Fantasy Water Margin Legend

Chapter 369 Plan 2

Yang: "Oh, this point, you don't need to look for it, just wait for the other party to come automatically."

Minos: "The time the other party sneaked in a few days ago? Well, time doesn't make sense either?"

Yang: "I didn't say that time. In fact, it was earlier, that is, when Xiaofu came alone and was attacked."

Everyone: "What! It will be arranged at that time!"

"Yes, that Xiaofu, as I expected, determines his fate. He was stubborn and really had an accident. Therefore, Xiaozang can take the opportunity to track and sneak into the other party's base camp and hear a lot of useful information. Among them, he found a very important secret, so I want to launch This time's surprise attack. Obviously, Yang didn't want to tell everyone about the tears of the stars.

Everyone realized, "Since it was already arranged at that time!"

Yang: "Yes, under the tracking, Xiaozang found the biggest secret of the other party, that is, the mirror of teleportation, a strange thing that can magically shuttle between the two places."

Rubat: "With such a good thing, why don't we grab it back together?"

Yang: "Such a big mirror, without this skill, besides, no one can use it. It seems that it can only be used by some people with physical characteristics."

"People with physical characteristics?" Everyone certainly doesn't understand.

Yang: "Yes, the other party has a person responsible for opening the door. At first, Xiaozang didn't understand this, so he could only wait for the other party to open the mirror before taking the opportunity to get in and out. But later, when there was no one, Xiaozang tried to open it himself, which made me plan to this time. Surprise attack."

Hazo Hattori, as a ninja, has been learning ninjutsu in the village since he was a child. He can quietly sneak anywhere and is difficult to be detected by the enemy, eliminate body odors, hide in darkness, and even stop his breathing and heartbeat for a short time. No wonder all these skills can be Elvin's star fortress has been sneaking into the fortress for more than a month without being noticed. Even when he has been patrolling Tiglas and Silver Teeth, he just feels a little unspeakably strange. So that in the end, no matter how good the guard is, Hattori Hanzo found the biggest secret in the Star Fortress. The existence of Star Tears has Yang's surprise attack plan.

Rubat: "What! You lazy person has planned it for a long time, and you didn't do it earlier. We have been busy in the black forest for so many days.

Yang sighed and said, "Although we can use the other party's transmission mirror, in view of the fact that only Xiaozang can open it at this stage, we can only carry out surprise attacks from one side. Although this transmission mirror is very large, it is obviously impossible to pass a large number of soldiers. The other party will choose If you destroy the mirror, then the people who raid will be very dangerous, and then the other party will be vigilant, and it will be difficult to surprise you. The royal card still has to stay at the critical moment before use. So I continued to wait for the information given by Xiaozang. As a result, I was waiting for the other party to sneak in first, which is what I said before. I made a plan and let the other party steal the plan and lead the other party out of the base camp. Then under the guidance of Xiaozang, he came to one of the transmission mirrors of the other party, relied on Xiaozang to solve the guard, and then turned on the transmission mirror, so that our troops could successfully enter the other party's base camp. It was also the first time I saw such a magical thing. Curiously, I also tried to open it myself. The result was really effective, and then I mastered the method of using it. In this way, I smoothly led the troops into the other party's base camp.

Rubat: "Well, tell me, what's the use of all this! After so many tricks in this surprise attack, what the hell can you do back?

Yang: "In a word, this is enough for us to cross."

Rubat immediately asked, "What a cross! I promised to carry the other party's head back to the intersection, otherwise I would have to lift my head to offset it.

Yang doesn't seem to want to mention this harvest. After all, the tears of the stars are the secret treasure in the legend of the kingdom, the revered divine object. He still bears the sin of destroying this artifact by himself.

"Hmm, don't say it!" Rubart turned his head away angrily like a child.

Yang: "Well, everyone must be exhausted after so many days. Go and have a rest. Tomorrow, we will leave for Wangdu immediately. I believe that the troops of the Lion Heart Regiment have also contacted Xiaoya's troops.

As soon as Rubart heard the lion's heart, he immediately turned his head and came back: "What! Are those guys coming? Great, the last battle was really depressing. It's different from the guys in the Lion Heart Group. You can have a good time.

