Fantasy Mage (Part 1)

Chapter 91 Revenge of Abiao 5

"Although I don't know why you participated, this is a small matter. With our friendship, there is no reason why I can't help you." The chairman of the student union also put away the frivolity on his face, slapped him and said.

"Thank you!" Two ordinary words, spit out from Ouyang Hong's mouth, represent a different meaning.

"Ha ha, if you really want to thank me, just tell the truth!"

The chairman of the student union patted him on the shoulder with a smile. When he saw him move away uncomfortably, he didn't mind, but naturally withdrew his hand.


For his good friend, Ouyang Hong had nothing to hide from him, but he really wanted to say it, but he really lost face. At present, he had to chat for a few words and then excused to leave.

"It's weird!"

The chairman of the student union touched his chin and fell into a long thought. What can make Ouyang Hong, who usually looks confident, feel this embarrassment?

In the ring, A Biao, who fell to the ground, struggled hard. His teeth were clenched tightly, and his mouth was covered with blood and the big sweat on his forehead. "I must get up! You must not lie here. I won't be a coward!"

Time, the severe time is being ruthlessly counting down, and soon the referee and the peripheral audience unanimously counted the second place. If it is counted to ten, then there is no doubt that A Biao's future will be imagined.


The referee routinely worked. On the same side, Xu Feng stood there with a cold face and watched A Biao's unnecessary struggle with cold eyes. Although he did not know much about his own strength, Xu Feng was extremely confident in its power.

With his left hand, the usual soft energy in his body was extremely concentrated there at this time. There is no reason for Xu Feng not to believe it, because it is wonderful. Xu Feng has seen it several times. Although it is not many times, he gives himself a great surprise every time.

"There's no time. Get up!" A Biao hissed in his heart, but the limbs did not have any strength to be extracted by him. He fell into despair, because he saw the referee's mouth that opened again above his head. Although he wanted to go forward to tear it, it still opened and said words that made him despair.


A neat voice bombed in turn inside and outside the ring, huh! The scene suddenly became hot. No one expected that the physique was not a heavyweight two at all, and Xu Feng would eventually win.

"My God, the martial arts club is so fierce!"

"Um, I heard that Xu Feng was still a rookie who knew nothing before."

"True or false, can he defeat this villain in such a short time?"

"Isn't it proved in the ring?"

"I want to quit the taekwondo club. Damn, the martial arts club is so awesome. If I don't join it, why don't join it!"

Everyone's heated discussion, at this time, A Biao couldn't take care of it. He fell to the ground in despair and looked at the front, "Failed, failed... Can you still look up in the future?"

He thought of dropping out of school. Only in this way can he maintain his bones and dignity. He can't stand the look of being looked at by others with colored eyes.

Xu Feng, standing beside him, looked at him coldly without a trace of sympathy. What he did at the beginning and the arrogance just now were all his own consequences.

And outside the chaotic field, in a remote corner of the crowd, Ouyang Hong stood there leisurely at this time.

"Well, it's over, then my registration is not in vain!" Mumblingly leaving this sentence, Ouyang Hong turned around and disappeared into the huge shadow projected in the corner of the wall and gradually disappeared into it.

At this time, Xu Feng, who was still unconscious, was like a hero, surrounded by everyone and had no chance to slip out for a moment.

"Xu Feng, good job! I really saw you right!" Xu Changman was the first to rush up and gave Xu Feng a warm hug. His face was red and glowing, much more excited than Xu Feng's personal victory in the game.

"Haha... Xu Feng, remember to treat!"

Xu Changman's teammates are attentive one by one, holding tea and cloth, which is very thoughtful.

"Ha ha, no problem!"

Xu Feng is also happy at this time. The mood after "the revenge" is beyond the reach of others. Therefore, although he is usually a little thrifty, he is rare and generous at this time, willing to be the big head and be slaughtered by everyone.

"You people..." Xu Chang's face was full of contempt, "Surely, there is nothing to pay attention to, either traitor or thief. I have seen it. You just want to eat a overlord's meal at all!"

"You can't go!"

"This...of course not!"


Xu Feng shook his head and laughed at their laughter, picked up a towel from one of the students, slowly wiped some sweat on his forehead, and then picked up a bottle of Yili mineral water on the side and drank it.

"Not bad!" Xiang Wuhong came over at this time and gently patted him on the shoulder to show his satisfaction with the game just now.


