Fantasy Water Margin Legend

Chapter 558 Surprise Attack Begins

"This is our plan..."

Before the time returned to the beginning of the operation, the Sith was arranging the detailed arrangement and operation arrangements for this surprise attack in the big hole under the ground. Looking around, there were dense figures around, and everyone was full of momentum. It seemed that this surprise force of thousands of people, under the command of Agart and the guidance of Elvin, successfully passed through the big empty passage under the ground and came here.

Sith first made it clear: "Tomorrow is the day we agreed with Chief Saladin to act together. In order to cooperate with the offensive pace of Chief Saladin, we must also work hard to complete our own surprise attack target strategy. To this end, I will now assign this action task. First of all, it must be divided into two teams, most of which, or even almost all of the troops, will be thrown into the difficult battle. That is, look here, this is the target of our next surprise attack.

Sis took out the topographic map and pointed it out to everyone: "This is the topographic map of the whole city of Alama, which was given by Grand Sheikh Saladin. Because of the time span, in order to verify the accuracy of this topographic map, I specially asked Xiao Ying to repeatedly investigate in key places in these days. I checked and made some corrections.

Xiaoying: "Wow, it's much more difficult to redrawing the map than to scout everywhere, but fortunately, this map is already very good."

Sis pointed to the map, began a detailed introduction, and explained the action plan for tomorrow:

"as you can see, there are four main entrances and exits, two in the north, and then one in the south and east, each of which has fortress checkpoints. If you want to attack, you must pass through these fortress levels. At present, these four city checkpoints are defended by the Red Dragon Reloading Regiment. According to the intelligence of Chief Saladin, the Red Dragon Reloading Regiment has concentrated its main forces at the two city checkpoints in the north, and the other two are relatively weak. The overall distribution of troops is about four, four, one and one.

"This is also the way to use troops, concentrating the main forces on the front line. Of course, those responsible for commanding there are naturally the two soul figures of the Red Dragon Heavy Regiment, the god of War Rubat, the undefeated Kingdom Shield, and the military division Yang. In addition, there are also the first and second detachments of the Red Dragon Heavy Regiment, and according to intelligence It was learned that the military division Yang was mainly at the checkpoint on the left side of the north. In addition, there are also about 8,000 lords' troops in the holy capital of Alama, which is also something we must pay attention to.

"The strong attack on these checkpoints, especially for the Ishubar people who are not good at siege warfare, is undoubtedly a pebble, so Chief Saladin wanted to trap the Red Dragon to reload the regiment in the storm fortress, but it failed and faced today's situation. Here, I want to ask you, what's the best way to capture a strong fortress? Everyone has experienced the three-city strategy battle and nearly half a year's siege and defense of Karad City, and they must have experienced it.

Sith's question reminded me a lot: "Compared with the tactical study at the Royal Knight Academy in the past, I personally experienced the three-city strategy battle and the attack and defense of Karad City. We really benefit a lot. We deeply understand that there are really many people who want to attack a city, compared with the strong attack. The method of success. Persuading surrender, lucing city defense troops, destroying city defense, besieging, creating internal chaos, etc. It can be said that the offensive and defensive battle of the city fortress is an indicator of whether the commander's ability is comprehensive and powerful. After last year's fortress defense war, now it is us to carry out the strategy. It will no longer be as easy as the three-city strategy battle, and the opponent is by no means simple. Strong attack, persuasion, and siege are not effective. It is definitely difficult to seduce the other party, and it is even more difficult to destroy the city's defense. Then, the only thing left is to create chaos.

Sis: "Yes, it often looks like an indestructible fortress. In fact, the most vulnerable part is its interior, and once something happens, it will form a chain reaction, resulting in collapse. Although this is a military theory, it can be seen by expanding this theory to the national level. Since ancient times, although many countries have perished due to foreign invasion, it is worth noting that there are actually more countries that are dissatisfied or even hate the country's rule because of the corruption of national power. Various internal factors lead to extinction. The result of the serious deterioration of injustice in the country, the suppression of the people internally, the invasion of the outside world, and the abuse of force is to put the country on the road of extinction.

Sis has a feeling, and everyone has too many ideas about themselves. Regardless of the nation-state, there are many lessons from the past in history. The Ishibar invasion 200 years ago was caused by the desire of the divided lords of the country for their own sake. They were in a long-term dispute, and the internal chaos led to the invasion of the Ishubars. There is also the act of aggression of the fascist emperor in modern times, which was also because it was finally destroyed in his own desire. All kinds of past told everyone that it did not cause the defeat of the invaded party, but the party that launched the invasion finally suffered the consequences of self-defence. Now, the kingdom is also facing chaos again. If the internal cancer is not removed, the kingdom will eventually enter a situation of self-destruct.

Sith: "The strongest part will also be the weakest link, because Yang, the military commander of the Red Dragon Reloading Regiment, is too powerful, but because of this, the whole legion relies too much on his command. Therefore, in order to create chaos, the best way is to cut off their command system. We must block the Red Dragon Reloading. Yang's troops of the regiment make it impossible for other departments to get command.

Evan: "block the troops of the military division Yang, that is to say, we need to concentrate our forces and block the passage of the checkpoint on the left side of the city in the north."

Sith: "Yes, but there is a better choice. As long as we choose the location, we can block the checkpoints on both sides of the north."

ai wen looked at the topographic map carefully, and then was surprised to find the most critical location: "So it is, from the north to the south, the only junction of the two sides of the city fortress, and it is also the last gate to directly enter the holy capital of Alma, which is here."


