Fantasy Country

Chapter 76 Is this a crossing?

I want to eat!

No matter what it is, Lu Xuedao just wants to eat and supplement the nutrients consumed in the body, and this idea is gradually occupying Lu Xuedao's mind. At this time, there was dense gunfire outside, and then a few roars. Lu Xuedao stood up dizzy, jumped out of the window and disappeared into the room.

is another desire species, and it is also an alien species. It is three meters tall, and the muscles of the whole body are as black and hard as iron. A team of well-equipped soldiers is constantly attacking, and bullets are constantly pouring, but it seems that the bullet has a very small effect on this desire.

"Use the howitzer!"

"Captain, I have used up to deal with another desire before." Another soldier said nervously. At this time, the desire had already carried the firepower and gradually pushed hard towards here.

"I have another one here*."

"Use it quickly." The captain said. Heavy weapons are almost used, and they are preparing to return to the camp for supplies. They didn't expect to meet such a strong desire for alienation around here. However, as long as this desire is killed, the next road will not be long, and there should be no danger again.

However, at this time, the alienated desire on the opposite side suddenly stepped on the ground fiercely, and the cement stone floor suddenly sank, and then the body lowered in an instant, swooped at high speed, and a fierce tiger pounced. Several soldiers were just ordinary soldiers. Although they fled around in an instant, they were still rushed by this desire seed. The soldier's neck was directly bitten by the desire seed and torn fiercely. Everyone can see that the soldier's neck lacked a piece of the boss, and he must not survive.

And this has not stopped. The previously dull desire has rushed over again and slapped a soldier on the head. The soldier's head with a steel helmet suddenly tilted, and his neck could not withstand such a huge force and broke directly.

And then, this desire quickly killed five soldiers at the speed of destruction.

These five soldiers are just ordinary soldiers, and special forces are not so easy to appear. Moreover, a long time ago, human beings knew that desire was dominated by desire, but they also had their own wisdom. Obviously, this desire was hidden. After reaching a suitable distance, it suddenly broke out, and none of the five soldiers escaped.

Just when this desire wanted to swallow the soldier's flesh and blood, Lu Xuedao appeared from the air and stopped on a crooked car next to him. Lu Xuedao covered his eyes and slowly raised his head. At this time, Lu Xuedao only felt a little dizzy. Looking at the eyes of the corpses on the ground, he was full of the desire to swallow.

At this time, Lu Xuedao's eardrop in his left ear trembled slightly, and Lu Xuedao's already dizzy head suddenly cleared.


After Lu Xuedao regained his senses, he immediately knew what had happened. It seemed that once his desire was eroded, it was not so easy to get rid of it. Previously, it was just a temporary suppression. Now that the body urgently needs nutrients, this desire to devour is infinitely magnified. And Nocino's earrings are obviously a good thing, which can actually make him wake up, but... If he doesn't eat, I'm afraid Lu Xuedao can't stand it.

At this time, the alienated desire looked at Lu Xuedao and roared in a defensive low voice, like a beast guarding food.

Lu Xuedao looked at this kind of desire, and a desire to kill and swallow appeared in his eyes.

Dear yourself, have you really become a monster?

Lu Xuedao felt the feeling of fullness in his stomach and the residual smell of blood in his mouth, and his heart seemed to sink to the bottom of the valley. Perhaps, he should have known that since he ate human corpses on the ground and passed that difficult stage, he has... can't return to normal people.

I can't go back...normal people!

Lu Xuedao thought of this in his heart, and his eyes gradually became more dead and indifferent. Anyway, he also wants to confirm his sister's safety, although Lu Xuedao himself knows that according to rational judgment, his sister, an ordinary girl, is not likely to survive from that environment.


After running for a distance, it rained heavily in the sky, and the wind was blowing heavily. The sky was very dark, as if it was about to enter the night. Lu Xuedao took a look at the sky, and countless winding thunder and lightning flashed in the air. From time to time, a fierce one fell down and burst into a spark in the city. This kind of ghostly weather is obviously the impact of erosion, and Lu Xuedao also found that there were many dislocation cracks on the ground, obviously accompanied by violent earthquakes.

This kind of weather is not bad!