The sudden attack on Wu Hong choked the risk of drinking water.

"Are you all right?"

The hand pressed on Xu Feng's shoulder to Wu Hong is not inseparable, nor is it inseparable, standing there with a little embarrassment.

"Cough... No... It's okay!"

After a long time, Xu Feng calmed down and looked at Xiang Wuhong beside him, and could only sigh his bad luck depressedly.

At this time, Xu Feng turned his head and accidentally saw A Biao and his group of people standing there lost on the opposite side. They were no longer like the previous domineering actions, but like roosters falling into the water, with no vitality to speak of.

"Dedeed, this kind of person is a missing lesson of TM!"

"That's right, they were bullies in school before, but now it's ridiculous and not worth it!"

There are many students outside the ring who are usually bullied by them. Before, their anger was suppressed by them. At this moment, the same enemy Kai burst out and scolded at them.

"There are such consequences, which are all their own consequences, so there is no need to pity them." He looked at Xu Hong and found that he was staring at them and thought that Xu Feng was pitiful for them, so he explained.

"I know! I don't feel sorry for them, I'm just thinking about something!" Xu Feng smiled and smiled with a mature smile. If he lost, wouldn't they be more arrogant? Therefore, for them, Xu Feng did not have such a broad mind.

"Oh?" Xiang Wuhong was a little surprised.

At this moment, Yu Nianshan suddenly appeared in front of Xu Feng, which made Xu Feng immediately freeze on the spot, because now he must be ugly and untidy. Xu Feng thought so.

"You... You're here!" Xu Feng was at a loss, and the towel hanging around his neck also stood there a little listlessly, like a shy young man who dared not look up to look at his beloved.

"Yes, congratulations, you won the game, but why didn't you tell me that you participated in this before..."

Speaking of this, Yu Nianshan looked at Xu Feng with a little puzzledness. Among her little impression of Xu Feng, she always remembered that Xu Feng was a hard-working student. As for violence, she had never heard of when it became so violent.

If it hadn't been for the fierce scene here before, which caused normal communication among some clubs, she would have inadvertently stepped in here and knew the violent scene of this matter. One of the protagonists was Xu Feng, and the other protagonist made her feel even more ashamed and angry, because she was on campus that day, she was teased by him.

At a glance, Yu Nianshan preconceived that Xu Feng was avenging her. And she clearly remembered that Xu Feng was still a powerless student and was beaten by A Biao, but the result was Xu Feng's victory, which made her doubt like spring grass and couldn't help rushing up. When did he become so... She is a little puzzled.


Xu Feng didn't know how to speak. He vaguely felt that she didn't like this. Fortunately, Wu Hong immediately reacted, "Well, it's like this. After that incident that day, I invited him to the martial arts club!"

"Oh, that's it!" Yu Nianshan was no longer pursuing this. She came here just to see if Xu Feng was injured. Fortunately, Xu Feng did not seem to be injured at all, so she was much relieved.

After that, Yu Nianshan joined Xu Feng's celebration banquet by the way. Of course, Xu Feng ate a little restrained in front of his favorite people.

After returning to the dormitory, Xu Feng accidentally found that Xiao Shurong was sitting in the living room, looking straight at the high ion TV placed on a wall, and the high-definition screen was playing Hunan TV's recently popular "Thousands of Words".

For this kind of romance drama, Xu Feng, who has experienced a lot, only feels very bored, but Xiao Shurong's abnormal behavior made him feel a little surprised.

Fortunately, he didn't drink much at the banquet just now. Although he was drunk, Xu Feng was spared by his good friend Xu Changman, so at least his mind was clear at this time. Otherwise, it's really hard to speculate about what he would do if he was drunk, because she was wearing a decent silk nightgown today. The whole person is set off by the white nightgown, and there is also an irresistible attraction in the Qinglian.


Xu Feng swallowed a little vaguely. He was a little embarrassed to find that she was sitting on the sofa and looking distracted, as if she didn't find herself coming in. At least, on the surface, she was like this, so Xu Feng had to speak first to avoid the embarrassing side.

"I haven't slept yet!" Entering the living room, Xu Feng picked up the water shell on the tea collection and poured a glass of water, trying to use it to extinguish the dryness on his throat.

"Ye" Xu Feng came back unexpectedly, turned her head to look at him, and then answered before turning around and still watching the video on TV.