The caster of fantasy

Chapter 88 Magic Teaching END

A small silver chain stretched out of Yueyin's hand, fell in the air with gravity and then rose again. The end was buckled on a silver collar, which was worn on the small neck of a dark-haired girl who was unwilling but dared to resist.



In the comfortable room, the three girls were relatively speechless.

"... Let go of me! I just accidentally lost to you! Kill me! Don't insult me like this again!" The brunette girl was stunned for a while and roared, but because it was too petite, this sharp cry was as noisy as that of children, and Yueyin's solution was very simple. She gently pulled the chain, and the brunette girl staggered and looked at Yueyin more angrily, as if she was going to tear her to pieces apart. Eat it.

However, the long-haired girl ignored her roar and just looked at Ellie faintly, making her a little confused - what to say? Congratulations? Or something else?

In the end, Allie still had nothing to say until Yueyin spoke first.

"...I'm back."

"Ah... welcome back." Then, the awkward atmosphere continued to spread.

The door was suddenly pushed open, and Sahli plunged into the room. "Ah! It's so hot. It's so hot outside even at dusk... Huh? Is little Ellie back?

Then, she felt the unusual atmosphere in the room, and her eyes crossed Ellie's head and fell on Yueyin, and then slowly fell from the silver chain in her hand to the unknown black-haired girl.

"...ah! Is this the slave bought by Yueyin? Seheri suddenly realized... But where did this word and this association come from? Allie is considering whether to limit the books that Sesili reads.

"Well, it's just an ordinary low-class creature. How dare you say that a great travel mage is a slave? Open your two glass balls wide and see clearly. I am beyond all of you!"

Then, the chain pulled by the moon sound made a stump and almost couldn't stand still. The straight hair up to the waist swayed, and the color of resentment in the girl's dark pupils became heavier.

Allie took off her hat and hung it on the hook by the door, sat down on her chair and leaned lazily, and then asked carelessly, "Well, there is enough time anyway. Yueyin will slowly tell us the beginning and the end of the matter."

When Cercily heard a story, she sat down in her chair with the same excitement. Although she was not invited to sit down, Yueyin did not say anything, but the brunette girl hummed dissatisfiedly.

In the slow and ethereal words like a clear lake, Ellie slowly sorted out the beginning and end of the matter, which was also simple to say. Yueyin and this girl were similar to a deadly enemy from the beginning. After the two met, they didn't say anything and started fighting directly, but because Yueyin was always unwilling to use it. The internal rules of the brigade mage (I don't know what this is) and ran away. The last time, he accidentally killed part of his men directly... So Yueyin captured the girl with full firepower this time. Well, by the way, she didn't kill her.

"Then...why did you kill her?" Allie is a little strange. Even the sworn enemy won't kill each other when they meet, right?

"...can... quickly collect...self..."

That is to say, in addition to cooperation or the same clan, there are also many murderous people among the tour mage?


Finally, Yueyin pulled the silver chain of the brunette girl and disappeared into the room. Before leaving, she said '...go**...' The content contained in that sentence made Ellie's mind for five minutes, including various restricted levels and forbidden scenes...

Thinking of some places, Ellie unconsciously turned her head and saw her sister lying boredly on **. The so-called moral constraints were thrown into an unknown corner in less than a second. Ellie asked with a bright smile, "Sherly~~ It seems that she hasn't been there for a long time. Did you have a physical examination?

Just as Ellie took off her sister's slightly unfitting clothes, Elf happened to push the door in - this is an established matter, um.

So, in the next day's lecture, an inexplicable atmosphere spread throughout the classroom. Under this pressure, the two men could only bow their heads and read carefully, without the usual learning spirit.

"...That is to say, when your caster level reaches level 9..." Ellie continued, and then suddenly stopped, "Have you two considered what to do if you accidentally can't pass level 10?"

With this sentence, the oppression in the classroom suddenly dissipated, and the cool air once again steadily took away the heat of summer.

Yang Ming stood up and said, "Impossible! We are time travelers. How can we not have such a small benefit!"

"But there were a bunch of people who had no caster's talent before and forced to learn that none of them had passed level 10 in the end, which is the reason!" Allie made him speechless with the rebuttal of the facts.

"Well, didn't you listen to what I just said? If you don't have the ability to continue to become stronger when the caster reaches level 9, you can consider transferring to shadow or Lich (LICH). Similarly, the pale lord or anything else is not recommended. Of course, since you are not an orthodox caster, both have advantages and disadvantages. Of."

The two's attention was all focused on themselves. Ellie nodded with satisfaction, and the teaching whip in her hand pointed to the blackboard. I don't know when it was full of dense words - the invisible servant is actually quite useful...

"as you can see, Xia Duo regrets being pulled into the shadow plane at the first time... For details, please refer to pages 129 to 167 of the book I gave you, which has a plane introduction, but that's nothing. After transferring to Xia Duo, your caster experience will become much simpler. Similarly, you can no longer return to the main material plane - even if you return, it will only be for a while, and the rules will forcibly send you back.

Half of the text on the blackboard was erased, and the remaining half of them only knew a small part. The other words were still too nervous to learn.

"The lich is different. Its transfer requirements are extremely harsh. You can't die in one step by mistake. Equally, the rewards are extremely rich. You can make less than five life box. If the life box is not damaged, you will never really die... Well, ingest The soul spell is not very clear, but there used to be a powerful spell caster who imprisoned the soul of a lich in a gem and tortured it every day... Anyway, he can't die, right?"

The two shivered fiercely. Why can this girl say something terrible so easily? However, Yang Ming was stunned and felt that anyway, it was what the goddess said. Since it was the goddess, of course she would not care about ordinary people...

Well, there is a deviation between imagination and reality.

After turning over the book in her hand, Ellie closed the book and stood up. "Well, today's teaching is over. The next few days of the holiday will depend on you to study by yourself until the start of the next semester - live hard!"

Leaving two people who were stunned, Ellie opened the door and walked out. The little goblin sat happily on her head and waved her little hand to say goodbye to them...

There is only a slight roar when the breeze blows by and the sound of leaves swinging on the quiet path. Somehow, today's cicadas have become inaudible.

"Yo, is the lecture over? This is for you." The voice of a god came from above his head again and looked up. He saw a young man standing on the top of the tree swaying in the wind. A letter was slowly falling.

The little goblin flew over with a smile and hugged the letter, and then gave it to Ellie. The powerful and decent words on the cover moved her, and then the boundless feeling of helplessness surged into her heart.

"I said, why do we have to have a party? Why do 13 people have to gather once? And the way of meeting and discussing problems looks like a boss behind the scenes of the villain or an ordinary boss, right?

"Don't care about that kind of small thing. Anyway, we don't plan to make any uprisings or democratic revolutions. Those who have that idea are basically dead. The rest of these people are of good personalities. Don't worry that you will be like this and that in the past~~ That's it. I still I want to pass on the next person!"

While talking, the person has disappeared.

Touching the head of the little goblin sitting on her shoulder, Ellie put away the letter and turned to walk on another road - by the recent period of temperature has begun to flow regularly... No wonder the sound of cicadas is so small... The breeze blows, Ellie's long hair flying in the wind, if someone is beside her at this time If you look at it, it will be amazing, right? Unfortunately, there are only all kinds of insects here, as well as the girl herself and her followers...