Fantasy Water Margin Legend

Chapter 519 Fall of the Spirit

Bekas reckly refused the only request of his former friend Grimio for his ambition, and then the soldiers of the Black Dragon Hidden Force took action.

On the mountain wall, Grimio fought with a sword. When he was recovering from a serious illness, he could not even exert half of his usual strength. In the face of the overwhelming number of enemies, he could not save Evin and Kulos at all, and even he was difficult to protect himself.

Hope did not stay away from Elvin and the others. At this time, his subordinates quietly told him a great information in Beckas' ear.

"What? Is the army of the Star Group approaching here? Bekas rarely showed surprise.

At this time, there was an unexpected emergency. At this time, on the distant horizon, there was a force approaching rapidly. Even Elvin himself did not expect this unexpected reinforcement.

Avan: "Grmio, that's great. Did you tell everyone?"

Grimio: "No, this time I quietly followed alone because I was worried about you, and I didn't tell anyone else."

What on earth is going on? But no matter what, the situation has become very beneficial to Elvin and others. As long as they continue to delay and wait for the arrival of reinforcements, everything can be saved.

Looking under the river valley, his subordinates still have no choice but to take Elvin's gem umbrella screen. Time has not allowed Bekas to slowly consume.

Bekas is still confident: "There's nothing we can do. It seems that we still have to take out the pre-arranged second hand and get ready. Hurry up, send a signal!"

Bekas reserves second-hand, three-hand, and even several preparations to ensure that his plan is foolproof. What on earth does he want to do?

A signal arrow flew into the sky and resounded through the sky. Then, the people of the Black Dragon's secret troops began to withdraw from Evan and Kuros and began to climb back to the mountain wall.

"What's going on? Why did they all retreat instead?" Elvin felt something was wrong.

Then soon, Elvin felt the answer, and there was a deep roar from the distance, and then the earth under his feet began to tremble.

"Evan, run away quickly. The flood is coming." Kulos suddenly understood what Bekas was going to do.

Evan: "What? Flood?"

Kulos: "Our Blue Dragon Knights are upstream and built a dam to block the water flow. Presumably, Beckas has destroyed the dam, and now the flood is definitely about to come."

Awen knew that the Lion Heart had defeated the troops of Lord Kimberley in the former Calade City by water attack. Human beings are so small in the face of the power of nature. Now, they have been filled with water for months of water, and their power is enough to be in the river valley. Everything is destroyed, and even Elvin's gem weapon can't resist it.

Becas said highly, "To be honest, I don't want to be so troublesome, but I know that you are all not easy to deal with. This time, I carefully arranged the good scene of your father and son meeting, there may be an accident, like someone else coming in. Because it is reasonable that I am still stationed in the southern region now, I will never be seen, let alone kill you. However, if it is an accident, I believe no one will find out everything.

Bekas actually has this trick. He is really vicious. Even if he doesn't appear, there is still a way to get rid of Elvin and Kulos. However, if he does this, won't he want to get Elvin's star wrist wheel?

Bekas must also have a hand. After all, the Dragon Flying Cavalry is now stationed in the southern part of Karad's territory, that is, the downstream area. If an organ is set up there, it can still retrieve the star wrist wheel from the body of Elvin, who was devouring his life by the flood.

ai wen took back the gem Qiqiao umbrella, then picked up his father and ran in the opposite direction with all his strength.

The roar is getting louder and louder, and the vibration is getting louder and louder. The speed of the flood is far beyond human imagination. Elvin's two legs can't escape the power sweeping everything, not to mention that he has to carry his injured father.

Clos saw the anxiety in Elvin's heart and said, "Evan, remember what you just said. You have to protect your faith and continue to lead this battle to victory. And I am very satisfied that I can choose to die on the battlefield for my country.

Why does this sound like a dying order to Elvin? From Kulos's waist, he took out a short blade and stabbed himself...

"Father!" Elvin put down his father and grabbed his hand holding the blade.

Kullos: "No matter what difficulties you have in the future, don't worry about it, because there will be many people who love you, so even if I'm not here, you are not alone... Now I'm really happy that I can be so proud, sons..."

Kulos's eyes gradually closed, and the hands of the father and son slowly slipped down.

Kulos Elanres, at the age of 53, was the commander of the army of the Kingdom's Blue Dragon Knights. He fought countless battles for the kingdom and dedicated all his life. Now, at the end of his life, in the arms of his beloved son, he passed away peacefully, and the loyal soul of the kingdom fell.

This is a sacrifice made by a father in order to make his son escape. After losing his favorite brother in front of him, now, again, watching his most respected father leave, Elvin can't stand the sadness in his heart.

Huh? What is this?" Bekas saw the star wrist wheel on Evan's wrist, which had a strange change.

Like when Ai Yin passed away, Elvin was so sad that all the stars of the star wheel flashed around Elvin, shining brightly and not controlled by Elvin.

At this time, even the gem boot that improved his speed could not be used. What's worse, with the great pain, Elvin's head wanted to explode, which was very uncomfortable.

A terrible thing finally came. The huge flood shocked everyone. A huge wave dozens of meters high rushed in. How could Elvin escape from this?

"Young master, catch the rope quickly!" Grimio tried his best to grab the rope from the man in black and threw it next to Elvin.

Bekas: "Quick! Stop him!"

Grmio was besieged more fiercely. He now has no chance to give Elvin more help. At the critical moment of life and death, Alvin is now alone, desperately grasping the rope and climbing up in great pain.

However, at such a speed, in the face of a huge wave dozens of meters high, Elvin has always been unable to escape the fate of being swallowed up. To make matters worse, several arrows have been aimed at him on the opposite mountain wall.

