Fantasy Water Margin Legend

Chapter 401 Their respective situations

On the third day of the strategy of the three cities, the city of Libel is still the same as the first day. Elvin and their star clusters surround the whole city, while Libel City is still in defense. The soldiers on the wall are constantly guarded day and night. They don't know when and how the attack will start. .

However, it's really strange. In the past two days, Elvan and others have not taken any offensive means, just surrounded and did not move. It seems that it is really a tactic as Sith said that intends to subduing people without fighting.

In the castle of Libel City, in the lord's room, Nadir is shouting for help: "Come on! Come on!"

When the assistant heard the news, he quickly came to see what was going on: "Your Excellency, what's wrong? Are you all right? What the hell happened?"

"This, the roar of this monster, what is this! Let it stop. It's terrible!"

Nadir refers to a monster-like roar that keeps coming from a distance.

The assistant said helplessly, "Well, I'm really sorry, Lord, we can't stop this sound, because it's the roar of the enemy outside the city."

What the assistant officer refers to is that outside the city gate, the huge roar of the black bull that is constantly screaming and roaring. Since yesterday, the black bull has been roaring like this.

Nadir: "What! The enemy's? No, it's impossible. It's a castle. It's still so far from the city wall. It's impossible. The human voice can't come here. Ah, no, this must be a monster. Yes, that's right. It's a monster. There are many monsters in the Black Forest. It must have been brought by those enemies. No, it's terrible. Whoo.

The shadow of the murder of his parents in the past has always troubled Nadir's heart. The assistant looked at Lord Nadir, who collapsed with fear, and sighed again: "No, now I can't listen to what the lord says. The enemy calculated like this early in the morning and took advantage of the Lord's greatest weakness and wanted to completely collapse him. What should he do now?

Nadir, the lord of Libel City, was a very lively and healthy child when he was young, but why did he suffer from such a serious mental illness as autism? Previously, when he went to Xingyin Village with Master Xingzhi, he knew that the tragedy he encountered in the Black Forest (his parents were killed by monsters in the Black Forest) caused him to suffer from a mental illness that felt dangerous to external things.

Outside the city gate, the black bull is constantly screaming, and I have to admire his physical strength and voice. In the past two days, he has been launching a "giant beast roar" in order to constantly put pressure on Lord Nadir in the high wall and use this invisible power to directly hit him from the other hand. Of course, the soldiers defending above the wall also had a psychological deterrent effect, and their fighting spirit was even lower.

However, in this regard, Black Bull is also weak. On that day, Elvin asked him to do the task that only she could complete. In fact, this refers to this thing, just to shout there. On the first day, I barely completed the task faithfully, but just entered the second day, and I began to get tired of it.

"I quit! It's so boring that these turtle sons don't even dare to lift their heads, let alone dare to come out and fight with me.

Black Bull's strike, boredom and tired of this is one. Second, that is, because Elvin was no longer here at this time, the Black Bull boldly began to strike.

However, there are still people in charge of supervision. Hoffman, as the guardian of the black bull, stayed here, and Ted, who are fully responsible for the command here.

Hearing the "giant beast roar" stop, Hoffman ran over and scolded, "Black Bull, what are you doing? As a man, how can you lose like this?"

Black Bull shouted stubbornly, "How can I lose? Well, even if I want to lose now, no one will beat me. It's so boring. I won't do it."

Hoffman responded directly to the black bull with action, punched it, knocked the defenseless black cow to the ground, and then pointed to him and shouted, "Are you a man in the warrior village? At the beginning, you said that you would be the first to let you come here (the Black Bull once said this at the three-city strategy meeting), but now you are here, and you clearly promised Elvin to work hard to complete the task assigned to you. Now you are complaining there. This is not the work of a man at all!"

Although three sentences are inseparable from a man, this is the first time I have seen Hoffman say such a big truth. The black bull suddenly covered up, completely forgot the thing that was beaten just now, and said hesitantly, "I just think that there is no use for doing this. The other party is still not like that turtle. I don't dare to stick out my head. I just feel too angry.

Hoffman: "I don't know what everyone is going to do, but since it is the decision of Elvin and Sith, then there will be nothing wrong. I promised village head Dane to take good care of everyone in the warrior village. If there is a problem, as a man, our shoulders can also carry the problem. Come down,"

Although Hoffman can't come up with anything for everyone, he always leads the team of the warrior village responsibly and actively listens to everyone's assignment. Although he feels sorry that he can't exert his strength this time, he still actively deals with anything that can be done there.

Ted also came over at this time and said to the two, "Hoffman is right, Black Bull, Elvin has high expectations for you. You can't let Elvin down with you like this. This time, the success of Libel City's strategy depends on you and everyone. Now Elvin and everyone are working hard in other places. How can you easily admit defeat at this time?

Hoffman: "Yes, that's right. A man will never go back on the promise he made! What's more, you won't work hard to do it. Come on, the man of our warrior village, stand up again!"

Hoffman then put his finger in his ear, and Ted followed suit.

"I hate being told that I'm not a man! I'll fight this time! Ah, ah, ah, ah!"

The roar of the black bull echoed again throughout the city of Libel.

At this time, in Libel City, a man was drinking spirits in a dim pub and said to himself, "The time is not ripe, and we have to wait."


On the other hand, the castle in Nibble is different from the city of Libel surrounded by fear. This is another scene. The castle of the lord is no different from usual. It is a very leisurely scene. No wonder that at this time when a large-scale war on both sides of the territory is about to begin, this middle zone is surprisingly peaceful and quiet, and Lord Snake, "The Greedy Snake" is still enjoying this simple and beautiful life there.

At this time, Sneke saw that the assistant was signaling to see him outside the gate, which seemed to be a secret thing, so Sneke called him to the hall next to him.

