Fantasy Country

Chapter 7 Serial Portion

Reached a reconciliation with each other. Lu Xuedao did not intend to kill this group of gangsters, but this group of gangsters got such huge news. Of course, they will not stop Lu Xuedao and Zhao Zhenxi.

"Hey, buddy, take off your clothes for me." Lu Xuedao pointed to one of the guys who were relatively normally dressed and said.

"Clothes?" The guy pointed to by Lu Xuedao was a little confused.

"Well, clothes, I can't go out like this. I will definitely be surrounded." Lu Xuedao turned around and pointed to his back. At this time, others took a deep breath. It turned out that Lu Xuedao had been suffering such great pain. The wound that jumped from the fifth floor was really shocking.

"Okay, okay." The guy pointed to by Lu Xuedao was a little flattered and immediately took off his clothes and then took off his trousers.

"The trousers are free, as long as the coat is fine." Lu Xuedao quickly stopped this guy. By the way, do you have any wine? Lu Xuedao asked again. Immediately, my little brother ran out and quickly bought two bottles of white wine. Originally, these people thought that Lu Xuedao wanted to deal with the injury, but Lu Xuedao spilled liquor directly on himself, making it smell full of wine.

"Well, I hope to see you again in the future. I hope you will also become summoners. I'm sure you won't tell anyone else about this news, will you? After changing his clothes, Lu Xuedao tidied up his hair again, which did not look particularly embarrassed. When leaving, Lu Xuedao said something to Zhang Mo alone.

"Don't worry, I won't tell anyone else." Zhang Mo nodded.

Lu Xuedao patted Zhang Mo on the shoulder and walked out with Zhao Zhenxi. At the door, Zhao Zhenxi lifted the summons, and the Flame Baron immediately turned into an electronic light and disappeared into Zhao Zhenxi's mobile phone. Seeing this scene, including Zhang Mo, this group of people was again envious and surprised.

Leaving this residential area to be demolished and finally returning to the world under the sun, Lu Xuedao and Zhao Zhenxi both felt like a different world. In just half a day, so many things happened, almost completely subverting their past worldview. If they are not sure that this is not a dream, they probably can't believe it.

"Lu Xuedao, thank you." Zhao Zhenxi said in a low voice.

Lu Xuedao did not answer. At this time, Lu Xuedao's vision had become more and more blurred, and finally hung directly on Zhao Zhenxi's body. Zhao Zhenxi was scared by Lu Xuedao's movements and let out a panicked cry.

"Vend me home, 4-4, Building 7, Viewing Garden, Jinxia Street. Don't tell anyone else. The key is on me. Someone asked me and said I was drunk." After Lu Xuedao finished speaking, he completely lost consciousness. Since the beginning of the residential building, Lu Xuedao has been seriously injured and has been able to persist until now. It can be said that his willpower is amazing.

At this time, Zhao Zhenxi knew why Lu Xuedao sprinkled liquor on his body and pretended to be drunk. Otherwise, it was really difficult to explain a girl holding a man who could hardly walk. It turns out that Lu Xuedao has already calculated everything.


When Lu Xuedao woke up, he did not immediately open his eyes, but carefully felt that there was no one else around him, and then he opened his eyes. After seeing the familiar scenery around him, Lu Xuedao breathed a sigh of relief. Slowly getting up from **, Lu Xuedao suddenly grinned.

Lu Xuedao came to the living room and found that Zhao Zhenxi curled up on the sofa and fell asleep.

Lu Xuedao turned on his mobile phone and looked at the time. 2013.03.07, 04:37 Friday, it was okay. He didn't faint for a long time, and there was still time. Lu Xuedao breathed a sigh of relief, gently patted Zhao Zhenxi on the face and woke up Zhao Zhenxi. Zhao Zhenxi, who just woke up, was obviously confused. After seeing a strange man, he immediately wanted to scream.

Lu Xuedao immediately covered it with his hand and immediately wiped out Zhao Zhenxi's scream in the bud.

"Don't shout, it's me." Lu Xuedao's dark pupils are extremely cold. At this time, Zhao Zhenxi twisted his body and suddenly turned red. Lu Xuedao was also stunned, felt the plump body under his body, and instinctively began to be a little impulsive. However, Lu Xuedao was still very calm. After finding that Zhao Zhenxi's eyes had returned to Tomb-sweeping Day, he immediately let go of his hand.

"You're awake." After a while, Zhao Zhenxi said.

"Well, it's 439. It's time to get up. We need to prepare something." Lu Xuedao said.

"Prepare something?"

"Disguise and serial confession." Lu Xuedao said as a matter of course, but Zhao Zhenxi looked at Lu Xuedao with a stunned look. This guy is really getting more and more strange. Is there really no problem with such a solemn confession? No, it should be said that Zhao Zhenxi is very strange to Lu Xuedao, and he has never really looked at this legendary guy before.

"You must know that a total of six people died this time!" Lu Xuedao compared a number.

