Fantasy Mage (Part 1)

Chapter 55 The Conspiracy of the Iron-blood League 8

"I just realized it now. Is it too late?"

Xu Chang skimmed the corners of his mouth, bowed his feet, and the long arrow in his hand flew out of his hand.

"This is a rapid shooting. You can't hide if you want to!"

contains extremely strong power, directly piercing a thief running in the front. In the scattered blood flowers, a -215 damage rises high.

"215 points of damage, I'm satisfied!"

Xu Chang shouted happily. After all, his equipment and weapons are not as perverted as Xu Feng, which can cause this level of damage. For him, it is tantamount to the outbreak of character.

Just when those players were stunned, there was a cackling, creaking and creepy sound, rolling in front of Xu Changman to the people present, coupled with this secluded forest, the current scene is frightening.


Those forward players suddenly stopped running and looked surprised.


The white light rolled up Xu Feng and suddenly flashed. At this moment, an angry dragon condensed with a domineering fighting spirit that tore everything up, full of strong murderous spirit, roared directly from the place where Xu Feng had been.

The huge fighting spirit directly crushes the ground into a straight gully, and a large amount of smoke directly explodes up.

The sword pointing to Buddha with a dragon attack was a little surprised to see Xu Feng dodge, but obviously he was not surprised to change color, because he knew that he would not easily hit Xu Feng and issue this blow, mainly to see his reaction.

When Xu Feng dodged, he did not take the opportunity to chase Xu Feng, because eight uninvited guests appeared unexpectedly on the field. These eight uninvited guests were all white bones. The invisible skull head, two empty eyes, burning a trace of dark fire, and the blue fire was slightly It illuminates the dark night that is about to be covered.

They were divided into two groups, one with knives and arrows. Under Xu Changman's instructions, they all stared at the players of the Iron and Blood League with a hostile face.

Is this the strange fluctuation just now? The sword pointed to the Buddha and looked at the extra opponent in front of him with a straight face.

" boss, what should I do, fight or?"

A player in thick armor and a knight slowly approached the sword and pointed to the Buddha, looking forward to him, waiting for him to make a decision. Not only him, but also others were obviously deterred by Xu Changman's power. After all, it was too strange. People still have a certain fear of the unknown.

"You used it!"

Opposite the sword pointing to the Buddha, Xu Feng approached behind the skeletons, took a look at these skeletons with a little surprise, and then asked Xu Changman.

"Ye, these people are too arrogant." Xu Changman clenched the bow and arrow in his hand and said angrily.

"Of course, I have to fight, Xiao Ren, inform the lazy pig, tell him that if you meet a difficult opponent, ask them to come and support quickly."

The sword pointed to the Buddha and shouted at the players outside who couldn't stand the flame storm, and then rushed towards Xu Feng and others.

"Quick battle!"

Xu Feng reminded Xu Changman, and then the elements around him moved, and a sharp wind blade directly tore out and shot at the sword pointing at the head.

The little wind blade also wants to stop me?

A cyan sword light accurately split on the galloping wind blade and suddenly erased the wind blade condensed from the wind element.

"Open it for me! Charge..."

A red star suddenly appeared in front of the sword pointing to the Buddha, like a meteor directly in front of Xu Feng and bombarded him.

At this time, the ice arrow will be broken by the red light carried by the charge, so Xu Feng only moved one step to the left, and when he retreated, an ice shield skill immediately came out.


The mage's ice shield is just a primary skill, so it did not cause much damage to the sword pointing Buddha, and it was directly destroyed by him.

Of course, Xu Feng will not easily hit him, otherwise the result will have to be said twice.

However, the sword pointing Buddha did not expect this move to restrain Xu Feng. The effect he wanted was to approach him. As long as he approached him, where could the mage run?

However, when he approached Xu Feng, two long spells formed by blue light gathered directly crossed and bloomed in his eyes.

"This is..."

Looking in front of him, this skill did not fluctuate at all, but contained a terrible breath. The sword pointed to the Buddha stunned on the spot, and then retreated quickly, but it was too late at this time. The two spells were directly like maggots attached to bones, sealed on his body, and he could not be thrown away.

"Oh, this is magic!"

The sword pointed to the Buddha's face turned white in an instant, because his skills could not be used now, and only the ordinary attack was left, and he could not attack Xu Feng. He found that Xu Feng had an instantaneous movement speed of ordinary thieves, and the release was even more perverted. At this time, he realized that they were not afraid at that time. Reasonable.

When his skills were sealed, the flame storm covering Xu Feng and others was also over. At this time, five or six players outside also participated in time.

