Fantasy Water Margin Legend

Chapter 56 Arrow Feather Shadow 1

This arrow is just a warning, just to make Elvin and the others retreat, but this also shows that the other party does not intend to use a sneak attack to attack the side. Otherwise, in terms of the speed of the arrow just now, it must be impossible to escape safely.

Aiwen and the others looked around vigilantly, beware of other arrows coming in other directions. After a short observation, no movement was found.

ai wen shouted loudly, "I don't know who you are. We are just a traveler who wants to go to the front. In fact, we are not malicious. I hope you can let us go."

The other party's voice: "There are endless mountains and seas of trees ahead, which is not a place for you travelers to go, and there are many crises ahead. For the sake of your own lives, you should not go further, and you can't go deeper. I advise you to return early."

Go back? Elvin will never return, so there is only one option page left.

Awen shouted again: "We also have reasons why we have to move forward. No matter what danger lies ahead, we will not be afraid of it. We will move forward bravely to the end, so can you stop it again?"

"Are you really not afraid of death? Doesn't the scene you saw on the previous road scare you? Are you really insisting on this? Or even lose your life for this?"

The other party doesn't seem to be alarmist. Regarding the scene seen before, it seems that it is really very dangerous.

ai wen insisted: "Yes, we must continue to move forward. There is our destiny and mission ahead, which is the goal and ideal of our life."

The other party's persistence on Evan and the reason for his insistence seemed a little incredible, but soon he responded to Evan and others: "I understand that since you have your mission to move forward, I also have a mission that I can't help but stop you from moving forward. Since you are not afraid of death, let me end your life here. There are more terrible things waiting for you than death ahead. Maybe it will be more merciful for you to know your life here. Anyway, if I pass that arrow, I won't show mercy again.

The negotiation is invalid, and the other party's attitude is as resolute as that of Ai Wen and others. However, it seems that Ai Wen and others should use a tough approach.

Grimio whispered next to him, "Young master, everyone, it seems that the other party is just warning us. I don't feel the other party's murderous intention, but I also can't feel the other party's breath. Presumably, the other party has a unique ability to hide silently among the trees, mixed with this forest. The body is unpredictable.

Aiwen also agreed: "Yes, I can't feel any movement around me at all. This arrow seems to suddenly appear out of thin air. Just now, I can't catch where it came from. Moreover, the other party's speaking skills are also special, which makes people feel that they are coming from many directions, making it impossible to judge where the other party is.

To be able to get the evaluation of Elvin and Grimio, it can be seen that the other party really has great skills.

Mikal also quietly leaned next to Shona and whispered, "Hey, little Shona, didn't you say that your eyes can see things that move quickly? Did you see it just now?"

Shuna tried his best to recall: "This... I barely saw it, but it was too sudden. I didn't have time to see the front part. I'm not very sure. I just saw the arrow shooting from ten o'clock on our left, probably... near the largest tree more than 100 meters over there."

Micarton was overjoyed: "Good boy, you are still the most capable at this time. I take back what I said before that you represent a small man."

Shu Na is still very childish. When he is praised and criticized, his mood will be simply written on his face. As a result, Shu Na showed a happy expression.

Now that they know where the other party is, as long as Elvin and the others rush over quickly, I believe that the other party should not be able to completely shoot four arrows, and as long as Elvin and the others can see the source of the arrows and are prepared, they will not be completely blocked.

The tactics are tentative, and Grimio still said a little more: "Young master, I will rush to the front. I believe that the other party will turn the first target at me. I am confident that I can block the front arrow. Mikal and Ted are behind me, and the young master, you can stay here first."

"No, aren't you all companions fighting side by side? How can I be safe by myself and let you take risks?" Elvin doesn't want to be safe by himself.

"Of course, I know that you won't do this. I have another idea. When we rush over, you can attract the other party's attention. At this time, you take a detour from the side to raid the other party, so that you can attack the other party on both sides and break the other party's escape route. After all, yes Fang is very familiar with the terrain here. If you chase it head-on, it is difficult to catch up with each other. Grimio is really good-hearted.

Grmio was still thoughtful, and Elvin finally agreed.

After the tactics were formulated, for Xiu Na and Xing Zhi, who were completely unable to fight, Elvin asked them to hide behind the largest tree trunk next to them after the action began, which was safe.

Next, with Grimio's order, the four people took action one after another. Grimio took the lead, and Mikalted followed him. Elvin quietly moved aside and accelerated around, while the others hid behind the trees.

