Fantasy Water Margin Legend

Chapter 329 Rescue: God of War 1

At the bottom of the "black prison", Elvin kept searching here alone, as if he was looking for something. Until the edge of a black wall, Evan stopped to explore the wall in more detail.

ai wen said to himself, "If the inference is correct, it's here. Let's see if our plan and our only hope can work."

Then, Erwin meditated his imagination and flashed the gem long gun into his hand. Evan suddenly launched a sprint to the wall, and the gem gun in his hand slammed into the wall. The gem long gun is so sharp that even this solid boulder wall can't stand it and is poured into by abrupt puncture.

The gem long gun successfully pierced the wall, but Elvin looked embarrassed.

"It's too bad. Sure enough, there are a lot of gaps between what we can see on the map and the actual situation."

It turned out that according to the detailed study of these two maps, Evan and Sith found a very clever intersection, that is, at the bottom of the "black prison", the wall in front of them is the closest place to the secret passage of the imperial city. Behind this wall is the passage of the secret passage of the imperial city.

The separation of a wall is the way to live, but this is really fate. Elvin just used gems to grow * in to explore the thickness of the wall. The gem gun, which is more than two meters long, can't break through the wall, and listening to the sound, the thickness of this wall is thicker than expected.

This is miserable. For Elvin and Sith, who have no time to scout and research, this is the only way out that Elvin has planned at present. Now Evan would not choose to give up like this. Evan immediately turned the gem long gun into a gem hammer and smashed the wall with all his strength.

Although the gem hammer has doubled the strength of Evan's arm and made it powerful, unfortunately, it can only smash a small piece of stone, causing a small hole in the wall. It's really a royal prison. Even these walls under the ground are made of boulder as hard as the walls of the fortress. It's really too hard.

Evan did not give up and still raised the gem hammer and kept hitting the wall. With the power of the gem weapon of this star wrist wheel, it is only a matter of time to smash this strong wall. Unfortunately, what Elvin lacks is the precious thing of time. Outside the "black prison", there are also countless soldiers who are trying their best to open the blockade of the "black prison". The original plan was to let Black Bull and their powerful companions open up together at the other end at the same time. Unfortunately, the incident happened. Suddenly, Elvin has no choice but to rely on himself. The key to victory is to compete with those soldiers.

Just as he smashed a meter deep hole, there was a sound of fighting not far away, and the sound was very loud. The ground was accompanied by vibration, which showed that the battle was quite fierce. These sounds came from the room that had just fought with Magellan not far away. No, Teglas and Lar, they are still there. Did the soldiers rush in? Elvin didn't think much about it and rushed there directly.

As soon as Elvin opened the door, the scene in front of him made him hard to believe. This is the place where he had just fought with Magellan. Today's room, the ground is full of arrows, and there are many broken holes on the walls and floors, which shows how much the battle is. Fierce.

"Evan, you... run away...too strong..." It was Teglas. He fell to the ground and was seriously injured. He was unable to stand up again.

Aiwen immediately became alert. In the middle of the room, there stood a burly man, shining and imposing. Aiwen recognized the other party at a glance. Yes, he was too impressed with this person. At the martial arts conference eight years ago, his legendary martial arts made Aiwen extremely revere him. And he is the invincible god of war, the emptiness of the kingdom.

Aiwen also heard some rumors about the god of war after the martial arts conference eight years ago. Although he was the eldest brother of Wang Yuanhu, the commander of the active Holy Dragon Guard Regiment, he actually had nothing to do with the kingdom. Since that martial arts conference, he has traveled around with his two apprentices. Since then, there has been little news, but why does the void of the god of war appear here now?

As soon as Void opened his mouth, he asked, "Are you Elvin?"

Sure enough, he came for himself. Avan did not cover up and said his name bluntly: "Yes, I am Elvin, and you... are the void of the god of war."

Void directly stated his intention: "Then everything is completely correct. Come on, this place is just right now. Let's fight."

What? Duel? Void will fight against himself as soon as he meets him, which makes Erwin feel that he doesn't understand things.

Void: "What I pursue is a legendary duel, but I struggle to find an opponent who can create this legendary duel together. Now, I have finally found you as the legendary star hero. I believe that this time, I can fulfill my wish."

Avan hurriedly denied: "I'm really sorry that I'm not the legendary star hero you heard about, and I have no reason to fight with you, so would you please let us leave?"

