Fantasy Water Margin Legend

Chapter 418 Sacrifice

The prank elves in the South China Sea are coming to an end, which is indeed beyond Edward and Hawke's original expectations. It seems that this prank elves are really elusive and naughty, but now it seems that all this has been seen through by Diaz, and he can actually calculate the time of the wind, and in advance Ready.

Edward and Hawke also received a secret communication from Siegfei, who also found that something was wrong and suggested retreating.

Edward: "The other legion commander, rumored to have his knowledge, is the best of all the legion commanders. Unexpectedly, now with the first contact alone, he can understand the naughty elf who has haunted us for most of his life. I really have to admire him as a very terrible guy."

Hock: "Second brother, it seems that we can only get here. Let's retreat."

Edward sighed, "That's right. Anyway, the old grudge between us and the Blue Dragon Sea Regiment is also a thing of the past. People who are alive now should look forward and fight for the future."

Hook: "I also agree that while the wind is not strong, our paddle warship still has an advantage in speed."

So, Edward and Hawke commanded the fleet, changed the direction of the ship, and were about to retreat. And Siegfei and others, who were the first to propose to retreat, and with the fast-speed small warships, began to retreat far away in an orderly manner under the command of Siegfei.

Because the wind has risen, although it is not big, it can finally get rid of the dilemma of passive beating. The soldiers are as happy as being reborn, and their morale is high. In addition, the sails and hull have been adjusted in advance, and now the warships have all moved in an orderly manner.

The right fleet of Kilroger, which suffered the most losses, will certainly not let people bully themselves in vain without fighting back at all. Taking advantage of the wind, Kilrog ordered the fleet to rotate rapidly and make every effort to point the side of the ship at the enemy fleet that was about to leave.

"Bang Bang..." A large number of crossbow arrows were shot out. This time, the crossbows seem to be a little different. It is not the previous armor-piercing crossbows, but smaller and lighter, so they will shoot farther, which can make Edward and Hawk, who thought they had escaped from the range of the Blue Dragon Sea Regiment. Facing danger.

Shooting this small crossbow arrow doesn't seem to pose a threat to the hull of an ordinary warship. What on earth does Kilrog want to do?

Looking closely, the tail end of these small crossbows began to scatter thin lines and fly away in mid-air. Moreover, at the other end of the thin line, it seems to be tied with curved iron with metallic luster. It turned out to be fishing hooks and fishing lines, which are common objects that bosses in the sea, but after passing with crossbows The combination has become the proudest weapon of the Blue Dragon Sea Battle Group - the cracked sail crossbow.

This kind of crossbow arrow is just like its name, and the target also points directly at the sails of Edward and Hawk's fleet. Although the crossbow arrow itself pierces the hole caused by the sails and does not cause much damage, the hooks that follow are the big enemies of those sails. The scattered hooks scattered on the sails, very He easily tore open the sail with the fall of the crossbow.

As Diaz thought, Edward and Hawke will never be that kind of crazy gamblers. Instead, they do this to get a glimmer of life. The advantage of paddle warships is that they can sail without the help of wind as power, so, that is to say, the same is true under the wind.

Ships traveling against the wind pay attention to the need to operate the triangular sail, and this is still a technical job. Even so, the ship does not move fast, which is why naval battles always compete for the upper hand. Edward and Hawker's fleet sails were seriously damaged and were unable to rely on the wind at all. In this case, they simply did not rely on the wind. Moreover, they also planned to let the wind help themselves and sail against the wind. On the contrary, the oars on their side would be faster.

However, Diaz also calculated this before the war, so he kept the three slowest ironclad warships at the upper hand of Edward and Hawke, while the warships on both sides fought with them.

Diaz: "The other party intends to escape from our side, fire the crossbow with all its strength, and break the opponent's oars."

There are so many crossbow guns on the three huge iron-clad warships. If they are released together, the rain of arrows will definitely pierce Edward and Hawk's warships.

Edward and Hawke actually adopted a strange formation, led by the largest flagship "Sea Soul Trident", and other warships followed, using the flagship as a shield.

"Bang Bang..." The first round of crossbow arrows were fired, and the "Sea Soul Trident" took the brunt and suffered almost all the attacks. The damaged board kept falling from the hull, and the oars on the attacked side were almost broken.

There is only one side of the oars left, and it is impossible for the "Sea Soul Trident" to escape.

On the flagship of the Blue Dragon Sea Regiment, Minia repeatedly cheered: "Very good, the other party's flagship can't escape this time. Continue to shoot and defeat other enemy ships for me."

The soldiers on the watchtower seemed to look very flustered: "Report, enemy, the enemy is crazy!"

Mania: "What! Report it to me quickly." Before the soldier could report, Minya saw the reason. The huge "Sea Soul Trident" crashed towards its side crazily. More than that, another very damaged warship also followed him, which was simply suicide.

"No, the leader of the legion, be careful!" Minia rushed to Diaz desperately and hugged Diaz tightly.

