Fantasy Country

Chapter 21 Spiritual Analysis

In fact, Lu Xuedao never thought that he could defeat this iron. At least he doesn't have this strength now. What Lu Xuedao did was to try to delay the time in a desperate way and wait for the turnaround. But at the moment when the watermelon knife touched the iron, the iron quickly turned into a virtual electronic light and disappeared in place.


Even Lu Xuedao himself is stupid. Has he become so powerful? Are you kidding? Lu Xuedao instantly figured out what had happened. If he hadn't become so powerful, the muscle bump summoner must have been unsupportable. You know, the Baron Flame also said last time that if the summoners are too weak, the time for their appearance will be greatly limited.

Looking at the iron explosion just now, you will know that it must have brought a great burden to the muscle pimple.

I realized that it was not that he suddenly became stronger. Lu Xuedao was relieved and slightly disappointed at the same time. However, this is not the time to say that Lu Xuedao directly canceled the summoning, nodded to the man in black hedgehog on the side, and then ran into the stream of people in the distance.

The man with a hedgehog in black was stunned for a moment before he realized that this guy... ran away and was so proficient. After reacting, the man also canceled the summoning technique and quietly disappeared into the stream of people.

What will happen here? God knows, this kind of big thing should be solved by the country we can do.

What impact will this incident have? That's not what Lu Xuedao cares about. Now he just wants to find a good place to heal his wounds. Although he looked alive, Lu Xuedao himself knew that his body was seriously injured. The torn tiger's mouth was just a drizzle, and the internal injury left by the kitchen knife hit by the iron and the bus were the most serious.

The siren roared by, and Lu Xuedao curled his lips. No matter which country, it seemed to be like this, and the police always came late. I ignored the police car that rushed to the site of the incident, and Lu Xuedao slowly disappeared into the dark.


In an empty room, Lu Xuedao is slowly spraying Yunnan Baiyao on the scars on his chest. Many bruises can be seen on Lu Xuedao's body, especially the position where the kitchen knife was knocked back by iron, and a huge scar appeared. The epidermis had long been broken, and even the bright red muscles inside could be seen. Moreover, Lu Xuedao can feel that there seems to be something wrong with the bones of the chest cavity. It is estimated that there are cracks and so on.

" hiss...!" Lu Xuedao sprayed the wound medicine and immediately took a deep breath. After a while, Lu Xuedao calmed down with his fist. Feeling the tingling behind his back, Lu Xuedao pressed the button of his mobile phone.

[summoning technique]!

"Lu Xuedao, my room has become bigger." As soon as Nocino appeared, he said excitedly to Lu Xuedao.

Huh? Let's talk about this later, Nocino, come and help me with the scraping medicine, behind my back." Lu Xuedao said and handed the wound medicine to Nocino. After Nochino hurriedly dealt with the injury behind Lu Xuedao, Lu Xuedao immediately put on his clothes, then canceled the summoning and left the room.

Lu Xuedao bought wound medicine and bandages and so on, but it was not hidden. It is estimated that it will not take long for people from the country or those guys to catch up here.

Less than two hours after Lu Xuedao left here, someone found it. This time, the people of the country are faster, but these people are still late, and Lu Xuedao has left this place to stay at will.

Walking quietly on the road, a cold sweat appeared on Lu Xuedao's face. When fighting with Tie, he was in a desperate state of excitement and didn't feel it. Now that he calmed down, Lu Xuedao knew that his injury was not as easy as he thought.

Feeling the blood surging in his chest and abdomen, Lu Xuedao wiped the corners of his mouth and blushed his thumb. Trouble, his injury is not just a trauma. I'm afraid the inner house has also been shaken. Lu Xuedao knows that he'd better find a big hospital for a careful examination and even need surgical treatment, but unfortunately, this obviously does not apply now.

Hospitals and so on usually can't afford to enter, but now, isn't it more self-interesting?

However, Lu Xuedao is not a pedantic person. If the injury continues like this, it is likely that he will die directly without waiting for others to find him. If you really can't support it, then being found by that force or country is a roundabout solution. Since both sides are looking for him, he must have valuable value and won't let him die so easily. As for the future..., let's talk about it later.

Lu Xuedao thought about all this calmly and rationally, and suddenly remembered that Nocino was excited to say that her room had expanded?

"Nocino, you just said that your room has expanded. What's going on?" Holding his mobile phone, Lu Xuedao called Nocino with consciousness through summoning.

"It's just getting bigger. When you summoned me from the Naruto plane and canceled the summoning, I went straight back to my room. As a result, just now, I found that my room had become bigger and there was another half of the compartments. It looked like a study? Nocino said, ouch.

