Fantasy Water Margin Legend

Chapter 616 Visitor of Evil thoughts 2

As the leader of the Black Dragon Hidden Force, Bekas's ability to master intelligence is very good. Although he once kept a low profile for a period of time because of the unfavorable rumors spread by Ivan, now is a critical moment to determine the future of the kingdom and whether his ambitions will be realized. Becas However, I can't stand it anymore.

For the strange behavior of the soldiers of the Holy Dragon Guard Regiment, Bekas previously ordered Nicole to arrest several soldiers of the Holy Dragon Guard Regiment for investigation, but failed. The crazy performance of these soldiers made Becas find out the seriousness of the situation, so Bekas had begun to increase his intelligence investigation of Emperor Hilocan and then knew a lot of important information.

Bekas: "According to my investigation, the star wagon he has is completely different from the ability in your hand. Its ability is to summon the dead and dominate others. Gerry... Your deceased companions, his appearance depends on this new The power of the star's wrist wheel.

Bekas doesn't want to discuss too much about Grimio's matter, and Beckas' investigation of Emperor Hiloken's ability of the star wrist wheel is completely correct, which is also the answer that Elvin and others have just discussed.

Bekas continued: "But this star wrist wheel can not only dominate the undead of your companions, but also the soldiers of the Holy Dragon Guards Regiment are also dominated by the power of Emperor Hiloken, so they are very obedient to him, even crazy. But don't worry, this kind of domination doesn't seem to be successful at will. Otherwise, I believe that not only me, but also the commander of the Red Dragon Heavy Regiment who is now standing on your side has become a slave to Emperor Hiloken.

At that time, Bekas saw the control of the squadron leader of such a red dragon reloaded regiment.

Yang also agreed: "Indeed, although I felt that the wrist wheel would be very uneasy at the beginning, I didn't feel anything special other than that."

"Is there anything special about that damn thing? Why don't I feel anything?" Rubart, who is also on the spot, is slow and naturally doesn't feel anything.

Bekas then continued: "I personally speculate that it is not easy for this power that dominates others to work on ordinary people. Unless it is weak-willed or influenced by a momentary desire, if he has delusions about Emperor Heroken, he will fall into an irreversible situation. "

Evan: "Just now, Dr. Watson said that this mysterious drug that will make the soldiers of the Holy Dragon Guard Corps extremely powerful will make users dependent. Is that Emperor Hiloken be able to dominate and manipulate these soldiers and make them loyal to their death?"

Bekas: "It turns out that you have also investigated it. Yes, the reason why the soldiers of the Holy Dragon Guards have become so strange is that they have all taken some mysterious medicine prepared by Emperor Hiloken. After your war, these soldiers have suffered a large number of deaths, which must be due to the medicinal reaction. In this way, the sacrifice of those poor innocent people is certainly unwilling to sit back and watch this kind of thing continue to happen in the name of saving the people. Sometimes you don't need to be so pedantic to be a real hero of salvation.

"Damn..." Mikall didn't know how to refute it.

Sith: "In this regard, let's keep our own views first. Let's continue to talk about the method you mentioned, Commander Becas, will it really succeed?"

Bekas: "Emperor Hiloken's personal skills are extremely weak. In addition, the commander of the Wang Yuanhu Legion of the Holy Dragon Guards is now injured and recuperate in Wangdu. It is only an ordinary royal guard to stay with Emperor Hiloken to protect him. Compared with your ability, such protection is not difficult for you at all."

Mikal: "It sounds so nice, why don't you do it yourself!"

"Don't say that first." Of course, Sith knows the reason why Bekas didn't do it himself, but it's useless to explain it directly at this moment. So Sith continued: "Now let's continue to say that if we really act like this, even if we can successfully kill Emperor Hiloken, in this camp of tens of thousands of enemies, the people who carry out this mission will not be spared."

Bekas: "That depends on how strong the person who performs this task is, can support it, and even escapes by himself. You should also understand that as long as Emperor Hiloken dies, the soldiers of the Holy Dragon Guards will be free from domination.

Sith: "This is just your personal guess. What if you are not free? Still faithfully carrying out the order of allegiance to the emperor?

Bekas: "Then destroy them completely. If these puppet soldiers who have no command are prepared to fight, it is not difficult to destroy them. As long as you rebel army and our army join hands to attack, that will be a big deal."

Indeed, with the cooperation of the Canglong Flying Cavalry, this is also a good opportunity to solve this out-of-control demon soldier army. However, let's not talk about the plan, Bekas's words, credibility itself is a huge question mark.

