Fantasy Country

Chapter 27 Agent Inspection

At the end of Lu Xuedao's practice, he looked at Nocino, the cute little goblin around him. Originally, I thought it was just a harmless goblin, but I didn't expect that I had a strong strength after only a few days. Moreover, it seems that what is hidden behind it is more unfathomable.

"Nocino, come and fight with me once." Zaibuzhan suddenly said.

"I won't kill you again!" Bai immediately stood up and said in astonishment. Lu Xuedao also looked at Zai Buzhan in surprise, while Nocino was stupid and didn't seem to react yet.

"It's just a practice battle. Don't worry, it's not a life-and-death battle. Aren't you curious about Nocino? Although most online life can't leave their own plane world now, since a special case has appeared, she will definitely meet other online life in the future. It is definitely not a bad thing to familiarize yourself with other different power systems first. No more, the beheading has been aimed at Nochino.

"Eh, do you want to fight with me?" Nocino finally reacted.


"Good!" Nocino nodded immediately. It seems that Zai Buzhan and Bai did not expect that Nocino would agree so simply. However, Lu Xuedao was prepared. When he first saw Nocino, he knew that this guy seemed to like fighting very much, and there was some violence in the game.

When facing Nocino, he did not dare to be careless. How to say, he was obviously an inconspicuous goblin, but when facing her, he felt that he was under more pressure than facing those powerful opponents. You know, after knowing his identity and knowing that he is just a character in the human setting, Zaibuzhan and Bai have walked around the world of Naruto and seen a lot of masters.

For example... Kakashi, a few guys in Xiao, and other traitors...

They are both famous characters in Naruto, so these people also have independent personalities. Fortunately, because they knew the reason for their appearance, they met each other not like endlessly fighting in Naruto. Instead, they exchanged some information with each other and were more curious about the plane world of the network world. Of course, due to human settings, although it is intellectually clear, there is still aversion to each other, and it is common to do something occasionally.

"The art of fog hiding!" Nozhan dared not be careless at all, and directly used the best assassination technique.

However, Nocino only stretched out a finger, and a small white light spot at his fingertips condensed, and then flew out with a bang. He subconsciously blocked him with a beheading knife. Suddenly, with a crash, his whole body was knocked out. A small white light spot has such a huge power.

Spirit bullet!

The most basic attack method in long-range attack skills. At this time, Lu Xuedao was extremely excited and nervous. He didn't expect that this inconspicuous spiritual bullet was more powerful than the pistol on earth... Nocino seemed to say at that time... Remote use of spiritual bullet sniper?

While the spiritual projectile was shot out, Nocino has disappeared in place, and Nochino's figure can't be captured in the air.

In the thick fog, the sound of jingling impact was endless. Soon, it was found that this thick fog had no effect on Nocino at all. On the contrary, if you don't cut yourself, it will hinder your vision to a certain extent. After discovering this, he canceled the art of fog hiding, and at this time, Lu Xuedao and Bai could see the process of the battle.

Flexible and skilled fighting style, if it hadn't been for the fact that it would be much stronger than Nocino, maybe it would have been long ago...!


Suddenly, dozens of spiritual threads in the air trembled and closed, and in an instant, they were involved in. Within a radius of more than ten meters, all the big trees instantly became countless fragments. And the uncut body was also dismembered and splashed with blood in an instant. Lu Xuedao looked at this scene in shock. After a while, he found that Zai Buzhan's body had turned into a rabbit.

[ stand-in]!

One of the most basic three-body techniques in the world of Naruto, even the strongest masters, are often used to avoid some urgent crises.

"Water Dun • Water Dragon Bullet...!" Suddenly, the sound of not cutting again came from the distance. However, at this time, Nocino suddenly hooked his little finger. Lu Xuedao's ninjutsu, which he thought would appear, did not appear, and the voice seemed to be suddenly interrupted and stopped directly.

"I won't kill you again!" Bai immediately rushed over.

Lu Xuedao followed him and found that he was standing on a tree, but his body did not dare to move at all. When Bai came to Zai Bizhan's side, he found that there was a slender spiritual silk on Zai Bizhan's neck, and a trace of blood slowly penetrated from Zai Bizhan's neck.

Zai Bizhan's eyes were unusually solemn, looking at the goblin Nocino more than 20 meters away. Obviously, power does not prevail, but combat skills and various secret skills are simply more powerful than soldiers who have experienced hundreds of battles. Nocino exhaled, and his breath suddenly subsipated and turned into the harmless goblin. And the extremely tough spiritual silk also disappeared directly into the air.


