Fantasy Water Margin Legend

Chapter 730 Postscript 4


The temporary port of Mineshir Port is still under repair, because Mineshir Port is the sea gateway of the capital of Athos. Even if it is seriously damaged, it will need to be rebuilt.

The reconstruction project has now been handed over to the Blue Dragon Sea Regiment.

Now the former commander of Diaz has left, and Zigfei has become the new commander of the army, so like Rex, Zigefei is very busy now.

Mikal and Ted, who arrived here, did not disturb Zeke's work. They followed the wind to the port wharf, where a long-distance ship was preparing to set sail.

There are many people preparing to board the ship, and most of them are black-haired people from the East, many of whom are familiar to Mikalted.

Mikal: "Oh, I'm right. What's going on today? Why are you all here and where do you want to go?

Riding the wind: "Of course, I'm going back. Are we still idle and have nothing to do? We have to go out to blow the sea breeze, catch sea fish, take a circle and come back."

Mikal: "Are you going back? Why don't you want to continue to develop in the Kingdom? Now is the time when our kingdom needs talents.

Riding the wind: "Talent, aren't you two just right? We won't take your credit."

It's a pity that someone is leaving again.

Yingwan: "Ah, Brother Mikal Ted, why are you here?"

Mikal: "Ah, Yingwan, are you leaving too?"

Yingwan: "Yes, we are going back to the village."

The Ninja Village where Yingmaru is located is a village on an island in the Eastern country. The harsh environment has caused difficulties in life.

Yingwan: "Now the kingdom has finally restored peace, and now we have reached an agreement with Boss Levi, and we have just received our commission, so it's time for us to go back to the hometown where we have left for a long time."

The rule of Yingwan's ninjas is to collect money after completing the entrustment. Although the kingdom is ready to be abandoned and also needs financial support, Yingwan's ninja team should also have great respect for their desire to revive their village.

Mikal: "Well, that's good. I also know that the pain of homesickness is uncomfortable."

Yingwan: "We also have something very important to do when we go back this time."

Mikal: "Oh, what's the matter? Is it possible? Is it a big deal between you and your Xiaoying? Mikal likes to play tricks on others like this.

Yingwan: "No, it's Xiaoying's brother's big deal." Yingwan didn't understand Mikal's joke.

Mikal: "Ah, Sakura's brother? Why don't you seem to have heard of it?"

Yingwan: "Ah, I forgot to say that Xiaoying's brother is the black crow who used to be in that black dragon's army. His real name is Shi Yuya."

Mikal: "Ah? Black Dragon Conspiracy Force? Isn't that the subordinate of Becas our former enemies?"

Ted; "Don't you pay attention to these important things? Shi Yuya, that is, the black crow, was the primary contributor to help us break through the Holy Helmet Fortress at that time, and he also had his active performance in destroying the sea fortress warship of the Canglong Flying Group.

Mikal: "Real? It would be nice if it was your own. But speaking of which, why have I never seen this person?

Yingwan embarrassedly replied to Mikal: "Ha ha, in fact, senior Shi Yu doesn't like to appear in front of others. But he must be on the boat now.

Mikal: "Oh, how do you know he's on the boat?"

Yingwan: "That's because I want to go back, so he will follow me back."

Mikal: "Ah?"

Yingwan: "In fact, the matter between this is actually a little complicated. In fact, we went back this time mainly because we have to be the new village head of the village."

Mikal: "Ah, the new village head of Ninja Village? It's really interesting. How about it? Is it you or Sakura?"

Yingwan: "It's Elder Shiyu."

Mikal was shocked: "Ah! What! Am I right? This person who doesn't even come out to meet him and let him be the village head?

Yingwan: "I know that Shiyu has a new consciousness. He really wants to know that Hattori and the power that everyone has shown, so he wants to be the village head of Ninja Village."

Mikal still can't understand.

Ted: "This is a good thing. If he can carry something forward, he will definitely be able to go further in the future."

Mikal: "I don't understand your principles."