In the room next to the hall, Sneek met the assistant officer: "What happened to what I ordered you to do?"

The assistant officer reported: "Don't worry, Lord, I will do my best to complete the task with my subordinates and dare not neglect it. I also came to report as soon as I got the information."

"Okay, tell me, what's going on in the past few days?" Snape has been waiting too much these days.

The assistant was a little hesitant: "Well, Lord, most of the information I received is bad news."

Snek frowned a little and said anxiously, "What... Well, say it quickly."

Auxiliary: "First of all, the situation in the east. Lord Kimberley has led a large army to Hailan City, but after that, there is no information at all."

Sneke was surprised: "What the hell is going on?"

The assistant replied agrly, "The scouts belonging to our department along the way have been intercepted and the reconnaissance operation has been blocked, so it is difficult to know what's going on there."

The war between the two sides is imminent, and the entire area east of the territory of Nipur will become a battlefield, especially to detect the movement of the enemy. Therefore, most of the reconnaissance scouts sent by Snek returned because they were found by the Lionheart Regiment.

Sneke: "Can't even the reconnaissance of the Griffin cavalry go smoothly?"

Auxiliary: "Yes, the Lionheart Regiment has a large number of griffins, and I don't know why it's easy to grasp the movement of our griffins, so it's useless to return."

Sneke has heard a lot about the Lionheart Regiment. After all, this is a combat power that can compete with the Kingdom Legion, and the Lion Heart Corps also holds the military secret of how to track the Griffin cavalry, which is already circulating in the kingdom, so for the griffins owned by ordinary lords This is also the reason why cavalry can be easily found and tracked. Therefore, if it weren't for the dragon flying group, then the lion heart group still has an absolute advantage in the air.

Sneke: "Since things are not going well in the east, forget it. It's better not to attract the attention of the lion's heart now, so what else?"

The assistant's face was more difficult at this time, but he still reported truthfully: "However, in the territory of Libel in the west, it was very bad, that is, three days ago, Libel City began to be surrounded by a rebel called Star Regiment, and the situation was quite It's severe."

This made Snek jump up: "What! There is such a thing! This group of rebels are really bold. It seems that a series of things during this period have been planned by the other side. Damn it, there are rebels on both sides. So, will the next target be my territory..."

The war in Libel City has finally reached Sneke's ears, which makes him unable to stay out of the matter again. If he is not careful, the war will spread at any time.

"Quickly, tell me the details!" Snape had to be anxious.

Auxiliary officer: "According to the news that our scouts have just returned, this time, about 6,000 or 7,000 troops have been dispatched by the Star Regiment are currently surrounding Libel City with all its strength, while Libel City has taken a way to defend it with all its strength. Although there was no direct battle between the two sides, the situation It is obvious that it will be absolutely unfavorable to Libel's side.

Sneke had to start planning in his heart: (Lebel is the incompetent lord, and in that poor place, there can't be any troops at all, and it's really a joke. Six or seven thousand troops... If my troops hadn't suffered losses, at least they could at least defend themselves now. The city. Damn, I can't expect Libel to last long, but even if you are incompetent, you have to consume one or two thousand people for me. The Star Group is indeed a well-known rebel in the vicinity, a guy who can't be eliminated by the Red Dragon Heavy Regiment, but I heard that the scale is not large, 6,000 or 7,000 troops. It seems that the other party intends to fight with Libel City with all its strength.)

Sneke always thinks that others will suffer losses and benefit himself.

Sneke: "Well, have you detected a deeper action?"

Auxiliary officer: "I'm really sorry. The other party's vigilance seems to be more rigorous than expected, and the soldiers' patrols are also very frequent. Our assistant officer has also been killed and injured by arrows from nowhere, and it is difficult to go further. However, looking at the arrangement of the other party, it seems that he intends to fight a long-term protracted war.

Sneke thought to: (Is it going to be long-term? Is it waiting for the outcome of the battle in the eastern battlefield? Anyway, there will be no danger for us for the time being. But you still have to be careful and ask Wang Du for help as soon as possible.)

Sneke: "Continue to scout. If you find anything else, come back and report immediately."

Auxiliary Officer: "Yes, yes... Lord, there is other information. I don't know if I should say it?"

Sneke: "Don't let go of any information now. Tell me!"

Auxiliary officer: "Yes, Lord, I still remember the information you reported to your Excellency two days ago that a team of transport team passed from us."

Sneke: "It did."

Auxiliary officer: "According to your instructions, Lord, we did not attack this convoy and chose to follow each other all the time."

Sneke: "What did you find out?"

Auxiliary officer: "On the way, we did not find any suspicious behavior of the other party. On the contrary, we compared the depth traces of the wheels where the other party passed, guessed that the things on the transport vehicle were very heavy. In addition, we also found grain particles that fell from the car due to broken cloth bags, speculated It is very likely that the truck is really loaded with food supplies.

Sneke looked bad for a moment and fell into silence.

The assistant did not notice it and continued to report loudly: "Finally, on the border, the other party merged with another force and handed over the materials to the other unit. We also overheard the conversation between the other party.


"It's really hard for you to transport supplies this time. Are you in no danger on the way?"

"Don't worry, as the military division expected, the lord of Nibul City is really a coward. We don't have any danger along the way, so these things will be officially handed over to you."

"It's really helpful. After all, it's not so easy to prepare a large amount of supplies on the land of the kingdom."

"Well, everything is ready, so let's say goodbye."

"Well, I'll ask you next time."


"Damn, it was put on."

After listening to the assistant's report, Sneke was so angry that he pushed down the precious vase on the table next to him and smashed it to the ground. He looked very angry.