"Six people have died, and they should not be found missing for the time being, but it is estimated that their parents will call the police for two or three days at most. What we need to do is to keep it as it is, and make collusions, and try not to leave flaws..." Lu Xuedao said slowly and said his plan.

"Do you have to go to school today?" Zhao Zhenxi asked in surprise.

"Of course, although I am a marginal person, I am still a student of the school. If there is no accident, of course I will go to school." Lu Xuedao said.

"But the wound on your back." He personally helped Lu Xuedao bandage, so Zhao Zhenxi knew how serious the wound on Lu Xuedao's back was.

"I will pay attention to it. I'm usually lazy and can't move. The only physical education class is that I'm not feeling well." Lu Xuedao said. Don't worry, I won't show anything abnormal. After Lu Xuedao finished speaking, he comforted him again.

Who is worried about your abnormal performance? Meow, I'm just surprised that you are so calm at this time. Thinking of this, Zhao Zhenxi couldn't help avoiding his eyes and blushed again.

"You are curious about me!" Lu Xuedao suddenly said something.

"What, what?"

I said you were curious about me. I accidentally saved you yesterday, and my actions are very different from the male classmates you usually see. The grace of saving my life and a strange and powerful image are gradually reflected in your heart, so you are curious about me. Generally speaking, this curiosity will gradually turn into admiration later, just like in animation..."

"Who will like you, asshole!" After Zhao Zhenxi understood what Lu Xuedao was saying, he suddenly became angry, grabbed the pillow on the sofa and threw it away.

"It's good that I don't like you. If you are moved, it's not good for everyone." Lu Xuedao took the pillow and said calmly.

Hearing Lu Xuedao's words, Zhao Zhenxi was angry again.

"Relaken down. If you think it's good, in two days, there will be police coming to ask about something. As the closest you are to them, you will definitely be asked a lot of questions. You need to stay calm and calm. If you show your feet..., although many of the police nowadays are wine bags and rice bags, they are occasionally capable. After seeing Zhao Zhenxi calm down, Lu Xuedao began to remind Zhao Zhenxi to point.

"Can your tone be better? Why did the police become a bag of wine and rice bags in your eyes?"

"Well, don't care. There are more angry youths on the Internet, that is, the so-called trolls. It seems that no one else can do better than yourself, and unconsciously have been affected." Lu Xuedao answered the question and explained.

"Hmm!" Zhao Zhenxi snorted coldly. What will happen if the horse's feet are exposed? Will you be arrested and sentenced?



"Yes, no. Although we always say that the country can't do it here and there, we all need to recognize the fact that China is actually very strong and the state power is very centralized. Therefore, the country must have discovered this kind of online life long ago. As summoners, we are already a special group of people, so secular laws will not take effect on us. If it is found, it is estimated that the two of us will be absorbed by the state as personnel in special departments. Moreover, in essence, I killed Liu Gaopeng just for self-defense. Lu Xuedao said.

"There is also a special department. Have you watched a lot of movies?"

Lu Xuedao did not answer, but quietly looked at Zhao Zhenxi. Zhao Zhenxi, who had vowed, would be weak in a moment. Did Lu Xuedao watch too many movies? If it had been in the past, it might be possible, but now she can summon Fire Baron Charles, so she knows that Lu Xuedao is definitely not unprovoked nonsense.

"Since you are found to be fine, why do you have to hide it? Will the members of the special department be very handsome?" Zhao Zhenxi suddenly thought of a question.

"I don't know if he is handsome or not, but I don't want to enter this kind of department." Lu Xuedao said calmly.


"No, that's it. You can rest a little longer." Lu Xuedao looked at his mobile phone, and it was still relatively early.

"What about you?"

"Let me see how Nocino is doing." Lu Xuedao said. After being attacked, Nocino seemed to suddenly explode and then disappeared into the mobile phone. I don't know what happened. Lu Xuedao had been busy with other things before, and then he was confused, so he hasn't checked the status of Nocino.

Lu Xuedao pressed the confirmation button slightly nervously, and a white light suddenly came from Lu Xuedao's mobile phone, covering Lu Xuedao's body.

Although they have seen it several times, Lu Xuedao and Zhao Zhenxi still can't look away. In the air, a legal aperture is opened in an instant, and then the virtual electronic data slowly condenses into an entity.

A petite and cute goblin floated in the air and seemed to be sleeping soundly, but that posture did not dare to be flattering. It was four-legated and had no ladyly temperament at all. It seemed that the environment had changed. Nocino suddenly opened his eyes and saw Lu Xuedao. He immediately rushed over and kicked his petite right foot.

"Bastard, you took me to block the knife."

Lu Xuedao was caught off guard and was suddenly kicked in the nose by Nocino. Although Nocino's body was small, his strength was not funny. Lu Xuedao's mind suddenly roared, and his body flew directly backwards out, fell on the sofa, and nosebleed directly.

Although his head was dizzy, Lu Xuedao was completely relieved that there was no problem with Nocino being so energetic.