Fantasy Mage (Part 1)

Chapter 145 Ancient Tree 2

When they walked about 70 yards away from the huge tree, Xiu, who followed them, finally came to the woodland. Looking at the thirteen swords and Xu Feng not far away, Xiu's face leaked a trace of excitement. He did not do anything unusual in the excitement, because in the distance, he saw the thirteen swords. The two of them walked carefully on tiptoe for some reason, but no matter how stupid he was, he knew that their strange behavior must be related to the eye-catching ancient tree blocked in the middle of the road.

So Xiu stood still, then chose behind a huge tree beside him and went in to observe them.

Although Xu Feng and Thirteen Swords knew that the repair behind them had been chased, they did not pay attention to the repair behind them, but kept this cautious state until they reached 100 yards.

"It's okay!"

The slightly tired sound of the thirteen swords sounded faintly in this dead forest.


Xu Feng was deeply tired when he heard the words of Thirteen Swords and was stunned. Although he was also very nervous just now, he was not as exaggerated as he was. Looking at the look of Thirteen Swords at this moment is tantamount to silently accusing how dangerous it was just now, and the place he was staying at this moment is undoubtedly the paradise after the danger.

Xu Feng looked back at the ancient tree blocked at the intersection again, and a deep confusion flashed in his eyes, "Is it really so horrible?" He still doesn't believe it.

The sound of Uden's footsteps sounded loudly in the extremely quiet woods. Following this chaotic footsteps, the first batch of agile players behind quickly came to the strange and gloomy ancient trees.

Looking at the ancient tree more than ten feet wide, everyone's eyes showed curiosity and vigilance, and they stopped at the 50 yards and watched from afar.

"Let's go, or wait..." Seeing that the pursuers had arrived, Xu Feng turned his head and proposed to the thirteen swords that were still standing still in place.

The thirteen swords stared coldly at the players behind him. When he heard Xu Feng's words, he just shook his head and said quietly after a while, "Watch the play!"

"Good show?" Xu Feng showed a trace of doubt and a good play. Is it a good play for those players? Xu Feng couldn't figure it out.

"That Shura!" Seeing that Xu Feng was still puzzled, Thirteen Swords said it again concisely.

"Oh!" Xu Feng saw that the Thirteen Swords did not go on, so it was difficult to ask again. Although he didn't understand what was good to see alone, he knew that it was already very good to talk about it with the lonely character of the Thirteen Swords. If he asked again, it was useless to ask. It can't be those players who chased him. Thinking of this, Xu Feng's eyes He skimmed through the ancient tree and landed on the group of malicious players opposite.

With the character of the thirteen swords, he will not be so bored. Thinking of Xu Feng here, he shook his head decisively again. He couldn't figure it out. At present, he could only hold back the eagerness in his heart and stand aside patiently, waiting to see the good play in the mouth of the thirteen swords.

"They are challenging us on the opposite side, go..."

"Huang Ming, if you are lucky, destroy the three pieces of equipment on him!"

"Maybe he has something better, otherwise why did he kill people? He must be murderous for treasure."

"Yes, that's right, everyone, what's the danger of so many people? I don't believe it!"


With the arrival of the rear brigade, there are hundreds of people at this moment, and some uneasy people suddenly stirred up maliciously in this chaotic crowd.

Under the deliberate encouragement of people, this group of guild players and the team of scattered people suddenly sharpened their knives and approached Xu Feng and the Thirteen Swords.

Of course, some cautious players stopped and stood still and watched.

He quietly hid next to a huge tree, and his eyes were focused. He also wanted to know what was extraordinary about the ancient tree, which was extraordinary at first sight, so he was happy to watch the play.

Seeing the rushing player and starting to take action, Xu Feng immediately turned his head and looked at the thirteen swords and saw that he was still standing there with no expression. He did not change at all or his expression, as if he was a cold statue, with no expression and no joints to react.

Although there was a little anxiety in his heart, Xu Feng still resisted the uneasiness in his heart, quietly accompanied the Thirteen Swords, and looked at the ancient tree hopefully, hoping that it could be as horrible as expected.

Although those players tried to keep their voices down, there were many people, stepping on corrupt leaves and dry branches. From time to time, the sound of their trampling still spread to this empty forest. Although the sound was very small, the collective effect produced by many people inadvertently broke the silence of the forest.

These sounds were like a crow calling in a dark cave, which made the people present feel a little mistaken into the ancient tomb, and the nerves all over their bodies were fully mobilized by this strange atmosphere.

I don't know if it was a hallucination. Xu Feng seemed to see the tall ancient tree with a third floor trembling gently. When he couldn't help rubbing his eyes fiercely, those tremors seemed to have not happened again, and there was no movement at all.

The player who gradually approached the ancient tree did not happen, still crept towards himself and the thirteen swords.

Strangely, Xu Feng still didn't believe that he was wrong, so he turned his head and took a look at the thirteen swords standing quietly and found that his thin lips showed a sneer. Yes, it was a sneer.

That's right. Xu Feng once again focused his attention on the ancient tree.


The sound of the thirteen swords suddenly sounded like a * in everyone's ears, and even Xu Feng, who was quietly observing, was shocked by him.

However, just as Xu Feng turned his head to ask him what he was paying attention to, there was a strong shaking. Since ancient times, within a hundred yards of the tree, it collapsed fiercely, and under the woodland covered with new and old fallen leaves, as if there were countless huge pythons churning and wriggling there.

"What's going on!"


"Don't squeeze, I'll do it!"


More than 200 people, in this unstable place, with fear and panic about the unknown, pushed and scolded each other. The players walking in front of them had no choice but to rush towards Xu Feng, while the players behind stabilized their bodies and quickly retreated to the way.

"Have you started?"

Xiu's eyes flashed and looked at this amazing momentum. Xiu chose to continue to retreat. When he retreated to 150 yards, he stopped and stood aside and watched the strange changes.


A black shadow shaped like a python suddenly broke out of the land, like countless black shadows with the thickness of adults' thighs, dancing like a group of demons, with the roar of breaking the wind. Suddenly, more than 200 panicked players made dumplings, and everyone was wrapped in a dumpling. Thick dark shadow.

There is no earth-shaking move, but as soon as it takes action, it will easily subdue more than 200 players.

Looking at this amazing scene, Xu Feng's frightened eyes were full of dark shadows like ant nests in front of him. "It's actually a tree root, but I didn't expect it to be..." After reading it for a long time, Xu Feng learned this indisputable fact, which was also a fact that he had vaguely guessed in his heart.

The thirteen swords standing beside Xu Feng saw this scene, and a complex light flashed in his cold eyes, and the long sword in his hand trembled uncontrollably.

Xiu beside him also had a changed face. He couldn't help but be alert and regretted the opportunity to destroy Xu Feng just now. If he had suddenly made some noise at that time, Xu Feng and others would have escaped the strange blow of the ancient tree.

"This is..."

"Is this BOSS?"

"Is it the emperor's boss, or a more advanced... Mythical beast!"


At this time, those players who were cautious and did not move forward boldly had a sense of the rest of their lives after the disaster and retreated a distance again before discussing with each other loudly.