Fantasy Water Margin Legend

Chapter 686 Helmet Breakthrough

"Wow! Mr. Jin, why are you hurt so much? Alan Gray and the others saw that Kim came back by himself. Although they knew that Kim had defeated Ethan, the price was not light, and even the situation was very bad.

Jin: "Don't worry, I'm fine. How's the preparations going?"

"Everything is going well. We are ready." Alan pointed to the fuel on the ground, extended all the way, connected almost half of the combustion barrels, and calculated the length, leaving a lot of time for them to escape.

Alan: "This can ensure that all the combustion barrels can be detonated at one time. I think we'd better stay as far away from here as possible."

Grey: "And Rex."

Alan: "Yes, what should I do? Rex doesn't seem to have come back yet. Are we going to help him?"

Grey: "No, I believe he can."

"Yes, don't worry about me. I'm back." Rex came back alone.

Alan: "Great, Rex, you finally killed the guy who injured your father, Lord Leonard."

Rex nodded: "Yes, although it was not me who really destroyed him, now I have finally destroyed his body and won't let him come out for evil."

Alan: "This is called evil. Rex, you are so awesome."

Grey: "Your sword?"

Rex: "This sword was given to me by Lal. In fact, if Lal hadn't appeared, it was very likely that I would have been killed by the other party just now."

Alan: "It's her again. She always comes out suddenly at such an unconscious time. I really can't figure it out. She obviously left us and sneaked in alone, but how did she get here?

Rex: "This is also her advantage. After helping me, she went straight to the exit and opened the road for us first. Now we don't say so much. We must hurry up, finish the preparations here, and then retreat immediately."

Gray: "It's completely ready to evacuate immediately. The time is scheduled for three minutes."

Rex: "Three minutes? Everyone, we're going to run out desperately."

Aram: "Then I will start to try to contact Elvin outside with spiritual willpower and let them be ready."

Everything began to continue as planned. Because the ventilation pipe can no longer return, as for the escape road, the iron gate of the warehouse is closed, and there are many soldiers. The escape time is definitely not enough. The best way is to go directly from the transportation channel of the warehouse to the city wall through the elevator, from which you can Quickly leave the warehouse.

The operation began. Rex held the ignition tool in his hand, and then threw the fire into the fuel. The bright red flame spread along the paved straight line.

"Quick! Let's go! Don't get involved in the explosion!"

Everyone immediately ran to the location of the elevator. Now at the elevator, Lar had dealt with the guard and turned on the switch early, and the injured Jin was also carried all the way. As a result, the group of people converged at the elevator in a timely and smoothly.

As the leader of the team, Rex was the last to board the lifting platform: "Okay, I have turned on the switch of the mechanism. Everyone is stable."

With the roar of the gears, the elevator began to climb up, and people rose to the city wall.

"Please hurry up!" Rex kept praying.

Alan: "Little Gray, what else are you thinking?"

Grey: "All this seems to be too smooth."

Alan: "No way, we almost destroyed the whole army just now."

Grey didn't go on, because at this moment, a big thing will come to an end, and it doesn't make sense to say anything suspicious.

But Gray's doubts are still unexplained. It was indeed very dangerous just now, but the suspiciousness is also unexplainable, because except for the three enemies, there are no other enemies in the whole huge warehouse, which is very wrong.


At this time, outside the Helmet Fortress, Evan sensed the spiritual echo from Alan, and then happily told the crowd that this side also began to act: "Guys, the companions inside have succeeded, and we are going to start to act, please."

Finally, it succeeded. In Avon's army, a group of people quickly came to the wall of the Holy Helmet Fortress and lined up.

"Finally, it has begun. I can't wait for a long time." The huge "Yuanqi · Lingwan" condensed on the fingers of riding the wind.

"This blow can never be reserved and use any trace of power in your body." Similarly, with the mind of Xinghe, an unimaginable huge " vitality bomb" continues to grow in the air.

And Xuanzhou combines the seven vitality into one, and combines the power on one point.

"This is my first step to redeem myself." Wang Yuanhu, a repentant giant, waved his " vitality giant" this time to make up for his mistakes.

is also the giant fist of the " vitality giant", this side is done by the void, and there is also a huge " vitality • bullet". The two forces are used at the same time, and the void's " vitality • indetent" is fully played.

"Unfortunately, this is the only thing I can do with my current strength." Sasaki entered the posture of drawing a knife and borrowed the familiar gem knife "God Emperor Guard" summoned by Erwin. As a result, he believed that his power could be doubled.

"Master, wait a little longer. As soon as the matter here is over, I will ask you to settle the accounts." Jack is very Ryan, and he also wants to be here to contribute his own strength to everyone.

"It's really an honor for me to create such a great martial arts legend with so many warriors." Xiao Rang's "extreme seal" broke out, and his hand was also put on his own knife "bladeless", and the skill of drawing a knife was also about to come out.

Seven, six, five... Time is slowly counting down, and those lines of fire have all spread into a pile of burning barrels, three, two, one!


All the burning barrels in the warehouse were detonated with the terrible sound of a mountain shock. The huge explosive impact shook the whole fortress. The burning pillar of fire looked for air from the transportation channel, the ventilation pipe, rushed to the sky, and suddenly dyed the whole sky red.