Mikal still couldn't stand it and scolded Bekas angrily, "Your words are really beautiful. Who here doesn't know that you, a guy full of tricks, will definitely not be so kind."

Bekas: "I don't mind how unpleasant your jokes are. Anyway, your words have no effect at all. What I look forward to is the speech of the person who really has the power to decide."

Bekas looked at Elvin, and from his confident eyes, it seemed that he had seen Elvin's answer.

Sis said softly to Elvin, "Ivan, this is indeed an excellent opportunity to kill Emperor Hiloken, but we also need to realize that once we fail, it means that we will make greater sacrifices. That's all I can say. As for whether to agree or not in the end, it's up to you, Elvin.

Yang also said softly, "It's rare that I don't need to make a decision. I don't have anything special to say. You'd better make up your own decision."

The two military divisions have a neutral attitude. This decision is not only a once-in-a-lifetime victory opportunity, but also an extremely difficult death challenge. Elvin must make a choice about it.


In the face of this malicious visitor Becas's **, Evan finally made a decision: "Bekas, your cooperation proposal can indeed help us kill this culprit who made the world chaotic. Even if I sacrifice myself, I think it is absolutely worth it. But unfortunately, I won't agree to cooperate with you, because I can't trust you!"

"Oh!" Becas was a little surprised.

ai wen: "Your greatest ambition is not only to seize the throne of this kingdom, but also to seize the whole world. Joint attack on the Holy Dragon Guards. This is just your cover. What you want most is to see us and Emperor Hiloken fight both sides and die together. In this way, no one can stop your ambition, so you won't send troops. No, it should be said that it's right to send troops to clean up.

How could Evin not see Becas's ambition? He didn't take action in person. He just wanted to say that if he failed, he could shirk everything and continue to sit on the throne of the army commander. If he successfully assassinated Emperor Hiloken, he could also watch the two armies fight and lose both sides, and then come back to collect the benefits of the fisherman. .

Mikal: "Yes, yes, you are a guy full of evil thoughts, you absolutely can't believe it. He must be worried that he would be alone and be cleaned up by the emperor and eventually become a puppet, so he had to beg us to let him die by himself.

"It seems that my sincerity is not enough to convince you." Becas was rejected in public, but it was not unexpected and not trusted. Bekas had expected it before he came.

Mikal denied disdainfully, "How can you be sincere!"

Evan: "Bekas, if you are really a candidate who is boarded by the power of stars, then if you really want to join hands with us, my star wrist wheel will feel your sincerity."

ai wen raised his star wrist wheel, and there was no response at all.

Beckas took a look at the illuminated gems on the wheel of the star and was not surprised. Obviously, he seemed to know that there was such a thing early. After all, for Bekas, with his ability, he would never do anything uncertain. Before he came, he was prepared.

Bekas's mind is very fast: (Sure enough, if there is a bad idea, it can't make this artifact react, so there is only a compromise and mutually beneficial plan.)

Bekas then pretended to be surprised and said, "Oh, I see. If you show sincerity, it will be reflected on it, right? It seems that I was indeed a little selfish just now, so I will say here again that I, Bekas, am willing to form a front line with the rebels to fight against Emperor Hiloken.

It's really surprising. At this time, the seven gems on Evan's star wrist wheel were lit up together. Does this really mean that Bekas really wants to unite with Evan?

Not only Elvin, but almost everyone has an unbelievable idea, but the illuminated gems on the star wrist wheel is indeed an indisputable reality. ( Celesine Star: Becas Croferdo, Celestial Defeat Star: Carlos, Earth Star: Brutter, Earth Chou Star: Nicole, Earth Star: Thousand Faces, Earth Star: Shi Yuya/Black Raven, Earth Star: Ethan)

Bekas saw that Evan's expression was so surprised, so he took advantage of the situation to cut in directly and let him have more time to think: "That's great. In this way, have my sincerity, have you understood the rebels? If you still have doubts, it's really unfair. If I investigate correctly, Yang Junshi, the former deputy commander of the Red Dragon Reloading Regiment, was not because Emperor Kirbo had some kindness to him, so how could the Yang Junshi over there choose to stand with you? If Saladin, the great chief of the Ecibals, is not for the benefit of his own clan, how can he form an alliance with you to retake the city of Alama and fight against the kingdom together? Do I choose to be the enemy of Emperor Hilocan now? In fact, it is essentially the same as the Red Dragon Reloading Regiment and the Ishbars.