The long-range attack wind blades, fireballs and arrows with cyan circulation shot at Xu Feng from the air. Obviously, those people wanted to rescue their boss from Xu Feng's hands.

However, Xu Changman, who was beside him, would not let them do what they wanted. With a wave of his hand, the terrible bone skeleton warriors immediately waved knives and greeted those people, while the bone skeleton archers opened bows and arrows and arrows, a cold bone arrows, with the breath of death, greeted directly to the other party's remote armor profession, and the priest It is also the pair that they focus on.

"No one can save you now."

A series of skills were directly locked under Xu Feng's consciousness, and the turn was blown away on the body of the sword pointing Buddha. The sword pointed to the Buddha's equipment, at most +6, but the warrior's magic defense is not comparable to physical defense, so his 2600 HP, like running water, leaked vertically downward.

"I admit..."

The sword pointed to the Buddha's eyes sinking, and a trace of helplessness flashed faintly. Originally, they were wrong. Now they were killed by him. At this moment, he did not have many complaints, but unfortunately, the materials in the backpack and the equipment that would burst out later. After all, they also killed too many people. Everyone was a red name. At this time, when he was dying, He remembered a joke and always had to pay it back when he came out.

Sheep transformation, wind blade, fireball, wind blade...

When the sword pointed to the Buddha's HP still had 317, when he slightly saw that he wanted to escape, a layer of frost directly ended his newly sprouted idea of survival. With a sharp wind blade, the sword pointed to the Buddha with a crash, and then exploded.

"Well, why are there so many snowfield bear bile?"

When he saw the explosion of the sword pointing to the Buddha, Xu Feng was obviously frightened by the snowfield bear bile covered with a meter on the ground.

"I see. I'm sure they are robbing passing players here."

However, Xu Feng has no time to clean up these now, because although Xu Changman has the help of those bones at this moment, he is now at a downfall.

Push the staff...


The flame storm that tore randomly next to it, directly pushed by Xu Feng, suddenly moved fiercely and directly to the Iron and Blood League players crazily.

There was no accident. With the addition of Xu Feng, the Iron and Blood League players, who had a slight advantage just now, suddenly fell down like a tarot card, and one white light after another rose to the sky.

"Wait, our Iron and Blood League will not let you go."

"You can't escape. Our honorary vice president will come soon. At that time, you will die."

"You can't escape, you're dead!"

Xu Feng smiled coldly. It was really right and their reason. At present, there was no more scruples. The speed of casting suddenly accelerated and reached the terrible state of four blades in one second. Soon, those players of the iron-blood alliance were sent to heaven by Xu Feng in an angry scolding, and they were all left rich. Rewards'.

"Iron and Blood League?"

Xu Feng said a sentence or two with a little fun, and he didn't care. At this moment, the yellow name on his body did not increase much, because after he took action, Xu Feng found that many people were red names, and only one or two white names, so Xu Feng is a little happy now.

After cleaning the battlefield, I found that the other party not only had a lot of bear bile, but also had his own other needs, silver snake bile, and snowfield grass. Of course, those famous equipment are indispensable. Among them, the best one is the sword pointing to the Buddha, a +7 orange-level sword, a +6 light armor purple Grade warrior boots and a +7 warrior helmet.

"Not only save a lot of things, but also a small amount of money was also issued. These equipment are worth more than 100,000 anyway."

Xu Feng looked at a backpack full of booty and had to sigh. In the past, he was exhausted and his parents were frugal at home. Unexpectedly, the money here came so easily. It must be said that in today's society, there are many prodigal children.

"What are you thinking? Let's go."

Xu Changman, who finished cleaning the battlefield with Xu Feng, immediately called him and ran hurried towards the way.

"Ye, leave here first, so that they won't move the rescuers."

Xu Feng also withdrew his feelings and immediately followed Xu Changman to run towards the city.


"It's late!" At this time, the lazy pig swept away the previous slowness and stood a little gloomyly next to the body of the sword pointing Buddha, and in front of him was an expressionless evil pupil, "Chasing?" He looked at the evil pupil and asked.

"It's been about five minutes. They are almost in the city by now, and it's useless to chase them." The evil pupil withdrew his eyes around and replied.

"Then we ask the people of the guild to stop them halfway?" The lazy pig reluctantly resisted.

"There are many people, it's not easy to stop." The evil pupil simply left this sentence and then left.

"Cut, what's the B?" The lazy pig muttered a few words. Of course, he would not curse, because he was just angry for a moment and needed to vent it.