"Ah!" The defenseless Evin made an arrow, and the arrow deeply pierced his left arm. Soon, Evan's left hand was completely paralyzed. Sure enough, the arrow was poisonous.

Stric pain, toxins, and torrents, anything can easily take Elvin's life. The paralysis quickly spread all over Elvin's body, and even his remaining right hand holding the rope kept trembling. Elvin could no longer climb up another step.

Aiwen's consciousness also began to blur, and he could only shout hard in his heart: (Is my life going to come here... I'm sorry, father, I'm sorry, everyone...)

"Young master, hold on!" Grimio's voice, Elvin reluctantly opened his eyes. As a result, he saw the figure of Grimio, who was constantly falling down, and Grimio jumped down from the mountain wall.

Awen shouted, "Grmio, what are you going to do!"

At this time, the falling Grimio just passed by. Elvin and Grimio are now so close that the blurred vision of Elvin can clearly see the caring smile on Grimio's face.

"Young master, haven't we made an appointment? Next time, I must let me save you. This is my mission to protect the young master."

Hearing this again, Elvin's previous ominous foreboding came back to his mind.

"No! Grimio!"

In Evan's shouting, Grimio continued to fall down, and then a strong pulling force pulled Ewen up with a rope.

Grimio originally intended to sacrifice himself and use his falling impulse to make the rope connected to his body, which could pull Evan at the other end in turn. In this way, Elvin can safely rise to a safe height and escape the flood, but sadly, sacrifice is still inevitable in this way.

The huge flood of "rumbling" rushed by like thunder, swallowing up everything below in an instant, and Grimio's figure suddenly disappeared into the torrent.

The impact of the flood passed along the rope, and in an instant, Elvin was pulled up and thrown on the mountain wall. Elvin fell heavily on the mountain wall.

ai wen's whole body was in sharp pain, but it was still not as painful as in his heart. The pain of Ein's brother, father and relatives had not disappeared in front of his eyes. He didn't expect to witness such a painful scene so quickly.

On the other side of the mountain wall, Becas looked at the continuous torrent, and his only friend left. In his heart, he also felt very melancholy: "Grimio... I didn't expect that you chose such a path... Well, originally, you are not suitable to live. Such a person in a war-tighting world... Farewell, my friend! I hope you can get your peace.

GrĂ­o Lansfar, once a young swordsman with a dream, is also an excellent housekeeper. He may not have any great achievements in his life, but he has a happy life without regrets.


Bekas observed a few seconds of silence, and then returned to reality and regained his cold eyes: "Kill him!"

The cruel reality has been put back in front of Elvin. With serious injury, heartache, and poison attack, Elvin has become a lamb to be slaughtered and unable to resist.

Worse happened, and Evan suddenly felt a strong impact on his right wrist. It was the star wrist wheel, which was trembling violently, suspended on the surrounding star points, and it was also flickering fiercely. Elvin tried to suppress the violent reaction of the star wrist wheel. As a result, he saw something surprising to him: one of the many illuminated gems on the star wrist wheel actually produced a crack by itself, and then the light faded, and a suspended star point also broke and disappeared in the air. .

Have the power of stars disappeared? What does this mean? What does this represent? There was no chance for Elvin to find the answer. The violent mental impact constantly hit Elvin's head. The unprecedented intensity made Elvin's spirit suddenly fall into a state of collapse. Elvin shouted fiercely.

"What's wrong with him?" Bekas could see that it was not because of the heartache of losing his loved ones.

At this time, the soldiers of the Black Dragon's secret troops around Elvin, no matter what happened to him, these soldiers will never show any pity in the face of the other party who was dying after poisoning.

There was something really wrong with Elvin. The star wheel on his wrist dominated Elvin's arm and raised it to the sky, making a sharp sound like a sad sound. Then, those stars completely flew out and flew randomly.

This situation is like in the Royal Prison. Because of the death of Ai Yin, the result shocked Ivin's mind and the star points were uncontrollable. They formed a light ball to deal with the void of the god of war. Now not only his father has passed away in front of his eyes again, but also his best friend Grimio. Now, I'm afraid it's heavy. I made a mistake.

Bekas: "I remember that the black crow once reported that when fighting with the Void of the God of War, his power was out of control once. Sure enough, those who can't control their power can only be losers."

Bekas has associated with the scene where he wears this star wrist wheel in the future. He is confident that with his strength, he can definitely control this power in his own hands.

Bekas: "The power of rampaging will only last for a short period of time, and it is not very powerful. At that time, it will be his death."

However, in fact, what happened was far beyond Becas' imagination, and even Elvin himself felt afraid.

The dozens of stars flying in the air seem to never stop, constantly rotating, and then flying faster and faster, so fast that it is difficult to catch them with your eyes.

"What? What's going on?" Bekas was surprised again.

Age tornado appeared in the air around Evan, and it was getting bigger and bigger, and there was a dazzling starlight, which was really amazing.

"Oh!" The soldiers of the Black Dragon's secret troops around began to shout, because they obviously felt that the air was flowing strangely and constantly being sucked by the star tornado.


Finally, someone began to be sucked into the starlight tornado by the huge wind, and then there was no sound after a scream.


More soldiers were sucked in, and the starlight tornado became bigger and bigger. The whole shore completely became a sea of storms, devouring everything there like an endless deep sea.

As the starlight tornado became bigger and bigger, Becas on the opposite side also felt bad. Is this the real power of this artifact? At this time, Bekas could not see the confident expression just now. He was panicked and afraid. He was completely dominated by fear.