Naturally, I will not accept such a statement about the void from the special city: "Although I am not born in your kingdom, in the years of travel in this continent, there are legends everywhere about the heroic deeds of the stars 200 years ago, and his power is strong in the world. I know you are not the star hero of those years, but as his successor, I know you inherited his power. For you, there is no reason to fight, but for me, this is the goal I pursue all my life. In a word, if you fight against me, you will not be able to leave here.

For Elvin, who is competing for every minute, any waste is not allowed now. What's more, the invincible god of war in front of him now is an opponent that he is absolutely unwilling to face even at any other time and place. Elvin still refused to fight against the void. He knew that he had no time and no such strength to defeat the terrible opponent in front of him.

Void is very dissatisfied with Ai Wen's unintentional confrontation. It is no wonder that the pursuit of Void's life is now in front of his eyes. As a warrior, he can't give up.

"Anyway, let me see the power of being a star hero!"

The void punched Elvin from a distance of more than ten meters away, but such an attack distance made Elvin feel that the powerful force was coming to him.

No matter what this invisible power would be, Elvin immediately summoned the gem round shield for defense. With an inexplicable impact, even if Elvin held an extremely strong gemstone round shield, he was forced to take several steps back before he could stabilize his figure.

"Is this the power of the star hero? Sure enough, it's an incredible power that can resist my blow." Void is obviously very interested in Elvin's opponent.

Awen repositioned. He didn't receive any damage from this blow. Ivan was very strange. Is this the attack of the invincible god of war who dominated the world eight years ago? It can't be just such power, even if it's just a tentative blow.

Avan's doubts were immediately answered. A big hole appeared in the position behind him. It was still a door just now, but now it has become this scene. I didn't bear such a big impact just now. Why is there so much difference? What on earth is this blow from the void?

Intangible attack, Elvin flashed an idea in his mind. Is this power... vitality?

"Next, it's time to take the second move!"

The five fingers of the void are open, and the palms are aimed at Evan.

Whether it is vitality or not, the first thing Elvin should do is to defend and hold the gemstone shield high again to protect his important parts.

Seeing the bad situation, Teglas shouted desperately, "Ive! Be careful, this kind of attack is not in a straight line!"


Evan was shocked. His body directly verified Teglas' warning. Several invisible forces bypassed Evan's gem shield and attacked Evan's body from the top and bottom. This feeling, yes, is really energetic, and this power, although not as powerful as the blow just now, Elvin completely fell down.

One blow knocked down the opponent, but the void seemed very unhappy: "Is this the power of the star hero? It's outrageous. Stand up quickly!"

ai wen endured the severe pain and got up with difficulty. The blow just now was really terrible. Obviously, the other party was just an ordinary blow. May he still defeat the serious Void of the God of War?

ai wen really didn't expect that in addition to the swordsman, there were people in this world who could also learn martial arts. Looking back, it was with this set of irresistible super martial arts that he stood above the highest point of everyone in the martial arts conference. Now Elvin understands that the void of the god of martial arts The unique trick is the martial arts of vitality. Moreover, the biggest problem now is that Elvin can't feel the attack direction of vitality at all, but with a little dangerous feeling, it is impossible to avoid this kind of vitality attack method that has never been seen before.

Evan still wanted to try his best to avoid the war, so he said, "Lord Wu Shen, you have also seen it now. In fact, my strength is not what you think. I can become an opponent to create a legendary battle with you. I have always respected you as a great warrior. All, I I also hope you can end our meaningless battle.

Void seemed angry: "Do you know that I have been pursuing the pain of my opponent for so many years? Do you want me to do my best for you so that you can exert the power of the star hero? It seems that only as the commander of Becas said can you burst into extremely powerful power only at the critical moment of life and death.

What? What did the commander of the Becas Legion say? Elvin's mind immediately turned around, and many of his doubts had been answered. Finally, he knew why the void of the god of war appeared here and why he knew that he was the hero of the star. It turned out that everything was Beckas's conspiracy.

In this way, isn't all his actions under the control of Becas? This time, his infiltration into the royal prison to save people has been completely seen through. No, even, he can come here so smoothly, or is all this carefully paved by Bekas?

Does Bekas want to take this opportunity to catch the two brothers, Evan and Ain? Not only, but also the companions in the royal capital, their lives are also in danger. Thinking of this, Elvin's fighting spirit soared. He is going to really fight and must not fall in this place. Now no matter what, he must escape from here as soon as possible.

