Fantasy Water Margin Legend

Chapter 9 Legend 1

Mr. Fado suddenly took out such a strange box and pretended to be mysterious, which made Elvin and the others confused. Mr. Fado put the box on the stage, and Elvin and the others gathered around.

The box is very old, which makes people feel that it is a thing with a very long history. There are also some incomprehensible words carved on it. When Elvin and others look at the box, they seem to be very familiar and feel like they have seen it somewhere. Ah! By the way, this box, and the strange words on it, that's right, it's similar to the box containing this wrist wheel at that time. Although there is nothing special about the box, the text on it is different and unforgettable.

Hearing Evin explain, Mr. Flawado showed a very expectant expression as if he had found a treasure and said to them, "What, where have you seen this kind of text? Is there the same box? Bring it to me and show it to the teacher.

Aiwen said regretfully, "Mr. Vlado, I'm sorry, that box stayed in place when we found this wrist wheel and didn't bring it back together."

The expectation failed, and Mr. Vado looked frustrated: "Do you know that these are the oldest words handed down from ancient times to the present, known as the language of the stars, but they are rare historical relics in the world and are very precious. From these words, we can understand the history of ancient times, which is many What an exciting thing. Teacher, I have studied all my life and can't interpret its meaning. It is precisely because I have too few words in my hand that I need more words to provide reference. Since you have found such an important box of cultural relics, please go back and bring the box back to the teacher quickly.

Once he talked about the topic he was interested in, Mr. Flawdo began to talk endlessly, which made Elvin and the others very embarrassed, because the topic became farther and farther away.

Evan said, "Well, Mr. Vlado, we will help when we go back, but can you go back to the previous topic and help us see what this wrist wheel is like? Also, what exactly is contained in this box that can solve all this?

After saying this, Mr. Vlado was finally pulled back to reality, so he continued his topic just now.

Mr. Fledo pressed his hand on the box and was not in a hurry to open the box. Instead, he thought about it for a moment, and then asked Elvin and the others a question first: "Well, teacher, before I open this box, I will ask you, have you heard of the story of the legendary era 200 years ago?"

In order to answer questions, the three of them are now anxious about what is contained in the box in front of them. Now Mr. Frado has asked another question for them to answer, which is really annoying, but this is also the teaching method that Frado has been teaching the three of them in the past.

It seems that Mr. Fado will not answer if he doesn't answer, so Elvin said:

The legend 200 years ago? Of course, we have heard of such a famous history: more than 200 years ago, the current kingdom was not unified. It was a warring era. At that time, the lords of various places were fighting with each other for land and wealth, and there was no end to chaos. It is also because of this that foreign nations openly occupied our territory when the national strength of the masters of various countries was weak due to years of war. At that time, the people at that time could be said to be living in deep trouble under the double pressure of civil strife and external troubles.

"And just before this troubled world, I don't know when such a legend has been circulating: when the people are in danger again, the tears of the stars shine, the stars in the sky echo each other, and the guardian power of the star gods will be like meteors. The fate of the people who came to the stars, under the leadership of the heroes of the stars, united to save and protect the people, fight against the source of evil, and save and protect the people together.

"At this time, a man appeared according to the legend. With his unparalleled magic power, with the help of many companions and allies, he led the people, ended the struggle in troubled times, and drove foreign nations out of his homeland and unified the kingdom. And this man was praised as the hero of the world - the hero of the stars.

"The world has returned to unity and stability, and now our kingdom has been born, but the star hero himself has not enjoyed the fruit of this victory. Just after the establishment of the kingdom, he gave up the throne that should have belonged to him to his most trusted friend, that is, the first emperor of the kingdom loved by the people like him, and then the star hero quietly left the crowd and disappeared into the subsequent history.

"Although the words about the history of the heroes of the stars stopped at that time, the great achievements of the heroes of the stars will never be forgotten, and the story of this legendary era has been remembered by everyone and has been passed down to this day, because everyone firmly believes that as long as the kingdom is in danger again, the stars will definitely Appeared again to save the people.

Finally, Evan finished the well-known legend.

Mr. Fledo nodded and affirmed: "Yes, it's true. I know it in detail."

Evan said proudly, "This legend has been heard by everyone, and it is our childhood wish to become a great person like the hero of the stars. Although we know that we can never be compared with the heroes of the stars, we all have a heart to protect the kingdom and the people, so we aspire to become a great kingdom soldier like our father.

"Well said, now in this box, it is the closest heritage to that legendary history." After saying that, Fado opened the box.

ai wen and the three gathered around and saw that it was similar to the box with the wrist wheel before, but now it contains a worn scroll. Mr. Vlado cleaned the desk, carefully took out the scroll, and slowly unfolded the scroll.

This turned out to be a picture scroll. From the above, you can clearly see the traces of erosion by the years. The pattern on the picture scroll has begun to fade, and there are some holes and damaged places, but you can also see the content of the painting as a whole:

Taking the king of Athos of the kingdom as*, the front row is a group of people wearing various clothes, among which there are obviously noble knights, rough tramps, weak scholars, and ordinary people. They all have happy smiles on their faces, all facing the direction of a man in the middle of the picture scroll. A very respectful expression. The man in the middle is a young man, dressed in casual clothes, holding his right hand high, and a pair of huge wings spread out behind him, covering the people around him like a huge umbrella.

ai wen quickly guessed the answer to what was drawn on the scroll: "Teacher, does this scroll depict the scene of the legendary era more than 200 years ago? Is the one in the middle the star hero respected by all people?