Lu Xuedao thought that even a satellite could not take pictures of his situation so easily in this weather. When a flash of lightning struck, Lu Xuedao identified the direction and stepped in the front.

Like Lu Xuedao's thinking, it is similar to Ya'an's side. The desire species seem to be unwilling to approach the center, and there is no desire species in the center, let alone ordinary human beings. It's the environment... It's so bad that Lu Xuedao surprised. Lu Xuedao has never experienced this bad weather and can't find a suitable adjective.

Is this the change in the erosion?

Lu Xuedao used his spiritual steps to run forward and looked around carefully while thinking silently in his heart. Obviously, the changes here in Chengdu are greater than those in Ya'an, and it is estimated that in the near future, the drastic changes here will also form a 'power field' that can make network life appear independently like Ya'an. At that time, Yuanhua is likely to be born. It is estimated that this time, more prepared online life will appear and be more fiercely.

However, that's not a problem that Lu Xuedao can intervene in. Lu Xuedao knows that he is probably better than others, but compared with online life, it is nothing. Not every time there is such good luck to save a small life from the battle of countless online lives.

Lu Xuedao thought to himself and stepped out of the air. As a result, as soon as he reached mid-air, Lu Xuedao looked at the huge thunder and lightning without warning.

At this moment, Lu Xuedao's mind completely turned into a blank, and he didn't need to say anything messy ideas at all. The thunder and lightning hit Lu Xuedao without warning. When the thunder and lightning disappeared, Lu Xuedao had no shadow.


At this time, Long Meiling has found Nocino's home in the electronic universe through the induction of memory and missing. After entering the room without hindrance, Long Meiling immediately found Nocino lying quietly in **. Nocino seems to be disappearing, and his body can see countless virtual electronic data.

Sure enough!

Long Meiling's eyes were cold. After Lord Hongmo disappeared, she didn't know what Fergie had done. However, now is not the time to pursue those things. If they are not treated, Nocino will probably dissipate directly into memories and thoughts and turn them into electronic data. Long Meiling slowly stretched out her right hand.

"Who are you? Why are you in my house?" Nocino suddenly woke up and looked at the woman in cheongsam in front of him. Obviously, he didn't know him, but Nocino had a great sense of intimacy with this woman.

"I'm Long Meiling, don't you remember?"

"Long Meiling?" Nocino held his head, thought carefully for a while, and shook his head.

Long Meiling frowned when she saw this scene. After asking Nocino not to think nonsense, Long Meiling chatted with Nochino for a while. In the face of Long Meiling, Nochino's almost unreserved trust. She didn't understand why it was like this. After a while, all the experiences after Nocino appeared were asked clearly by Long Meiling.

And at this time, Long Meiling was sure of one thing!

Nocino's memory has disappeared a lot, especially the part formed by red ink's memory and thoughts, which almost disappeared completely. Nocino didn't know the Red Devil Hall or the red ink at all, and even completely forgot the ten basic spiritual skills. What the hell... is going on? Long Meiling was puzzled and followed the happy Nocino to visit her home, and then found the changes in the small villa.

"It's strange that my room hasn't changed. The last time I measured it, it was obviously here." Nocino lies on the edge of the corridor, the part connected to the electronic universe. In the past, countless virtual electronic data continued to condense into physical materials, forming this small villa in Nocino. But now, the edge is still electronic data, but that kind of cohesion has completely stopped.

Nocino scratched his head with regret and was a little depressed.

Long Meiling took a look at the edge of this small villa, and then took a look at Nocino, which was even more inexplicable. This small villa is definitely not the room in the stand-alone game of Lu Xuedao, but the villa that really belongs to Nocino in the memory of Hongmo. And it is through the memory and thoughts of red ink that these things gradually condense into entities. Now this small villa has stopped here...!

"Nocino, would you like to go to the Red Devils Hall with me? There are many goblins like you. It's fun." Long Meiling said.

"Okay, but I have to tell Lu Xuedao first... Well, who is Lu Xuedao?" Nocino thought for a while before he suddenly realized.

"Yes, Lu Xuedao is my summoner. It's strange that I can't remember something." Nocino wrinkled his little face and looked extremely entangled in forgetting something. Nocino doesn't know that the important things she really forgot are definitely not these.