Fantasy Water Margin Legend

Chapter 637 Wang Du Changes the Sky 1

The change of the capital of Athos dates back to a few days ago, because Emperor Hiloken personally led a large army to fight against the rebels. As a result, the major legions of the kingdom stationed in the capital of Athos have left one by one, so now the whole king of Athos is much calmer. However, it is in this seemingly calm environment that there is a hidden stream of terror that will sweep everything.

In the days after Emperor Hiloken left, some unusual things began to appear slowly, that is, many kingdom officials, or nobles, claimed that they were infected, or had something important, and did not appear in front of people. At first, such things did not attract any strangeness and attention, because the officials and nobles of these kingdoms were not very good people in the first place. In the name of illness, they secretly did not know where to go to have fun. This is already a common thing in the royal capital, especially now. Emperor Hiloken is not in the royal capital, and it is still a critical moment to fight against the rebels. At this time, it is better to remain neutral as much as possible, keep a low profile, and watch the development of the situation in private.

As a result, in such a calm waiting, King Athos is moving towards something unexpected to everyone. Until one day, a very big thing happened, that is, the sudden disappearance of the two chief and deputy commanders of the reserve army of the kingdom who are now guarding the capital of Athos began to become a problem of public attention.

However, the officials and nobles who are used to this calm day seem to react too slowly. They are not aware of the emergence of the crisis and take corresponding actions, and it will soon be their turn to happen to them.

Early the morning after the news of the disappearance of the chief and deputy army commanders, more than 100 officials, large and famous nobles in the capital of Athos, were all summoned by edict to gather in the council hall of the Star Emperor's Hall.

The Star Palace was built by Emperor Hiloken, which took more than ten years and consumed a lot of money and material resources. The huge suspended palace that miraculously existed in the history of architecture is a symbolic building that Emperor Hiloken marked his high existence. Therefore, ordinary people, except looking up below, have no Take the opportunity to go up to this Star Emperor Hall and get in touch with the Star Emperor Hall so close.

Although many officials and nobles did not appear in this hall for reasons of illness and affairs, because there were too many people present this time, the hall was slightly crowded, so no one would say anything more about it.

As for the many officials and nobles, there are many people who have come here for the first time and enter this vast political hall. These people are excited to stop here and watch and praise endlessly.

And among them, there are also some people who go in and out of the hall all day, and secretly mock themselves for those low-ranking officials and ordinary nobles who have never seen the world. Then, their idea is more that they wonder why so many people are gathered here today.

"What's the matter today? Your Majesty summoned us so suddenly, and so many people must be present anyway?"

"Is Your Majesty back? Didn't His Majesty lead the kingdom's major legions to fight against the rebels? However, no legion has come back to the capital of Athos now.

"Your Majesty has returned. He just received news from the city gate last night. It is indeed said that His Majesty returned to King Athos under the protection of some soldiers of the Holy Dragon Guard Regiment."

"Ah, really? He came back yesterday, but why did he come back at night and only under the protection of some guards? According to reason, His Majesty should have sent the news back one day earlier, and then arrange it in advance to celebrate during the day and welcome your Majesty back. Is it..."

"Shh, you fool wants to die. How dare you say, haven't you heard that your majesty went to fight against the rebels this time, but he won a great victory in the first battle. The rebels were completely defeated by your majesty's Shenwu army and have been wiped out by now."

"It's indeed such good news from the front line, but it's only been a few days since the news came back. It's reasonable that Your Majesty's army is still on the way back from victory at most. Even if Your Majesty comes back in the starry night, it's too fast."

These officials and nobles began to talk one by one, and as they talked with each other and exchanged information, as a result, doubts began to appear more and more. In fact, the real fact is that Emperor Hiloken is now fighting fiercely with the rebels in Karad City. They can come back to the capital of Athos, but these guys who are used to enjoying comfort in their daily life. How can they realize that they are going to be in big trouble next?

"Your Majesty is here!"

The ceremonial guards announced loudly on the spot, and a group of officials and nobles immediately stopped talking and knelt down to see Emperor Hiloken.

Surprisingly, under the protection of a team of guards, Emperor Hiloken really stepped into the hall, and then walked straight to the emperor's throne, which symbolized supreme imperial power, and then sat on it loudly. After that, it was like a child playing with new things on the emperor's throne. Various sitting positions have been replaced.