Mr. Fado laughed and said, "Yes, that's right. This is the most precious treasure in my collection. Usually, I won't even be willing to show it out. You are right. The man in the middle of this scroll is indeed the legendary hero of the stars, the most legendary figure, and an immortal figure who has opened a new era. And around him, it was the companions who followed him and fought together. As for the pair of wings, this... I don't know what the teacher is.

Hearing Mr. Vlado's words, the three of Evan were both happy and surprised. They were happy to witness the heroic posture of the legendary respected star hero. Shocked that the star hero did look like an ordinary person with three heads and six arms in the legend.

Surprised and happy, Elvin remembered his business: "Mr. Vado, we are really grateful to let us see the hero of the stars, but what does this have to do with the question I want to ask you and the wrist wheel in my hand?"

Mr. Fado directly said, "It's a big deal. Take a serious look at the right wrist of the Star Hero. The answer is on it."

ai wen and the three looked at it carefully and were surprised to find that there was also a wrist wheel on the right wrist of the Star Hero. What's more surprising was that the wrist wheel was amazingly similar to the wrist wheel on Evan's wrist, no, or even the same thing. Amazing things one after another, which made Elvin and the others confused their minds for a moment.

Suddenly, various images appeared in Evan's mind, and the headache began again, but this time it was not as intense as before. In these spiritual images, Elvin obviously felt that the faces of the strangers in his mind were strikingly similar to the characters on this scroll. Just as Elvin tried his best to calm down the spiritual image box that appeared in his mind, he felt a burning sensation from the wrist wheel of his right hand. Elvin hurriedly looked at his right wrist and saw that among the many gems inlaid on the wrist wheel, the largest and the other three were shining. The other three people present also saw this scene and were stunned by this magical scene.

After shining for a while, the light finally disappeared, but the strange phenomenon still exists. One of the small gems returned to its original appearance, but the other three turned into a slight light. These bright lights flowed like water in the gems, which was really magical.

It happened in an instant and disappeared in an instant. For this magical phenomenon, Evan and the others looked at Mr. Fado, hoping that the teacher could give an answer.

But Mr. Vado also knows nothing about it. After all, the picture scroll is the only thing he has that can show the legendary era, and it can only point out that this wrist wheel is what the star hero has owned. There is nothing else to tell.

The four people were silent for a while and saw that there was no vision, and Elvin did not have any discomfort. Therefore, regarding the sudden glow of the wrist wheel, let go for the time being and continue their topic just now.

Mr. Fado continued to ask, "Okay, when you talk about it, can you tell me where you are?" How did you get this wrist wheel?

Although Elvin's previous military operation is a confidential operation, it is not allowed to be disclosed to outsiders according to military regulations. But now in this situation, so many things have happened, and Mr. Vlado is also a trustworthy person, so Ai Wen and others told the teacher the whole story.

After listening, Mr. Vlado looked at the wrist wheel in Erwin's hand, thought for a moment, and then said seriously:

"Well, it turned out to be like this. What a coincidence... Teacher, I remember that the night before your departure, you should have been in the Royal Academy in the outer suburbs. Maybe you don't know something. At that time, there was a small earthquake in the capital of Athos. Although it was not large, it could be felt within the scope of the capital, and it could also be felt that the source was in the direction of the imperial mausoleum.

"Teacher, I walked out of the room. At this time, I saw countless shining light spots flying out of the imperial mausoleum like meteors and scattering in all directions. As far as I know, the imperial mausoleum is not only the tomb of the previous emperors, but also a protective stone that existed there at the beginning of the founding of the People's Republic of China. This stone slab has always symbolized the hero of the stars and guarded the people of the kingdom in the imperial mausoleum.

"Now compared with the legendary sentence - the guardian power of the star god will come to the fateful man like a meteor, this sentence is used to show that the scene at that time was really very appropriate. According to my assumption, the fact that you were sent to the Star Temple later is probably definitely related to the tears of the stars worshipped in the Star Temple. And in the same coincidence, under the guidance of the star monk, you got the wrist wheel held by the star hero in those years, which is also coincidentally worn on the right hand like the star hero, so that you can't take it off now.

"All these events are really too coincidental, and too many coincidences are inevitable. It seems that this legend has come true, and you too, Elvin..."

The teacher dares not go on, because he knows that going on is a taboo word for today's emperor.

But Mikall is in the rectum and says whatever he thinks of: "Wow, wow, this is so awesome, the treasure of the star hero. This is amazing. I didn't expect us to get such a good thing, and this picture scroll can also be taken out. Now we can take it out to show off to people. I'm more Looking at this scroll, the more I feel that the star hero above looks more like Elvin. Wow, so, does Elvin symbolize the modern star hero?

Mikal couldn't be happy to see the appearance of the people present and asked strangely, "What's wrong with everyone? This is a big happy event. You should be happy."

Ted whispered beside him, "Mikal, stop talking, this is not a good thing."

"What's wrong? Hasn't everyone heard that such a magical thing is very chaotic in the kingdom now? The mobs are destroying and disrupting the order of the kingdom. Isn't it just like a legend now? Shouldn't the star hero appear in response to legend? To fight against the source of evil, save and protect the people? This is the endowment of the gods. Give Elvin the mission.

As Mikal spoke, he noticed others, especially Elvin. His eyebrows were locked and his expression was very sad and helpless. Mikal knew where he was wrong and hurriedly closed his mouth.

As the person involved in this series of events and coincidences, Ai Wen himself felt incredible when he heard the teacher's words, but all this happened, as well as many problems that troubled them, were like pearl necklaces, and finally connected, like a script written by the god of stars. Everything about me is like being pulled by an invisible thin line.

Ewen never thought that he could have anything to do with the hero of the stars, but fate seemed to guide him on the legendary road of the hero of the stars. Evan was confused and had no direction about where he would go in his future.