The caster of fantasy

Chapter 1005 You know, no matter how you hide it in the past

The cold wind blew the earth, and the white snowflakes floated helplessly around with it, like a girl who was [beep-] by a strong man. She was powerless to resist and could only drift with the waves.

The training ground in the backyard has been cleaned up by well-trained servants. Except for the new snow, the whole ground is as clean as usual, without a trace of dust. The two women stood there, 20 meters apart, at a radiant distance of mei.

"Esphia... The following omitted, 16th-level caster, challenge Lilith... The following omitted, 18th-level enchanter proficient in legendary (close) caster, unlimited weapons, unlimited means, unlimited time, requirements, completely knock down the other party - do you agree?"

Allie's tone had no ups and downs. The sheepskin in her hand turned into fragments and disappeared in the air. Her left hand drooped slightly, and her right hand was raised. At this time, Allie didn't even want to do the mage ceremony - everyone could see how much she wanted to knock down her mother and poke her head to laugh at it. The failure of the other party.

"Allah, Aifei is really like a child and is always unwilling to give in... Well, I agree with your request!" The fluffy fan in Lilith's hand covered the lower half of her face, but the corners of her eyes bent into two crescents clearly showed that she was smiling and happily.

"Ha, but now I'm an immortal form. As a spell caster specializing in enchantment, do you feel a lot of pressure? Most of your spells are invalid to me!"

Allie is happier. She knows that her mother is a master of enchantment but still challenges her. Her last confidence comes from the fact that she can transform into an immortal form. In this case, she can beat her mother up in such a small room before, so this time it's better to be a little crippled - anyway, there is a shepherd. The teacher is waiting next to him.

Just standing, several fireballs appeared beside Ellie, which is a fireball that can be fired repeatedly in the imagination of ordinary spell casters! It's just a three-level spell. What if it is launched at one time?

Although the serial fireball is powerful, it is a high spell. As a result, the total difficulty of casting has actually increased. That is to say, since the third-level fireball can be fired continuously, Ma Youfu's ice archery can also be fired consecutively?

As Ellie thought, this harassment-limited tactic had no effect on her mother at all. It was either not hit or had no effect after the hit. Lilith still stood there with a smile. Ellie was not angry. Suddenly, the huge sickle appeared in her hand, and then, with the immortal The explosive power rushed up!

The roar of the sickle tearing the air is as shocking as the evil spirit of hell, but the opposite is an enchanted master. This low-level trick is naturally invalid for her. Allie just relies on the must-have attributes on the sickle and the inseparable attributes.

Suching her lips slightly, Lilith 'popped' and closed the fluffy fan in her hand, and the top of the fan pointed to Ally who was rushing up - "Ling Blind!"

The immortal has a very high resistance to spiritual attacks, but this kind of spirit or the direct attack method of attack has no resistance. Previously, it was Ellie's mistake to not impose high spells on herself because of unprevention. Therefore, it was dark in front of her, and the sickle in her hand was naturally not cut. To anything, not only that, Ellie can't perceive anything at all until the second sentence sounds in her ear - "Law Order ยท Shock!"

The whole body was stiff, and the sickle in her hand slipped silently and smashed a shallow pit on the ground, but its holder did not have the courage to hold it, and the continuous screams in her heart made her at a loss...

"Huhu... Aifei's experience is still too little, so she will be easily caught by me?" Lilith stood five meters behind Ellie, still leisurely waving the fluffy fan in her hand.

"...dimensional anchor, demon summons." After blocking the space in this area, a vague shadow appeared around Ellie, which did not wait to condense. It quickly rushed to Lilith and was then blocked by a golden force field wall.

"Cut..." Dior withdrew his two blades and hurriedly returned to Ellie. At this time, the soul fire in Allie's eyes jumped rapidly, without any appearance of being hit - a blank scroll in his hand was thrown on the ground, and the previous spell to remove the spell effect was released by it.

"Ah..." Lilith put away the fluffy fan in her hand and looked at the cloak that Ellie was wearing - it was open, but inside it was densely tied with various scrolls. Ally slowly wore a ring on her fingers and a necklace on her neck, which was used to protect her heart. Spelled.

