Fantasy Water Margin Legend

Chapter 725 Wings of Hope

It was strange that Emperor Hiloken could not see Elvin anywhere, but with his current mind, he quickly figured it out and suddenly raised his head.

As a result, I really saw Elvin, but at the same time, Emperor Hiloken was also very surprised: "What is this? Unexpectedly..."

Avan: "This is the wing I want to create miracles, and this is my new power."

Elvin is now in mid-air. On his back, there are a pair of gem wings. It is the power of these wings that not only allows Elvin to avoid the broken arm of Emperor Heroken just now, but also allows him to fly in the air.

The reason why Evan can now create such magical gem wings is that the picture that flashed in his mind just now is the picture he saw when he went to Mr. Flado's house with doubts to find the answer. The picture he saw depicts the first The picture scroll of the hero of the star, and on it, the first generation of star heroes has such a pair of wings.

Awen: "Now I finally understand how to use the power of this star wrist wheel. Emperor Hiloken, this time, it's my turn to fight back.

ai wen has now cheered up and shown confidence in victory, and his strength seems to have been restored, all of which echoes the shining "Star Wrist Wheel · Destiny". In contrast, Emperor Hiloken's momentum has now been lowered, and the "Star Wrist Wheel · Imperial Road" on his wrist has also been much darker.

Emperor Hiloken: "Why, why can you stand up? What force makes you fight again?"

ai wen: "This is a lonely you who will never understand."

Emperor Hiloken shouted angrily: "The ignorant and lowly man, the wrist wheel of the emperor's star, is far better than your existence. Can one with an extra pair of wings defeat the emperor? It's ridiculous. No matter how high the birds fly, they will only be toys in other people's cages. You will never be able to defeat this emperor."

Ewen: "My pair of wings represents people's belief in yearning for freedom and happiness. People will never be oppressed and ruled by others. Now I'm going to break through your cage."

Emperor Hiloken raised his sword at Elvin: "Then let me take a look at your poor freedom and happiness."

Evan took the initiative to attack and dive down quickly. The power of this pair of gem wings allows him to move freely in this space and has unmatched speed.

With such speed and the ability to move space, Emperor Hiloken suddenly felt pressure. Elvin could attack without gaps in all directions, and Elvin's tactics were to leave with one blow, and Emperor Hiroken could not jump to pursue in the air, which made Emperor Hiloken, who could only stand on the ground, feel Very tricky.

But Emperor Hiloken is not an opponent who will be suppressed so simply. Emperor Hiloken was furious: "It's just that it's faster. Don't think that you can defeat me in this way. Your power is beyond your imagination."

Emperor Hiloken once again demonstrated the "ninja · shadow split". Four Hiloken emperors appeared at the same time. He used the combination of tactics just now to defeat Ai Wen again.

Elvin is not afraid of this. He, who can move freely in this space, fully holds the active power. Elvin dived down and aimed at the Emperor Hiloken, who held the royal sword and drew a knife, launched an attack.

I didn't expect that this blow was so smooth that I stabbed the other party with a gem sword all of a sudden. This is not because of Evan's speed getting faster. There must be something wrong with it.

Sure enough, this sword-wielding Emperor Hiloken is not the real body, and Emperor Hiloken's mind is still so terrible. Evin was tricked, and the other three Hiloken emperors rushed up and blocked Evan's retreat from different directions and surrounded him. Everyone used their most powerful attacks, and the shadows kept surrounding Elvin.

In the face of the must-kill dilemma, Elvin did not panic. He calmly curled his body slightly. The pair of wings on his back then closed together and wrapped himself in a completely protected posture.

Even if there is no royal sword in hand, the power of the joint blow of these three Hiloken emperors is absolutely terrible. Even the gem armor has been broken. Can this pair of gem wings withstand?

No, this pair of wings is not used to resist the opponent's attack. This wing also has magical ability. Emperor Hilocan's fist hit the wing and penetrated directly. There was no hard object to stop it. It was very soft, as if it were water.

However, it is the softest thing in the world, but it has the best protective power. This is the inner power of Elvin's tolerance and protection of everything. Emperor Hiloken's fist strength is like mud into the sea, and time is exhausted. Emperor Hiloken was shocked and immediately retreated.

Evin will no longer miss the opportunity. The gem wings disappear, and the gem sword also disappear. Countless star points do not return to the star wrist wheel, but continue to float around Elvin, constantly flashing, and then constantly rotating around Elvin.

The rotation of these many stars soon evolved into a whirlwind, and then escalated into a hurricane, which swept everything around. Star Storm, this is the power exerted by Evan who got out of control in the grief of losing his father. This power defeated Bekas. Now, he exerted it again, and this time he is no longer devoured by this grief. He uses his strong heart to control the storm.

Emperor Hiloken was also involved in this force. In this storm, it was already very difficult to stabilize his body. Emperor Hiloken could no longer support other shadow splits, and the other splits disappeared, and the remaining Emperor Hiloken must be his real body.

This Heroken Emperor is also very good. In the face of such a terrible "star storm", he can still stabilize his body without being torn by this storm.