If Bekas is not the commander of the legion, he will certainly be an excellent diplomat. Whether it is the confidants of the Black Dragon's secret forces or the "Terfi" business alliance that dominates the commercial side of the kingdom, it is no wonder that Bekas can always get the support of so many other forces.

Bekas's eloquence continued to press on Elvin and others: "Or you will think that I did this for selfishness, but what's wrong with asking this? Man is originally an interesting thing that combines good and evil. It is not really good to treat themselves as evil. So what if you are selfish? Which one of you is standing here without your own reasons?

Bekas's aggressive words made most of the people present unable to refute. Ai Wen himself had never thought that he would become a star hero at the beginning. When he heard about this, he was still depressed for a long time. As for other people, they also have their own past and their own reasons.

Mikael Ted and others are just for Evan, Sith is for his father's honor, Agat is for ending the mistakes of the past, Tegrath and Black Bull Hoffman are for the mission of their ancestors, Jack is for good play and handsome, and Lal is for revenge... Everyone has a double Mixed reasons. Even Levi of the Lion Heart Group embarked on this road leading everyone to resist after losing his child.

In the end, you must make a decision, which is the duty of a leader.

Aiwen: "Okay, there's no need to talk about it! This time, I will accept your sincerity and let us cooperate with each other against the cruel and unkind Emperor Hilocan.

Mikal: "Ah, Elvin, why do you..."

Ted grabbed Mikal: "Mikal, calm down. Do you think Evan doesn't hate him?"

Yes, how can Elvin not feel pain if he wants to cooperate with his father who killed him, who has framed him many times, and the people of his own army, but Ivan is now the leader of the rebel army and the hero of the stars. What he has to consider must surpass his personal emotions.

"Very good. May we cooperate happily with each other." Bekas stretched out his palm and motioned to shake hands.

ai wen did not respond to this at all and did not show a happy expression.

ai wen hated himself in his heart, and Becas did not force it and withdrew his palm: "Well, now let's talk about the most important thing, that is how to act. The content of the plan I provided is like this.


"Since the Holy Dragon Guard Regiment is now in the post-war recuperation stage, the army is now stationed in place and does not move, but this is only temporary. The soldiers of the Holy Dragon Guard Regiment are pawns that can be abandoned at any time in the eyes of Emperor Hiloken, so this rest will not give you too much time. I believe that within five days, the army of the Holy Dragon Guards will go to the important cities of your resistance, Calade City and Hailan City.

"Because your Calade City, Hailan City, and other cities can't escape. As long as the army of Emperor Hiloken arrives, I believe that with the temperament of Emperor Hiloken, it will inevitably bring devastating disasters to these cities. I believe that your righteous rebels will never see such a thing happen, and you must fight against these Emperors Hiloken and those terrible soldiers of the Holy Dragon Guards again. Dou, if you turn away my ally at this time, you will definitely make greater sacrifices.

"So at this time, you must cooperate with me, and your top priority is to quickly restore the strength of the army. In this regard, with the addition of the Red Dragon Heavy Regiment, I believe there will be no problem. As for the troops of my Canglong Flying Cavalry Regiment, they are already on the way to the Holy Dragon Guard Regiment, and they can act with you at any time.

"As for the most critical and important part, which is the unit that assassinated Emperor Hiloken, you have to select several candidates suitable for the sub-mission. At that time, I will take your team, disguised as soldiers of our army, and follow me into the camp of the Holy Dragon Guard Regiment, waiting for the opportunity, on the grounds of finding traces of the resistance. Approaching Emperor Hiloken.

"As for the next thing, it depends entirely on your performance. The victory or defeat of this battle depends entirely on whether you can successfully assassinate Emperor Hiloken. Emperor Hiloken is not surrounded by the commander of the Wang Yuanhu army now. Even if there are many royal guards, I believe they are not your opponents, but it is not ruled out the possibility that the undead of your former companions come out to protect him, so you'd better win a blow, otherwise you will know your own safety.


Bekas is by no means alarmist. What is now in front of Evan and them is a battle that is not allowed to fail. Even if the commander of Wang Yuanhu's army is not here, James, Jack's master, the master of flash boxing, is already a powerful warrior in Elvin's camp that no one can beat, not to mention, Levi, Hoffman and Grimio are also there.

The reliable companions in the past have become the enemies they have to fight against today, and now they have deeply understood how terrible it is.

Evan: "We agree with this plan, and we will decide on the specific people involved in the operation."

Bekas: "Very good, so I will send someone to contact you later for the specific action plan. This time is tight. I hope you can seize this opportunity. It's not convenient for me to stay here now. Forgive me for leaving. I hope I can hear good news next time.