Yang: "No, now we don't have the strength to fight any battles. Don't forget that we don't have much military food left."

Rubat's head did not turn so fast and could see so far. In fact, his military food was in an emergency. Now if he goes back, he also needs to ask the lords all the way to return to the capital safely, let alone continue to fight here.

Rubat's hard temper came up again: "What are you afraid of! At worst, I just don't eat."

I have always supported Rubart's Ladaman. This time, I dare not agree with it. If you don't have food, you will have no strength, but everyone knows it.

Minos also advised: "No, the commander, the soldiers can't stand it. The commander of the legion, please think about the soldiers below. In fact, the soldiers have been very tired for so many days."

When it comes to the soldiers, Rubart's attitude softened: "But, ah, what have we been busy for months? If you don't fight, it really pissed me off!"

Yang helplessly took out the last killer: "Xiaoba, I believe you have also seen this letter. Do you know that if it makes your wife unhappy... 'that', but..."

Rubat saw this letter and was shocked into a cold sweat again: "Ah! No! You lazy guy threatened me like this! Humph! No more games, just say whatever you say! Damn, I'm so pissed off!"

Seeing that Rubat left with a child's temper, Yang smiled helplessly: "Little bus, I really don't know when you will become reliable, and I can't be with you like this all the time."

In this way, when the meeting was over, everyone returned to their residence and had a good rest. Rubat was actually so tired that as soon as he entered the room and didn't even take off his armor, he fell straight to ** and fell asleep. After so many days of rushing, he was really exhausted.

What a sweet and peaceful night in the barracks of the Red Dragon Heavy Regiment. However, there is only one who is abnormal and does not sleep at ease. That person is Yang. Now he is sitting in front of the bed, thinking about a lot of things.

Yang: "Xiao Zang, are you there?" Oriental Island Language)

A voice came from the dark of the room: "Yes."

Yang: "This time, I'm really sorry to get you involved in the battle."

Hattori Hanzo: "I don't mind."

Yang: "That's good."

Hattori Hanzo: "What are you thinking about?"

Yang: "Your insight is still so strong. Although this battle is over, you always feel unnatural. It seems that this time, we should not do this strange feeling."

Hattori Hanzo: "I'm the same."

Yang: "Really, it's really a wonderful strange feeling, but at this point, we can only continue to go on. By the way, Xiaozang, I'm a little worried about some things, and I have to trouble you to investigate again.

Hattori Hanzo: "Please tell me."

Yang: "I feel very strange. Although the military food we rationed at the beginning was very sufficient, considering that our Red Dragon Heavy Regiment has always been fighting outside for a long time (in fact, Yang had to insist on reconnaissance to spend so much time), we often asked Wang Du for food and fodder support in the past, but this Once, why did we repeatedly request Wang Du for military food support without any response? This is so strange."

Hattori Hanzo: "I will investigate."

Yang: "There is another person who cares me very much and wants you to investigate for me."

Hatabe Hanzo: "Who?"

Yang: "It was the squadron leader (Gutos) who followed me in that surprise attack. He actually knew so many things that I didn't even know. It seems that there must be some interesting secrets behind him."

Hattori Hanzo: "I understand, then I'll go."

Yang: "Thank you for your hard work, Xiaozang."

There was no sound in the dark.

Yang: "You still walk so fast, Xiaozang, don't work too hard, don't tire yourself."

In this way, the night is finally over.


On the second day, the troops of the Red Dragon Heavy Regiment officially began to leave the main city of Libel. The army marched neatly to the east of Libel's territory, intending to meet with the troops of Yagos and then return to the capital together.

On the hillside in the distance, several people rode horses, where they watched the departure of the army. They were Irvan and Sith.

Sith: "Sure enough, the route and formation of the march are boundless. There is no chance for us to raid. That Yang is really worthy of the name of the first military division of the kingdom."

At the previous meeting, Sith learned about Yang's real evaluation through Yingwan's explanation.

At the meeting, the most surprising incident of being led by Yang to attack the Star Fortress this time was Mikal, who brought back the plan. He still couldn't believe that he was used by the other party, and it was none other than anyone else, but the weak guy who slept late all day.