However, the result of the battle was a little unexpected by everyone. Originally, it was a relatively powerful character in the Naruto plane. Unexpectedly, it was defeated by Nocino. If Nochino didn't remember to stop, then Nobuzhan would have died.

After a white dressing, he sat down again, but the atmosphere became very silent. The only thing that hasn't been affected is the big guy Nocino, who doesn't seem to feel what surprising he has just done.

"Since she has such strong strength, why does she ask us to practice?" He took another look at Nocino, but asked Lu Xuedao. If Lu Xuedao has always been regarded as a white mouse before, then after this battle, Lu Xuedao and Nocino have been placed in an equal position with him, and even... some look up to him.

"Nocino said that my strength was too poor. I practiced with her now, and there was no benefit at all." Lu Xuedao explained.

If you don't hear the words, you will take a look at Nocino and Bai again. In this way, it is a good thing to have a master to practice, but as Nocino said, if the gap between the two sides is too big, it will actually have no effect. On the contrary, although Bai's words are better than Lu Xuedao, they are better at teaching people, and they are not so difficult to reach.

"Which plane does Nocino come from?" Don't ask again.

"There is no plane. The place where I appear is in a separate house in the electronic universe." Nocino didn't know how to hide it at all and said frankly.

"A separate room?"

"Well, speaking of which, I should also have a separate plane, but it's a little small, and now there is only one and a half rooms." Nocino nodded.

"If you don't kill me again, although Nocino's room is small, it is estimated to be the same as those powerful planes, so there is such strength." Bai explained. The network world has formed countless planes according to human cognition. These planes are different from each other and each has its own power system. The Naruto plane is relatively strong compared with the world of ordinary people, but it is not worth mentioning compared with those anti-sky gods and Buddha planes.

"Hmm." He nodded and then fell into meditation.

"Lu Xuedao!" Suddenly, he called Lu Xuedao again. After placing Lu Xuedao in the same position as himself, Zaibutan did not call him Lu Xuedao, but directly called his name.

"What's the matter?"

"Help me and Bai examine a few candidates to see how their personalities and personalities are."

"Investigate candidates?"

"I won't kill you again!" After hearing this sentence, he immediately shouted again.

"They are me and Bai's suitability. Although they did not intend to find a summoner partner before, we still recorded that they met the suitability. Although we don't know what will happen to the online world in the future, it is obvious that we should not stand still. Zai Wuzhan explained, then took out a piece of paper and began to write a few place names and people's names.

"If I don't cut my lord again, I don't want to be separated from my lord." Bai squatted on the ground and said seriously.

"White, don't be capricious. Think about it, even a powerful goblin like Nocino can defeat me. What should we do if we meet a powerful opponent in other planes in the future? You know, the network plane world is not only the Naruto plane, but also the power in those gods, Buddhas, immortals and demons, but also extremely powerful against the sky. Don't say it again.

"It's these eleven people. Five of them are my suitability, and six are white suitability. Please help me examine their personalities and personalities. Is there no problem? I don't want to find a useless human summoner. By the way, the kind of person who thinks about beautiful women every day is directly excluded. I added another sentence.

Think about the direct exclusion of beautiful women every day...! Before Lu Xuedao received the note, he smiled. Obviously, he didn't want to put Bai in the hands of the creature that could only think with his lower body.

Lu Xuedao took this note and glanced at it speechlessly. Eleven people, but eight of them are in Japan, and only the remaining three are in China, and they are not in the same city... Is there any mistake? Do you want me to go to Japan? Or are you worthy of the characters in Japanese animation?

"Well, I will help you investigate, but you should know the situation in the real world. If you want to go back and forth, it is not as easy as the online world. You can also continue to inspect them yourself. Lu Xuedao said, but he still agreed. Although the relationship between them is not very deep, Lu Xuedao feels that they are at least friends.

"Of course!" No more nodding.

Lu Xuedao has locked a name... The white and suitable person is in the city where Lu Xuedao is located. You can go and have a look first. I am still being hunted. Anyway, I am hiding everywhere. Such a sudden disturbance may make it impossible for the other party to analyze his purpose.

"Next, in return, I will practice you well." Suddenly, he said seriously.

"Ah?" Lu Xuedao looked up in amazibility and found that Zai Buzhan and Bai had stood up and waited for him seriously. Shit... Is this your way of repaying? Practice me hard? Lu Xuedao knew that this was indeed for his good. Only in this way can he be familiar with fighting in a short time, but... he really doesn't shake M.