Fantasy Water Margin Legend

Chapter 461 Battle of the Plain 1

In the southern area of the territory of Karad, today, there are clouds of war here, overlooking the vast land from the vast sky. On the earth, two huge squares have appeared. These are the battle phalanxes arranged by human soldiers, with tens of thousands of troops on both sides, indicating that an epic battle is about to take place. The fight is about to begin, which is believed to be the largest battle that has taken place in the territory of the kingdom since the founding of the kingdom.

There is no need to explain the two sides of the battle. The Blue Dragon Knights and the Lion Heart, two legions, each representing their own ideas and missions, are here to officially launch a decisive battle. This is no longer a simple battle of victory or defeat, but a battle between beliefs, royal rule and free thought. Fierce collision between them.

The armies of the two sides confronted each other on the horizon. On this side, the Qinglong Knights, the uniform cavalry, the majestic and neat queue, the morale people and horses, and the Qinglong Knights showed the strongest fighting style of the kingdom.

On the other hand, the Lion Heart Regiment is a soldier, almost with a long gun in hand. In order to restrain the powerful cavalry of the Blue Dragon Knights, the Lion Heart Regiment is also prepared this time. The face of each soldier and its resolute and fearless eyes also show the pursuit and belief of people fighting for freedom.

Both sides are making the final preparations before the war. The commander of the Lion Heart Group is naturally Levi, the leader of the regiment. Like Ain of the kingdom, he is known as a once-in-in-century genius. This battle is definitely worth looking forward to.

Levy summoned Gaia of the flying cavalry team and said to him, "Gaia, it's up to you whether this battle is successful or not."

"No problem, I, one of the four kings of the Lion Heart Group, am not screaming for nothing. At this time, it is the time to show my ability to others. Don't think that the flying cavalry team of our Lion Heart Group is only the sky overlord Fla. I am the real captain." Gaia, who has always been happy and complacent, also rarely showed a serious expression this time. This battle is an important battle in the direction of the world in the future, which is not allowed to lose.

"Well, everything, please." Levi nodded happily.

"Okay, I'm leaving now." The battle of Gaia and their flying cavalry team is no easier than on the ground. Gaia knows how powerful the opponent he will face next will be. At this time, the sky above the phalanx of the Green Dragon Knights is densely full of at least 2,000 griffin cavalry. Compared with more than 400 on his side, the combat power is one to five. However, it is a very serious digital problem.

In the other camp, in this battle, the strength of the Green Dragon Knights is 110,000, two cavalry detachments, the first detachment of heavy cavalry and the second detachment of light cavalry, 40,000 troops each of the two detachments, 10,000 troops of the logistics support detachment, and 20,000 troops of the last commander of the Kulos Legion, with strong combat effectiveness. Just looking at the queue makes people unable to see their heads at a glance.

As the commander, the commander of the Kulos Legion, looked at the military lineup of the Lion Heart Regiment opposite and felt puzzled: "The current strength of the other side seems to be only 50,000 to 60,000."

Deputy commander William made a more detailed report: "Report Legion Commander, according to the intelligence obtained from reconnaissance, the other side does have only more than 50,000 troops."

Kulos: "It is impossible for the Lion Heart Regiment to have so few troops. When we attacked Karad City before, we have never seen many Lion Heart Regiment soldiers in... Well, so it is that part of the troops we intend to hide have been used for other purposes, right?"

The way of military tactics is uncertain, hiding strength, and retaining the bottom cards. This is the most common strategy on the battlefield. The Lion Heart Group is now facing the Green Dragon Knights, which is much stronger in terms of the number of troops and the quality of equipment. If it does not leave a back move and fight hard, it is difficult to win.

