Fantasy Water Margin Legend

Chapter 450 Destroy the internal enemy 1

The second night after the fall of the first city wall, there is still a scuffle outside. The troops of the Green Dragon Knights continue to attack in turn, wanting to constantly consume and drag down the power of the Star Group, which makes the morale of the already low Star Group feel pressure.

But at present, what really poses a threat to the star cluster is the hidden enemies lurking inside themselves. The previous painful lesson has warned everyone in the star cluster that internal problems are not eliminated, and external worries are difficult to resist. Now the urgent thing in the star cluster is to immediately get rid of those hidden "Terfi" enemies.

Although Karade itself is a city, it can face the residents of a city. After all, there are limited places for people to take refuge in wartime, especially after the fall of the first city wall, the largest general residential area outside also falls, and more people are crowded in the area surrounded by the second city wall.

The urban area within the second city wall is mainly the commercial area and aristocratic living area of Karad City. Here, the nobles and businessmen who had been in peace seemed particularly chaotic because of the influx of a large number of residents in Karad City at this time, and more and more mansions were expropriated for the general public. Being a temporary residence has caused more and more grievances of the nobles and big businessmen who have been suppressed for a long time, and what kind of destruction will be carried out behind their backs will also be one of the difficult problems that the Star Group will face in the near future.

A mansion here gathers a lot of people, including civilians and aristocratic merchants. In today's situation, it is not surprising, but it is obvious that this group of people are actually a group. They just pretended to be very crowded, crowding out the outside residents, and the vigilant personnel kept patrolling around, which was a group of people with a different purpose.

In fact, this is one of the secret residences of "Telfi" in Karad City, because the owner here is superficially subject to the control of the star cluster and does things low-key, without being noticed by the star cluster. As a result, all the unfavorable information about the star cluster is also secretly transmitted from here.

Almost all the people of "Terfi" are also hidden here. Now the real owner here is Heinrich, but he doesn't know where he is now. No one celebrated yesterday's great victory in a high profile. Everything was so quiet. I just want to say that the only noisy place is in Ned's house.

Ned was stabbed in the arm by Grimio. After a day and night of treatment, he finally stopped his blood and temporarily saved his arm. However, this pain and shame made Ned, who was usually intoxicated, feel extremely angry and kept venting his anger with the furniture in the room. To what extent, it really It's just that I almost destroyed everything with flames.

The drunken man and Morris sat face to face in the hall, one drinking and the other eating meat. No one paid attention to each other. The scene was quiet, but the smell of flames kept floating.

The half-drunk and half-awake drunken man put on the window sill and enjoyed the scenery outside while drinking. Suddenly, the drunken man's eyes flashed a trace of sobriety, as if he had found something, and then laughed and said, "Hahaha, it's really interesting. So it is."

Morris: "Is the drunkard dumbfounded? What are you laughing at there?

The drunkard ignored Morris, and then got up and wanted to leave the hall: "I just won't tell you, I'll go to the wine cellar to find some better wine first, haha." After that, the drunkard left.

"It's just right to leave, and the air is much fresher... Huh? Is there a wine cellar here? Morris suddenly felt something was wrong.

The mysterious drunkard will do this. Do you really just want to go to the wine cellar to find some wine to drink? In fact, it was not, but he saw something strange outside at the window, and suddenly became like this. What did the drunkard find?

At this time, a large group of people gathered outside the mansion. They were all soldiers of the Star Regiment, and the number of them surrounded the outside layer by layer. There is no need to explain why this group of soldiers appear here. Elvin also said before that he wanted to eradicate the enemies inside, and now that's why he came here.

I heard from Grimio that this group of enemies are powerful, not only people with strange skills, but also skilled warriors. To deal with such opponents, it is not enough to be surrounded and destroyed by the number of soldiers. For this reason, it is also necessary to be able to suppress the strength of the other party.

"I can't help in the war, which has always been my biggest concern, but this time, if the opponent is a master of martial arts, then how can I be less than Mr. Jack in comparison with this kind of thing? Moreover, he actually violates the rules of martial arts and abuses his own force to destroy and kill. This reason is enough for me to beat him into a fat pig. Jack is here, very excited and eager to try that he can finally come in handy.

"Oh, you obviously came in by yourself this time. You have to figure it out." Mikal teased Jack like this.

Jack: "Anyway, my two uncles are not here, and he didn't object, which shows that I have high expectations. Instead, someone heard that he was not included in the list of this action, but he sneaked in by himself.

You don't have to guess who Jack's words mean anymore. Now the situation on the front line is tight. As a commander-level figure, he has to command the defense at the city wall.

Mikal quickly explained, "Yes, yes, I know you are good at it, and this time it's all up to you. You should also know that this action is very important and absolutely cannot be lost. One more person will have more strength. Alas, in fact, if he can participate this time, it will be even more foolproof.

When it comes to Xiao Rang, Jack, as a hypothetical competitor, became more ambitious: "Didn't he say that it is best not to let him get involved in such a thing. Xiao Rang is as pure as a white paper, and he can't stain any blood on this white paper. Moreover, this time, with me, a man in black who plays with fire, or an arrogant iron-armed guy, I don't believe that there will be an opponent that I can't match.

"Forget, anyway, I won't get me this time. Jack, you should also be careful. There are many people who rob you of your credit." Mikal quietly pointed to the side.

Jack looked around and found that there were many competitors. Not to mention Hoffman and Black Bull, two guys who like to join in the fun, Mr. Jin of the Lionheart Group, as the commander-in-chief, also came to the scene in person. As a warrior, he is also quite powerful, and the other team of characters are...