Yingwan: "It's actually the best for Elder Shi Yu to be able to do this. With his strength, this is a real position, and this is actually the wish of the former village head of Shiyu."

"Well, your own strength is also very strong, okay? Otherwise, my brother will not be obedient and go back to be the village head." Xiaoying saw that Yingwan was here and also ran over.

Mikal: "Forget it. Anyway, if you encounter any problems after you go back, don't be polite. Just come back and find us. Don't forget that this is also your home."

Everyone looked at Mikal in surprise, because it was rare for Mikal to say such heartwarming words, and suddenly Mikal was embarrassed to blush.

At this time, among the personnel of this fleet, he found his master and brothers in the wind.

Void has not connected his false arm to restore his natural body. After the previous battle with Jianxin, he was seriously injured. Maybe he can no longer improve his martial arts practice now. Although it is a pity, he does not regret it, because he has learned more important things. Then, he also has a more dear family.

Looking at the void, he is now on the dock, and with his brother Wang Yuanhu, he has resolved his heart knot and made peace as before. The brotherhood between them has formed an invisible tenacity. For the mermaid princess who had been following her, Bai Xingliu (crying star), her eyes have been constantly treated by the magic doctor Watson, and now she can finally see the things around her within a few meters. At least, he can clearly see the appearance of the person he loves most. Now Bai Xingliu's face can no longer see the sad tears, and the innocent and lovely smile has been hanging on her little face like this. And she also made up her mind not to leave the void again in the future.

Seeing the arrival of the wind, Xinghe scolded, "Take the wind, where have you been? I almost missed the departure time."

Riding the wind: "That's because we want to leave some footprints of life in this kingdom, otherwise we don't know when we will have a chance to return to such a good place here after we go back this time."

Why did you return to the Eastern country on this trip? Don't you just want to go home to visit it? Won't you come back this time?

Riding the wind: "Yes, I can't bear to part with us. I can't help it. I'm afraid it will be difficult to come back this time. We will meet the Eastern Kingdom and do something big like you. Ah, when it comes to doing big things, it's really not suitable for me.

Mikal: "Hey, we haven't asked yet."

Riding the wind: "Anyway, you must ask. When you are so slow, it's better for me to tell you first."

Mikhalton was speechless...

Ted: "You are also going back. Although you haven't got along much together, you really can't bear to give up."

Void came over: "With your care, our life and experience in the kingdom over the years have made us realize that as warriors, the martial arts we have practiced should not only be used in our own personal wishes, but should use this power more Where it is. The warrior should not be a lonely man. His arms should be spread out to protect others.

Ted: "We are also very happy to have such a positive idea."

Void: "Seeing that your kingdom has experienced so much turmoil, it can still move forward peacefully and stably. From here, we can also see the future path of our hometown. We will bring the valuable knowledge and beliefs we have learned in your country back to our hometown. We will try our best to go to all the islands to publicize and use the power of our warriors to help everyone. I believe that as long as the people of our Eastern Kingdom can actively work on the right path like your kingdom, we will also break away from the current fragmented status quo. Only by connecting with each other can we seek a new life.

The empty idea, that is, the idea of everyone here now, has been reformed Wang Yuanhu, and their five disciples: Xuanzhou, Xinghe, Juefeng, riding the wind, and the sad lace that is no longer willing to stay in the kingdom, and then Yingwan Xiaoying of Ninja Village. Although the number of people is not large, this is also the flame of the unification and self-sufficiency and strength of the Eastern countries. Although the truth of the future is still far away, their words, no matter how difficult it is, can be overcome and going on, because they are such strong.

Take advantage of the wind: "Hey hey, do you think that we can't do anything like you?"

Mikal: "No, how can you have such a strange idea? If it's just you, it's really difficult."

Riding the wind: "I knew you would have such an idea. Hey hey, I might as well tell you. This time, we also caught a good military division in our hands. This time with such strong strength and that man's mind, I believe we will not lose to you."

Mikal: "Huh? Military division? Is there such a person?"