And those super warriors outside the city wall, whose reflex nerves touched by the vibration waves of the explosion, immediately took action together, the impact of the blade and fist, and the outbreak of vitality, which gathered the strength of many martial artists. Like the blade of a sharp sword, it stabbed straight to the wall of the Holy Helmet Fortress.

has a history of nearly 200, and in this history, as the patron saint of the capital of Athos, the helmet fortress, which has always stood as a symbol of the existence of the ruling order of the kingdom, unexpectedly, in less than a week, it was once again defeated by the shouts of the people representing the era of change. .

The broken city wall stones fell down like raindrops.

"Yuanqi • triple wall" and "Yuanqi • net", this strong shield, as well as protective wire mesh, fierce and lace, their vitality form is not good at attacking, but here, their existence has also saved many lives.

The smoke and dust continued to dissipate with the wind, and the figure of King Athos appeared in front of everyone from the big hole.


Aiwen rushed out first. Behind him, all the cavalry of the rebels also followed, and the vast troops, like tide, poured into the gap of the Helmet Fortress.

The rebels finally successfully broke through the Helmet Fortress!


At this time, near the gap in the damaged Helmet Fortress.

Graland and the others were hit and injured in this violent explosion, but fortunately, with the blessing of the lucky aura of the "prophet" Alan, the two finally lived safely.

Grey: "What about the others?"

Alan: "I didn't see it. The explosion just now was really intense."

Grey: "Look for it."

They dispersed with the crowd because of the impact of the explosion, but it was believed that the others were also nearby, so Alan Gray and the two began to look for it.

Behind a stone, Kim came out, and then Rex and Lar.

Alan: "Great, you are all safe."

Rex: "Yes, it was Mr. Jin who helped us block the stone."

Jin was originally seriously injured, but now he has protected everyone with his body. He is really the strongest and reliable man in the Lion Heart Group.

"I found it! I found them, Officer Rex!" The soldiers of the rebels shouted there.

The large army of the resistance must continue to march towards King Athos, but of course, Evan and the others will not forget the great heroes of this operation, Rex and others, knowing that they needed help and deliberately left a team to rescue them.

After being successfully rescued, Rex and the others merged with the large army.


Hearing the familiar voice, Rex shouted excitedly, "Father!"

Rainard, and Orez of the Lionheart Regiment, they are the commanders of the infantry troops here, and they appeared here together.

Orez congratulated everyone: "Guys, you have worked hard. Thanks to your efforts, we have finally successfully broken through this Holy Helmet Fortress."

Rex: "It's our honor to be able to complete the task. And, Father, I finally avenge you and Lord Kimberly.

Reenard: "...Rex, thank you for your hard work."

Rex was happy to receive his father's praise.

Orez: "Well, we have to start the second stage of the battle. Now there is a gap here. The defenders of the Holy Helm Fortress will soon organize troops to defend here. You should retreat first for treatment first."

Jin's current situation does require immediate treatment, and then Alan's previous battle also suffered a lot of injuries.

Rex: "How can I rest? Now I can still fight. Please let me fight with everyone."

Orez looked at Leonard, and let him decide as a father.

And Leonard nodded and said, "Since you can still fight, follow me."

"Yes!" Rex immediately made a happy and excited military salute, and then immediately joined the team.

Leonard really came from the bottom of his heart and expressed his joy at Rex's growth. Now the father and son continue to fight side by side.


With the breakthrough of the rebels, the defenders of the Holy Helm Fortress also began to take action, trying their best to take back this gap. However, with the combat strength of these defenders, without the protection of the city wall, the frontal battle will not be the opponent of the rebels. It is impossible to resist the continued breakthrough of the rebels.

"Lord Becas, what should we do now?" Carlos looked at the rebel soldiers passing through the gap and kept anxious.

Bekas was beside him, but he still looked at the whole battlefield leisurely, as if he were a spectator here.

Carlos: "Lord Becas, I really don't understand why you have clearly seen through the other party's conspiracy, but it's just the leaders who sent the Black Dragon Secret Force? As long as we keep all the troops around there, and then add me to the war, we will definitely not let the other party successfully destroy the wall of the city.

Sure enough, everything went so smoothly after that, which was originally a puzzling thing. Now it seems that the answer is that Bekas deliberately did not send troops to guard the warehouse.

Bekas: "I have an agreement with Hiloken, but I don't go against him, but that's all. There is no need to do everything for him. I have sent my most powerful heart to meet the enemy, and now they have been defeated and disappeared. This is enough explanation for Hiloken, and the agreement between us can also be ended.

Yes, Bekas is not a complete puppet of Emperor Hiloken now, so he doesn't need to contribute everything to Hiloken.

Bekas: "However, those people are really quite amazing. I didn't expect that they could not only break into the warehouse, but also defeat Brut and the three of them. With such few people, they can complete such an almost impossible thing. Does fate really belong to the side of the resistance army? ?"

Bekas seems to be more interested in the process than the victory or defeat of this battle.

Bekas: "Now let those people pass this level earlier and make this game a little more fun. Anyway, this is the situation he wants, isn't it? Our supreme emperor, who thinks he has surpassed everything in the world, hehe.

Bekas looked at the high Star Emperor Hall in the distance, and then with an inexplicable smile. Then, also on the highest platform of the Star Emperor Hall, Emperor Hiloken was there, looking down on the whole world below as the highest, and all the changes outside were in his eyes.

Emperor Hiloken shouted proudly, "Bekas, you are really interesting and understand my thoughts, and you have done a good job. The next step is to prove to the world that even if my fate stands on the other side, my power can reverse all this, hahaha."