Fantasy Water Margin Legend

Chapter 471 Countermeasures

A few days later, the city of Karad, which experienced various animal attacks, seemed to be in chaos. The morale of the soldiers was low, the casualties continued to appear, and the material losses were serious. There were different opinions between the Star Group and the soldiers of the former Calade City, so that internal contradictions and disputes continued. Now there is a shadow belt The news of the failure of the Lion Heart Regiment when it came back, many bad things broke out, which was really the most unfavorable situation. And the worst thing is that I don't know the way. These unfavorable news have also reached the ears of the people in the city. The people are panicked, and the panic in Karad has been further expanded.

The situation has reached the point where tough measures have to be taken immediately, and important remedies must be made. For this reason, today, the Star Group held another emergency meeting to discuss countermeasures.

First of all, the meeting first discussed the biggest problem currently plaguing the Star Group, that is, the attack of animals manipulated by the three brothers.

All sub-departments have reported the losses they have suffered. In terms of food reserves, at this stage, the army has suffered huge pollution losses. It could have persisted for half a year, but now I'm afraid it can only barely support two months. They can't eat for a long time, and the task is heavy. Soldiers The real life is very hard.

The black bull lay weakly and complained, "I've been hungry for many days. I don't have the strength to stand up."

Mikal: "Now each of us eats less than you, and I've been unable to fill my stomach and feel uncomfortable."

Ted: "The people are also very difficult. Although they have their own grain reserves in advance, but due to the collapse of the urban area of the first city wall, many people have no time to take them into here. At present, half of the people rely on our military food to live, so we can no longer mobilization more from the people. Food."

In wartime, they can indeed acquire and mobilized their grain reserves from the people, and even forcibly expropriate them through tough means. However, they can't do this. In order to implement the belief of the group and win the trust of the people, they can't just adopt kingdom-like rule over the people now. Such behavior, and we have to do our best to ensure the stable life of the people, so we need to give assistance to those who do not have food. So why could have been enough to support the military food for a year, but now it is only enough for two months after being attacked by mice.

It is not really difficult to be hungry now. Two months later, the day when the military food in the city is exhausted, it will be the failure of the Star Group. The countdown to the death caused by this unexpected mouse attack really poses a great threat to the Star Group.

In addition to the attack of rats on military food, other animal attacks have also brought great panic to the soldiers of the Star Regiment. They will be attacked by bat blood at any time at night, and it is even dangerous to sleep. Maybe they are attacked by some poisons in their sleep and can no longer wake up, so that Now in the barracks, soldiers have to take turns to guard when they are sleeping.

Having said that, it is difficult to sleep with fear. The long night has become a long torment. Now the soldiers of the Star Regiment are less and more tired, and physically and mentally damaged. If it goes on like this, they can't resist any attack at all, and things In fact, there are many soldiers who have fallen on the front line because of fatigue.

Grimio has not recovered yet. Ted took up his position and continued to report the current situation: "At present, from our observation, we have found that there have been frequent movements in the enemy camp, and the other side may take offensive actions in the near future."

Mikal said to himself, "It's really raining all night. I originally planned to find an opportunity to counterattack, but now we are in trouble and have no time to take care of anything else. It's really ironic."

Ted continued to report: "As of the above problems, at present, there have been a lot of disputes among the soldiers in our legion, mainly based on the soldiers who joined during the formation of our legion, and the former Callad City soldiers who joined with Commander Renard after the victory of the three cities. The contradiction between the two sides against each other and disbelief.

Agathe: "I have something to say about this. The composition of our rebel army is different from that of the kingdom's army. The members of the legion include all kinds of people, mountain farmers, merchants, ordinary workers, soldiers, and even pirates. The concepts and ideas of each type of people are very different and there are very different. And now, although it is nominally belonging to the same legion, in fact, it is divided into three respective commanders. In this case, it is inevitable that there will be chaos and contradictions between the legions.

Agat's words hit the nail on the head. Now the composition of the internal combat power of Karad City can be composed of three separate troops, the army of the Star Regiment with Agat as the commander, the army of the former Karad City with Renard as the commander, and finally the support force of the Lion Heart Regiment with King as the commander.

Originally, the rebel forces formed for the same purpose also cooperated with each other at the beginning and cooperated well. However, after all, the war that had happened. Although it was caused by the mistakes caused by the war, it is still imprinted in the minds of the former Karad city soldiers, and now it is added that Commander Renard is poisoned. After the coma and his mistakes of Rex, who was responsible for the western defense, the problem of the emergence and escalation of conflicts between the two sides finally surfaced.

Avan: "On this point, I don't want to say that any commander is at fault, and the soldiers are not willing to see such a thing happen. I just hope that everyone is a companion and comrades-in-arms who work hard for the same ideal. Hatred and fault should not hinder me. We are a stumbling block for moving forward, so I hope I can go back and gather the captains of the troops to talk to each other face to face, so that this misunderstanding can be resolved.

Agat: "There's no problem on my side."

Jin: "I will also control my subordinates."

"I will also... communicate well with my subordinates." In the end, Rex, who was the only one left to act as a father, seemed to be worried.

It seems that Rex feels a little lack of confidence, which is now seen by Alan, the former captain of the army in Karad City.

Alan quietly said to Gray next to him, "It seems that we will work harder in the future. Rex is under too much pressure."

Grey: "The vocation of soldiers is to protect them. Now is the most critical moment to reflect the importance of soldiers. We should understand the situation, obey orders, and do a good job in the duties and duties of soldiers."

Alan smiled bitterly and said, "Ahha, I can't beat you, little Gray."

At present, the contradiction between soldiers can only be solved in this way, because the bigger crisis in front of the Star Group now is how to deal with the attack of the constantly attacking animal army.