Jin: "Eliot, are you sure it's in the big house in front of you?"

Eriot, a small scout belonging to the Lion Heart Regiment, has an extraordinary sense of smell, even better than Teglas' silver teeth. At the last martial arts conference, it was thanks to his excellent performance that he found the big treasury. Called here today, his sense of smell will definitely come in handy.

"Yes, the smell comes from the big house in front of me, and I have never been so sure that the smell of saltpeter and sulfur, as well as a smelly smell of wine, are all together." Elliott picked up a small bloody rag and a broken piece of wine jug again to sniff and confirm.

The fragment of the wine pot must have been from the drunken man's wine pot that Gremio smashed with his sword at that time, and the small piece of cloth also came from the tip of the sword when Grimio attacked Ned and stabbed his arm. At that time, Grimio was desperately trying to take out what he wanted to give to Elvin. It was precisely these two things. Gremio was meticulous and long-term, which was really amazing.

Not to mention the drunken man's smell of wine, there are many articles about Ned's rag. Why can he use flames around his body without hurting himself? The dress he wrapped all over his body must also be a secret. Although he still can't understand the material of the rag, above There is a clear smell of saltpeter and sulfur, so this unique cloth has become the key to guiding the people of the star cluster to find the secret base of "Terfi".

Under the command of Jin, the soldiers of the Star Regiment slowly contracted the encirclement network. This time, it will never be so simple for everyone in this mansion to escape.

With Jin's order, a formal action was finally about to be launched. Around the mansion, the soldiers of the Star Group swarmed up, layer after layer, surrounding the whole mansion tightly, and even flies could not fly out.

The black bull shouted loudly: "A group of turtle sons hiding in it, if you have the courage, get out of me and let me cut off your group of bastards with an axe, so that you dare to do bad things to my eldest brother!"

Mikal had a headache and said, "Oh, dead black bull, you ask others to surrender like this. It's strange that people are willing to come out like this."

Black Bull: "I don't care. Anyway, I will never let these turtle sons go!"

Mikal shook his head helplessly and said, "Forget it, talking to you is really good at playing the piano."

At this time, as a commander, Jin's words were the most authoritative: "The people inside, now you have been surrounded by us, and if you continue to resist, you will increase casualties. No matter what crimes you have done before, as long as you come out and surrender, I promise I won't hurt you.

In the mansion, there was a deadly silence, and no one stood up to surrender or resist, which made Dekin very suspicious.

Jin then immediately ordered: "Soldiers, assault!"

Ordering, the soldiers of the Star Regiment immediately charged fully armed to enter the house. Of course, some hot-blooded people, such as Black Bull and Hoffman, are certainly unwilling to lag behind and pull out their legs to charge forward.

Suddenly, the development of the situation took a sharp turn, causing something unexpected for everyone to happen. A huge explosion occurred from the inside of the mansion and blew up the whole mansion. The broken bricks and stones scattered around, and the soldiers surrounded by the star clusters became victims.

At the end of the natural disaster, the star group fell into chaos. In addition to a group of powerful people who can protect themselves from injury, many people were involved and injured, but that's not the only thing that really surprised them. Everyone looked at it and saw that the originally beautiful mansion has now turned into a sea of fire ruins, and the fire is under construction. The building is constantly raging, and there are many mutilated corpses of many people in it, which is really tragic.

I didn't expect that the other party was unwilling to surrender and blew up his base. This crazy behavior really made everyone in the Star Group feel ashamed... But is this really the case? Did the other party really go crazy to self-cut himself because he found himself surrounded and felt desperate?

This is absolutely unbelievable. In fact, the other party also has another preparation behind his back. At this time, in the underground secret passage of the big mansion, the two people were arguing fiercely.

Morris: "Bunton, are you really going to blow me up too!"

After Ned's arm was injured, he was already a little strange, but now he has become a little crazy: "Everything turns into a beautiful flame, and the incompetent weak become the s of the flame. This is the truth of this world. Are you just like this?"

After being drunk, Morris also noticed that something was wrong outside, so he quietly came to the entrance of the secret passage and wanted to escape by himself. Then, he really happened to meet Ned, who had the same bad behavior. In this way, the two of them fled to the underground secret passage together. After that, Ned desperately detonated the gunpowder he prepared in the mansion, causing a big explosion. Those poor "Terfe" who were still in the mansion became the abandoned sons of their escape.

Morris: "Madman, I'm too lazy to mess with you again. I haven't studied it well before. It's not clear where this secret channel will lead to. Humph, when I'm safe, I'll go to another stronghold and settle accounts with you.

"Terfi" has strong financial resources, and there must be more than one stronghold, and I believe that several other characters invited are also scattered among other strongholds.

The two continued to walk along the secret channel, but to the two guys' surprise, there was a sound of many people approaching at the entrance of the secret channel.

"Eliot, does the smell come from here?" It's Kim's voice.

Eliot replied affirmatively, "Yes, it's near here, and it seems to come from the ground."

Mikal: "Look, there is a dark compartment here! Sure enough, there is a secret way to know that the group of villains can do any kind of evil, but only the stupid thing as suicide will never be done.

Black Bull: "Get out of the way quickly and let me break this destruction with an axe!"

"Boom!" The entrance door of the secret channel was suddenly broken by the brute force of the black cow, and everyone then rushed into the secret channel. Morris and Ned dreamed that they would not be able to escape so easily.