Fantasy Water Margin Legend

Chapter 445 Fall of the Wall 2

"What on earth is going on? Mr. Renard, did he really fall down? Elvin was also worried when he heard about Leonard's fall.

Grimio next to

: "Yes, young master, Mr. Leonard has been sent to Dr. Watson and is undergoing a detailed physical examination there."

"Receiving a physical examination? Wasn't Mr. Renard injured because of the battle? Elvin felt strange.

Grimio could only answer truthfully: "The news I heard did not seem to be injured in the battle, but suddenly fell down."

"Really... Mr. Renard was seriously injured before, but now we make him so tired..." Elvin blamed himself for this.

Grimio immediately added, "Young master, this is not entirely due to fatigue. The preliminary diagnosis from Dr. Watson suspects that it is likely to be poisoned."

When Elvin heard this, he was shocked: "What! Poisoned! No, father, he can't use such a despicable means, so it may only be... him."

As soon as Elvin heard about the poisoning, he immediately reacted that this was the enemy's means, and he was also convinced that his father Kulos would never use such a means to win.

Of course, Grimio understood who the person Elvin referred to was. With his understanding of that person, Grimio also shook his head and said the man's name: "Bekas, if this thing is man-made, then it can only be done by him."

Evan: "It seems that we need to pass on the order, conduct a thorough investigation into this incident, find out how the other party poisoned Mr. Renard, and be careful."

Grimiou: "At this point, Sith has set out to investigate."

Evan: "Is that so? Sith is so kind. Then, I really hope Mr. Leonard will be safe this time.

Grimio: "Young master, don't worry. The news from there also said that although Mr. Leonard's poison is very fierce this time, Leonard's body has always been very strong, and he has been taking the medicine prescribed by Dr. Watson, so he has not been dramatated this time. The poison immediately took his life, and then sent it to Dr. Watson in time to save his life in time.

Evan was slightly relieved: "It's really lucky that Dr. Watson, the magic doctor, is helping us this time... I'm afraid that this assassination will soon have another next action."

ai wen's expectation is not bad. At this moment, although it is late at night, the fire is frequent in the barracks of the Blue Dragon Knights, and there is a loud noise, which seems to be about to take action.

ai wen then immediately ordered, "Sure enough, inform our whole army quickly that the enemy is about to launch the next wave of large-scale siege battle, and order all members to be ready for battle!"

Grimio: "Yes, young master, I'm going to call the messengers."

Aiwen: "That's right, Grimio, I'm a little worried. Now in the west of Karad City, Rex is the only one to command."

Although Rex is a reliable companion and a very talented general, after all, he is still too young to lack the commander-in-chief of his father Leonard to shoulder the defense of the west wall alone, which is too much pressure for him.

Evan then put forward his idea: "Grmio, I want you to help Rex and help command the defense of the west wall."

Going to the west means that he will leave Evan's left and right. Of course, Gremio was unwilling, but when he thought of the overall situation, Gremio agreed without hesitation.

But things always happened much faster than Evan and others thought. On this side, Evan and Grimio had just finished talking, and there was already the sound of drum horns under the city wall. In the night, countless soldiers of the Blue Dragon Knights who had been quietly approaching suddenly came out, as if they had practiced early in the morning. Okay, it quickly attacked under the city wall and launched an extremely fierce attack, even comparable to the first day.

Rockets, ladders, hooks, and various offensive instruments were moved out, and a large number of enemy soldiers surged up crazily, making the already exhausted Star Regiment soldiers. For a while, most people have not yet realized the current combat situation and have not woken up from the small-scale battles during this period. There was a delay, and the counterattack was a little slower.

It's just a time hesitation. At many city walls, enemy soldiers have quickly climbed up the city walls.

"Hurry up and organize a counterattack! You can't let the enemy climb the wall again!" Elvin then rushed straight to the front line to fight.

In this way, Karad City fell into a fierce war again. This time, the Blue Dragon Knights really tried their best to launch an all-out attack again, but this time, without the use of siege weapons such as huge siege towers as before, how do they plan to succeed?

The battle situation in the south and north of Karad City is fierce, while the east and west are still relatively stable. However, only Rex is left here to command the troops for defense. Without his father Leonard, Rex felt uncomfortable and uneasy. At this time, he found that he did not have a father. Only around did I realize that I still have so many shortcomings.

Rex now only wants to guard the city wall, do his best to prevent the enemy from entering, and constantly pulls the soldiers to the city wall for intensive arrangement, trying to make up for his lack of command ability with the number of soldiers. But what Rex did not expect at all was that it was his decision that would lead to a series of irreparable failures.

As more and more soldiers in the west were transferred to defend against the city wall, the number of soldiers inside the city wall was relatively reduced. At this time, an unexpected thing that made Rex nervous suddenly happened.

A huge sound and a burst of fire, a huge explosion occurred in the city of Karad. The power of this explosion made every corner of the city of Karad feel the impact of the explosion.

Is it another air raid of the Canglong Flying Cavalry? However, it's night now, which is also a bad flight environment for griffins. Regardless of this, Rex will be the most shocked by this explosion.

"Is that the direction..."

Rex is unwilling to believe this fact, but it is inevitable that the place where the explosion occurred was the canteen where Rex had just come out of there.

Rex shouted heartbreakingly, "Miss Sophia, how could this happen!"

The painful things that made Rex happen in front of him, and the unbearable blow made Rex confused. He was very afraid of losing anything else. Rex couldn't leave this post. Instinctively, he chose to order another part of the soldiers on the inside of the city wall to send to the military canteen for rescue. This is the only thing he can clearly imagine in his mind now.

As a result, the defense on the inside of the city wall was further weakened, and it was precisely so that a group of suspicious people approached and no one noticed it.