I don't know if it's an illusion that Ellie didn't wear any ring on her left middle finger and ring finger...

"Well, the warm-up is over, and now let's start the second round!" Allie shook out a few scrolls from her left hand and forcibly activated them with her traveler benefits. The convenience of the scrolls is that they can be used without chanting spells!

The sky's barrage, mixed with roaring sound waves and gray curses, rushed to the target, and the colorful rainbow sprayed out of the ring in Ellie's hand without hindrance. No matter who the other party is, even a dragon will be submerged in this huge magic torrent!

Lilith suddenly threw away the fluffy fan in her hand. Even in this place where any magic that could move space was blocked, she still stretched out her hands and waved it slowly, and the speed did not bring a phantom - it should be said that her hands did not seem to move at all, and at the same time, a series of rapids in her mouth The sharp cry, and then a subtle smile on his face--

"Lilith's legendary spell counterattack!"

Legendary spells, only spells at level 10 or above can be regarded as legendary spells! This is a spell that every legendary caster can create himself or get when he is lucky enough to witness the book of ten thousand methods...

However, the price of witnessing was to flip all the spells she had just thrown out and rushed to herself with the same roar. Seeing a huge number of magic torrents, Ellie tried her best to throw out various protective scrolls. However, no matter how fast it was, it was not as fast as the spell speed. Ellie was first bombarded by more than 20 bullet screens. In the middle, the next is the continuous spell bombing...

The huge smoke rose to the sky, and Lilith picked up the fan again: "Ah... It seems that it has gone too far... It seems that there will be nothing left..." With some regret, Lilith decided to go back to her room to sleep. As for reshaping Ellie's body and resurrection, it's Cameron's It's over.

"divine skill [octagonal ghost binding array]!"

Countless ropes and white paper sections rushed out of the smoke and dust, followed by countless yellow papers painted with cinnabar...


'Did I lose...'

'Yes, you lost, and your body is miserable. At most, you can only leave some residue to resurrect the druids.'

"Okay, don't pretend to be a ghost. Come out."

Floating in the void, Feiyu complained boredly, and another Feiyu laughed and didn't know where to get out. "Congratulations, you lost again!"

"Yes... The other party is a legendary strongman. How can a mage like me who has not yet reached the threshold win... He was too conceited before..."

"Who said that?" Another Feiyu looked at him inexplicably, "Have you really forgotten all your memories? Why don't I feel that? You know, this kind of thing can only be sealed and can't be completely destroyed at most. Think carefully about what you will do. If you can't remember it again, don't say that I swallowed you..."

When she opened her eyes, Ellie saw endless smoke. Her broken body was lying under the shallow pit, and her light purple mage robe was torn to pieces. Due to various missiles and flames, the body had become scorched and black.

Now Allie is acting in the world in the form of a dead soul, but soon, she raised her right hand and hit the body with an advanced negative energy impact. The broken place began to repair itself, and it was completely repaired in less than a few seconds - this is the patent of voters.

Then, Allie jumped on the body. After a little dizziness, her perspective turned to look up at the sky. She stood up and shook the fine debris in her hair. She looked at several rectangular cards between her right finger and shook her head helplessly. Forget it, since it can't be denied, let's concentrate on using it!

A rectangular card emits a faint light. With the launch of the spirit, it suddenly breaks open, and endless thick hemp rope, white paper knots, and runes with cinnabar characters emerge from the void around the body.

The smoke dissipated, and Ellie stood bare in the pit, but her face was uncontrollably excited - the crowd around her had already dispersed at the beginning of the battle, and even those who did not want to leave were forcibly taken away by His Excellency Cameron. Therefore, the only person who could appreciate this hazy age body at this time was It's just her biological mother.

"Ah, it seems that Aifei has got something great, but this can't beat me?"

Shaking his fingers slightly, several cards hovered around the body.

"That's not necessarily, my dear mother, these things are beyond your imagination? If you look down, you will only surprise yourself! Sun charm [Royal Holy Flame]!"

The battle starts again, but who will be the winner this time?