Mikal was so angry that he vomited blood on the spot: "Ah! Is that guy really too weak for a child to win? It's so disgusting that I was fooled by such a person! It pissed me off!"

Yingwan: "Yes, our Lion Heart Group and the Red Dragon Reloading Group are old rivals. Naturally, we know much more about each other than you. Although our Lion Heart Group is never afraid of any legion in the kingdom, only the Red Dragon Reloading Group always gives us a headache."

The evaluation of the other party turned out to be a headache. In retrospect, it is not difficult for Ai Wen and others to feel the same way in the face of the red dragon reloading group.

Yingwan: "What bothers us most is Yang, the military division of the Red Dragon Reloading Regiment. This guy is different from their leader, the commander of the Rubart Legion known as the God of War, but he is the best at defense. There is no gap to be found. As long as he is sitting in the battle, he will definitely be able to spend more than half a year with you, and you only He could only sigh when he could look at his strong defense and finally had to choose to retreat.

It seems that the Red Dragon Heavy Regiment went to suppress the rebellion in the south half a year before the founding celebration. In fact, most of the time, it was stationed in the territory of the lord like this and confronted each other with the rebels launched by the Lion Heart Regiment for nearly half a year, which was stopped.

The strongest shield is the Lion Heart Group's evaluation given to Yang. Therefore, the Red Dragon Reloading Group has always been defeated, which is also because in most cases, the enemy will not fight, and the two sides will finally draw.

Mikal still can't turn his head: "I really can't figure it out. How can the guy who only know how to sleep all day be such a powerful person? I, who has read countless people, is really... ah!" Mikal is crazy.

Yingwan: "You can't be confused by the appearance of the military teacher Yang. Yes, according to our intelligence, he is indeed sleeping most of the time. Such a person can actually control the whole situation. At first, it is also an incredible thing for us. However, it turns out that he does have such terrible strength. People. Yang, the military commander, pays the most attention to collecting intelligence. No matter how small or inconspicuous it is, he has to understand it in detail. However, a large amount of information means that he needs a lot of energy to sort out and think about it. This is the most terrible thing about the military division Yang. His thinking speed is so fast that he is talented. People can reach it."

When it came to this, Sith obviously listened carefully.

Yingwan: "Because the amount of information received is too large, and he has to quickly analyze this information and then make a plan, even if it is such a head, it is a heavy burden, so he needs to relieve the great pressure of his mind through a lot of sleep. The above is our leader Levi's evaluation of the other party.

This Yang, who doesn't even understand his companions, but Levi, the leader of the Lion Heart Group, can know him so well. It can be seen that Levi is also a great figure.


Now, I am really ashamed of Sith, who is now looking at the Red Dragon's reloading group, recalling the true evaluation of Yang at that meeting and comparing myself. This time, I am a loser.

Evan could see what Sith was thinking, so he comforted him: " Sith, don't mind anymore. In fact, this time, it's already our great victory to let the other party retreat."

Sith: "However, part of the star tears taken away by the other party is really an immeasurable loss."

Aiwen: "No matter how precious this object is, we haven't lost the most precious thing after all."

Sis: "These are..."

Elvin: "It is our hope. Our desire to resist the emperor's rule and build a new world of beauty and happiness still exists. Everyone's hope, everyone's fetters, everyone's smiles still exist, and all this depends on Sith and everyone's efforts to make all this continue.

"Aiwen, you...and everyone...thank you." Sith cheered up and said, "This time the other party has retreated. I believe that no other legions will come to fight in a short time."

ai wen: "Yes, and this time, with the support of the Lion Heart Group, our future development will definitely be a leap. Our future will not stop at this Libel territory and the Black Forest. The whole kingdom is the stage we should go to. At that time, I still have everyone else to rely on Sith.

Sith said excitedly, "I will do my best to assist you as I swear."

Evan: "Thank you, Sith."

Sith: "I will. After this failure, I will remember what Yang, the first military division of this kingdom, taught me. On the stage of the future kingdom, I will return him well."

Irving was very happy to see Sith rekindle his fighting spirit, but his worries are always reminding him that the future stage will be a more cruel world.

With the departure of the Red Dragon Reloading Group, what Elvin will face next is to meet Levi, the leader of the lion heart group, the largest rebel organization in the rumored kingdom.