"What's wrong?" Lu Xuedao asked.

"A book fell down and smashed me." Nocino said, picked up the book and opened it. Lu, Lu Xuedao...!" Nocino's voice became very frightened.

"What's the matter?"

"This book... is called "Spiritual Analysis • Elementary Chapter." Nocino said in surprise.

Lu Xuedao was stunned when he heard the words, spiritual analysis • primary chapter? Upon hearing the name, you can guess that it is a way of cultivating special forces and so on. Originally, I thought that my online summoning life was just a cute goblin... It seems that Nocino's real identity is really worth considering.

"Look at what's in it and let me know if it's useful." Lu Xuedao said, gasped for a moment, and then got on a bus. Lu Xuedao himself didn't care where the bus was going. After sitting in his seat, Lu Xuedao immediately closed his eyes. Nocino didn't say anything. Obviously, he was reading the spiritual analysis primary chapter carefully.


After a while, the bus became more and more crowded. An uncle stood behind a girl, swinging his body as the car drove... Suddenly, with a crack, Lu Xuedao was woken up by a noisy sound. After opening his eyes, Lu Xuedao found that a middle-aged uncle was covering his left face in consternation, and on the opposite side was an angry girl with round eyes.

"Little bitch, what are you doing?" After being stupid for a while, the uncle realized it.

"What do you want to do, what do you want to do? Use your stinky dick comfortably behind my back." The girl looked contemptuous and glanced at the man's lower body.

The people around suddenly looked over, and several people next to him suddenly realized that the middle-aged uncle just now swayed his body one after as the car started. So it was...

Lu Xuedao almost wanted to laugh. Although there is often a tram ~ Wolf series in the Japanese HGAME, in reality, Lu Xuedao has encountered such a thing for the first time. However, it is obvious that this Chinese girl is not as submissive as the characters in HGAME. As soon as she found something wrong, she directly slapped the middle-aged man.

The sudden laughter caused Lu Xuedao to affect the injury of the inner house. He suddenly coughed awkwardly, then covered his mouth and slowly soaked out of his fingers with a touch of bright red. Lu Xuedao quietly buried his head, then pulled out a tissue and carefully wiped the blood from the corners of his mouth.

No other passengers on the bus saw the abnormality of Lu Xuedao, but because of the angle, the girl happened to see Lu Xuedao. Seeing the bright red leaching between Lu Xuedao's fingers, the girl immediately frowned. Suddenly, the girl seemed to think of something and suddenly opened her mouth in surprise.

At the next stop, the middle-aged uncle fled in everyone's eyes, and a seat was also vacant beside Lu Xuedao. The girl sat directly next to Lu Xuedao, and then took out her mobile phone as if nothing had happened. Others didn't look lively and didn't care about it anymore.

The girl browsed the Internet and frowned. She just found the microblog, but why couldn't she find it?

After a while, the girl remembered something, looked for the browsing record, and then found the Weibo... The post you specified does not exist. How can it be? Obviously, she saw this post half an hour ago. The girl took a look at Lu Xuedao, thought of the message on the post, and felt that she might have guessed something.

"Hey!" The girl called Lu Xuedao rudely.

Lu Xuedao looked up and looked at the girl indifferently, "What's the matter?" Lu Xuedao tried his best to keep his voice normal. In fact, the girl opposite has been staring at Lu Xuedao and clearly saw the blood stains on the corners of Lu Xuedao's mouth.

"Have you ever appeared at the Huagang overpass?" The girl asked.

Lu Xuedao's eyes suddenly condensed, and a faint breath suddenly enveloped the girl. Outsiders didn't find anything abnormal, but the girl opposite felt it. It was a completely different breath from ordinary people. It was not very strong, but it was absolutely impossible to ignore.

After the girl was full of excitement, she not only did not fear, but became excited.

When I first saw the microblog, I thought it was grandstanding and didn't take it seriously. Now I actually saw the main article, and the microblog was also deleted. Moreover, this main article also has an atmosphere that ordinary people don't have... What does this mean? What does it mean... What is said on that microblog is likely to be true.

Nowadays, the young girl is extremely curious, and when you see that this girl dares to slap the middle-aged uncle directly, you will know that she is definitely not that kind of peaceful good girl.

At this time, when he arrived at the next stop, Lu Xuedao stood up directly and got off the bus no matter where he went. However, what Lu Xuedao didn't expect was that the girl was not afraid at all. She walked down with Lu Xuedao and looked like she wouldn't stop without asking clearly.