Fantasy Country

Chapter 104 Real Name Robbery

"White Tiger!" Lu Xuedao said something.

"What's wrong?" Victoria asked.

"I have roughly heard that the white tiger summons life on the Internet as a summoner in China, but it doesn't seem to be like this." Lu Xuedao saw several network lives chasing up. Listening to the words of those guys, it was obvious that there was a Yuanhua in the White Tiger, but having Yuanhua means that it was the target of everyone's siege. With the strength of the White Tiger, he could not support it under such circumstances.

When the three online lives chasing Bai Hu passed by, they took a look at Lu Xuedao and saw Lu Xuedao's ferocious appearance, and couldn't help frowning. Then I saw a blonde Lori next to Lu Xuedao and a chubby child less than half a meter. I always felt that this combination was very strange.

However, the three network lives did not provoke Lu Xuedao, and they were afraid that Lu Xuedao would also be attracted to Yuanhua.

After the White Tiger and the three cyber life flew away, Victoria and Lu Xuedao are still looking in that direction. Lu Xuedao does not know all network life. For example, Lu Xuedao is not familiar with these three network life. However, since it can chase the white tiger and escape, it is obviously very powerful.

In fact, the three online lives chasing the white tiger are all from the Greek god plane world. The three guys are Corkas fierce dragon, Camera and Cerberus. They are all famous monsters in the Greek god plane world. The most important thing is that these three guys are all born by one mother and are brothers. Even if the current network plane world is formed, it may not be the original relationship, but it is completely understandable to unite with each other.

"Do you want to go and have a look?"

"Of course I will go, even if it's just to see. The network life entering the invasion center is for Yuanhua. Now Yuanhua has appeared. If we are not interested, it will make people suspicious. Lu Xuedao said and chased in that direction with Victoria and Ulchiola.

It has been six days since the erosion center was closed, and it is estimated that in less than one day, the force field here will gradually change, and then network life can leave here. Those who have obtained Yuanhua's online life can return to their respective plane worlds, and in the same time, this day is the last opportunity to grab Yuanhua.

Now there is a white tiger with a clear source. Even if you know the power of the white tiger, you will be interested in online life, not to mention that this white tiger has been seriously injured.

The white tiger did not stop, driving the clouds and running through the sky. The white tiger's speed was very fast and soon stirred the previously silent erosion center again. Many people who saw this scene chased in the direction of the white tiger. From afar, Lu Xuedao heard a deafening roar in the distance. From this roar, both Lu Xuedao and Victoria could hear a sense of struggle.

When Lu Xuedao came here with Videlika and Urciola, he found that there were many people gathered here.

White tiger... And next to the white tiger, there is also a red and beautiful bird. Even if he doesn't know the name of the bird, Lu Xuedao knows that these eight achievements are as famous as the white tiger. Opposite the white tiger and the rosefinch are three monsters from the Greek divine world.

Colkas fierce dragon: similar to the western dragon, but very huge. It has this huge crown on its head, has a three-pronged tongue in its mouth, and its hook-shaped teeth are extremely sharp.

Kumira: a lion's head, sheep's body, snake's tail, and a monster slowly spewing red flames from the mouths of three heads.

Cerberus: This is a more famous three-headed dog, a hellwatch dog in Greek mythology. This guy is more ferocious than expected. His three mouths are constantly salivating. A tail behind him is actually a dragon tail, and his body is also surrounded by twisting poisonous snakes.

I have to say that these three appearances are much worse than the white tiger and rosefinch over there. The white tiger and rosefinch are mythical beasts, which look majestic and amazing. And these monsters in the Greek gods are like mixed creatures, feeling like miscellaneous cards.

It doesn't matter whether it's a miscellaneous card or not. The key is that the strength of these three guys is not weak.

However, neither the white tiger nor the rosefinch, nor the three ancient Greek gods on the opposite side did anything, because other network life appeared one after another outside the circle. When the white tiger ran through the sky just now, many people were shocked. Lu Xuedao found Lan Ran among these people. It seemed that Lan Ran was still elegant and did not seem to have been hurt, while other online lives were far away from him and did not want to get close.

It seems that these network lives are also clear about Lan Ran's identity and ability. Before they are absolutely sure, it is really annoying to be played with by Jinghua Shuiyue as a clown.

When Lu Xuedao saw Lan Ran, of course, Lan Ran also saw Lu Xuedao. He seemed to be very curious about Lu Xuedao's current appearance. Lan Ran flew this way in an instant.