The tactics of the Lion Heart Regiment were discovered by Kulos, but in fact, Levi did not intend to deceive Kulos, because both sides knew that the so-called tactical strategy refers to how to dispatch soldiers and horses to win the victory in the battlefield. Strategy refers to the overall technology of how to make tactics fully and effectively play their functions. In such a large-scale decisive battle, the real absolute victory and defeat are the soldiers of the battle and the generals who command, which is the overall strategic advantage. The accidental flash at the level of the so-called tactical strategy is also difficult to hide the shining gap at the strategic level. Moreover, who knows, does not Kuros have What about holding a hand?

William, as the deputy commander, reported: "Legion leader, at present, our army and the deployment have been completed. Captain Resack and Captain Alec's respective detachment have been arranged on the left and right wings of our military array, and the griffin troops of the Dragon Flying Regiment have also been arranged in the air and can be carried out at any time. Fight."

Kulos looked at the other's army and said from the bottom of his heart, "It's finally starting. Speaking of which, Levi, the leader of the Lion Heart Regiment, is noble and has always been known as a military wizard, but I have never had a formal fight with him."

William: "That's because the Lion Heart Group has always used guerrilla warfare before. Every time our legion arrives, the other party has retreated away and never confronted us head-on. I just didn't expect that today's first formal battle against the Lionheart Regiment was such a large-scale decisive battle, which really makes it difficult for me to believe that this is the real thing in front of me. It seems that the victory of our strategy to attack Karad City finally succeeded in attracting the other party out.

"Since this is a respectable opponent, we should also show our chivalry and compete with each other." Kulos is worthy of being a model of today's soldiers. His words are really noble compared with a legion commander who came to help him.

"What the commander of the legion said is very good, so I will continue to report the situation on both sides." William then continued to report, "At present, according to intelligence, I found that this battle terrain turned out to be the place where the lord of Calade fought with the Lionheart Regiment not long ago."

Kulos: "I have also read the information about the battle between the Lion Heart Regiment and the army in Karad City. In the previous battle, the Lion Heart Regiment defeated the Karad City army with the help of the water attack. It is indeed the best choice to choose the terrain they are familiar with to fight."

William: "Legion leader, although there are still two rivers behind the enemy's formation, it is known that these two rivers have dried up because the upstream water was cut off by us, so this time we don't have to worry about encountering the previous Karad city army. The team attacked like that.

Clos: "I believe that the other party will never use the same tactics, but since the other party has chosen to fight with us here, they must have their own plans."

William: "Well, I told the dragon flying cavalry to pay more attention to exploring the enemy's movements."

"We can't rely on the Canglong Flying Cavalry Group for everything. We still have to do our own things by ourselves." Kuros's words obviously had his own ideas.

William: "Yes, commander of the legion, then we have also sent scouts to scout. I will continue to report on the current situation. At present, the enemy's formation structure is three legion phalanxes, with two wings protruding forward and mainly light troops. As for the central phalanx, it is mainly heavy combat, and in the phalanx, the soldiers stand closely, which seems to be intended to fight in a position.

Kulos: "Is the array of crane wings? It's a completely opposite way to our conical array. Well, it turns out that Levi is planning to do this to lure us to attack like this."

William: "Legion leader, shouldn't it be like this? The conical array is already very advantageous against the crane wing array. The powerful assault ability of the conical array is rich against the two wings, while the weak crane wing array in the center can easily break through the central phalanx of the other party. If it goes well, it can cut the opponent's formation in half at once. Once the central phalanx as the command is broken, the other party's command will definitely be chaotic, and the two wings that have been cut off will not be able to assist each other. In this way, we can concentrate our forces to destroy one wing of the other, and then turn to annihilate the other wing.

Kuros: "That's right. In terms of military science, it is indeed a formation restrained by us. If this situation occurs elsewhere, maybe I will not hesitate to order the whole army to charge, but you know, what we are facing now is not a simple opponent, and they must know that doing so will be detrimental to us. Then, the only possibility is that the other party just wants to lure us to attack like this. As long as the crane wing array can resist the breakthrough of its own cavalry in the center, then the other party's two wing phalanx can carry out a siege operation to surround us in the middle and form a dilemma.

