Fantasy Water Margin Legend

Chapter 593 Liberation of the Holy City 3

Since Saladin has a secret cooperation with Bekas, it will no longer be considered a mystery why the Ishubals magically appeared in the Som River Basin, which should belong to the kingdom's safest large rear territory.

Saladin also explained unconcealedly:

"Why did such a miracle happen in the direction of our army of the Ishibars in the direction of the Somme River Basin? In fact, for many years, I have been trying to find another way to expand the Yixiubar people. For the road of the world outside the outside the world, this is also the best choice not to launch a head-on war with the Holy City.

"But it's really a pity that no matter how much effort and how many compatriots have been sacrificed, they have never been able to find a new way. I think this is also my wishful thinking. For thousands of years, countless Yixiubar pioneers, their efforts and sacrifices have never been able to climb over this heavenly wall. How can I overcome it alone?

"If you want to create an epoch-making miracle, you must have epoch-making vision and action. Finally, such an opportunity finally appeared. Yes, this epoch-making vision and action is the road created by the joint efforts between the Shubal people and the people of the kingdom that has never been seen before.

What Saladin said was the path of the Ischibarian army from the plains of the Som River basin this time. Over the years, Saladin has constantly sent explorers to explore the journey of the Orobis Mountains, but the towering mountains and cold ice and snow are all obstacles to people's progress.

After so many years of efforts, the biggest achievement is the successful crossing of the Orobes Mountains, but it is still unable to enter the Somme Valley Plain. There are countless valleys between the mountains, so that people can only stop here.

At this time, the people of the kingdom can simply reach places that the Ishubals can't reach. The griffin cavalry, relying on the messenger of the sky, can build bridges for the Eshubars to enter the plain of the Som River Basin between the valleys.

Now, under the obstacles of the broken valley that the Ishubal people can't cross and the mountains that the griffins can't leap, relying on the cooperation of the two sides, the road to heaven has finally been paved.

This is an epoch-making great cooperation for future generations. If there is a flaw in it, it is two ambitious people who discovered and created this channel.

So that's it. After Elvin and the others left, Saladin ordered his powerful subordinates to lead tens of thousands of elite Eshubar soldiers to pass through the sky-hopping passage, but the road was so difficult that countless Ishubar people who died on the road, so that the army reached the Somme River Basin In the plain, 8,000 people have been killed and injured.

It was these 8,000 people who, with the secretly help of Bekas, successfully attacked the ranch of the Green Dragon Knights in the plain and captured many war horses.

The Iscibars on horseback are an army with unimaginable strength. With the blockade of intelligence by Bekas, this cavalry army rushed to the eastern fortress of the city of the capital of Alamas with the extreme speed of the march. Resist at the appointed "Holy Water Day" Then when Frasa opened the door, he quickly invaded it and occupied the checkpoint of the city.

Later, under the negotiation of Vlasa, the Red Dragon Heavy Group promised to surrender and withdraw from the city of Sandu Alamas. Tas was also satisfied with such a result, so everything happened afterwards.

In this way, the battle to recapture the Holy City ended completely with the victory of the joint army of the Ishubals and Evan's Star Regiment. This battle not only liberated the Holy City, but also gave the Ishubal people of the Holy City freedom in both life and spirit, and the wicked also got what he deserved. Punishment.

And the only thing that makes Elvin feel inadequate is that this time, they won again with the "help" of Becas, which is really ironic.


The lens turned to another place. At this time, in the healing room of the lord's castle, Vlasa, one of the greatest contributors to the liberation of the Holy City, is now undergoing two-handed treatment here.

However, Frasa suddenly stood up and bowed deeply and apologized: "I'm very sorry, my lord, please forgive me, deceived you, and even... took advantage of you."

Thomas who appeared next to Vassa came to visit him because of worry.

Thomas: "Don't call me Lord anymore. I'm no longer the lord here anymore. Just call me Thomas."

Vasa was silent for a moment, and then said, "... I really don't want you to lose the lord's rights to Thomas."

Thomas: "Actually, I know very well now that this is what you did for my sake. Even if you told me the truth before, I have no power at all. This time in prison is the best proof. Moreover, you are not using me. On the contrary, you are protecting me. If it weren't for you, I wouldn't be imprisoned. If not, I can't meet the high priest Darien and know the truth about my father. Then, you guided Mr. Evan and others to rescue me and give me a chance to stand on the side of the people. Otherwise, I would definitely be taken out as a scapegoat by Falick and Haka. It's Vlasa. You saved me. I have to thank you.

Thomas is no longer the puppet who knew nothing in the past. Now he fully understands what he wants, and he can only be constantly grateful for his true heart.