The two huge flagships collided. Although the iron-clad warships were proud of being indestructible, the huge impact made the whole warship shaken as if they were hit by hurricane waves. All the objects were almost overturned, and the soldiers were also shaken, and many of them were unprotected. It was even directly thrown into the sea.

After the shock stopped, the soldiers on the flagship "North Star" were able to slowly recover from the chaos. Diaz was not harmed because he was protected by Minya.

Diaz: "Ah, it's finally okay, Minia, are you all right?"

Monia was hit a few times, but her body was strong and nothing serious. Hearing that Diaz cared about him so much, she suddenly felt a warm look on her face: "It's okay. I'm fine. You'll be safe, Commander of the Legion."

Diaz: "Are you really all right? But your face looks a little red and swollen.

Monia quickly covered his cheek: "No, no, I'm really fine. These, these are nothing. Please don't mind."

Diaz seems to really believe it: "Is that so? That's great."

Monia quickly changed the topic: "Yes, is the enemy like this now?"

Menia ran directly to the edge of the ship. She was really shocked. The whole ship of the "Sea Soul Trident" collided directly on the ship, with wood on one side and iron armor on the other. As a result, it can be imagined that the bow of the whole ship of the "Sea Soul Trident" was almost destroyed, and water kept pouring in from the hole. The sinking of the "Sea Soul Trident" is only a matter of time.

The ship that crashed into another iron-clad warship is almost completely damaged, and even most of the ships have been submerged underwater. In addition, the rest of the ships, without any hesitation, rushed directly past the iron-clad warship and safely sailed out of range.

Menia: "No, the other party is going to escape. Chase it!"

But the soldier shouted helplessly, "No, Deputy Chief Minia, our ship is stuck and can't turn around."

Monia: "There is such a thing! The other party originally intended to sacrifice the flagship and cover the retreat of other ships. No, we can never let go of each other like this. We still have an armored warship to pursue.

Diaz: "Forget it, it's all right today, and we have also suffered heavy losses. At present, it's better to take the rescue of the wounded as the first priority."

Diaz is actually more worried about saving his own people quickly than chasing and destroying the enemy, which is why Diaz is deeply admired by the soldiers in the legion.

Menia: "Okay, I'm going to organize the rescue and repair of ships."

After that, Diaz stood on the edge, looked at the slowly sinking "Sea Soul Trident" and looked at the injured sailor on the ship, so he also gave such an order: "Save the other party's people as well."

On the "Sea Soul Trident" ship, many sailors were seriously injured in this impact, and among them, there were Edward and Hawke.

Edward covered the wound on his body: "Wow, this collision is really not light, third brother, are you still alive?"

Hawk's head is also stained with blood: "Second brother, don't worry, I won't leave you so easily."

Edward: "Third brother, you don't regret that you didn't take a boat to other ships like others."

Hacker: "Second brother, didn't you know the answer to this question early?"

Edward: "Haha, it seems that we are really easy to miss the past."

It turned out that at the beginning, Edward and Hawke planned to sacrifice the flagship "Sea Soul Trident" to let other ships escape smoothly. For this reason, they ordered all the sailors on the flagship to leave and sacrifice for nothing. .

So, under the order, most of the sailors reluctantly left the Sea Soul Trident, but Edward and Hawk did not leave the team, but chose to stay.

Looking at the sinking Sea Soul Trident, Edward and Hawk both feel inexplicably sad. It is no wonder that this is their favorites that have accompanied them across the ocean for a lifetime. In the sea, there is such an unwritten tradition that the captain is always the last to leave his ship, but what makes people praise more is that the captain always accompanies his ship to the end. This is like a human-to-human emotion, which is the pride of every hot-blooded man on the sea.

Looking at his fleet, Edward suddenly turned his head and said, "Now I also understand the mood of the eldest brother in those years. The eldest brother must have been like this, smiling and turning his back to us, and we can't let those who trust and support us see what we are now. We must need Stand up a strong back."

Hock: "Yes, they still have more ways to go, and now, the era of pirates is really going to draw a rest like the fate of this ship."

Edward: "Do you feel sorry?"

Hawk: "No, in the new era, it's better to let things like pirates stop appearing."

Edward: "Hahaha, yes, in the new era, there is no need for pirates."

Having been pirates for most of their lives, Edward and Hawke recalled the free and happy days of the past. However, they have always expected that the new era is an era that no one needs to be depressed to become pirates.


not far from the battlefield, Jack still followed the instructions and stayed here all the time. A little dark shadow appeared on the sea, and people slowly swam over.

Jack: "Ah! It's our people. Go and save them!"

It turned out that Jack's task was to rescue their sailors who were forced to fall into the water because of the fierce battle. After all, in the vast sea, there is no way to ask for help. Once exhausted, they will be ruthlessly swallowed by the sea. With this in mind, these lifeboats were set up far away from the battlefield. If you don't want to be captured, swim desperately in the direction of the lifeboat. This is Edward and Hawke's instructions before the war.

As more and more of his own people were rescued, Jack also learned the bad news on the battlefield.

Jack restrained his excitement: "Two uncles, don't worry, I, Jack, will definitely save you."