"Blue dye!"

Who is Lan Ran? From a name of Lu Xuedao, he knows that Lu Xuedao is not the new subordinate he valued in the virtual circle. Of course, Lan Ran did not hear any information about resistance from Lu Xuedao's name. It seemed that he was very calm, as if an equal person was saying hello.

"Runot." Lan Ran was puzzled for a moment, and then said with a smile.

"My name is Lu Xuedao now."

"Lu Xuedao, Chinese name, Chinese people are really special." Lan Ran said, inexplicably glanced at Lu Xuedao without asking too much.

In all network life, there are two lingua franca, one of which is Chinese, and the other lingua lingua does not belong to any language on earth. Because of this, most of the online life prefers Chinese when selecting summoners from the right ones. Language communication is one aspect, and they also want to know what the changes in China and the Internet world have to do with it.

After saying that, Lan Ran took another look at Vitollika and Urciola sitting on Lu Xuedao's shoulders. Vitollika, a little girl, had no power and he didn't know her. However, since you can be with Lu Xuedao, you should not be an ordinary person. The most important thing is that Urciola has actually degenerated, obviously what kind of battle he experienced in the previous battle.

"Give me Urciola. You may not be able to protect him in the later battle." Lan Ran said.

"Hmm!" Lu Xuedao did not refuse, even if there is still a source on Ulchiola now. However, when Lu Xuedao sent Urciola, Urciola had been grasping Lu Xuedao's bone spurs, and his meat bun-like face was full of uneasiness and fear. Looking at this, it really has a serious chick plot.

"Forget it, I'll follow you first." Lan Ran can't do anything when he sees this. However, Lan Ran has thought that it is necessary to quickly restore Ulchiola's strength and original consciousness, otherwise if he has been with Lu Xuedao for a long time, he may be abducted by Lu Xuedao. Lan Ran is very satisfied with Ulchiola, a heartfelt and powerful subordinate.


When Lan Ran and Lu Xuedao were talking, the other side also changed.

It turned out that Wu Yunbing, who was in the Chinese summoner, also appeared around, with several other summoners. When he saw the white tiger standing in the middle, Wu Yunbing was very surprised. Listening to the network life around him, the white tiger in the middle was a white tiger, one of the four mythical beasts. Judging from the injury of the white tiger, it is still wanton and domineering, it is definitely the real white tiger.

However, if the white tiger in the middle is a white tiger, what is his online summoning of life?

"White Tiger!" Wu Yunbing said, and behind him, a white tiger about three meters long suddenly howled, with a violent electric current. This white tiger also cares very much about the white tiger, which is injured and has no momentum at all. He is a white tiger. His consciousness is like this, but why did a white tiger appear again?

The two white tigers looked at each other without any movement, but the air between the two seemed to be stagnant and kept stirring around. Obviously, it was the first time we met, but both white tigers felt that the guy opposite was their opponents. And the summoners and cyber life around can also see that both tigers are white tigers, but they are completely different white tigers... What's going on?

[Spring of Wisdom]!

Vitalyga looked at the two white tigers in the center, and the fountain of wisdom in her eyes flashed. Soon, all the brilliance in Victoria's eyes suddenly closed, and no one else noticed it except for the blue dye next to him.

Originally, Lan Ran thought that this was an ordinary girl without power, but when he saw this scene, Lan Ran felt that his 'subordinate' really had a lot of secrets.

"Typ, what's going on?" Lu Xuedao asked, and did not avoid the blue dye next to him.

"Named..., all online life is born from a name that gathers relevant human cognition and consciousness settings. Generally speaking, a name represents a network life. However, there are exceptions to such cases, that is, those characters that are widely used by human beings and set up different looks and strength in different works, such as... White Tiger! These two white tigers are the white tigers in different people's cognition, which come from different planes. Victoria explained.

"Are there any drawbacks?"

"Real name grabbing, although different cognitions form different network lives, both white tigers have the name of white tigers. Therefore, they can become the only white tiger in all online lives by defeating and devouring each other and robing their real name. After the real name is snatched, they will exceed the current limit and have strong strength.

"This is really interesting, that is to say, from the beginning, creatures with the same name are actually hostile." Lan Ran said something after hearing Victoria's words.

Vitoliga nodded.

Lan Ran looked at the blonde goblin, smiled and didn't say anything. Luno... No, Lu Xuedao, a subordinate, also had a lot of secrets.