Fantasy Mage (Part 1)

Chapter 136 Two Hands 2

Although MISS appeared from time to time, the speed of the thirteen swords was too fast. In addition, Xu Feng put down, and the giant queen bee was suddenly beaten by them without any power to fight back. His stiff body could not be controlled by it for a long time.

Strong as the giant bee king, under the attack speed of the wind, they have no choice but to hiss angrily in this remote corner.

"This is also... It's too... That's too exaggerated!" Xu Changman, who stood far away, saw the crazy scene of the two people and suddenly swallowed silently and muttered to himself, "When did Xu Feng's technology become so good?"

Xu Feng has not told Xu Changman about the sacred artifact. He is afraid that Xu Changman will make a mistake or unintentionally say it in reality. After all, Xu Changman's personality is destined to hide nothing in his heart, so Xu Feng did not tell him the journey of the holy artifact he obtained. After all, this may bring any trouble to reality. Maybe.

There is always nothing wrong with being careful.

The dense number, with half of MISS, spewed out of the giant bee king in disorder. However, in the thick and narrow blood tank, it fell extremely slowly, and its reduction could not be seen with the naked eye.

Under Xu Feng's double attack, a double MISS suddenly appeared on the boss's head, and the attack of both of them hit MISS. The Giant Bee King used this to restore the initiative of his body, a rapid beep, and then quickly broke away from their attack distance, flying high above Xu Feng. They couldn't hit In this place, he stared at Xu Feng and Thirteen Swords with hatred.

The anger in his eyes gradually accumulates with the passage of time, and his strong golden body, under the scorching sun, is like a god, which makes people dare not look directly at.

The three people below squinted tightly with their eyes that were a little dizzy by the dazzling golden light of the giant queen bee and stared at the golden light.


Like hot iron splashed by a drop of water, it made a soft sound of evaporation. With this strange noise slowly sounding, the golden light in the high sky was like a white cloud in the sky, churning violently.

"This is..."

Xu Feng's alert eyes were a little deeper, and the thirteen swords on one side also stared at all this fiercely.


The unusual golden light suddenly condensed into countless golden cow hair-like needles.


Looking at this scalp-tingling scene, Xu Feng's throat knot rolled, secretly swallowed his saliva, and his blue veins looming right hand tightly grasped against the sky.

The thirteen swords on one side, the indifferent expression finally fluctuated deeply, holding the five fingers of the sword and holding the cyan hilt tightly.

The cold wind blew, and Xu Changman in the distance couldn't help shivering, "This is too exaggerated. How can people hide!"

The wind blows like a dark cloud!

The golden light scattered all over, the giant bee king like a hedgehog, with its wings suffocating in the air. Suddenly, the tens of thousands of needles full of needles in the sky shouted and quickly hit Xu Feng and the thirteen swords below.

Countless needles pass by, such as locusts passing through, and no grass is left.

Looking at this overwhelming needle like an arrow, Xu Feng in the alert, his hands moved, the white robe, no wind automatic, a flash, jumped out of the attack range of the needle light.

And the thirteen swords are shrank with a long sword and a light toes, and the whole person ejects forward like a wisp of breeze. However, the attack of the needle light is fast and fast. Although the speed of the thirteen swords is as fast as clouds, it is still not as fast as Xu Feng's teleportation skill.

Wan Daojinmang poured down and pierced all the obstacles without any hindrance.

Although the thirteen swords passing through at high speed did not escape the attack range of the golden light, at this time, he was also on the edge, risking a net-like attack. The thirteen swords finally escaped dangerously in the state of HP returning to zero. In this breath, in just a blink of an eye, the thirteen swords lost nearly 3 00 o'clock HP, this is still the red-level equipment he is wearing the first in the current equipment list, that is, the equipment he got that time.

He calmly bit a pill, and the falling HP immediately stopped the crazy decline. In this dangerous situation, the thirteen swords still had a face of indifference, as if he were a piece of ice and would never make waves.

When the giant bee saw that his unique move failed, he was immediately furious, but as a high IQ, he would not lose his mind. He chose Xu Feng, a mage in the cloth profession.

"Blood, be careful, this boss is so fierce!" Xu Changman watched them in danger and couldn't help worrying and shouted to his friends.

Looking at the giant bee king who attacked him, Xu Feng pulled up imperceptiblely, and did not see how he pinched the knot. The ice element around him shook sharply. A thick blue ice wall appeared out of thin air and perfectly flashed in front of Xu Feng, dangerously blocking the oath of the giant bee king. A must-have blow.


The thick ice wall flew under the giant bee king and quickly disintegrated. Under its deliberate twisting, the ice-blue transparent ice chips splashed aimlessly.

However, no matter how brave it is, it is finally blocked by Xu Feng's ice wall for a while.

The thirteen swords, which were on alert at any time, saw a rare flaw in the giant bee king, and immediately left a string of white shadows in place and quickly approached the giant queen bee.

"broken tendons!"

As soon as he approached, the corners of the mouth of the thirteen swords were slightly opened, and the long sword in his hand roared quickly, towards the giant queen bee king who had just broken the ice shield, which was a broken tendon skill.

MISS did not appear again this time!

Son of a sudden, the damage rose crazily from the head of the giant queen bee, which was broken and slowed down, -11,-13,-12....

This is the slow state and continuous blood loss effect of the broken tendon skill, which lasts for 12 seconds.

And Xu Feng also took advantage of the slow state of the giant bee king and the speed dropped a lot, and opened the distance from the giant queen bee from afar.

The robe dances, and the top of the dark golden magic wand shines brightly.

With each flash, a sharp wind blade or burning fireball roars towards the giant bee king, sometimes mixed with cold ice arrows.

And the thirteen swords on one side are also exhausted, and various skills are burned in turn to present a delicious 'delicacy' to the King of the Bee.

The high-density attack rhythm made Xu Feng's MP pour down like a boiling water cage, but in just a few minutes, it instantly bottomed down.

I used another soul-recovery pill, and the MP on my body also recovered 50 points in an instant, but the cooling time of this pill is still not as fast as the time consumed.

When MP only had 20 o'clock left, Xu Feng instantly stopped, retreated decisively, and opened the distance from the giant bee king. He knew that if he did not escape when he was dragged away by the thirteen swords, he would not be unable to escape its angry pursuit when he recovered.

Not long after Xu Feng retreated, with another MISS of the thirteen swords, the giant bee king regained his control of his body.

At the first time, its eyes were like the Nu River, and its hatred surged against Xu Feng. If it hadn't been for him to make trouble, he might have solved this annoying guy.


The Great Bee King flew up and raised his head high, making a sad cry that was not like a beeping. As the scream continued, wisps of cyan clouds suddenly appeared around it, and light blue clouds shuttled around it.

"What is this!"

Xu Feng stared at it cautiously. If it weren't for the skill he had now and the attack distance was only 15 yards at most, he would have taken the risk to destroy it and make it unable to complete this unknown skill.

Although the thirteen swords on one side didn't say anything, the indifference on his face at this time no longer hung on his face, replaced by a serious face. Yes, he has always been taking this guy who is not much different from himself seriously.

"It seems that I have to step back for a while, otherwise..." Looking at this unknown side, although Xu Changman is full of curiosity, he is not a brainless person. Looking at the posture of the boss, it will be strange that it will not be shocking. "It's better to slip away before it is launched at this time!"