Vlasa was so excited that he said all the ideas that had been hidden in his heart:

"No, this is what I should do, Thomas, I said that I will not abandon you anyway, because I have no one to snuggle with except you. At that time, because of his guilt, your father took me in knowing that I was the son of a 'sinner', let me avoid a disaster and was kind to me. Although I'm not grateful, it's just the redemption he wants to do for his sins. On the contrary, when I knew that Lord Warwick was one of the murderers who framed my father, I hated him.

"However, my hatred soon disappeared, because soon after, Lord Warwick committed suicide, and then treated me well, Thomas and your mother also died soon after. Suddenly, you and I lost the most important person in our lives."

"Every day in front of the baby crying because of the loss of his parents, I suddenly feel the emptiness of my life. When I see you, I think of myself. Then I finally realized that no matter how big the father's fault is, he should not let his children bear it.

Thomas: "Vlasa, you are really good to me. It's all you. You keep taking care of me by my side and constantly encouraging and supporting me. Only then can I get out of the shadow of losing my parents and face my fate positively."

Vasa: "But, Thomas, your wish is now because of me..."

Thomas shook his head: "No, I don't regret losing the throne of lord. This is also his father's will."

That being said, where will Thomas go in the future? What can you do in the holy city of Alamah in your future? Thomas is still unhappy about this.

Vassa can see Thomas's thoughts in his heart: "Don't worry, no matter where you go, I will be with you."

Thomas: "Vlasa, thank you."

Two different races, different statuses, different wishes, but with similar encounters, have been snuggling up to each other and moving forward together.

"I'm sorry to bother you."

Vlasa: "Priest Darien, you are here."

Darien: "Yes, I heard what you said just now, and you have worked hard over the years."

Vlasa: "No, it's your hard work, the high priest. For today, you have endured so much, and obviously I can save you, but you asked to stay in prison."

Flasa knew early that Darien was imprisoned in the "VIP room" and quietly wanted to rescue him in the past, but he was rejected by Darien. Then as for this action, it was actually proposed by Darien himself. He wanted to continue to deceive Haka and complete the restoration of the "Golden Holy Water" for him, and also wanted to Observe Thomas more closely.

Darien: "The painful experiences of the past are the best food we have grown today. Isn't it worth remembering the hardships of the past to achieve such a great victory now?

Vasa and Thomas nodded and agreed with Darien's words.

Darien turned his eyes to Thomas: "Thomas, I know that after you lose the throne, you will feel very confused about your own future and don't know what you will do."

Thomas nodded.

Darien: "Do you know? After the holy capital returned to the arms of the Izibars, it was actually just the beginning. In the more than 20 years of separation, the world has undergone earth-shaking changes. Similarly, this holy place must catch up with the trend of change. And this change is also inevitable for the development of the times, that is, the real common communication between the Ishubarians and the people of the kingdom.

Thomas: "Common communication?"

Darien: "Yes, let each other stop hating and help each other, and really become a family, just like the current relationship between you two."

Thomas and Fraser looked at each other coincidentally.

Darien: "You will be the best representative to communicate with each other between the Ishibarians and the royal people. In order to make this holy capital a platform for the two people to live and communicate with each other in the future, are you two willing to become the auxiliary officials of this holy capital?"

Really? Can I really stay? Can I really give my strength for this holy capital? Thomas was thrilled to hear that he could continue to contribute to his ideals in his favorite city.

Darien: "Yes, Chief Saladin also agrees with this. He also wants this holy capital to become a city governed by the Ishubarians and the kingdom, and I believe that you will definitely be the best candidate for the kingdom."

Thomas: "But, but I... used to make the people in the city suffer so much, I..."

Vlasa: "It's not your fault. Now that both Harek and Haka have been sanctioned by them, the people in the city will understand, and isn't this the motivation for you to work harder?"

Darien: "We don't need to say anything more. Come on, Thomas, just go out of the window and have a look in person."

Thomas came to the window sill with Darien's words with a complicated mood. As a result, the scene in front of him surprised him.

Below the window sill is full of the people of Ishubal, where they keep shouting all kinds of cheers:

"Former Lord Thomas, you agreed!"

"Yes, we all know it now, and we don't blame you!"

"We like you very much. Come on, young man!"


Thomas was moved and left tears. In front of Thomas, there was no false real people's heart. It was Thomas' long-long dream to see the people sincerely support him.

Darien: "Come on, let's work together for the city and for the coexistence of the friendship between the Ishubals and the royals."

Thomas replied excitedly, "Well, I will. I will definitely try my best."

Vlasa was also next to him, and he was sincerely happy for Thomas.

Sixteen years ago, Emperor Kirub's wish could not be realized. Now, it has been realized in Thomas, who looks like him. This may be the inheritance of the will, which can be foreseen here. Under the joint efforts of Thomas and the Ishubarians such as Saladin, Darien and Frasa The Holy City of Alma will become the best platform for friendly exchanges between the people of the two ethnic groups in the near future.