Fantasy Country

Chapter 143 Insufficient

Reverse the realm of life and death - anti-life teeth!

In the nearest prison in Dali Bai Autonomous Prefecture, Lu Xuedao once again pulled out his new soul-killing knife and read out the liberation language. The soul-killing knife in Lu Xuedao's hand went down vertically, as if it had slowly inserted into the quiet water, and then disappeared. The whole world began with Lu Xuedao, as if it had become black and white, and half of the prisons were shrouded in the middle.

Lu Yuwei lay in front of Lu Xuedao without any change.

Why, why is there no change, is there a defect in ability? Lu Xuedao's heart moved, and the black and white world changed instantly. A prisoner who had been killed in advance foolishly got up from the ground, while another group of prisoners fell to the ground without warning. The living prisoner still didn't understand what had happened. Obviously, he was killed by a group of people who suddenly broke in. How could he live again?

However, before the guy could figure it out again, he suddenly grabbed his neck in pain, struggled, and died again.


Seeing that Lu Yuwei still did not move, Lu Xuedao felt painful and blamed himself. When he wanted to continue to control his teeth, suddenly, Lu Xuedao felt as if his soul had been torn again. His whole body trembled fiercely. The whole black and white world collapsed in an instant, and Lu Xuedao also knelt down in front of Lu Yuwei.

A trace of blood slowly flowed out of Lu Xuedao's mouth, but Lu Xuedao did not realize it.

Reversing the realm of life and death, in the black and white world, it can control the life and death of all people. The living will die, and the dead can also be resurrected. However, this is not an infinite number of times. Those who are killed by the rebellious teeth cannot be resurrected again with the rebellious teeth. And Lu Yuwei... can't be resurrected.

Xie Sutong went up and down and came to Lu Xuedao's side. Xianxian and He Niang also ran over quickly, and the three of them did not say anything. After withdrawing from the center of the battle, the three have heard Lu Xuedao talk about the story. It is a good thing that Lu Xuedao awakened such a powerful soul-killing knife, but this good thing has a huge shortcoming... That is, Lu Xuedao's sister Lu Yuwei cannot be resurrected.

For this reason, Lu Xuedao and several people specially came to this prison and used the prisoners in this prison as experimental subjects. After the transformation, Lu Xuedao and Xie Sutong are not the kind of personality that adheres to justice and morality, so there is no pressure to take advantage of these prisoners. However, it is a pity that dozens of prisoners died after another attempt, and the result is still frustrating.

A tear dripped from Lu Xuedao's eyes, dripping on the reappearing soul-killing knife's anti-life teeth, and then fell on Lu Yuwei's body along the blade.

"Maybe there are other ways to bring your sister back to life. After all, the world has become so mysterious." Xie Sutong comforted. Xianxian and He Niang next to him also nodded seriously, especially Xianxian, who had great expectations for this comfort. Xianxian and Lu Yuwei have been supporting each other all the way, and her relationship with Lu Yuwei is the deepest.

"Well, please help me put away my sister's body." Lu Xuedao grabbed his soul-killing knife and stood up again. When he got up, he could no longer see the tears in Lu Xuedao's eyes.

If you want to be resurrected, either way, if there is a corpse, it will definitely be better. However, at this time, Fergie was still waiting for the 'Lu Yuwei's body' in the Red Devil Museum, which was the product of time distortion. If Lu Xuedao has been carrying this body like this, I don't know when he will go.

Jingqu looked at the scene here in the distance and suddenly felt a little headache. No wonder Lord Hongmo asked her to bring another Lu Yuwei's 'body'. With the ability of the Red Devil Museum, it is easy to copy a 'body'. What needs to be done now is to replace the two bodies.

A seemingly ordinary green bamboo flute appeared in Jingqu's hand and put it on his lips.

[No Sound • Lost Song]!

The silent music slowly spread in the air, and Lu Xuedao and Xie Sutong did not notice it at all. In their eyes, the surrounding scenery did not change at all. However, Jingqu fell gently from the high sky, then walked to the two, took away the product of time distortion, and left another Lu Yuwei's 'body' in place!

Xie Sutong put away the 'body', and Lu Xuedao, Xie Sutong, Xianxian and He Niang did not notice the slightest abnormality.

Soon after, the 'body' left by Jingqu will gradually decay, just like ordinary corpses. At that time, Lu Xuedao could not detect any abnormality.

Hongmo looked at Jingqu's action through the second vision of the virtual shadow. Although he knew that it was natural for Jingqu to avoid Lu Xuedao and Xie Sutong, he still felt very disappointed.

Lu Xuedao's strength is very short. At first, he studied with Nocino, which could have been learned systematically, but unfortunately, he died after learning a little. Later, although she entered the death plane and learned a little about the battle skills of Daxu, Lori herself was not a master, so she seemed very scattered. Even if the soul-killing knife is awakened now, there are still huge defects, still very huge defects.