However, the matter was a little different from what everyone imagined. Grimio and the others ran smoothly under the big tree pointed to by Shuna and were not attacked by the other party on the way. Under the big tree, there was still no one around, no breath, let alone a sense of murder. Grimio and the three suddenly realized that the other party had moved their position in order to avoid the crowd. It seemed that the other party was indeed a good player in the forest, good at travel tactics, shooting an arrow to change places, and could actually make a sound.

Grimio and the three of them knew that they were in the dark, which was a very dangerous situation, so the three of them put their backs against their backs, widened their eyes, were highly focused, and alerted around.

Suddenly, Grimio shouted, "No, it's coming! Hide quickly."

As soon as the voice fell, three arrows flew from a distant direction in an instant. Fortunately, it was shot in the direction of Grimio's best warning, and Grimio could quickly issue a warning. When Mikal and Ted heard the warning, they jumped to both sides and dodged the arrows shot at them. Although these arrows were extremely fast, Grimio could still block them directly with a sword without avoiding the frontal arrows.

However, before they recovered, the two arrows of the second wave came one after another. The gap between the two waves of arrows was so short that they could be shot continuously. It seemed that the other party knew early that the first wave of arrows was not enough to hit the opponent, and the second wave was the main force.

A hundred-step through Yang, or a thousand-step through Yang, is not the criterion for judging the top archer. He can prejudge the opponent's movements, and then sniper on the direction and trajectory of the opponent's movement, making the opponent defenseless. Only by having this ability to predict and understand the opponent's actions can he be called a sharpshooter. In this regard, the same is true of the previous archery that Al-in rescued Elvin, and the timing and location were just right in advance.

This second wave of arrows is exactly like this. Mikal and Ted, who had just jumped and avoided, felt a fierce wind pressure rushing towards themselves before landing, which made them unavoidable.


Mikal and Ted were both hit by arrows, and crimson blood flowed out.

Fortunately, these two arrows only rubbed their arms, with a slight scratch, only a small wound. However, the two of them don't think it's just lucky. Obviously, it's just a small lesson after the other party's warning, and they are not really ruthless. In the second wave of arrows, there was no arrow shot at Grimio. Perhaps only Grimio's action made the other party unpredictable for a while.

The other party's voice: "This is my second warning. If you don't want to cherish your life, you will shed more blood."

This is still a warning. Although it is more profound than before, Grimio still does not feel the murderous intention of the other party. Although he knows in his heart that the other party does not want to really kill them, the other party's archery is so powerful that it will be very dangerous to rush directly. The three of them are honestly alert. And continue to negotiate with the other party, which does not mean giving up, because they still have the next move.

The first plan is ineffective, and there is a second plan. At this time, Elvin completely saw the scene. He captured the location of the other party. When Grimio and the others negotiated with each other and attracted the other party's attention, Elvin quietly circled to the back of the other party and planned to raid the other party.

In order not to be detected by the other party, Elvin paid great attention to the situation under his feet and walked on the grass to avoid making noises such as small branches on the ground. He was also careful not to scrape the surrounding grass, let alone breathe heavily. Evan did all the secrets he had learned in the past. The moving skills have been used here.

In this way, Elvin quietly approached the other party, 50 meters and 40 meters, getting closer and closer. At this time, Elvin suddenly vaguely felt a slight rustling sound behind him. Now in this case, he can never have any carelessness. Elvin immediately alerted, quickly turned around, looked behind, and quietly and carefully explored the movement around him.

But a few seconds later, the sound never appeared again. Everything was so calm, as if nothing had happened just now. It was estimated that the sound of the wind blowing through the leaves or grass, and Irwin was slightly relieved and continued to move on.

30 meters and 20 meters, it is closer to the other party. At this distance, Elvin can finally see the other party's figure. The other party is standing on a tall and thick branch, seven or eight meters away from the ground, holding a delicate wooden black bow, probably a yew, with an ivy pattern coiled along the bow arm, a dark green light clothes, dark green and black hair like nature, charming handsome appearance, slender figure, age judgment He is probably only in his twenties, very young, dressed like local residents, and with such great archery, it can be seen that he has received very strict training since he was a very young age.

Why did such a partner try so hard to stop Elvin from moving forward? Is there anything in front of this that is enough for him to protect to the death?

Now, while the other party is focusing on Grimio's direction, it seems that he has not noticed the existence of Elvin. This is a great opportunity.

The other party is on a tall tree and under the ground. Although he has not thought of a good way to climb the tree without the other party's awareness, the closer it is to the archer, the better it is. This has always been a hard injury of long-range weapons.

Ewen slowly approached again. At this time, something unexpected happened to Elvin again. At this time, the star wrist wheel on his wrist reacted again, and two gems glowed again.

Is this...