On the inside of the city wall, common sense, even if there is no defense here, the enemy has not done anything here. It is not too harmful to the city defense. Rex also thinks so. He did not understand at all that his father Leonard deliberately arranged many soldiers to guard here. Now Here, a large number of original guard soldiers were drawn, but only a small number of soldiers were guarding them.

The guards here are actually not very powerful or injured soldiers, but even so, these are the soldiers trusted by Renard. Everyone is loyal to their duty. Even if they are tired, they will never be lazy and doze off during their duty. However, what we see now is that the soldiers are drowsy, and many of them have fallen asleep directly against the wall.

Collective laziness? This is believed to be absolutely impossible, and the only explanation is that they have been attacked by unknown means to become like this.

Some strong-willed soldiers are still struggling desperately: "Why are you so sleepy? Your head is so uncomfortable? Why did you fall down? No, you have to inform..."

After all, I still couldn't compete with sleepiness, and all the members fell down. At this time, the group of suspicious people hidden in the dark also stood up one after another, and then took out packages of mysterious objects and quickly moved to the walls of two cities, where they were stacked.

One of the figures has a steel arm, which is Maurice of the "Terfi" Chamber of Commerce. His appearance also means that this group of people are the people of the "Terphy" Chamber of Commerce.

Morris looked at the soldiers lying on the ground and complained: "I really slept to death, but it's really unpleasant to waste my time for this. Relying on my fist, I can get rid of this group of people at once. It takes so much effort to get rid of the other party's fingers. He waved his official, and then destroyed the work of the incompable boy commander's lover, distracting him. Rich people just don't like to do things straightforwardly.

"It's ridiculous. What could make people happier than sitting and solving things, and getting money as usual." The drunken man seemed to be sincere and couldn't get along with Morris and talked coldly beside him.

"I won't be the same as you anymore." Morris simply turned his head away and didn't want to be like a drunk.

"No, it's not in the right position! This is the weakest part of the city wall. Ned, the masked man, strictly supervised others to place those mysterious objects there, and the weakness of the wall he said, as expected, the weak wall west of Karad City, was controlled by the enemy for a long time, and now even the location is in his hands.

Morris: "Well, what's the name of these so-called gunpowder? Is it really that magical? You can blow up a hole in such a strong city wall."

Ned said confidently, "Didn't you see how powerful the explosion happened in the military canteen just now?"

Morris: "The power is a little bigger, but it's not all your credit. Aren't these things also those that haven't exploded? Who can do it if you pile up so many * together? And it's funny to separate the two sides. Everyone knows that the more the quantity, the more powerful it is. It's really funny.

Ned: "You mean me, the 'fireworker of hell' is not worth the price, is it? To destroy the strong wall, you can't break a small hole with your head and fists. Only in this way blow up the support points on both sides will the middle part be destroyed. And without my action, how can these* become so powerful? Anyway, I don't expect anyone to understand the secret technology exclusive to alchemists, which is my capital. The flame is burning hotter and hotter. There is nothing happier than burning everything.

It turns out that this bag of objects here was thrown by the Canglong Flying Cavalry that day, which explains why Becas would take a bombing operation on the city without permission that day. While attacking, he also hid such a secret move.

Ned calls himself a "fireworker of hell". It can be seen that he not only has a nearly crazy obsession with flames, but also has an unparalleled skill in the art of flame. This skill is one of his so-called alchemy, and relies on alchemy to be unique. Ned, who is skilled, is naturally unwilling to share his knowledge with others in any case, and he also maintains a high degree of mystery about what he calls gunpowder, and the production process will never be leaked.

Although alchemy is magical, it cannot be created without it. The so-called gunpowder also needs a lot of materials. In order to keep it secret, Ned did not accurately tell the bosses of the "Telfi" Chamber of Commerce, but only asked for a large number of flammable materials, and * is an ideal raw material.

* Although there is an impact ignition device, not every one is so perfect, and it is also subject to the uncertainty of free fall. There are also a considerable number of * that will not work after landing, which is also common. The best place to hide leaves is in the woods, as long as it is agreed There is no impact ignition device* thrown near the site, and it is still wrapped in an iron barrel, and it is not afraid of breaking when falling to the ground.

At that time, due to the * attack of the Canglong Flying Cavalry, the city was in chaos. At this time, the "Terfi" commercial alliance lurking in the city could take advantage of the chaos to receive these "gifts", and Ned has also secretly modulated these days. The so-called gunpowder, a strong explosive, which was brought here today, is definitely not a good thing that the star cluster hopes to happen.

Morris: "Well, if you don't succeed at that time, don't rely on me. Damn it, these blood-sucking beasts who only come out to make trouble at night are really annoying."

Morris refers to bats, which are nocturnal animals hanging upside down on the corner of the city wall. These omnivorous creatures have always been disgusting rumors of sucking human blood. They seem to have verified the rumors. A large group of bats gathered here, like the city wall that has really become a blood palace because of the battle. It has become their canteen.

It seems that Morris's curse was understood. This large group of bats flew away from here and disappeared in the dark night.

Ned began to laugh: "Everything is done! Finally, it's about to begin. In the hands of me, the 'fireworker of hell', there will be a gorgeous flame that the night can't hide, hahaha.

Then Ned began to stay away from the city wall, and those who put those complicated bags ran away desperately. Although Morris still looked down on this trick, he still stood behind Ned, and the drunkard had been far away early.

Ned's two hands magically produced a floating flame. These two flames automatically flew to the bag pile on each side as if they had completely obeyed Ned's instructions.


The loud sound and vibration of Karad City were more than the military canteen just now, shocking the eyes and ears of every guard in Karad City, and everyone looked in the same direction. And everyone also saw the real scene that made them feel incredible and unwilling to accept at the same time, that is, the wall in the west was broken into a huge gap.