The power of Lu Xuedao is completely acquired in a short period of time, lacking sufficient accumulation and background!

Lu Xuedao can't last too long when fighting. In a word, Lu Xuedao's spiritual power can't be controlled. If you fight for a long time or get injured, Lu Xuedao's control will be reduced and his combat effectiveness will be greatly weakened. Moreover, except for the two soul-killing knives, other aspects of Lu Xuedao can be completely said to be... weak. Once he meets a slightly mysterious ability, he will unconsciously be killed. Looking at the song "no sound" in Jingqu, Lu Xuedao and Xie Sutong could not detect them at all and knew how big their defects were.

However, although Lu Xuedao's defects are huge, Hongmo has no intention of interfering. Indeed, if the Red Devil Museum is willing to cultivate, anyone can teach Lu Xuedao and Xie Sutong to grow up quickly, but this growth is not profound enough. Hongmo hopes that Lu Xuedao has his own journey and can become mature from continuous experience.


"Nocino, come with me. Miss is looking for you." Nochira found Nochino, who was freezing the frog with Kiruno.

Kiruno: Goblin, living on the lake of fog on the edge of the Red Devil Hall, has the ability to manipulate the degree of air conditioning, likes to challenge around, and claims to be the strongest. But in fact, he is a fool whose strength is average, and even more than ten calculations can't be completed. Alias-9, which means stupid!

It happens that Nocino is also a fool, and Kiruno is next to the Red Devil Hall, so the two get along very well.

"That Remy!" When Qi Lunuo heard the words, she first realized that although Qi Lunuo is very stupid and still challenges around, she is more afraid of the Red Devil Hall. Even if he is a fool, he can see that the current Red Devil Hall is very strong.

"Oh, I'm going." Nocino replied.

When Nocino came to Remy, the real Lu Yuwei was already waiting for this place. At this time, Lu Yuwei was still a little weak, but she was already free to act.

"Sit down." Remy said. There are no very strict rules in the Red Devil Hall. After the two sat down, Remy opened her mouth again.

"Just now, time back occurred."

"The so-called time backtracking refers to the backflow of time. Because Sakuya's ability is time control, the whole Red Devil Hall is protected and has not been traced back. Except for the Red Devil Hall, all the people and things outside have returned to two days ago. Remilia's slow explanation.

"What happened two days ago is exactly the same, but because of subtle differences, it can lead to a completely different ending." Remilia explained that two three-dimensional battle scenes appeared in front of the three people. Lu Yuwei, who had been wondering what Remilia wanted to say, suddenly looked nervously at the scene in the picture.

Two days ago... it was when she was in crisis and her brother came to save her.

The two pictures represent the battle under two time trajectories. The first one, Lu Xuedao and several others were all rescued by the rushed Nocino; the second one is even more tragic. If Lu Xuedao hadn't awakened the soul-killing knife called the anti-life tooth at the last moment, I'm afraid the final result would be complete destruction.

"What happened in the first time track is what you experienced, but it has been completely interrupted. The second time trajectory is that after being traced back, what Lu Xuedao and others experienced again is also the normal time trajectory of the world now. Lu Xuedao and others did not know these situations, and the Red Devil Museum did not want him to know this fact too early. Remilia said.

"Why?" Lu Yuwei asked.

"Because of his ability."

"Do you think it is powerful to reverse the realm of life and death? It is very strong, but it is also easier to get lost in this power. If you are complacent and therefore despise death, then Lu Xuedao will fall into a greater crisis sooner or later. Not every time, there will be such good luck reversal. In Lu Xuedao's heart now, you have not been resurrected, so you have left regrets and pain in your heart... With this pain on his back, he will grow better.

Lu Yuwei thought about Remilia's words and had to admit that Remi was right.

"Tell you this is to tell you not to tell Lu Xuedao about this. Lu Yuwei, for a period of time, you can study in the Red Devil Museum, and you can follow your brother as a dark side in the future. As for Nocino, I guess you can't stay, but if you want to find Lu Xuedao, then you can't have this memory. Remilia said, looking at the two.

Lu Yuwei thought for a moment and nodded. As for Nocino, I guess she didn't understand at all. She was just a fool.

"So, Nocino!" Remilia said to Nocino, whose eyes were as transparent as the starry sky.

[Heart-washing pupil]!

Nocino and Remilia looked at each other. In less than a moment, they closed their eyes, fell on the chair and fell asleep.

"In a while, Nocino will be sent out and let her find Lu Xuedao by herself. As for you, stay in the Red Devil Hall. When you are strong enough, you can go out." Remy said to Lu Yuwei.

"Hmm!" Lu Yuwei nodded and watched Remi leave. Just looking at each other, has Nocino forgotten this memory? This Red Devil Hall is more powerful than rumored.