At present, Elvin has no way to cope with the empt vitality attack, which is difficult to defend. The first idea of Elvin is that attack is the best defense, and the general attack method cannot work for strong warriors like the God of War. If he wants to win, Elvin has pressed everything down on surprise. It's above the victory.

ai wen immediately raised the gem round shield and charged into the void, and the victory and defeat was hit here.

"Finally, I'm determined to fight seriously, right? I'm going to be serious." The void stretched out five fingers again and began to condense vitality.

At this moment, Elvin, who was charging with a shield, suddenly noticed something and smiled. This time, he finally saw the possibility of victory.

The void sent out an energetic attack "Yuanqi•*", and five sharp vitality arc-shaped attacks like long guns. Elvin was injured by this move just now. The same move, even if you can't see it, won't be so easy to be hit again. I believe that Void deliberately tested Elvin like this.

In the face of the same move, Evan dealt with it calmly and quickly jumped up, facing one of the " vitality*" attacks with the gemstone round shield, and resisted it with all his strength. The gem round shield is so magical that Elvin successfully broke through this "Yuanqi•*" without much power and dodged a few times. This time, he completely avoided the attack of the void, and his movements were coherent and neat, as if he had completely seen through the direction of the invisible vitality.

Yes, this time, Elvin did see the void vitality attack, and he did not rely on the same perception as small them, but really "see" it. All this is completely relying on the gem round shield, Elvin, who rushed with the shield raised the shield. Through this transparent gemstone round shield, he saw the action of the void. More amazingly, he saw that an inexplicable tiny particle gathered into the hands of the void and condensed into a huge air mass, and believed that this was the true form of vitality.

Void's move failed this time, but he looked very happy. He was looking forward to Elvin, who was about to rush to show the power of the star hero he expected.

Avan still raised his shield to sprint, and there was an extra gem sword in his right hand, which was the most common way of sword and shield attack on the battlefield, blocking the opponent's sight with a shield and covering the sword attack behind him. However, Aiwen's gem round shield is almost transparent, and blocking the sight is impossible to succeed at all. What's more, this kind of battlefield attack method is not effective in the eyes of warriors and even the god of war.

ai wen rushed to the front of the void in an instant, and the void did not do anything to avoid, but intended to attack directly with Aiwen.

Avan still holds a gem round shield to attack and wants to use it to hit the void. The Void palm was on the gemstone shield and completely stopped Evan's charge. Of course, Elvin also had a back move. The gem sword attacked, but strangely, Elvin's sword did not stab the void, but his own gem shield.

This unexpected move soon had an unexpected result. The gem sword did not collide with the gem round shield. Instead, it penetrated directly and suddenly reached the void body. The tip of the sword had been attached to the abdomen of the void, and another inch was about to see blood.

It is no wonder that the weapons summoned by gems are originally homologous, so it is normal to be impenetrable. In the face of this magical power, nothing is impossible to happen.

"Is this trick your so-called power? It's so disappointing!" The void was full of anger, and then something terrible happened. Evan suddenly felt that his body was surrounded by a powerful aura force, which made him unable to move at all, and this force was attacking him.

"Yuanqi • Domain" is an extremely fierce move. He is actually using the void now. The huge vitality surrounds the void, and Elvin, who is in it, immediately suffered the pain of tearing his body. After a scream, Elvin was popped out of the empty "Yuanqi Domain" and was not completely defeated.

"Is that how you use the power of the legendary star hero? Does it just serve to protect you? It's really weak."

What Void said means that Evin can only suffer such damage under the "vigor" that even the black cow after drinking can't resist, which is actually protected by the power of the star wrist wheel. The names of vitality, the wrist wheel of the stars, the gods of the stars, and the essential power of the world all seem to originate from the same thing. Therefore, Elvin can now not only see the power of materialized vitality by the power of the star wrist wheel, but also easily resist the power of vitality, and can also protect Elvin from being greatly harmed by the huge power of vitality.

Having said that, he can be directly hurt by the "Yuanqi • Domain". Elvin is still seriously injured and it is difficult to fight again. At this time, the void was slowly coming towards him. At this critical moment, a long sword flew over.

The void did not even dodge. When the sword approached the void, it broke itself in mid-air. This must have been smashed by vitality.

"If it is the action of the kingdom's army, I will maintain my position, but now, it is on the grounds of confrontation with others. Even if the famous god of war is empty, I do not allow you to hurt my brother and hinder his progress."

ai wen looked back and was very excited. It was his brother, Ain, who took action.