Yes, this place is exactly where the army led by Agat and others is about to go, that is, the bunker checkpoint. As long as Agat and others control this location, it is equivalent to choked the neck of the Red Dragon Reloaded Group and blocked the head and body of the Red Dragon Reloaded Group.

Originally, Yang would not fail to notice such an important place. In fact, it was not Yang's careless, but that he could not intervene. Originally, the city of Alama, the capital, was not the place where the Red Dragon Heavy Regiment was stationed. Their army retreated from the storm fortress and stationed here, which aroused the extreme disgust of Falick and Haka. Therefore, at such an important place, that is, the bunker checkpoint from the last line of defense of the city of Sandu Alama, Falike would not agree to give up the re-installation group to Chilong, and resolutely made an inch of it. More than that, Falick also rejected many of the plans proposed by Yang, which also brought a lot of opportunities for the Star Group's action this time.

The surprise attack requires that it is as fast as the wind and can't cover the target with lightning speed. At present, there are only thousands of Agat and others. Can they successfully achieve the target?

With the final rise of the morning sun, after a fierce battle, Agart and others finally succeeded in seizing the control of this bunker. However, this is only the beginning, and then there is a more severe battle that is coming.

Agat: "Hurry up! Set up the wounded, and then prepare the city defense equipment here. Just now, it's just a stomach-warming dish. Next, we're going to prepare a big meal."

Mikal: "Wow, really, we have just finished fighting. I'm afraid that working under Agat's hands is more likely to die in battle than death."

Ted: "The battle just now was very smooth. It can be said that our losses are completely absent."

In the face of the soldiers of the Star Regiment who have experienced hundreds of battles, the lord's army here is not an opponent at all. What's more, there are only hundreds of people stationed here, which is easily suppressed. The reason why there are so few defenders here is that the "Holy Water Day" is a quite grand day. In order to maintain the stability of the city of the Ishubal people, and more importantly, to beware of someone deliberately taking this opportunity to incite people to rebel, so he dispatched a large number of troops. Go back to the city for vigilance. For this reason, this is one of the reasons why Saladin chose to let the star cluster act on the Day of Holy Water.

Agat looked solemnly at the north: "I believe that now the Red Dragon Reloading Group and others must also know the information about the attack and fall here. Next, it depends on Saladin's ability.


Ladaman, the captain of the first team: "Report! There is an enemy!"

Rubat was overjoyed: "Really? Great, I'm so happy that a group of bedbugs finally dared to come out.

I saw the sand and dust rolling and sweeping in the distance. In the era of the fascist emperor's expedition, the army, known as the most powerful cavalry on the earth, has now appeared on the horizon again.

"It's really spectacular."

Rubat seemed to see his nemesis, and the ecstasy just now turned into fear: "Ah! You, you, you lazy, why did you come here?

Yang: "It's so noisy outside that it's hard to sleep. Wow, there are even stone throwers, rushing cars and siege towers. Obviously, when we evacuated the storm fortress last time, we had destroyed those siege equipment as much as possible. Now we can still get so many materials to repair it in such a sparsely wooded place as the outer world. I really admire it. What is most admirable is that they have completely learned our siege tactics. This time, it's really a headache.

Saladin is very eager to learn from the advantages of others. This time, the army is prepared. Although the composition is mainly cavalry, there are many fully armed soldiers. Coupled with the now well-prepared siege equipment, this time there is a great determination and momentum to retake the holy capital.

Rubat: "Well, you bastard, you and I have made an appointment. Now the enemy has finally sent it to the door by itself. Now I won't care about you what you say, hahaha."

It's a rare bet to win. Rubart is now in front of Yang, and he dares to straighten up.

Yang: "It's a pity. Looking at the deployment of the other party, the main reason is to concentrate the troops at another fortress checkpoint. It seems that the other party is not interested here."

"Ah! What!" Rubat immediately looked out.

Really, the army of the Ishubars, vastly, is facing the other side of the other two fortresses in the north guarded by Minos of the second team, seems to completely ignore the checkpoint where the team is located on this side of Rubat.

Rubat suddenly exploded and threatened to open and open the city gate and rush out directly. Of course, how many chances could he win against the powerful Isibar cavalry on the flat ground? This was what Saladin wanted to see, and of course Yang directly vetoed.

Rubat: "Well, you lost your bet. I won't listen to you anymore."

Yang: "That's right. At that time, I bet that if the other party invades, I can fight for you. Yes, it's just yourself."

Rubat was crazy: "Ah, ah! You lazy bastard, how can you play such a trick with me!"

Yang: "Well, there is no time to say such useless words. Anyway, today, you will fight until you are satisfied. I'm afraid you want to rest and have no time."

Rubat: "Hmm, I'll settle accounts with you, a lazy person later!"

Radaman: "Legion leader, since you can't fight, isn't it easy? We will directly lead the army to the Minoan sub-captain to support, that's fine."

Rubat: "Yes, you lazy, what else can I say?"

It's not that Rubart was born with bad luck, but that things are really not as good as Rubart's intentions. For him, nothing came to think about. As a result, as soon as Radaman finished speaking, before Rubart agreed, a soldier came to report: "Report the leader of the legion, it's not good. In our rear, we found that A mysterious force, about thousands, has suddenly occupied the bunker checkpoint in the neighboring city of Sandu Alama.

Rubat: "What! What the hell is this! How can there be enemies coming in?"

After hearing this, Yang thought deeply, and then touched his head: "Oh, it's really troublesome. What a headache."

The fierce offensive and defensive battle in the city of Alama, the capital, is beginning to enter a white-hot stage.