Fantasy Mage (Part 1)

Chapter 138 Escape

A minute passed, and Xu Feng's MP finally filled up. "For good, Xu Changman brought enough MP this time, otherwise the certainty of this battle would not be so obvious."

His mind turned faintly, and Xu Feng sent a sad wind blade at the Giant Bee King.

Wind magic is the fastest among all elements. If the attack speed of fireball is an ordinary horse, then the attack speed of the wind blade is like a sweaty BMW that travels thousands of miles a day.

The gap between them is extremely obvious.

With the arrival of the light cyan wind blade, two attacks followed one red and one blue.

The thirteen swords helped by Xu Feng also tightened the number of attacks of the long sword in his hand, and the ordinary attacks were perfectly effective by his extreme speed.

The HP of the giant queen bee was instantly received another percentage point by these two humanoid machines.

"Although it's wonderful, it's really boring to watch too much!"

Xu Changman, who stayed there boredly and drooped his head, suddenly shouted weakly. He looked at all the skill light effects several times in a row. No matter how fierce the battle was, in a light state, he would feel a powerless idea from the bottom of his heart.

This is the case with Xu Changman at this time, so he simply stood at the corner. This entry and retreatable gate served as a sentry to monitor Xu Feng and others whether anyone came out to disturb them.

What beats BOSS is patience, in which the process of grinding blood is very boring, but you still have to mention 120,000 points of spirit, otherwise the destruction of the team may happen at any time.

For good, Xu Feng and Thirteen Swords lack everything, but they don't lack tenacious perseverance.

With the gradual elimination of time, the MP potion of Xu Feng's backpack was almost finished, and Xu Changman also helped them buy several potions halfway.

Well, their faces are full of fatigue. No matter who cares about it, they walk cautiously on the high-altitude steel wire, and no one will feel better after walking for two hours.

At this moment, Xu Feng and Thirteen Swords are in such a terrible situation. The two can be said to have a persistent will, numbness or instinct to hold on.

However, at this moment, after several dangerous trainings, the two of them have been much more proficient in cooperation, as if they have cooperated with each other for many years. Although it can't be said that one look can immediately understand what the other party is thinking, but it is not far from that.

Both of them are extremely talented, and after so long grinding, they have a deep understanding of each other's technology.

At this moment, their attack rhythm is like a harvesting machine, tightly cutting the long HP of the giant bee king.

"There is still less than 1W HP, come on!"

When Xu Changman saw the almost little HP on the boss, he immediately shouted down happily, and the listlessness on his face was also swept away.

Xu Feng and Thirteen Swords, who hit the boss numbly, are finally excited to end this almost self-abuse behavior, not for BOSS and other violent things, but for finally to stop and rest.

However, although their hearts are full of excitement, both of them know that the next boss will be more dangerous. Before long, the boss will gradually alienate in their defensive eyes.

The elegant light blue body has already returned to dark gold, and the whole body is wrapped in a dark purple fog, and the strange air mass is secretly moving.

At this time, Xu Feng and Thirteen Swords have almost spent all their potions. If they let it complete the change, there is no doubt that they will destroy the team alive under the BOSS's unique move.

Just as they faced a dangerous moment, several people unexpectedly came in at the small mouth of Wanfeng Valley.

Everyone's equipment is sophisticated. At every step, the faint light emitted by their equipment drags out a few rays of colorful clouds behind them. It can be seen that their equipment enhancement level has reached at least +7 or above, and the attack has reached several levels.

"Are you sure the character is in the valley?" The leading young man with blue thorns asked the player leading the way in a faint tone.

"Yes, Boss Xiu, I dare not lie to you if I lie to anyone, right?" The player nodded and bowed, with a careful face and no impatience.

"I don't dare to lie to me!" The player known as Boss Xiu looked at him indifferently again, then opened the private chat voice and said with a trace of respect, "Brother, I'm here!"

There was silence at the mouth of Wanfeng Valley at this time. After a while, the voice of the boss Xiu slowly came out with a lukewarm voice.

"Go to check immediately to see if it's what we think. As soon as I finish my work here, I will support you. Pay attention and don't make the noise too big, so as not to arouse the suspicion of people."

"I know, brother, I only brought a few people!"

"That's good. Go quickly. Hang up. I'm busy here at the critical moment!" As soon as he finished speaking, the person on the other side hung up the private chat voice.

Looking at the beep from the private chat channel, Boss Xiu silently hung up the private chat voice, raised his head, and looked at the three people following him with a trace of harsh eyes, "Do you know what the eldest brother told you?"

"I know!" Two men and one woman, with a very neat voice.

"Then I'll be relieved. Follow me later and take it easy..." Speaking of this, I took a look at the leading man next to me, "It's up to you!"

"I know, I know!" Being stared at by the stern eyes of the boss Xiu, the man was immediately frightened and couldn't wait to make 120 guarantees.

"Just know!" The player who followed a huge knife behind his slimming stared at the man and said with a bad face.


"Lao Yan, what do you care about with such a low-level figure? It has reduced your status in vain." On the other side, another player with an arrogant face glanced contemptuously and said contemptuously.

"Zun, don't say that about me. If you don't say anything, your actions are ordinary!" The man known as Lao Yan also reacted with an unconvinced face.

" shut up, business is important!" Among the five people, the only female player saw them quarreling again, and suddenly a trace of impatience flashed on their cold faces.

As soon as Zun and Lao Yan heard the female player's scolding, their mouths opened slightly, and finally suppressed their hearts. Good men did not fight with women.

"Don't say anything!" The leader of this group of players turned his head and stared at them sternly and said in a voice. After a difficult time, he came to his senses and looked at the leading player coldly, "Let's go!"

"Immediate!" The man, like Hao, stepped on the path of Wanfeng Valley with sweat and led the way to these extraordinary players.

And in the remote place in the depths of Wanfeng Valley, the situation of Xu Feng and Thirteen Swords is extremely critical at this time, looking at the giant queen bee who is falling into mad

"I can only escape!"

Xu Feng and Thirteen Swords looked at each other. They didn't think about it, so they began to rush towards the mouth of Wanfeng Valley, joking, and didn't wait to die. Whether it was the copy together that day or the king boss they met on the western suburbs plain that day, each of them was not easy to provoke, and they often launched a kind of comparable to the end. A unique skill.

And Xu Changman, who is on one side, can only stay where he is stupidly, because the boss will eventually go out to chase the two of them. He is not stupid. It is the safest to stay still. Otherwise, if he follows them, he may also follow them.

The giant bee king's whole body almost turned transparent, light fog-like colorless eyes, glanced at the thirteen swords and Xu Feng who had fled far away, and a sharp cold light flashed in his eyes.


As soon as the invisible wings moved, the giant bee king was like a rocket, dragging its long tail and quickly chasing Xu Feng and the thirteen swords fiercely.

All the way, the trees blocking the road were beaten by the extreme speed of the giant queen bee.