Your Majesty's abnormal behavior immediately attracted the attention of some officials and nobles who are used to Emperor Hiloken, but in the face of Emperor Hiloken, who has not been in the palace for more than a year, who dares to directly say the origin of this strange move?

Some smarter officials first went up to flatter Emperor Hiloken and said, "Congratulations on your majesty's expedition to win the battle against the rebels. Your majesty is truly the wise emperor of our kingdom. This time, Your Majesty summoned us to discuss how to celebrate the National Day after your Majesty's victory and return. Please rest assured that we will definitely do this matter well, so that all parts of the kingdom will celebrate, praise your majesty's great victory, and let future generations praise our emperor's wisdom.

This flattery is really professional enough. Now that someone has begun, then other officials and nobles have responded one after another. In the face of these pleasant flattery, Emperor Hiloken did not feel as proud as before. This is not because he is used to such flattery, but Emperor Hiloken, who did not care about the actions of the officials and nobles below, continued to sit on the emperor's throne in various strange postures and enjoyed sitting on the emperor's throne for the first time. This makes the people below look more and more strange.

Emperor Hiloken finally showed a boring expression: "Well, it turns out that this emperor's throne is nothing special. I have always wondered why everyone always makes you die in order to fight for this seat. Even if you sit for me, I don't want to.

How could Emperor Hiloken say such a thing, just like another person? No matter how he thought about it, it was completely wrong. The officials and nobles and nobles under the court began to be suspicious.

"This position is comfortable, which is not important. Instead, it is the process of sitting on it and the moment of successfully sitting on it, the top pleasure I get, which is the most important." At this time, Bekas came in from the door with an excited expression and could not see the tired face on his face at all. You know, he kept galloping back to the capital of Athos these days.

The officials and nobles on the field were wide-eyed and surprised by the sudden appearance of Bekas. Everyone probably had a bad feeling in this situation.

Bekas: "Thousands, your performance is not professional enough this time. As an emperor, you should claim to be 'the emperor'."

Sure enough, the mystery is revealed that Emperor Hiloken, who is on the front line, can't appear here. The person now on the throne of the emperor is the director of the spy department of the Black Dragon Hidden Force, who is good at playing the thousand faces of others.

When he saw Bekas, he stood up respectfully from the emperor's throne: "I'm very sorry, Lord Bekas, my subordinates are indeed a little excited and a little carried away, but the task here has also been completed. For the next step, my subordinates also have to retreat to prepare. This emperor's throne, hehe, it's the most suitable for you to sit here.

Immediately, he continued to play the role of Emperor Hiloken. Under the protection of this guard, he strode away from the political hall.

Now the situation has changed 180 degrees, and there are many old-fashioned people present, but now I suddenly realize that it's really too late.

"Bang Bang", all the doors outside the political hall were closed, and then many soldiers in black with weapons emerged from nowhere around them, and their eyes were straight from their covered faces, revealing their murderous intentions. At this time, even fools know what's going on around now.

Bekas's ambition finally began to surface under the undercurrent, and he is now going to show all the officials and nobles of the Athos kings here that he will replace Emperor Hilocan and sit on the emperor's throne.

Now in the capital of Athos, the major legions are not here, and Emperor Hiloken is also on an expedition. In the Star Emperor's Hall, these weak officials and nobles have no military power. It seems that Bekas is completely winning now, but this is not completely going well.

Among these officials and nobles, there were also two people. Their eyes were not panicked by the sudden upheaval. They quietly moved to Bekas, and then suddenly rushed out of the crowd, took out a hidden dagger from their arms and attacked Becas.

These two people must not give in to Becas. The confidant of Emperor Hiloken secretly inserted into the royal capital. They tacitly attacked Bekas left and right to kill Bekas, the culprit who dared to commit chaos.

Bekas was born as a military officer, the son of the Grand Duke, and his martial arts were extraordinary, but Bekas turned a blind eye to the two people who were about to attack him and still stood still and maintained the posture of the winner.

As a result, the next second, the two people just arrived a few meters away from Becas and suddenly screamed for no reason. Then, before they could understand, they cut themselves into several corpses out of thin air.

"Oh, I'm really sorry. Today is the most memorable day for you, Lord Becas, but I'm really sorry that I stained the hall." From the side, Brut came out with a smile. Needless to say, all this was his masterpiece just now, dismembering the two with the naked eyeless silk thread.