Kulos suddenly guessed the intention of the Lion Heart Group. That's right, the Lion Heart Group's tactics this time are really like this, and how will he fight after he knows this tactics?

William: "In this case, commander of the legion, do we want to change our formation now, divide the troops into left and right wings, and then fight with each other's wings to avoid our encirclement?"

Kulos: "No, now it is a taboo for soldiers to change the enemy. Moreover, if you want to successfully surround us, there must be two premises. One is that the central phalanx has not been broken by us, and the other is that the two wings can form a encirclement situation, both of which are indispensable. As long as we strengthen the attack on the weak center of the crane wing array, everything can end the war smoothly.

William: "So, are we going to order an attack now? The other party is already signaling to fight with us."

In the opponent's Lion Heart Regiment, the soldiers shouted and fought strong. On the side of the Green Dragon Knights, their morale is high and full of fighting spirit, and the two sides are unysided. Now only the military trumpet is ringing and the war is officially started.

Kulos finally issued an order to attack: "Deputy commander William, issue my instructions and start a war!"

In a moment, the drums and horns sounded, and the shouts of soldiers and the hiss of the horses resounded through the sky. The cyan armor flashed with a fing glow, and the sharp horns of the conical array stabbed the central phalanx of the lion's heart like an arrow. This is the strongest combat power of the kingdom, the strongest legion in the mainland, and the attack of the Blue Dragon Knights!

This time, the attack was the first detachment, the heavily armed cavalry detachment. The iron riders of 40,000 heavy cavalry shocked the earth, and the captain Resack charged with the forward troops. He was over half a hundred years old and still showed a bravery that was not inferior to anyone else.

In terms of the Lion Heart Regiment, the array phalanx also began to take action. As Kulos expected, the phalanx of the left and right wings did not directly face the charge force of the Blue Dragon Knights, but began to plan to surround both sides of the cavalry phalanx, intending to adopt an encirclement strategy.

Everything on the battlefield unfolds as expected by both sides. The commanders of both sides are rare generals. Just to decide the winner, they can't just talk about the battle on paper. The on-spot combat command will be the key to the absolute battle situation. At this point, both sides also have excellent generals.

The heavy cavalry of the Green Dragon Knights is about to contact the central phalanx of the Lion Heart Regiment. Resack, the captain of the first team in the front row of the conical array, saw a familiar face.

Resack shouted, "Orez, it's really you!"

Orez, the leader of the foot battle team of the Lion Heart Regiment and the leader of the Four Heavenly Kings, is responsible for the command and defense of the central phalanx.

Orez was not too surprised by this, or all this had been foreseen: "Yes, we never met again after the foreign expedition. Resack, you may not have thought that we would meet again in such a capacity now, but I don't regret it."

Resac and Orez, the generals of the older generation, became famous in the foreign expedition launched during the reign of the fascist emperor. However, with the final failure of the foreign expedition that year, the fate of many people has changed. Some people continue to do their best for the kingdom, while others are tired of fighting. The battlefield chose to retreat, and some people saw the other side of things and devoted themselves to the resistance to the military. Different concepts determine the way individuals will take in the future, even if they are friends of the past will become today's enemies.

Both sides are excellent commanders, Orez of the Lion Heart Regiment, began to instruct the soldiers of this phalanx to start defensive operations: "The bow and arrow have no effect on the heavy cavalry. The soldiers in front of them stand closer, set up long guns, and arrange the defense matrix more firmly! Prepare to resist the first wave of charge of the enemy cavalry!"

In the front row of the central phalanx of the Lion Heart Regiment, rows of heavy long gunmen stood close together and set up four or five meters long. The sharp guns pointed at the heavy cavalry that were about to attack, and correspondingly, the heavy cavalry of the Green Dragon Knights also raised their long guns. A life-and-death battle between Fang is about to begin.