Fantasy Mage (Part 1)

Chapter 45 Battle of the Arena 3

And the ruthlessness on the opposite side is obviously the same as Xu Feng, with a slight understanding, and neither side has opened its mouth to break this silent silence.

"Attack is also defense, and defense skills can also be used to assist attacks!"

After a while, the thoughts in Xu Feng's mind gradually cleared up. It turned out that the skills could also be used in this way.

Just as Xu Feng suddenly became cheerful, Xu Changman's voice request interrupted him.

"Well, wasn't he just in a hurry to PK?" With this doubt, Xu Feng did not delay at all and quickly connected his voice request.

"Where is it?"

"PK!" Xu Feng was stunned. He clearly knew that he was in PK and asked knowingly, but he still replied.

"Drap me in to watch it. It's so boring!"

"What's wrong?"

"Don't mention it, I've PK five games, one win, and the rest are all lost, which makes me frustrated now."

"Well, maybe you met a master..." Xu Feng didn't know how to comfort him, so he could only think about his words.


When the two of them were talking, Xu Feng immediately opened a seat in the room and pulled Xu Changman in.

Just when Xu Changman first came in, he felt the ruthlessness on the other side, and then came to his senses and looked at them, with a trace of doubt in his eyes.

As soon as Xu Changman came in, he looked up and down the tavern, then glanced at him ruthlessly, and finally said to Xu Feng, "You and he are in PK. Which of you two wins!"

"It's okay, one win and one loss!" Xu Feng was not moved, and then gave a ruthless motion to the opposite side, pointing to Xu Changman and introduced, "This is my friend. Do you mind letting him watch it?"

"It's okay!" He shook his head ruthlessly.

"Hey, buddy, you're so kind, so I'll hide and watch the battle."

Xu Chang said ruthlessly in Manchao, and then excitedly adjusted himself to the watching mode. Watching the master PK is his favorite.

In the current PK arena, 8 players can enter a room. In it, players can freely choose whether to participate in the war or not. If they do not participate in the war, they can adjust it to the watching mode and watch the opponent's battle operations from the first perspective.

Of course, the number of people can be increased, but for those high-level rooms, the system will charge and PK is free, but the station will charge a certain fee, and then return the money collected to 50% of the winner.

Xu Feng can't laugh or cry. This guy is crazy. Everyone is called a buddy. Well, he is making love with the ruthlessness of the opposite side again.

At present, Xu Changman, who ignored one side, the three said a few more words, and then Xu Feng and ruthlessly exchanged a few more games. However, they still won and lost, but Xu Feng's previous ideas were confirmed and improved one by one, and they seemed more proficient.

Just as Xu Feng invited him to continue, the opposite side took a ruthless look at Xu Feng and said seriously, "You are very good and worth my real strength!"

After saying that, in Xu Feng's stunned eyes, the shining equipment was put on his body, but after a while, his whole body was shrouded in a layer of colorful.

"Your equipment?" Xu Feng didn't understand why he didn't need good equipment, which made him feel incredible.

Xu Changman, who watched the battle on one side, was also puzzled. The two battles just now can be said to be extremely brilliant. Both sides did their best. Unexpectedly, the other party hid their hands.

"Yem, I used to wear ordinary equipment in PK, whether with you or with others, because it can hone my skills, but now..." He explained calmly in the puzzled eyes of the two of them.

"Oh!" Xu Feng suddenly realized and nodded. No wonder he was so good and equipped with such poor equipment. That's why Xu Feng looked at him with a little admiration.

"Master, I will also learn from you in the future!" Xu Chang's eyes were shining, and he shouted with extreme worship.

This guy used to say that he worships the Thirteen Swords, but now he also said that he worships him, but Xu Feng just thought about it and didn't break it.

"Don't worship me. Technology is practiced, and you can do it, too." First, he was modest towards Xu Changman, and then looked at Xu Feng seriously, "This is the last game. I hope we can fight seriously now."

"Uh?" When Xu Feng heard this, he was suddenly a little confused. When he wanted to ask for advice, Xu Changman next to him asked for him.


"There is something wrong with the guild!" After saying these words ruthlessly, he never spoke again.

"So that's it!" Xu Changman said with a little regret. He originally wanted to watch a few more games and learn the technique.

"Ye" Xu Feng looked at his ruthless eyes and nodded seriously. If others have something to do, he can't force others. At present, his expression is also very serious. This is a battle that determines the outcome. Although he is at a disadvantage now, Xu Feng will not give up easily.


3, 2, 1, 0, GO!

With the countdown of the system, the ruthless rate does not start, but Xu Feng's action is not slow.

The equipment was ruthless, resisting a few sharp wind blades, and then approached Xu Feng. Like the previous hands, before the ruthless arrival, Xu Feng caged himself in a flame storm as a means of defense.

Although it is no problem to ruthlessly present the next orange suit of +7 or above, it is no problem to resist this group attack skill, but he dare not take risks now. After all, he can't use any drugs in the arena, so he can only choose to swim around, save one point of HP is one point of HP, and quietly waiting for the flame wind to explode. Bundle, and look for Xu Feng's flaws, like a poisonous snake hidden in the grass, peeping at a fatal opportunity.

He ruthlessly knew that his move must be fast, because from the intervals and probability of the opponent's skills in the previous few sets, he calculated that Xu Feng's skill CD was very short. He didn't know why, but as a challenger, he would not pay attention to boring problems such as external G, because As long as he does a good job, he can do it well. As for the rest, it will be handed over to the official, which is none of his business.

The wind blade quickly condensed and launched in Xu Feng's hand. Because the distance between the two sides was too short, it was also difficult to ruthlessly avoid Xu Feng's attack. Finally, he simply decided to avoid some dangerous skills, such as ice arrows and other control types. As for others, if they can dodge, they can't, they are forced to resist with equipment.

After all, his super-enhanced equipment is not good-looking. He chases the purple warriors directly with a set of defense alone, and he has also hit several three-level gems with HP on the equipment, and his blood volume is a little more than 2200.

When the flame storm disappeared, his blood volume was still more than 1600 HP left under the stormy attack rhythm of Xu Feng.

"He should come!" Xu Feng thought so, because in the first two sets, he also waited for the flame storm to disappear before he began to take real action.

Xu Feng's judgment is not wrong, but it is a little different...

"stealth, stealth!"

As soon as the two skills were cast, they ruthlessly disappeared in front of Xu Feng.

"Huh? Has he finally returned to the assassin's normal routine this time?

Xu Feng's eyes constricted and looked around cautiously. His previous attack routine did not take this. You know, when he teleported, he took this routine. However, although the accident was unexpected, Xu Feng was not unprepared. After all, what kind of opponent has not been encountered this month.

Carefully pay attention to every move around him. At this time, the pub is quiet, with only Xu Feng's faint breathing.

"It's about to start!" Xu Changman, who was watching the battle, also had a solemn face at this time.

A slight sound almost like a needle falling to the ground suddenly came into Xu Feng's ear.


The long-prepared ice arrow turned around and shot at the sound between Xu Feng's thoughts.

"I don't believe you can avoid such a short distance!"

With this thought, Xu Feng's whole set and movements did not hesitate at all. He was very clean and neat, without any mud and water.

However... The result is different!

Looking at the ice arrows in front of him without any obstruction, he still walked through the pub. Finally, he smashed several wooden tables and chairs in the corner of the pub.