This is enough. After cracking the "Ninja Shadow Doppler", Elvin once again pointed to Emperor Hiloken with sharp eyes.

Evan: "Evil Hiloken, I will punish your sins on behalf of the people in this world who are sad and painful because of you!"

ai wen changed his mind, and the "Star Storm" disappeared, and the stars changed into another form, forming a circle, interlocking and forming a gem chain, which is not just an ordinary gem weapon. This chain seems to be attached to life, automatically fly to Emperor Hiloken, wanting to Lock it up.

"It is absolutely impossible to make my emperor a prisoner!" Emperor Hiloken slammed the gem chain with his fist, and the chain broke.

Ewen: "It's useless. Now I have realized the real power of my star wrist wheel. You can't defeat me."

The broken stars have turned into rings and continue to connect with the rings behind, but this chain still cannot be destroyed. Instead, he is closer to himself.

The gem chain began to constantly pester Emperor Hiloken, making Emperor Hiloken feel unprecedentedly nervous and panicked. This chain has magical power. The place where it is tied makes Emperor Hiloken feel that his power is slowly out of his control. At this time, Elvin quietly approached Emperor Hiloken, and he didn't realize it at all.

The gem sword stabbed over, and Emperor Hiloken had no way to avoid it at this moment. He just moved slightly. Elvin just stabbed his back.

But that's all, it's also a victory or defeat. Emperor Hiloken, who was seriously injured, could no longer stand up. He knelt on the ground with one knee humiliation, and then was tied up by the gem chain. As a result, no matter how hard he struggled with Emperor Hiloken, he could not get rid of the gem chain.

Evan: "Finally, it's a victory."

What a difficult victory, but finally it was successfully held in his own hands. Through his new understanding of the star wrist wheel, Evan defeated Emperor Hiloken with false fetters through the strength of his companions. In the battle between the hero and the emperor, the hero finally won a well-deserved victory.

"Let go of me. I will never forgive such humiliation." Emperor Hiloken still did not know how to repent at the end of his journey.

Evan: "Hiloken, can you still say that you are the highest person who will always be high? After all, you are just a mortal who wants to ascend to the sky one step, and you are a lonely poor person who will not help you.

Emperor Hiloken: "Even if I can't kill you, you can't win. As a result, aren't you a complete loser, hahaha."

The surrounding vibration is getting more and more violent. Elvin can hear the sound of a huge rock falling outside. The Star Emperor Hall will be completely destroyed soon. The hall he is now in has been flooded by the rocks, and there is not much space for Elvin to act.

Ewen grabbed Emperor Hiloken's collar and shouted at him, "Come on, what on earth are you going to do? Only then can we stop all this? You said that as long as I defeat you, you will tell me how to solve all this.

Emperor Hiloken laughed wildly: "Hahaha, I did say that as long as you win, I will tell you how to stop all this, but do you think I will tell you?"

Sure enough, Emperor Hiloken can't be expected to abide by the agreement, and it doesn't have any effect on how to force him from a dying person. When he was distressed, the star wrist wheel reacted, and it seemed that someone wanted to have a spiritual communication with Elvin.

It's Mikal Ted and the others. It seems that there is something urgent.

Ted: "Evan, we just searched all around here, but we couldn't find any other roads leading to your hall. But in the process of searching, we accidentally found some information about the construction here.

Mikal: "Hey, Evan, you don't care so much now. Where you are, it actually leads to the front hall of the main station that built the pillars of the whole Star Emperor Hall. As long as you insert the key into the organ at the main station, you can stop the destruction of these pillars."

Evan: "Huh? The key? What's the key?

Mikal: "Ah, this?"

Ted: "There are not many relevant records. There are objects about a meter long, but it is certain that they are very hard, probably jewel-shaped."

"The key is a gem-shaped, a very hard object about a meter long..." As Elvin said this, he looked at Emperor Hiloken's reaction.

Emperor Hiloken lowered his head and avoided Elvin's eyes.

Sure enough, it should be nearby. Elvin's test worked wonders, and he flashed his inspiration and probably understood what it was.

Evan looked at the royal sword he had just shot and went over to pick it up.

Emperor Hiloken: "You are really awesome. Yes, this is the key."

Great, Elvin got the key.

Emperor Hiloken still laughed wildly and said, "It's okay to tell you. The way to stop the organ is that there will be a hidden secret door behind this hall, and the main station of the organ is there."

It must be a little strange that Emperor Hiloken would be so kind, but Elvin didn't care so much. He directly searched for the secret door, then opened it and rushed in and went straight to the terminal. Here, there is indeed a key socket.

Aiwen immediately inserted the royal sword and turned it around. The internal organs of the mountain wall stopped rotating with the closure of the key.

Evan: "That's great, finally..."

Before Elvin breathed a good sigh of relief, the vibration became more violent.

"Hahaha, it's useless. It's too late. Now most of the pillars supporting the Star Emperor's Hall and the mountain wall on the side of Asos Holy Peak have been destroyed. Even if they stop, the remaining pillars can't be supported. You still can't save anyone, and everything here will still be destroyed." Emperor Hiloken actually followed. How did he break the gem chain?

And now, is it really too late for him to save anything?