Bekas: "Sure enough, that Hiloken guy is a completely brainless person. In private, he has also left a lot of loyal people, but with these, he can't hinder my ambition."

Bekas had called Hiloken by his name and did not pay attention to Emperor Hiloken at all, and the death of the two suddenly made the other officials and nobles in the hall afraid to make a sound.

Bekas then broke the silence. He clapped his hands, and then the door behind the Great Hall was opened. There was another hall of the Star Emperor Hall, which was the banquet hall where Emperor Hiloken celebrated when the Star Emperor Hall was first completed.

It's so bright! It's so bright that people can hardly open their eyes. This stinging light is a golden light.

A lot of gold! In that hall, it is not full of mountain treasures and seafood, but one box after another. These boxes are completely covered the whole banquet hall, and the number must have exceeded 10,000. And most importantly, these boxes are full of gold coins or gold nuggets. There is really a lot of wealth, and even many boxes can't be filled, and those gold coins and gold nuggets are overflowing all over the ground.

So much gold stunned everyone present. Is such a amount of wealth in the treasury? No, it should be impossible, because these are even more than the gold in the treasury. Because of the active resistance army in recent years, the people's resistance has been increasing, the kingdom's fiscal revenue has become less and less, and the kingdom's war has been continuous in recent years, and Emperor Hiloken has spent unrestrainedly, and the fiscal expenditure is getting bigger and bigger. Now the treasury of the kingdom is increasingly empty.

Bekas now puts this money in front of everyone. There is no need to explain. Everyone present can understand that he wants everyone here to make a choice, whether to choose the mountain of wealth in front of him or to choose to become the bloody corpse on the ground.

But the situation is still undecided, and no one at the scene dares to be a pathfinder and dares not move around there.

Bekas: "Gentlemen, I don't need to explain more with smart people. I can tell you that these are some of the gifts of the 'Telfi' Chamber of Commerce when they defected to me, but I am willing to share them with my companions. Ladies and gentlemen, you don't need to be polite. Let's get what we can!"

The "Terfi" Chamber of Commerce, their name is well known in the officialdom of the kingdom. They hold the financial resources that can influence the kingdom. After the previous battle of Karad City, the "Terfi" Chamber of Commerce has been completely controlled by Becas, and Becas is suddenly He has countless wealth, so Beckas is extremely generous now.

"Wow!" Some people began to rush into the Golden Mountain Hall crazily and began to sweep and occupy those treasure chests crazily. Their move has already made a choice to show that they will turn to Bekas.

At this time, like the domino effect, everyone present rushed over one after another, afraid of falling behind and starting to compete for money crazily.

Although there are many family-oriented people, they are the most fierce people at this moment. He is not really jealous of the money in front of him, but wants to show his "loyalty" to Becas.

Brute: "Wow, it's a beautiful scene, but, Lord Becas, is this all right? Aren't people like them afraid that they will also rebel against you in the future?

Bekas laughed at this: "Hahaha, I'm afraid they are not greedy enough, because the more greedy people are, the more degenerate and easy it will be to control. Now they compete with each other and don't trust each other, so that even if they ignore them, they can't unite and can't get any big problems. The direction of interests is the direction of people's hearts.

Brute: "Oh, I'm really taught. By the way, Lord Becas, the rare emperor's throne, why don't you even look at it?

Bekas looked at the readily available emperor's throne in front of him and smiled softly: "I said that I want to enjoy the moment of successfully sitting on the throne. Now is not the right time. When I destroy the evil emperor and become a hero of the world, that's the time for me to sit on this throne."

Bekas tried his best to do what he did was the pleasure of his ambition when he succeeded, so he did not sit on the emperor's throne.

Bekas: "I'm leaving to take the next step. I'll leave it to you. You can get rid of those guys who have robbed the least. Such people are the most untrustworthy and worthless."

"Hahaha, everything is at your command!" Brut showed an evil expression.

Bekas is really a gathering of evil thoughts and has completely grasped the weaknesses of human nature. For these greedy people, they don't need to say anything about justice and justice. If you want them to make a choice, it is best to use the most practical way. Looking at their ridiculous competition, Wangdu's regime has fallen under the control of Bekas.