Fantasy Mage (Part 1)

Chapter 151 Battle with Gura 1

"Mage, archers and sacrifices are ready to respond at any time, and the priest is ready!"

Following the wind and rain, he issued a password again. Wearing silver leather armor, he showed his prestige in front of everyone.

Suddenly, around the dense forest, various elements fluctuated fiercely, and rows of dark arrows were pulled on the bow by archers, ready to shoot at any time.

Between Gura's eyes, the endless emperor's air gushed out. The countless black and bright tree roots in front of him were standing tightly in the air like teeth and claws, waiting.

"It's about to start!" Xu Feng and Thirteen Swords suddenly sat upright and stared at the opposite side without blinking.

At this moment, hundreds of thousands of eyes are staring closely at the wind and listening to the rain...


The tactics of listening to the wind and rain are very simple, that is, to use the sea of people tactics to grind off Gula's thicker HP little by little.

With a sonorous sound, the knight with an iron gun and a soldier with a tall machete sharpened their knives and forced them towards Gula with a grim face.

And the remote occupations behind also followed closely, narrowing the attack distance.

"It's finally starting!" Xu Feng's eyes suddenly saw this scene, and suddenly concentrated, breathing slowly watching the fierce battle that was about to begin.

The thirteen swords beside him are also enlarged and full of energy to watch the play.

"Goo!" In the front row, the player who had just stepped into a hundred yards of Gula swallowed saliva nervously.

Not far away, the broad tree root was moving slowly. In the surprised eyes of the crowd, it was slowly taken back to the surface. Soon, within 100 yards of Gula, except for those crushed corpses, there could no longer be found, except for Gula standing there, a wooden face.

"Go... Let's go..." The player's voice trembled and greeted the player with the same pale face around him, and then carefully continued to go deep.

"Faster, you didn't eat!"

Seeing the disappointing face of Ai in the front row and listening to the rain, they immediately shouted and scolded. You should know that there are so many heavyweight figures watching. If you smash these things in front of you, you can go back and resign by yourself.

Hearing the vice president's scolding with the wind and rain, the players in front of him could only suppress their fear and quickly approached Gula.

"Let the players on the side prepare the second echelon!" With the wind and rain's ruthless face, he ordered to the people behind him again.

The player received the order and waved his hand. The second echelon followed the configuration in front of him again. With the addition of the third and fourth echelon, only 50 yards of Gura were all players with secret code.

The momentum brought by tens of thousands of players fought ruthlessly with the emperor of Gula himself.

I saw a soft sound! Immediately...


Countless tree roots broke out of the land fiercely, like the first attack, fiercely sweeping the players within 100 yards, and thousands of players immediately became a mess.


Countless players desperately suppressed their fear and hit the root of the tree that suddenly bloomed in front of them. Ding Ding, the sound of the bright weapon hitting the root of the tree for tens of thousands of years was like an iron fight.


Pieces of numbers are brushing up, but the damage caused by their attack to Gula is only a little bit forced!

And the player's loss is not small. Under the rigid tree roots, countless players have been patted into mud and turned into white light. Even knights known for their defense can't resist the ordinary blow of Gula.

"This is too..."

When everyone saw this scene, the cold air rose from behind.

"It seems that no one wants to eat it!" Countless players shook their heads, shook their wrists and sighed, "At least not at present, because the player's level is too low!"


On the side of the Tuhuang Guild, those leaders stood in place and expressed their views.

"What do you say!"

Qinglong Junlin, like a smiling tiger, asked in a funny way.

"Hmm!" Wumei's face is not good at this time. If you can't eat this emperor-level boss now, then there will be doubts about who will eat it in the future, because no one knows what will happen in the future. In the future, when the level of players is high, they can be transmitted to the city. These guilds standing aside now are not good. .

After receiving the fateless cold face, Qinglong Junlin still smiled. He patted the leather armor on his body and said lazily, "Oh, this is all fate!"


"Not long ago, the boss could have killed the players who chased us, but it used the most cruel strangulation. It seems that the wisdom and cruelty of the boss can be imagined..."

Xu Feng looked at the players, but there was no one round of enemies. Suddenly, he couldn't help looking at the thirteen swords and sighed sincerely.

"Oh!" Thirteen Swords just answered faintly, and his face was hidden in the dark forest, which made people unable to see clearly.

Xu Feng turned his head and looked at him and found that his expression was very complicated. Then he remembered that he brought himself here. He must have also fought with BOSS. Otherwise, how could he be so familiar with Gula's habits, but he still couldn't see the results from his face.

Silently withdrew his eyes, and Xu Feng looked at the battle again. Everyone had secrets, so Xu Feng did not want to dig out other people's privacy, because it was disrespectful to others.

The fierce battle continues, and Gula continues to slaughter without any mercy. This group of players who are like ants to him don't need any skills at all. As long as it sweeps away casually, a large number of players will turn into white light and soar to the sky.

Finally, some players began to be scared and couldn't move forward. If they knew they were going to die, they would be idiots.

Seeing the cowering of the former player in front of him, his face was very ugly, but he also knew that going on like this was no different from dying in vain, so he had to use rewards to motivate them.

"If you sacrifice for the guild, report it to each team at that time, and everyone can get 500 contributions from it!"

Listening to the wind and rain is like a stone into a bucket, hitting a stormy wave.

"Dear? The vice president said that if you die, you can get 500 contributions. You should know that you usually get 100 contributions~"

"Yes, what are you afraid of? Just go!"

"Dead old demon, die..."

Suddenly, the players of the imperial guild rose in momentum, and some people started various skill states, while others worked hard and launched a deadly charge towards the magical Gula.

"Not bad!"

When Emperor Nan saw this scene, he secretly nodded his head. With the wind's brain, he could still turn around and could stand alone.

Hearing his words, Gu Yue looked at the wind and the rain with a blank face, and a sneer floated faintly at the corners of her mouth.


Countless trees were erected in the air by Gula, and the tip of the sharp tree root was shining with stars in the dark sky. Although the surface was dim, the strong road, I believe that everyone in the middle has no doubt.

Gura looked at the players in front of him indifferently and still rushed up fearlessly. The corners of his mouth slowly overflowed with a sneer.


Countless trees were easily waved by Gula, covering the sky and the sun. The sharp root tip, with a strong roar, like thousands of roaring arrows, bursting down towards the players under them.


The player below looked at the locust-like attack on his head with a frightened face. Everyone opened his mouth wide and shouted bitterly.

And some responsive players are crowded with some knights with shields.

The knights raised the huge shields in their hands in groups, and countless giant shields were spliced into a defense shield about 100 yards wide below.

"Not bad!"

Listening to the wind and rain and some people saw this, everyone's face showed a trace of curiosity, wondering if they could block the overwhelming blow of Gula.