This question is a headache compared with the contradiction just now. No one has a good way to raise it, and the venue is quiet. After all, in the face of such an "enemy", it is impossible to deal with it with common sense. No matter how much it is destroyed, after a period of time, the "enemy" will continue to emerge, as if killing endlessly.

Finally, Agat pounded the table angrily and said helplessly, "Damn, if only I could find the guy who manipulated behind it!"

It is indeed the best and only way to defeat the three brothers in disaster. However, the degree of cunning of these three people is unusual. No matter how Agathe searches during this period, he can't find any clues.

Ewen: "Don't worry. In fact, this time we gathered everyone here precisely because we have a way to deal with these hidden enemies."

When it came to saying that there was a way, everyone cheered up and asked one after another.

Sith got up and put a large map of Karad City in front of everyone. It was colorful, marked with many marks and straight lines, and the handwriting was different. It seemed that it took a long time for Sith to complete it. So, what does this map have to do with dealing with enemies hiding in the dark?

Sis pointed to the map and said, "The marks on this are the place and time I have collected during this period of time. We were attacked by animals, and those straight lines are the direction I found when those animals retreated and left."

It's true. Many people here have had enough of the troubles of these animals in the past few days. They suddenly recognized the location of their attack. It's true. Sith recorded everything.

Sith continued to explain, "Everyone, do you find any rules by looking at the content on this map?"

Everyone then studied carefully. Of course, there was also a guy who had a headache when he encountered something with his brains, so he had no choice but to wait for others to answer.

The first thing that came to mind was Alan. He put forward his opinion and said, "The sites of these attacks are not very far from the previous attack, and they are within a general range."

Then came Ted, who also said, "These retreat routes seem to have many of the same directions."

Mikal: "Really? It seems to make some sense."

Although Ted usually seems to be very low-key, in fact, his talent in military strategy is very outstanding. Compared with Mikal, he must be a more competent military commander in the future.

Sith: "That's right, as I said before, these animals are only manipulated by others to become our enemies, so on the contrary, in order to maintain the advantage of these animal armies, the enemy must often or even control them at all times, that is to say, the rats are usually hidden. The place where the other party is the same place.

Teglas, who knows best about wild animals, also expressed some of his own views: "For rodents, they do not like animals in groups, nor do they like group action, which is their nature. And if you want to fight against their nature, you must have strong control, so I also agree that the manipulator must always stay around these animals.

Mikal: "However, we just can't find any clues from the other party now, so we have a headache here. Not to mention the flying bats, the group of rats and poisonous snakes will escape. There is no way for people to track each other in both aspects. I don't want to take every place in the city. They are all dug out to trace the rat holes.

Sith: "That's right. It's difficult to track, so the other party is unscrupulous and underestimate the enemy."

People are very puzzled.

Sith: "Difficult tracking does not mean untraceability. From the collective retreat of those animals, I got clues. Generally, our human surprise operations, especially when we need to stay hidden within the enemy's control, are turned to zero when retreating, so that we can effectively get rid of tracking. Because these animals will not know how to obey complex instructions and will retreat honestly once they are ordered to retreat, so I believe that the direction of retreat of those animals must be the hidden stronghold of the other party.

Sith used a pen to extend the straight lines on the retreat route of the animals. As a result, the extension lines of the straight lines were handed over to each other. Sith circled a general circle at the intersection, indicating that the other party's stronghold is within this approximate range.

Mikal shouted with great enlightenment: "Wow, that's it. So, we can take the opportunity to find each other's stronghold now, huh? Is there a mistake in this place? The map shows that there are no special buildings there.

"Or, with this map, everything will be clear." Sis took out another map. Isn't this the city defense layout map of Karad City? This is a highly confidential map, and then the two maps overlapped, and everyone present understood.

It turned out that the circle coincided with an underground secret passage.

Mikal: "So that's right. This group of people are really cunning. They actually took advantage of our underground secret passage."

Sith: "Yes, because this confidential city defense plan has been known by the other party, I ordered that almost all the secret roads should be locked to avoid being used by the enemy."

Mikal: "Isn't the enemy taking advantage of it now?"

Sith: "Yes, this is my neglect. I didn't expect that there would be people who manipulate mice who are good at digging."

Indeed, who could have expected that the enemy he faced would be a large group of mice. Sith was not a war fault.

Sith: "The underground secret passage has been closed. I believe that the other party will not choose to dig through the strong gate. It must have been dug another entrance and exit, so I have drawn a general range that needs to be searched."

Mikal: "As long as we know a general place, search or something, it's easy for us to do more, and since they hide in a closed secret channel, as long as the entrance and exit are sealed, then they are finished."

Ted: "The other party is very cunning, and there may be multiple strongholds."

Mikal: "Ted, why do you always pour cold water on me?"

Sith: "Ted is right. The other party has multiple strongholds here, which can be confirmed. I also understand that although the other party underestimates the enemy, he is by no means stupid. I know that the secret passage he hides is locked, so I have also proved that he frequently transfers strongholds for safety.

After saying that, Sith continued to draw all the remaining straight lines out of the extension line. Sure enough, there were several other intersections.

Mikal: "Then send troops to clean it all up."

Ted: "The other party is very alert, and many people will be exposed."

Sith: "Ted is right. Animals like these are creatures with strong perceptual ability. A little movement will be noticed by the other party. The so-called 'graw scare snake', no matter how careful we act, the other party will find it."

Mikal: "Oh, then this is not, and that doesn't work. What should we do?"

Ewen: "Don't worry, since Sith has said his idea this time, there will definitely be corresponding countermeasures."

Sith: "Thank you, indeed, after so many days of observation and records, we have also suffered so many losses, and it's time to fight back. My solution is that instead of avoiding 'frightening snakes', just let the other party know."

Let the other party know? What will happen to Sith's strategy?