Ted: "It's Mr. Yang (Sky Star), isn't he?"

Riding the wind: "Ah! How dare you know! Obviously, I haven't said it yet."

Mikal: "Ah! That terrible head Yang? He actually... Wait a minute, don't lie to me. The person who doesn't seem to be motivated at all, will he be so active in this muddy water?"

"Ah, isn't that Xiaomi? What did you say about me just now? Yang really appeared and was ready on the boat early in the morning.

Mikal: "Oh, you still remember my name."

Yang: "Yawn, I'm so tired. It's really a headache to think that there are so many things to do next. It's just that I can sleep in this boat for half a year now. Yang seemed to walk back to the cabin without any motivation.

Mikal: "This guy is still so un motivated. Unexpectedly, he resigned as the deputy commander and military division of the Red Dragon Heavy Regiment. Now there is no need for peace to fight, but it should be a great opportunity to sleep well. I really intend to help you."

Ted: "Actually, you don't know the real him. Mr. Yang looks a little restless and lazy on the surface, but in fact, no one is a more reliable companion than him. He is a cold person on the outside and hot on the inside. In order to help others, he always works silently and constantly in places that others can't see.

Void: "Yes, it was a little abrupt at first. In fact, when we put forward the idea of going back to help our hometown, the eastern country, it turned out that Mr. Yang took the initiative to contribute."

Mikal was so surprised that his face couldn't get together: "What! Is this true? That guy actually..."

Void: "Mr. Yang is also a person from the Eastern Kingdom. In fact, each of us always has that inexplicable homesickness in our hearts."

Ted: "It is a good world that can make the world completely peaceful and stable and people live a happy life."

Mikal: "Ha ha, I really don't understand him at all." Although Mikal said that, he expressed admiration for Yang in his heart.

Mikal: "Well, by the way, now without Yang's Red Dragon Reloading Regiment, is the Lubat Legion Commander so happy that he can't sleep for several days in a row, because no one will restrain him anymore?"

Ted: "On the contrary, there was a huge angry roar from the headquarters of the commander of the Red Dragon Reloaded Regiment."

Mikal: "Oh, it seems to be another puzzling unfortunate fate." Mikal is not difficult to understand this kind of thing, because he and Ted seem to have such a relationship.

Ted: "As a result, a few days later, the commander of the Lubart army also resigned as the commander and left the army."

Mikal: "Ah! No way, even he left? Then who is the commander of the army now?

Ted: "He is the leader of the former Lion Heart Regiment. He became the commander of the new Red Dragon Heavy Regiment."

Mikal: "Oh, that serious uncle, that's good. He is good at sitting in this position."

The fleet is about to leave. This is a fleet full of hope for the future. I believe that in the future, the eastern countries will also become a land of unity and stability.

However, there are some people who will be tragic.

Mikal looked at the faraway fleet and seemed to find a huge figure. From his bright and reflective head, he suddenly recognized who it was.

Mikal: "Hey, hey, Ted, am I right? Is that Rubart?"

Ted: "Yes, that's him."

Mikal: "What's wrong with him... Oh, I see, alas, this is really an evil fate. By the way, I'm curious to ask you, a Ted University student who knows everything, that is, this Rubart, has he ever participated in a battle at sea before?

Ted: "From his record, he has been operating around in the Kingdom all year round, but he is in the interior of the kingdom and not close to the seaside. Moreover, from the military registration, the information he filled in is that he can't swim."

Mikal couldn't help laughing: "Hahaha, if I'm not mistaken, that Rubart is just like a twin brother printed in a mold, then he will definitely... Ha ha, this is a hell journey of more than half a year."

Mikal's laughter doesn't seem to be without reason.

"I'm so angry. How can I suddenly feel so uncomfortable?" Rubart, like a black bull, seems to have serious seasickness.

Rubat: "Damn lazy, you want to run away, don't you? I know. You want to go to any oriental country to fight and build a kingdom. Hahaha, how can you lack me in this kind of thing? Euch... I must hold on and let others see what the Kingdom God of War is like now... I can't do it..."

