..." Xu Feng frowned and thought deeply. After a while, he said regretfully, "It's gone!"

"If I can maintain that state, I think I should be able to do better than that mysterious warrior!" Thinking of this, Xu Feng shook his head secretly and sighed, "It's a pity!"

In the valley, the gloomy breeze blew up his loose robe and took away the sweat he had just had in the fight.

About 20 yards to the right of Xu Feng, there are also a group of five alpine white apes. However, Xu Feng will not challenge them from the earth. You know, the three just now are about to hang up Xu Feng.

It's better for people to be self-aknowledge. No matter how big the bowl is, you can bring as much water.

Using a qi pill and a small return elixir, Xu Feng stood quietly in place, waiting for the reply of HP and MP, and also waiting for the three alpine white apes to refresh.

"Although I can't find the inspiration just now, I think it should be a sense of combat. As long as I fight more, sooner or later, I will find that feeling!"

At this moment, Xu Feng's eyes flashed, "And the most important thing now is to summarize the experience of the battle just now!"

Thinking of this, Xu Feng secretly suppressed other thoughts and summed up the battle just now. "Although I was a mistake just now, my reaction to the mistake and some positions are still not perfect!"

Xu Feng raised his head and looked at the gloomy sky above the valley. "It seems that I still have to practice hard!"