Rubat seems to understand that Yang and others want to use the way of the kingdom to resist victory and also use it in the Eastern Kingdom. Now that the kingdom is peaceful, this can make Rubat's life boring. This person who was born to live on the battlefield can no longer sit still.

Then, Yang's departure was a fuse, and then it was ignited, that is, Rubart, and then, of course, the wayward Rubart, who also secretly followed the boat Yang was on, and then marched towards the battlefield of the East that he yearned for.

Of course, I hope he won't die before he succeeds. Then, it seems that there are two important people?

"I'm sick..." Rubart collapsed on the deck.

"Really, our original leader, why is it like this now?" Yagos appeared in front of Rubat.

Rubat: " it you?"

Agoss: "Of course. Naturally, I will follow Xiao Yang wherever he goes. The place where he is will definitely be super fun. I'm Xiao Yang's number one fanatic follower. Since you are not my leader now, I won't give you this position."

Rubat: "Who would be the follower of that lazy bug, vomit..."

Yagos: "Forget, don't say so much now. Fortunately, the person who takes care of you has also come."

Rubat: "Huh? The person who takes care of me?"

Yagos: "Yes, look over there."

Rubat saw a frightening scene that made him feel. Now on the side deck of the boat, a young woman is taking her daughter there looking at the seascape of the fading Minay Hill Harbor, where she keeps shaking her hand to say goodbye.

Daughter Xia Luo: "Mother, I'm looking forward to going to Uncle Yang's hometown, but doesn't it matter if we leave our father like this?"

Liv: "Don't worry, your father will know what to do. He can't bear to part with us."

It seems that Rubart, such a huge man, will never escape this pair of soft palms.

Rubat: "Ah, ah! Why are they here?

Agos: "Isn't your wife the favorite to travel everywhere? Now there is nothing new for her to see in the kingdom, so they are very active in signing up for this trip to the East. Ah, don't you know?"

How could Rubat know that he had secretly got on the boat this time, and to say, half of the reason why he followed Yang on this boat was that in the days when there was no war, he had to spend most of his time at home. In this way, this day would be...

Rubat: "Ah! I don't want it! Forget it when I die on this day. Let me get off the boat!"

Yagos likes to watch the play most: "The boat will not stop because of an uninvited person. If you want to go down, please swim by yourself while it's not far from the shore." Of course, Yagos knew that Rubart couldn't swim, so he made fun of him.

Rubat looked at the blue sea below and dared not move forward. Then, he fainted on the deck. He didn't know if he was really seasick or excited to continue to live a "sweet" life with his wife and daughter in the future.

At this time, Yang, who was taking a comfortable nap in the cabin, smiled in his sleep, as if he were having a beautiful dream.


Look back at the dock.

Mikal: "Ah! It's Xiao Rang, and Mr. Jin, er, and..."

In fact, there is also Sasaki, but Mikal still feels a little difficult to approach him.

Ted: "Are you also planning to go back to the Eastern Kingdom?"

Xiaorang: "Yes, because I really want to go to the island of my biological parents' hometown to worship my parents."

Yes, speaking of which, Xiao let him have never seen his biological parents. Although the sadness that happened in the past can't be changed, Xiao let him continue to move forward actively now.

Xiaorang: "Moreover, I really want to see the appearance of my hometown. I am very grateful to senior Sasaki for this."

Sasaki: "In the past, I promised to take you back to the eastern country, but now, I just fulfilled my original promise."

Sasaki has now lost his heart knot for many years, let go of everything, regain the mentality of the martial arts, and continue to travel around the world with Xiao Rang. This journey may be a very happy journey. And Xiao Rang followed Sasaki, so there is no need to worry about him.

As for Jin, he, together with the Void and others, has been committed to changing the unfair and unequal status quo of the kingdom. After seeing the success of the kingdom, he is also determined to return to his hometown, the eastern country, for the prosperity of his hometown. And continue to contribute their own strength.